#import WikiRoot #from Cheetah.Filters import Markdown #extends WikiRoot.WikiRoot #def pagename() #return 'Roadmap' #end def #def content() #transform Markdown Community Cheetah Roadmap ========================= Overview -------- The general intention of this document is to outline planned development for Community Cheetah Cheetah v2.2 ------------ The v2.2 release of the Cheetah is a minor change as far as the code-level changes are concerned but has much farther reaching implications. These changes currently reside in the [unicode branch](http://github.com/rtyler/cheetah/tree/unicode) - Moving internal representation of source inside the compiler/parser to unicode() objects instead of a potential mix of str() and unicode() objects - Modify the implications of the \#encoding directive to determine the encoding to use when writing out the generated Python module Cheetah v2.3 ------------ *Still in planning* Planned for the third "major" release of Community Cheetah is an internal reworking of the Cheetah compiler/parser/template code and the resulting Python they generate. - Analyze runtime performance of template execution - Update internal objects to "new-style" objects to prepare for moving towards Python 3000 - "Modernize" other aspects of Cheetah infrastructure Cheetah v3.0 ------------ *Still in planning* - Upgrade Cheetah to be fully Python 2.xx and 3.xx compatible #end def