# $Id: TemplateCmdLineIface.py,v 1.13 2006/01/10 20:34:35 tavis_rudd Exp $ """Provides a command line interface to compiled Cheetah template modules. Meta-Data ================================================================================ Author: Tavis Rudd Version: $Revision: 1.13 $ Start Date: 2001/12/06 Last Revision Date: $Date: 2006/01/10 20:34:35 $ """ __author__ = "Tavis Rudd " __revision__ = "$Revision: 1.13 $"[11:-2] import sys import os import getopt import os.path try: from cPickle import load except ImportError: from pickle import load from Cheetah.Version import Version class Error(Exception): pass class CmdLineIface: """A command line interface to compiled Cheetah template modules.""" def __init__(self, templateObj, scriptName=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), cmdLineArgs=sys.argv[1:]): self._template = templateObj self._scriptName = scriptName self._cmdLineArgs = cmdLineArgs def run(self): """The main program controller.""" self._processCmdLineArgs() print self._template def _processCmdLineArgs(self): try: self._opts, self._args = getopt.getopt( self._cmdLineArgs, 'h', ['help', 'env', 'pickle=', ]) except getopt.GetoptError, v: # print help information and exit: print v print self.usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in self._opts: if o in ('-h','--help'): print self.usage() sys.exit() if o == '--env': self._template.searchList().insert(0, os.environ) if o == '--pickle': if a == '-': unpickled = load(sys.stdin) self._template.searchList().insert(0, unpickled) else: f = open(a) unpickled = load(f) f.close() self._template.searchList().insert(0, unpickled) def usage(self): return """Cheetah %(Version)s template module command-line interface Usage ----- %(scriptName)s [OPTION] Options ------- -h, --help Print this help information --env Use shell ENVIRONMENT variables to fill the $placeholders in the template. --pickle Use a variables from a dictionary stored in Python pickle file to fill $placeholders in the template. If is - stdin is used: '%(scriptName)s --pickle -' Description ----------- This interface allows you to execute a Cheetah template from the command line and collect the output. It can prepend the shell ENVIRONMENT or a pickled Python dictionary to the template's $placeholder searchList, overriding the defaults for the $placeholders. """ % {'scriptName':self._scriptName, 'Version':Version, } # vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab