diff options
authorNed Batchelder <>2019-07-10 08:22:09 -0400
committerGitHub <>2019-07-10 08:22:09 -0400
commit6cbd78e000e539bee39375264afdb9f29a89c681 (patch)
parente1e474f5dda602551fbc0cbd30e441e194d9421f (diff)
parent6b226d85f5191cd27b20ad27caded8b407772a02 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into isolate_os
10 files changed, 102 insertions, 898 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index ec5fea2d..7438771d 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ Unreleased
- Dynamic contexts with no data are no longer written to the database.
+- SQLite data storage is now faster. There's no longer a reason to keep the
+ JSON data file code, so it has been removed.
- Added the classmethod :meth:`Coverage.current` to get the latest started
`Coverage` instance.
diff --git a/coverage/ b/coverage/
index bcb418b8..82bf1d41 100644
--- a/coverage/
+++ b/coverage/
@@ -1,667 +1,20 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License:
# For details:
-"""Coverage data for"""
+"""Coverage data for
-import collections
-import glob
-import itertools
-import json
-import optparse
-import os
-import os.path
-import random
-import re
-import socket
-from coverage import env
-from coverage.backward import iitems, string_class
-from coverage.debug import NoDebugging
-from coverage.files import PathAliases
-from coverage.misc import CoverageException, file_be_gone, isolate_module
-os = isolate_module(os)
-def filename_suffix(suffix):
- if suffix is True:
- # If data_suffix was a simple true value, then make a suffix with
- # plenty of distinguishing information. We do this here in
- # `save()` at the last minute so that the pid will be correct even
- # if the process forks.
- dice = random.Random(os.urandom(8)).randint(0, 999999)
- suffix = "%s.%s.%06d" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid(), dice)
- return suffix
-class CoverageJsonData(object):
- """Manages collected coverage data, including file storage.
- This class is the public supported API to the data collects
- during program execution. It includes information about what code was
- executed. It does not include information from the analysis phase, to
- determine what lines could have been executed, or what lines were not
- executed.
- .. note::
- The file format is not documented or guaranteed. It will change in
- the future, in possibly complicated ways. Do not read
- data files directly. Use this API to avoid disruption.
- There are a number of kinds of data that can be collected:
- * **lines**: the line numbers of source lines that were executed.
- These are always available.
- * **arcs**: pairs of source and destination line numbers for transitions
- between source lines. These are only available if branch coverage was
- used.
- * **file tracer names**: the module names of the file tracer plugins that
- handled each file in the data.
- * **run information**: information about the program execution. This is
- written during "coverage run", and then accumulated during "coverage
- combine".
- Lines, arcs, and file tracer names are stored for each source file. File
- names in this API are case-sensitive, even on platforms with
- case-insensitive file systems.
- A data file is associated with the data when the :class:`CoverageData`
- is created.
- To read a data file, use :meth:`read`. You can then
- access the line, arc, or file tracer data with :meth:`lines`, :meth:`arcs`,
- or :meth:`file_tracer`. Run information is available with
- :meth:`run_infos`.
- The :meth:`has_arcs` method indicates whether arc data is available. You
- can get a list of the files in the data with :meth:`measured_files`.
- A summary of the line data is available from :meth:`line_counts`. As with
- most Python containers, you can determine if there is any data at all by
- using this object as a boolean value.
- Most data files will be created by itself, but you can use
- methods here to create data files if you like. The :meth:`add_lines`,
- :meth:`add_arcs`, and :meth:`add_file_tracers` methods add data, in ways
- that are convenient for The :meth:`add_run_info` method adds
- key-value pairs to the run information.
- To add a source file without any measured data, use :meth:`touch_file`.
- Write the data to its file with :meth:`write`.
- You can clear the data in memory with :meth:`erase`. Two data collections
- can be combined by using :meth:`update` on one :class:`CoverageData`,
- passing it the other.
- """
- # The data file format is JSON, with these keys:
- #
- # * lines: a dict mapping file names to lists of line numbers
- # executed::
- #
- # { "file1": [17,23,45], "file2": [1,2,3], ... }
- #
- # * arcs: a dict mapping file names to lists of line number pairs::
- #
- # { "file1": [[17,23], [17,25], [25,26]], ... }
- #
- # * file_tracers: a dict mapping file names to plugin names::
- #
- # { "file1": "django.coverage", ... }
- #
- # * runs: a list of dicts of information about the runs
- # contributing to the data::
- #
- # [ { "brief_sys": "CPython 2.7.10 Darwin" }, ... ]
- #
- # Only one of `lines` or `arcs` will be present: with branch coverage, data
- # is stored as arcs. Without branch coverage, it is stored as lines. The
- # line data is easily recovered from the arcs: it is all the first elements
- # of the pairs that are greater than zero.
