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Community Cheetah
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Contributing to Cheetah

Cheetah is the work of many volunteers. If you use Cheetah, share your experiences, tricks, customizations, and frustrations. Please join the mailing list.

Fork Me!

Community Cheetah is hosted by GitHub which encourages forking of projects in order to facilitate truly distributed and decentralized development. That is not to say that Community Cheetah is "decentralized" per sé but rather it's ready for community involvement from the get-go! To get started with contributing to Community Cheetah, it's a good idea to clone the "central" Git repo here.

Development Process

The typical development workflow for Community Cheetah revolves around two primary branches maint and next. The next branch is where development planned for the next release of Community Cheetah is. The maint branch on the otherhand is where backported fixes and patches will be applied for the current release of Community Cheetah will go, it's common for a patch to be applied to maint and next at the same time.

Bug reports and patches

If you have stubmled across a bug or have an improvement to suggest in Cheetah please consider reporting the issue into Community Cheetah's bug tracker or emailing the mailing list.

Please try to include the following bits of information:

Example sites and tutorials

If you're developing a website with Cheetah, please send a link to the email list so we can keep track of Cheetah sites. Also, if you discover new and interesting ways to use Cheetah please share your experience and write a quick tutorial about your technique.

Test cases

Cheetah is packaged with a regression testing suite that is run with each new release to ensure that everything is working as expected and that recent changes haven't broken anything. The test cases are in the Cheetah.Tests module. If you find a reproduceable bug please consider writing a test case that will pass only when the bug is fixed. Send any new test cases to the email list with the subject-line "new test case for Cheetah."

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