diff options
authorNed Batchelder <>2018-11-18 11:18:39 -0500
committerNed Batchelder <>2018-11-18 12:23:05 -0500
commit2fb113e60c2733e640f92d737278431a1f670052 (patch)
parent701f4ed56639325dcb9fa0aecf06df303ee6a761 (diff)
4 files changed, 154 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ebc8116e..195980cb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ recursive-include requirements *.pip
recursive-include tests *.py *.tok
recursive-include tests/farm */gold*/*.* */gold*/*/*.*
-recursive-include tests/farm/*/src * *.*
recursive-include tests js/*.* qunit/*.*
prune tests/eggsrc/build
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e6ea9a30..24d5ffe0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ clean:
-pip uninstall -y coverage
-rm -f *.pyd */*.pyd
-rm -f *.so */*.so
- -PYTHONPATH=. python tests/ clean
- -rm -rf tests/farm/*/out
-rm -rf build coverage.egg-info dist htmlcov
-rm -rf __pycache__ */__pycache__ */*/__pycache__ */*/*/__pycache__ */*/*/*/__pycache__ */*/*/*/*/__pycache__
-rm -f *.pyc */*.pyc */*/*.pyc */*/*/*.pyc */*/*/*/*.pyc */*/*/*/*/*.pyc
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 48842f0c..975db615 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -3,16 +3,166 @@
"""A test base class for tests based on gold file comparison."""
+import difflib
+import filecmp
+import fnmatch
import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
from unittest_mixins import change_dir # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from coverage import env
from tests.coveragetest import TESTS_DIR
-# Import helpers, eventually will go away.
-from tests.test_farm import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import
- compare, contains, doesnt_contain, contains_any,
def gold_path(path):
"""Get a path to a gold file for comparison."""
return os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, "farm", path)
+# "rU" was deprecated in 3.4
+READ_MODE = "rU" if env.PYVERSION < (3, 4) else "r"
+def versioned_directory(d):
+ """Find a subdirectory of d specific to the Python version.
+ For example, on Python 3.6.4 rc 1, it returns the first of these
+ directories that exists::
+ d/3.6.4.candidate.1
+ d/3.6.4.candidate
+ d/3.6.4
+ d/3.6
+ d/3
+ d
+ Returns: a string, the path to an existing directory.
+ """
+ ver_parts = list(map(str, sys.version_info))
+ for nparts in range(len(ver_parts), -1, -1):
+ version = ".".join(ver_parts[:nparts])
+ subdir = os.path.join(d, version)
+ if os.path.exists(subdir):
+ return subdir
+ raise Exception("Directory missing: {}".format(d)) # pragma: only failure
+def compare(
+ expected_dir, actual_dir, file_pattern=None,
+ actual_extra=False, scrubs=None,
+ ):
+ """Compare files matching `file_pattern` in `expected_dir` and `actual_dir`.
+ A version-specific subdirectory of `expected_dir` will be used if
+ it exists.
+ `actual_extra` true means `actual_dir` can have extra files in it
+ without triggering an assertion.
+ `scrubs` is a list of pairs: regexes to find and replace to scrub the
+ files of unimportant differences.
+ An assertion will be raised if the directories fail one of their
+ matches.
+ """
+ expected_dir = versioned_directory(expected_dir)
+ dc = filecmp.dircmp(expected_dir, actual_dir)
+ diff_files = fnmatch_list(dc.diff_files, file_pattern)
+ expected_only = fnmatch_list(dc.left_only, file_pattern)
+ actual_only = fnmatch_list(dc.right_only, file_pattern)
+ # filecmp only compares in binary mode, but we want text mode. So
+ # look through the list of different files, and compare them
+ # ourselves.
+ text_diff = []
+ for f in diff_files:
+ expected_file = os.path.join(expected_dir, f)
+ actual_file = os.path.join(actual_dir, f)
+ with open(expected_file, READ_MODE) as fobj:
+ expected =
+ with open(actual_file, READ_MODE) as fobj:
+ actual =
+ if scrubs:
+ expected = scrub(expected, scrubs)
+ actual = scrub(actual, scrubs)
+ if expected != actual: # pragma: only failure
+ text_diff.append('%s != %s' % (expected_file, actual_file))
+ expected = expected.splitlines()
+ actual = actual.splitlines()
+ print(":::: diff {!r} and {!r}".format(expected_file, actual_file))
+ print("\n".join(difflib.Differ().compare(expected, actual)))
+ print(":::: end diff {!r} and {!r}".format(expected_file, actual_file))
+ assert not text_diff, "Files differ: %s" % '\n'.join(text_diff)
+ assert not expected_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (expected_dir, expected_only)
+ if not actual_extra:
+ assert not actual_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (actual_dir, actual_only)
+def contains(filename, *strlist):
+ """Check that the file contains all of a list of strings.