- def __init__(self, basename=None, suffix=None, warn=None, debug=None):
- """Create a CoverageData.
- `warn` is the warning function to use.
- `basename` is the name of the file to use for storing data.
- `debug` is a `DebugControl` object for writing debug messages.
- """
- self._warn = warn
- self._debug = debug or NoDebugging()
- self.filename = os.path.abspath(basename or ".coverage")
- self.suffix = suffix
- # A map from canonical Python source file name to a dictionary in
- # which there's an entry for each line number that has been
- # executed:
- #
- # { '': [12, 47, 1001], ... }
- #
- self._lines = None
- # A map from canonical Python source file name to a dictionary with an
- # entry for each pair of line numbers forming an arc:
- #
- # { '': [(12,14), (47,48), ... ], ... }
- #
- self._arcs = None
- # A map from canonical source file name to a plugin module name:
- #
- # { '': 'django.coverage', ... }
- #
- self._file_tracers = {}
- # A list of dicts of information about the runs.
- self._runs = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<{klass} lines={lines} arcs={arcs} tracers={tracers} runs={runs}>".format(
- klass=self.__class__.__name__,
- lines="None" if self._lines is None else "{{{0}}}".format(len(self._lines)),
- arcs="None" if self._arcs is None else "{{{0}}}".format(len(self._arcs)),
- tracers="{{{0}}}".format(len(self._file_tracers)),
- runs="[{0}]".format(len(self._runs)),
- )
- ##
- ## Reading data
- ##
- def set_query_contexts(self, contexts=None):
- """Set the query contexts.
- No-op, since contexts are not supported for this data format.
- """
- pass
- def has_arcs(self):
- """Does this data have arcs?
- Arc data is only available if branch coverage was used during
- collection.
- Returns a boolean.
- """
- return self._has_arcs()
- def lines(self, filename, contexts=None):
- """Get the list of lines executed for a file.
- If the file was not measured, returns None. A file might be measured,
- and have no lines executed, in which case an empty list is returned.
- If the file was executed, returns a list of integers, the line numbers
- executed in the file. The list is in no particular order.
- `contexts` is ignored, since contexts are not supported for this data
- format.
- """
- if self._arcs is not None:
- arcs = self._arcs.get(filename)
- if arcs is not None:
- all_lines = itertools.chain.from_iterable(arcs)
- return list(set(l for l in all_lines if l > 0))
- elif self._lines is not None:
- return self._lines.get(filename)
- return None
- def arcs(self, filename, contexts=None):
- """Get the list of arcs executed for a file.
- If the file was not measured, returns None. A file might be measured,
- and have no arcs executed, in which case an empty list is returned.
- If the file was executed, returns a list of 2-tuples of integers. Each
- pair is a starting line number and an ending line number for a
- transition from one line to another. The list is in no particular
- order.
- Negative numbers have special meaning. If the starting line number is
- -N, it represents an entry to the code object that starts at line N.
- If the ending ling number is -N, it's an exit from the code object that
- starts at line N.
- `contexts` is ignored, since contexts are not supported for this data
- format.
- """
- if self._arcs is not None:
- if filename in self._arcs:
- return self._arcs[filename]
- return None
- def file_tracer(self, filename):
- """Get the plugin name of the file tracer for a file.
- Returns the name of the plugin that handles this file. If the file was
- measured, but didn't use a plugin, then "" is returned. If the file
- was not measured, then None is returned.
- """
- # Because the vast majority of files involve no plugin, we don't store
- # them explicitly in self._file_tracers. Check the measured data
- # instead to see if it was a known file with no plugin.
- if filename in (self._arcs or self._lines or {}):
- return self._file_tracers.get(filename, "")
- return None
- def contexts_by_lineno(self, filename):
- return collections.defaultdict(list)
- def run_infos(self):
- """Return the list of dicts of run information.
- For data collected during a single run, this will be a one-element
- list. If data has been combined, there will be one element for each
- original data file.
- """
- return self._runs
- def measured_files(self):
- """A set of all files that had been measured."""
- return set(self._arcs or self._lines or {})
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return bool(self._lines or self._arcs)
- __bool__ = __nonzero__
- def read(self):
- """Read the coverage data.
- It is fine for the file to not exist, in which case no data is read.
- """
- if os.path.exists(self.filename):
- self._read_file(self.filename)
- def _read_fileobj(self, file_obj):
- """Read the coverage data from the given file object.
- Should only be used on an empty CoverageData object.
