""" @@TR: This code is pretty much unsupported. MondoReport.py -- Batching module for Python and Cheetah. Version 2001-Nov-18. Doesn't do much practical yet, but the companion testMondoReport.py passes all its tests. -Mike Orr (Iron) TODO: BatchRecord.prev/next/prev_batches/next_batches/query, prev.query, next.query. How about Report: .page(), .all(), .summary()? Or PageBreaker. """ import operator try: from functools import reduce except ImportError: # If functools doesn't exist, we must be on an old # enough version that has reduce() in builtins pass try: from Cheetah.NameMapper import valueForKey as lookup_func except ImportError: def lookup_func(obj, name): if hasattr(obj, name): return getattr(obj, name) else: return obj[name] # Raises KeyError. ########## PUBLIC GENERIC FUNCTIONS ############################## class NegativeError(ValueError): pass def isNumeric(v): return isinstance(v, (int, float)) def isNonNegative(v): ret = isNumeric(v) if ret and v < 0: raise NegativeError(v) def isNotNone(v): return v is not None def Roman(n): n = int(n) # Raises TypeError. if n < 1: raise ValueError("roman numeral for zero or negative undefined: " + n) roman = '' while n >= 1000: n = n - 1000 roman = roman + 'M' while n >= 500: n = n - 500 roman = roman + 'D' while n >= 100: n = n - 100 roman = roman + 'C' while n >= 50: n = n - 50 roman = roman + 'L' while n >= 10: n = n - 10 roman = roman + 'X' while n >= 5: n = n - 5 roman = roman + 'V' while n < 5 and n >= 1: n = n - 1 roman = roman + 'I' roman = roman.replace('DCCCC', 'CM') roman = roman.replace('CCCC', 'CD') roman = roman.replace('LXXXX', 'XC') roman = roman.replace('XXXX', 'XL') roman = roman.replace('VIIII', 'IX') roman = roman.replace('IIII', 'IV') return roman def sum(lis): return reduce(operator.add, lis, 0) def mean(lis): """Always returns a floating-point number. """ lis_len = len(lis) if lis_len == 0: return 0.00 # Avoid ZeroDivisionError (not raised for floats anyway) total = float( sum(lis) ) return total / lis_len def median(lis): lis = sorted(lis[:]) return lis[int(len(lis)/2)] def variance(lis): raise NotImplementedError() def variance_n(lis): raise NotImplementedError() def standardDeviation(lis): raise NotImplementedError() def standardDeviation_n(lis): raise NotImplementedError() class IndexFormats: """Eight ways to display a subscript index. ("Fifty ways to leave your lover....") """ def __init__(self, index, item=None): self._index = index self._number = index + 1 self._item = item def index(self): return self._index __call__ = index def number(self): return self._number def even(self): return self._number % 2 == 0 def odd(self): return not self.even() def even_i(self): return self._index % 2 == 0 def odd_i(self): return not self.even_i() def letter(self): return self.Letter().lower() def Letter(self): n = ord('A') + self._index return chr(n) def roman(self): return self.Roman().lower() def Roman(self): return Roman(self._number) def item(self): return self._item ########## PRIVATE CLASSES ############################## class ValuesGetterMixin: def __init__(self, origList): self._origList = origList def _getValues(self, field=None, criteria=None): if field: ret = [lookup_func(elm, field) for elm in self._origList] else: ret = self._origList if criteria: ret = list(filter(criteria, ret)) return ret class RecordStats(IndexFormats, ValuesGetterMixin): """The statistics that depend on the current record. """ def __init__(self, origList, index): record = origList[index] # Raises IndexError. IndexFormats.__init__(self, index, record) ValuesGetterMixin.__init__(self, origList) def length(self): return len(self._origList) def first(self): return self._index == 0 def last(self): return self._index >= len(self._origList) - 1 def _firstOrLastValue(self, field, currentIndex, otherIndex): currentValue = self._origList[currentIndex] # Raises IndexError. try: otherValue = self._origList[otherIndex] except IndexError: return True if field: currentValue = lookup_func(currentValue, field) otherValue = lookup_func(otherValue, field) return currentValue != otherValue def firstValue(self, field=None): return self._firstOrLastValue(field, self._index, self._index - 1) def lastValue(self, field=None): return self._firstOrLastValue(field, self._index, self._index + 1) # firstPage and lastPage not implemented. Needed? def percentOfTotal(self, field=None, suffix='%', default='N/A', decimals=2): rec = self._origList[self._index] if field: val = lookup_func(rec, field) else: val = rec try: lis = self._getValues(field, isNumeric) except NegativeError: return default total = sum(lis) if total == 0.00: # Avoid ZeroDivisionError. return default val = float(val) try: percent = (val / total) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: return default if decimals == 0: percent = int(percent) else: percent = round(percent, decimals) if suffix: return str(percent) + suffix # String. else: return percent # Numeric. def __call__(self): # Overrides IndexFormats.