- """
- data = self._read_raw_data(file_obj)
- self._lines = self._arcs = None
- if 'lines' in data:
- self._lines = data['lines']
- if 'arcs' in data:
- self._arcs = dict(
- (fname, [tuple(pair) for pair in arcs])
- for fname, arcs in iitems(data['arcs'])
- )
- self._file_tracers = data.get('file_tracers', {})
- self._runs = data.get('runs', [])
- self._validate()
- def _read_file(self, filename):
- """Read the coverage data from `filename` into this object."""
- if self._debug.should('dataio'):
- self._debug.write("Reading data from %r" % (filename,))
- try:
- with self._open_for_reading(filename) as f:
- self._read_fileobj(f)
- except Exception as exc:
- raise CoverageException(
- "Couldn't read data from '%s': %s: %s" % (
- filename, exc.__class__.__name__, exc,
- )
- )
- _GO_AWAY = "! This is a private format, don't read it directly!"
- @classmethod
- def _open_for_reading(cls, filename):
- """Open a file appropriately for reading data."""
- return open(filename, "r")
- @classmethod
- def _read_raw_data(cls, file_obj):
- """Read the raw data from a file object."""
- go_away =
- if go_away != cls._GO_AWAY:
- raise CoverageException("Doesn't seem to be a data file")
- return json.load(file_obj)
- @classmethod
- def _read_raw_data_file(cls, filename):
- """Read the raw data from a file, for debugging."""
- with cls._open_for_reading(filename) as f:
- return cls._read_raw_data(f)
+This file had the 4.x JSON data support, which is now gone. This file still
+has storage-agnostic helpers, and is kept to avoid changing too many imports.
+CoverageData is now defined in, and imported here to keep the
+imports working.
- ##
- ## Writing data
- ##
- def add_lines(self, line_data):
- """Add measured line data.
- `line_data` is a dictionary mapping file names to dictionaries::
- { filename: { lineno: None, ... }, ...}
- """
- if self._debug.should('dataop'):
- self._debug.write("Adding lines: %d files, %d lines total" % (
- len(line_data), sum(len(lines) for lines in line_data.values())
- ))
- if self._has_arcs():
- raise CoverageException("Can't add lines to existing arc data")
- if self._lines is None:
- self._lines = {}
- for filename, linenos in iitems(line_data):
- if filename in self._lines:
- new_linenos = set(self._lines[filename])
- new_linenos.update(linenos)
- linenos = new_linenos
- self._lines[filename] = list(linenos)
- self._validate()
- def add_arcs(self, arc_data):
- """Add measured arc data.
- `arc_data` is a dictionary mapping file names to dictionaries::
- { filename: { (l1,l2): None, ... }, ...}
- """
- if self._debug.should('dataop'):
- self._debug.write("Adding arcs: %d files, %d arcs total" % (
- len(arc_data), sum(len(arcs) for arcs in arc_data.values())
- ))
- if self._has_lines():
- raise CoverageException("Can't add arcs to existing line data")
- if self._arcs is None:
- self._arcs = {}
- for filename, arcs in iitems(arc_data):
- if filename in self._arcs:
- new_arcs = set(self._arcs[filename])
- new_arcs.update(arcs)
- arcs = new_arcs
- self._arcs[filename] = list(arcs)
- self._validate()
- def add_file_tracers(self, file_tracers):
- """Add per-file plugin information.
- `file_tracers` is { filename: plugin_name, ... }
- """
- if self._debug.should('dataop'):
- self._debug.write("Adding file tracers: %d files" % (len(file_tracers),))
- existing_files = self._arcs or self._lines or {}
- for filename, plugin_name in iitems(file_tracers):
- if filename not in existing_files:
- raise CoverageException(
- "Can't add file tracer data for unmeasured file '%s'" % (filename,)
- )
- existing_plugin = self._file_tracers.get(filename)
- if existing_plugin is not None and plugin_name != existing_plugin:
- raise CoverageException(
- "Conflicting file tracer name for '%s': %r vs %r" % (
- filename, existing_plugin, plugin_name,
- )
- )
- self._file_tracers[filename] = plugin_name
- self._validate()
- def add_run_info(self, **kwargs):
- """Add information about the run.
- Keywords are arbitrary, and are stored in the run dictionary. Values
- must be JSON serializable. You may use this function more than once,
- but repeated keywords overwrite each other.
- """
- if self._debug.should('dataop'):
- self._debug.write("Adding run info: %r" % (kwargs,))
- if not self._runs:
- self._runs = [{}]
- self._runs[0].update(kwargs)
- self._validate()
- def touch_file(self, filename, plugin_name=""):
- """Ensure that `filename` appears in the data, empty if needed.
- `plugin_name` is the name of the plugin responsible for this file. It is used
- to associate the right filereporter, etc.
- """
- if self._debug.should('dataop'):
- self._debug.write("Touching %r" % (filename,))
- if not self._has_arcs() and not self._has_lines():
- raise CoverageException("Can't touch files in an empty CoverageData")
- if self._has_arcs():
- where = self._arcs
- else:
- where = self._lines
- where.setdefault(filename, [])
- if plugin_name:
- # Set the tracer for this file
- self._file_tracers[filename] = plugin_name
- self._validate()
- def set_context(self, context):
- """Set the context. Not implemented for JSON storage."""
- if context:
- raise CoverageException("JSON storage doesn't support contexts")
- def write(self):
- """Write the collected coverage data to a file.
- `suffix` is a suffix to append to the base file name. This can be used
- for multiple or parallel execution, so that many coverage data files
- can exist simultaneously. A dot will be used to join the base name and
- the suffix.
- """
- filename = self.filename
- suffix = filename_suffix(self.suffix)
- if suffix:
- filename += "." + suffix
- self._write_file(filename)
- def _write_fileobj(self, file_obj):
- """Write the coverage data to `file_obj`."""
- # Create the file data.
- file_data = {}
- if self._has_arcs():
- file_data['arcs'] = self._arcs
- if self._has_lines():
- file_data['lines'] = self._lines
- if self._file_tracers:
- file_data['file_tracers'] = self._file_tracers
- if self._runs:
- file_data['runs'] = self._runs
- # Write the data to the file.
- file_obj.write(self._GO_AWAY)
- json.dump(file_data, file_obj, separators=(',', ':'))
- def _write_file(self, filename):
- """Write the coverage data to `filename`."""
- if self._debug.should('dataio'):
- self._debug.write("Writing data to %r" % (filename,))
- with open(filename, 'w') as fdata:
- self._write_fileobj(fdata)
- def erase(self, parallel=False):
- """Erase the data in this object.
- If `parallel` is true, then also deletes data files created from the
- basename by parallel-mode.
- """
- self._lines = None
- self._arcs = None
- self._file_tracers = {}
- self._runs = []
- self._validate()
- if self._debug.should('dataio'):
- self._debug.write("Erasing data file %r" % (self.filename,))
- file_be_gone(self.filename)
- if parallel:
- data_dir, local = os.path.split(self.filename)
- localdot = local + '.*'
- pattern = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(data_dir), localdot)
- for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
- if self._debug.should('dataio'):
- self._debug.write("Erasing parallel data file %r" % (filename,))
- file_be_gone(filename)
- def update(self, other_data, aliases=None):
- """Update this data with data from another `CoverageData`.
- If `aliases` is provided, it's a `PathAliases` object that is used to
- re-map paths to match the local machine's.
- """
- if self._has_lines() and other_data._has_arcs():
- raise CoverageException("Can't combine arc data with line data")
- if self._has_arcs() and other_data._has_lines():
- raise CoverageException("Can't combine line data with arc data")
- aliases = aliases or PathAliases()
- # _file_tracers: only have a string, so they have to agree.
- # Have to do these first, so that our examination of self._arcs and
- # self._lines won't be confused by data updated from other_data.
- for filename in other_data.measured_files():
- other_plugin = other_data.file_tracer(filename)
- filename =
- this_plugin = self.file_tracer(filename)
- if this_plugin is None:
- if other_plugin:
- self._file_tracers[filename] = other_plugin
- elif this_plugin != other_plugin:
- raise CoverageException(
- "Conflicting file tracer name for '%s': %r vs %r" % (
- filename, this_plugin, other_plugin,
- )
- )
- # _runs: add the new runs to these runs.
- self._runs.extend(other_data._runs)
- # _lines: merge dicts.
- if other_data._has_lines():
- if self._lines is None:
- self._lines = {}
- for filename, file_lines in iitems(other_data._lines):
- filename =
- if filename in self._lines:
- lines = set(self._lines[filename])
- lines.update(file_lines)
- file_lines = list(lines)
- self._lines[filename] = file_lines
- # _arcs: merge dicts.
- if other_data._has_arcs():
- if self._arcs is None:
- self._arcs = {}
- for filename, file_arcs in iitems(other_data._arcs):
- filename =
- if filename in self._arcs:
- arcs = set(self._arcs[filename])
- arcs.update(file_arcs)
- file_arcs = list(arcs)
- self._arcs[filename] = file_arcs
- self._validate()
- ##
- ## Miscellaneous
- ##
- def _validate(self):
- """If we are in paranoid mode, validate that everything is right."""
- if env.TESTING:
- self._validate_invariants()
- def _validate_invariants(self):
- """Validate internal invariants."""
- # Only one of _lines or _arcs should exist.