__call__ """This instance is not callable, so we override the super method. """ raise NotImplementedError() def prev(self): if self._index == 0: return None else: length = self.length() start = self._index - length return PrevNextPage(self._origList, length, start) def next(self): if self._index + self.length() == self.length(): return None else: length = self.length() start = self._index + length return PrevNextPage(self._origList, length, start) def prevPages(self): raise NotImplementedError() def nextPages(self): raise NotImplementedError() prev_batches = prevPages next_batches = nextPages def summary(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _prevNextHelper(self, start, end, size, orphan, sequence): """Copied from Zope's DT_InSV.py's "opt" function. """ if size < 1: if start > 0 and end > 0 and end >= start: size=end+1-start else: size=7 if start > 0: try: sequence[start-1] except: start=len(sequence) # if start > l: start=l if end > 0: if end < start: end=start else: end=start+size-1 try: sequence[end+orphan-1] except: end=len(sequence) # if l - end < orphan: end=l elif end > 0: try: sequence[end-1] except: end=len(sequence) # if end > l: end=l start=end+1-size if start - 1 < orphan: start=1 else: start=1 end=start+size-1 try: sequence[end+orphan-1] except: end=len(sequence) # if l - end < orphan: end=l return start, end, size class Summary(ValuesGetterMixin): """The summary statistics, that don't depend on the current record. """ def __init__(self, origList): ValuesGetterMixin.__init__(self, origList) def sum(self, field=None): lis = self._getValues(field, isNumeric) return sum(lis) total = sum def count(self, field=None): lis = self._getValues(field, isNotNone) return len(lis) def min(self, field=None): lis = self._getValues(field, isNotNone) return min(lis) # Python builtin function min. def max(self, field=None): lis = self._getValues(field, isNotNone) return max(lis) # Python builtin function max. def mean(self, field=None): """Always returns a floating point number. """ lis = self._getValues(field, isNumeric) return mean(lis) average = mean def median(self, field=None): lis = self._getValues(field, isNumeric) return median(lis) def variance(self, field=None): raiseNotImplementedError() def variance_n(self, field=None): raiseNotImplementedError() def standardDeviation(self, field=None): raiseNotImplementedError() def standardDeviation_n(self, field=None): raiseNotImplementedError() class PrevNextPage: def __init__(self, origList, size, start): end = start + size self.start = IndexFormats(start, origList[start]) self.end = IndexFormats(end, origList[end]) self.length = size ########## MAIN PUBLIC CLASS ############################## class MondoReport: _RecordStatsClass = RecordStats _SummaryClass = Summary def __init__(self, origlist): self._origList = origlist def page(self, size, start, overlap=0, orphan=0): """Returns list of ($r, $a, $b) """ if overlap != 0: raise NotImplementedError("non-zero overlap") if orphan != 0: raise NotImplementedError("non-zero orphan") origList = self._origList origList_len = len(origList) start = max(0, start) end = min( start + size, len(self._origList) ) mySlice = origList[start:end] ret = [] for rel in range(size): abs_ = start + rel r = mySlice[rel] a = self._RecordStatsClass(origList, abs_) b = self._RecordStatsClass(mySlice, rel) tup = r, a, b ret.append(tup) return ret batch = page def all(self): origList_len = len(self._origList) return self.page(origList_len, 0, 0, 0) def summary(self): return self._SummaryClass(self._origList) """ ********************************** Return a pageful of records from a sequence, with statistics. in : origlist, list or tuple. The entire set of records. This is usually a list of objects or a list of dictionaries. page, int >= 0. Which page to display. size, int >= 1. How many records per page. widow, int >=0. Not implemented. orphan, int >=0. Not implemented. base, int >=0. Number of first page (usually 0 or 1). out: list of (o, b) pairs. The records for the current page. 'o' is the original element from 'origlist' unchanged. 'b' is a Batch object containing meta-info about 'o'. exc: IndexError if 'page' or 'size' is < 1. If 'origlist' is empty or 'page' is too high, it returns an empty list rather than raising an error. origlist_len = len(origlist) start = (page + base) * size end = min(start + size, origlist_len) ret = [] # widow, orphan calculation: adjust 'start' and 'end' up and down, # Set 'widow', 'orphan', 'first_nonwidow', 'first_nonorphan' attributes. for i in range(start, end): o = origlist[i] b = Batch(origlist, size, i) tup = o, b ret.append(tup) return ret def prev(self): # return a PrevNextPage or None def next(self): # return a PrevNextPage or None def prev_batches(self): # return a list of SimpleBatch for the previous batches def next_batches(self): # return a list of SimpleBatch for the next batches ########## PUBLIC MIXIN CLASS FOR CHEETAH TEMPLATES ############## class MondoReportMixin: def batch(self, origList, size=None, start=0, overlap=0, orphan=0): bat = MondoReport(origList) return bat.batch(size, start, overlap, orphan) def batchstats(self, origList): bat = MondoReport(origList) return bat.stats() """ # vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79