- assert not(self._has_lines() and self._has_arcs()), (
- "Shouldn't have both _lines and _arcs"
- )
- # _lines should be a dict of lists of ints.
- if self._has_lines():
- for fname, lines in iitems(self._lines):
- assert isinstance(fname, string_class), "Key in _lines shouldn't be %r" % (fname,)
- assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in lines), (
- "_lines[%r] shouldn't be %r" % (fname, lines)
- )
- # _arcs should be a dict of lists of pairs of ints.
- if self._has_arcs():
- for fname, arcs in iitems(self._arcs):
- assert isinstance(fname, string_class), "Key in _arcs shouldn't be %r" % (fname,)
- assert all(isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int) for x, y in arcs), (
- "_arcs[%r] shouldn't be %r" % (fname, arcs)
- )
- # _file_tracers should have only non-empty strings as values.
- for fname, plugin in iitems(self._file_tracers):
- assert isinstance(fname, string_class), (
- "Key in _file_tracers shouldn't be %r" % (fname,)
- )
- assert plugin and isinstance(plugin, string_class), (
- "_file_tracers[%r] shoudn't be %r" % (fname, plugin)
- )
- # _runs should be a list of dicts.
- for val in self._runs:
- assert isinstance(val, dict)
- for key in val:
- assert isinstance(key, string_class), "Key in _runs shouldn't be %r" % (key,)
- ##
- ## Internal
- ##
- def _has_lines(self):
- """Do we have data in self._lines?"""
- return self._lines is not None
- def _has_arcs(self):
- """Do we have data in self._arcs?"""
- return self._arcs is not None
+import glob
+import os.path
-# $ COVERAGE_STORAGE - The storage implementation to use: sql (default), or json.
-STORAGE = os.environ.get("COVERAGE_STORAGE", "sql")
-if STORAGE == "json":
- CoverageData = CoverageJsonData
-elif STORAGE == "sql":
- from coverage.sqldata import CoverageSqliteData
- CoverageData = CoverageSqliteData
+from coverage.misc import CoverageException, file_be_gone
+from coverage.sqldata import CoverageData
def line_counts(data, fullpath=False):
@@ -769,53 +122,3 @@ def combine_parallel_data(data, aliases=None, data_paths=None, strict=False):
if strict and not files_combined:
raise CoverageException("No usable data files")
-def canonicalize_json_data(data):
- """Canonicalize our JSON data so it can be compared."""
- for fname, lines in iitems(data.get('lines', {})):
- data['lines'][fname] = sorted(lines)
- for fname, arcs in iitems(data.get('arcs', {})):
- data['arcs'][fname] = sorted(arcs)
-def pretty_data(data):
- """Format data as JSON, but as nicely as possible.
- Returns a string.
- """
- # Start with a basic JSON dump.
- out = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
- # But pairs of numbers shouldn't be split across lines...
- out = re.sub(r"\[\s+(-?\d+),\s+(-?\d+)\s+]", r"[\1, \2]", out)
- # Trailing spaces mess with tests, get rid of them.
- out = re.sub(r"(?m)\s+$", "", out)
- return out
-def debug_main(args):
- """Dump the raw data from data files.
- Run this as::
- $ python -m [FILE]
- """
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option(
- "-c", "--canonical", action="store_true",
- help="Sort data into a canonical order",
- )
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- for filename in (args or [".coverage"]):
- print("--- {0} ------------------------------".format(filename))
- data = CoverageData._read_raw_data_file(filename)
- if options.canonical:
- canonicalize_json_data(data)
- print(pretty_data(data))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- debug_main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/coverage/ b/coverage/
index ad7b834f..00e88fdb 100644
--- a/coverage/
+++ b/coverage/
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import inspect
import locale
import os
import os.path
+import random
import re
+import socket
import sys
import types
@@ -175,6 +177,18 @@ def output_encoding(outfile=None):
return encoding
+def filename_suffix(suffix):
+ """Compute a filename suffix for a data file."""
+ if suffix is True:
+ # If data_suffix was a simple true value, then make a suffix with
+ # plenty of distinguishing information. We do this here in
+ # `save()` at the last minute so that the pid will be correct even
+ # if the process forks.
+ dice = random.Random(os.urandom(8)).randint(0, 999999)
+ suffix = "%s.%s.%06d" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid(), dice)
+ return suffix
class Hasher(object):
"""Hashes Python data into md5."""
def __init__(self):
diff --git a/coverage/ b/coverage/
index 6d618170..998abd64 100644
--- a/coverage/
+++ b/coverage/
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
"""Sqlite coverage data."""
# TODO: get sys_info for data class, so we can see sqlite version etc
-# TODO: get rid of skip_unless_data_storage_is
-# TODO: get rid of "JSON message" and "SQL message" in the tests
# TODO: factor out dataop debugging to a wrapper class?
# TODO: make sure all dataop debugging is in place somehow
# TODO: should writes be batched?
@@ -19,10 +17,9 @@ import sqlite3
import sys
from coverage.backward import get_thread_id, iitems
-from import filename_suffix
from coverage.debug import NoDebugging, SimpleReprMixin
from coverage.files import PathAliases
-from coverage.misc import CoverageException, file_be_gone, isolate_module
+from coverage.misc import CoverageException, file_be_gone, filename_suffix, isolate_module
os = isolate_module(os)
@@ -83,7 +80,72 @@ CREATE TABLE tracer (
-class CoverageSqliteData(SimpleReprMixin):
+class CoverageData(SimpleReprMixin):
+ """Manages collected coverage data, including file storage.
+ TODO: This is the 4.x docstring. Update it for 5.0.
+ This class is the public supported API to the data collects
+ during program execution. It includes information about what code was
+ executed. It does not include information from the analysis phase, to
+ determine what lines could have been executed, or what lines were not
+ executed.
+ .. note::
+ The file format is not documented or guaranteed. It will change in
+ the future, in possibly complicated ways. Do not read
+ data files directly. Use this API to avoid disruption.
+ There are a number of kinds of data that can be collected:
+ * **lines**: the line numbers of source lines that were executed.
+ These are always available.
+ * **arcs**: pairs of source and destination line numbers for transitions
+ between source lines. These are only available if branch coverage was
+ used.
+ * **file tracer names**: the module names of the file tracer plugins that
+ handled each file in the data.
+ * **run information**: information about the program execution. This is
+ written during "coverage run", and then accumulated during "coverage
+ combine".
+ Lines, arcs, and file tracer names are stored for each source file. File
+ names in this API are case-sensitive, even on platforms with
+ case-insensitive file systems.
+ A data file is associated with the data when the :class:`CoverageData`
+ is created.
+ To read a data file, use :meth:`read`. You can then
+ access the line, arc, or file tracer data with :meth:`lines`, :meth:`arcs`,
+ or :meth:`file_tracer`. Run information is available with
+ :meth:`run_infos`.
+ The :meth:`has_arcs` method indicates whether arc data is available. You
+ can get a list of the files in the data with :meth:`measured_files`.
+ A summary of the line data is available from :meth:`line_counts`. As with
+ most Python containers, you can determine if there is any data at all by
+ using this object as a boolean value.
+ Most data files will be created by itself, but you can use
+ methods here to create data files if you like. The :meth:`add_lines`,
+ :meth:`add_arcs`, and :meth:`add_file_tracers` methods add data, in ways
+ that are convenient for The :meth:`add_run_info` method adds
+ key-value pairs to the run information.
+ To add a source file without any measured data, use :meth:`touch_file`.
+ Write the data to its file with :meth:`write`.
+ You can clear the data in memory with :meth:`erase`. Two data collections
+ can be combined by using :meth:`update` on one :class:`CoverageData`,
+ passing it the other.
+ """
def __init__(self, basename=None, suffix=None, warn=None, debug=None):
self._basename = os.path.abspath(basename or ".coverage")
@@ -349,7 +411,7 @@ class CoverageSqliteData(SimpleReprMixin):
if self._debug.should('dataop'):
self._debug.write("Touching %r" % (filename,))
if not self._has_arcs and not self._has_lines:
- raise CoverageException("Can't touch files in an empty CoverageSqliteData")
+ raise CoverageException("Can't touch files in an empty CoverageData")
self._file_id(filename, add=True)
if plugin_name:
diff --git a/lab/ b/lab/
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ad4fda..00000000
--- a/lab/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Run some timing tests of JsonData vs SqliteData.
-import random
-import time
-from import CoverageJsonData
-from coverage.sqldata import CoverageSqliteData
-NUM_FILES = 1000
-NUM_LINES = 1000
-def gen_data(cdata):
- rnd = random.Random()
- rnd.seed(17)
- def linenos(num_lines, prob):
- return (n for n in range(num_lines) if random.random() < prob)
- start = time.time()
- for i in range(NUM_FILES):
- filename = "/src/foo/project/file{i}.py".format(i=i)
- line_data = { filename: dict.fromkeys(linenos(NUM_LINES, .6)) }
- cdata.add_lines(line_data)
- cdata.write()
- end = time.time()
- delta = end - start
- return delta
-class DummyData:
- def add_lines(self, line_data):
- return
- def write(self):
- return
-overhead = gen_data(DummyData())
-jtime = gen_data(CoverageJsonData("gendata.json")) - overhead
-stime = gen_data(CoverageSqliteData("gendata.db")) - overhead
-print("Overhead: {overhead:.3f}s".format(overhead=overhead))
-print("JSON: {jtime:.3f}s".format(jtime=jtime))
-print("SQLite: {stime:.3f}s".format(stime=stime))
-print("{slower:.3f}x slower".format(slower=stime/jtime))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index b06db896..edb57356 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ from coverage import env
from coverage.backunittest import TestCase, unittest
from coverage.backward import StringIO, import_local_file, string_class, shlex_quote
from coverage.cmdline import CoverageScript
-from import STORAGE
from coverage.misc import arcz_to_arcs, StopEverything
from tests.helpers import run_command, SuperModuleCleaner
@@ -102,8 +101,8 @@ class CoverageTest(
def skip_unless_data_storage_is(self, storage):
"""Skip a test for tests that are particular about the storage implementation."""
- if STORAGE != storage:
- self.skipTest("Not using {} for data storage".format(storage))
+ assert storage == "json"
+ self.skipTest("Some features haven't been implemented in SQL yet.")
def clean_local_file_imports(self):
"""Clean up the results of calls to `import_local_file`.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 24e17069..5d40e339 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest
class StaticContextTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of the static context."""
- def setUp(self):
- super(StaticContextTest, self).setUp()
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
def test_no_context(self):
self.make_file("", "a = 1")
cov = coverage.Coverage()
@@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ class DynamicContextTest(CoverageTest):
if not env.C_TRACER:
self.skipTest("Only the C tracer supports dynamic contexts")
super(DynamicContextTest, self).setUp()
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
SOURCE = """\
def helper(lineno):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 4a3db93c..bc988bcb 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,17 +4,15 @@
"""Tests for"""
import glob
-import json
import os
import os.path
-import re
import sqlite3
import threading
import mock
-from import CoverageData, debug_main, canonicalize_json_data, combine_parallel_data
-from import add_data_to_hash, line_counts, STORAGE
+from import CoverageData, combine_parallel_data
+from import add_data_to_hash, line_counts
from coverage.debug import DebugControlString
from coverage.files import PathAliases, canonical_filename
from coverage.misc import CoverageException
@@ -107,9 +105,6 @@ class DataTestHelpers(CoverageTest):
class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
"""Test cases for CoverageData."""
- # SQL data storage always has files on disk, even without .write().
- # We need to separate the tests so they don't clobber each other.
- run_in_temp_dir = STORAGE == "sql"
no_files_in_temp_dir = True
def test_empty_data_is_false(self):
@@ -185,7 +180,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
self.assert_measured_files(covdata, MEASURED_FILES_3 + [''])
def test_set_query_contexts(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
@@ -202,7 +196,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
def test_lines_with_contexts(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
@@ -211,7 +204,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
self.assertEqual(covdata.lines('', contexts=['other*']), [])
def test_contexts_by_lineno_with_lines(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
@@ -254,7 +246,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
def test_arcs_with_contexts(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
@@ -265,7 +256,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
self.assertEqual(covdata.arcs('', contexts=['other*']), [])
def test_contexts_by_lineno_with_arcs(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
@@ -274,7 +264,6 @@ class CoverageDataTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
{-1: ['test_x'], 1: ['test_x'], 2: ['test_x'], 3: ['test_x']})
def test_contexts_by_lineno_with_unknown_file(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
covdata = CoverageData()
covdata.contexts_by_lineno(''), {})
@@ -562,17 +551,7 @@ class CoverageDataTestInTempDir(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
- def test_read_json_errors(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("json")
- self.make_file("misleading.dat", CoverageData._GO_AWAY + " this isn't JSON")
- msg = r"Couldn't .* '.*[/\\]{0}': \S+"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(CoverageException, msg.format("misleading.dat")):
- covdata = CoverageData("misleading.dat")
- self.assertFalse(covdata)
def test_read_sql_errors(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
with sqlite3.connect("wrong_schema.db") as con:
con.execute("create table coverage_schema (version integer)")
con.execute("insert into coverage_schema (version) values (99)")
@@ -590,51 +569,6 @@ class CoverageDataTestInTempDir(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
- def test_debug_main(self):
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("json")
- covdata1 = CoverageData(".coverage")
- covdata1.add_lines(LINES_1)
- covdata1.write()
- debug_main([])
- covdata2 = CoverageData("arcs.dat")
- covdata2.add_arcs(ARCS_3)
- covdata2.add_file_tracers({"": "magic_plugin"})
- covdata2.add_run_info(version="v3.14", chunks=["z", "a"])
- covdata2.write()
- covdata3 = CoverageData("empty.dat")
- covdata3.write()
- debug_main(["arcs.dat", "empty.dat"])
- expected = {
- ".coverage": {
- "lines": {
- "": [1, 2],
- "": [3],
- },
- },
- "arcs.dat": {
- "arcs": {
- "": [[-1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, -1]],
- "": [[-1, 17], [17, 23], [23, -1]],
- },
- "file_tracers": {"": "magic_plugin"},
- "runs": [
- {
- "chunks": ["z", "a"],
- "version": "v3.14",
- },
- ],
- },
- "empty.dat": {},
- }
- pieces = re.split(r"(?m)-+ ([\w.]+) -+$", self.stdout())
- for name, json_out in zip(pieces[1::2], pieces[2::2]):
- json_got = json.loads(json_out)
- canonicalize_json_data(json_got)
- self.assertEqual(expected[name], json_got)
class CoverageDataFilesTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
"""Tests of CoverageData file handling."""
@@ -670,14 +604,9 @@ class CoverageDataFilesTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
- r"(" # JSON output:
- r"^Writing data to '.*\.coverage'\n"
- r"Reading data from '.*\.coverage'\n$"
- r"|" # SQL output:
- r"Erasing data file '.*\.coverage'\n"
+ r"^Erasing data file '.*\.coverage'\n"
r"Creating data file '.*\.coverage'\n"
r"Opening data file '.*\.coverage'\n$"
- r")"
def test_debug_output_without_debug_option(self):
@@ -766,59 +695,6 @@ class CoverageDataFilesTest(DataTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
self.assert_file_count("datafile.*", 0)
- def read_json_data_file(self, fname):
- """Read a JSON data file for testing the JSON directly."""
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("json")
- with open(fname, 'r') as fdata:
- go_away =
- self.assertEqual(go_away, CoverageData._GO_AWAY)
- return json.load(fdata)
- def test_file_format(self):
- # Write with CoverageData, then read the JSON explicitly.
- covdata = CoverageData()
- covdata.add_lines(LINES_1)
- covdata.write()
- data = self.read_json_data_file(".coverage")
- lines = data['lines']
- self.assertCountEqual(lines.keys(), MEASURED_FILES_1)
- self.assertCountEqual(lines[''], A_PY_LINES_1)
- self.assertCountEqual(lines[''], B_PY_LINES_1)
- # If not measuring branches, there's no arcs entry.
- self.assertNotIn('arcs', data)
- # If no file tracers were involved, there's no file_tracers entry.
- self.assertNotIn('file_tracers', data)
- def test_file_format_with_arcs(self):
- # Write with CoverageData, then read the JSON explicitly.
- covdata = CoverageData()
- covdata.add_arcs(ARCS_3)
- covdata.write()
- data = self.read_json_data_file(".coverage")
- self.assertNotIn('lines', data)
- arcs = data['arcs']
- self.assertCountEqual(arcs.keys(), MEASURED_FILES_3)
- self.assertCountEqual(arcs[''], map(list, X_PY_ARCS_3))
- self.assertCountEqual(arcs[''], map(list, Y_PY_ARCS_3))
- # If no file tracers were involved, there's no file_tracers entry.
- self.assertNotIn('file_tracers', data)
- def test_writing_to_other_file(self):
- self.skipTest("This will be deleted!") # TODO
- covdata = CoverageData(".otherfile")
- covdata.add_lines(LINES_1)
- covdata.write()
- self.assert_doesnt_exist(".coverage")
- self.assert_exists(".otherfile")
- covdata.write(suffix="extra")
- self.assert_exists(".otherfile.extra")
- self.assert_doesnt_exist(".coverage")
def test_combining_with_aliases(self):
covdata1 = CoverageData(suffix='1')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 351ef919..7d4c0a16 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -141,13 +141,8 @@ class DebugTraceTest(CoverageTest):
# The details of what to expect on the stack are empirical, and can change
# as the code changes. This test is here to ensure that the debug code
# continues working. It's ok to adjust these details over time.
- from import STORAGE
- if STORAGE == "json":
- self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data")
- self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+_write_file : .*coverage[/\\] @\d+$")
- else:
- self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Adding file tracers: 0 files")
- self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+add_file_tracers : .*coverage[/\\] @\d+$")
+ self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Adding file tracers: 0 files")
+ self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+add_file_tracers : .*coverage[/\\] @\d+$")
def test_debug_config(self):
out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"])
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8e9430ce..3e567113 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1050,7 +1050,6 @@ class HtmlWithContextsTest(HtmlTestHelpers, CoverageTest):
if not env.C_TRACER:
self.skipTest("Only the C tracer supports dynamic contexts")
super(HtmlWithContextsTest, self).setUp()
- self.skip_unless_data_storage_is("sql")
SOURCE = """\
def helper(lineno):