+ An assert will be raised if one of the arguments in `strlist` is
+ missing in `filename`.
+ """
+ with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
+ text =
+ for s in strlist:
+ assert s in text, "Missing content in %s: %r" % (filename, s)
+def contains_any(filename, *strlist):
+ """Check that the file contains at least one of a list of strings.
+ An assert will be raised if none of the arguments in `strlist` is in
+ `filename`.
+ """
+ with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
+ text =
+ for s in strlist:
+ if s in text:
+ return
+ assert False, ( # pragma: only failure
+ "Missing content in %s: %r [1 of %d]" % (filename, strlist[0], len(strlist),)
+ )
+def doesnt_contain(filename, *strlist):
+ """Check that the file contains none of a list of strings.
+ An assert will be raised if any of the strings in `strlist` appears in
+ `filename`.
+ """
+ with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
+ text =
+ for s in strlist:
+ assert s not in text, "Forbidden content in %s: %r" % (filename, s)
+# Helpers
+def fnmatch_list(files, file_pattern):
+ """Filter the list of `files` to only those that match `file_pattern`.
+ If `file_pattern` is None, then return the entire list of files.
+ Returns a list of the filtered files.
+ """
+ if file_pattern:
+ files = [f for f in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, file_pattern)]
+ return files
+def scrub(strdata, scrubs):
+ """Scrub uninteresting data from the payload in `strdata`.
+ `scrubs` is a list of (find, replace) pairs of regexes that are used on
+ `strdata`. A string is returned.
+ """
+ for rgx_find, rgx_replace in scrubs:
+ strdata = re.sub(rgx_find, rgx_replace, strdata)
+ return strdata
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 95654ef4..00000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License:
-# For details:
-"""Run tests in the farm sub-directory. Designed for pytest."""
-import difflib
-import filecmp
-import fnmatch
-import glob
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import pytest
-from unittest_mixins import ModuleAwareMixin, SysPathAwareMixin, change_dir
-from tests.helpers import run_command
-from tests.backtest import execfile # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
-from coverage import env
-from coverage.backunittest import unittest
-# Look for files that become tests.
-TEST_FILES = glob.glob("tests/farm/*/*.py")
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", TEST_FILES)
-def test_farm(filename):
- if env.JYTHON:
- # All of the farm tests use reporting, so skip them all.
- skip("Farm tests don't run on Jython")
- FarmTestCase(filename).run_fully()
-# "rU" was deprecated in 3.4
-READ_MODE = "rU" if env.PYVERSION < (3, 4) else "r"
-class FarmTestCase(ModuleAwareMixin, SysPathAwareMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- """A test case from the farm tree.
- Tests are short Python script files, often called
- copy("src", "out")
- run('''
- coverage run
- coverage annotate
- ''', rundir="out")
- compare("gold", "out", "*,cover")
- clean("out")
- Verbs (copy, run, compare, clean) are methods in this class. FarmTestCase
- has options to allow various uses of the test cases (normal execution,
- cleaning-only, or run and leave the results for debugging).
- This class is a unittest.TestCase so that we can use behavior-modifying
- mixins, but it's only useful as a test function. Yes, this is confusing.
- """
- # We don't want test runners finding this and instantiating it themselves.
- __test__ = False
- def __init__(self, runpy, clean_only=False, dont_clean=False):
- """Create a test case from a file.
- `clean_only` means that only the clean() action is executed.
- `dont_clean` means that the clean() action is not executed.
- """
- super(FarmTestCase, self).__init__()
- self.description = runpy
- self.dir, self.runpy = os.path.split(runpy)
- self.clean_only = clean_only
- self.dont_clean = dont_clean
- self.ok = True
- def setUp(self):
- """Test set up, run by the test runner before __call__."""
- super(FarmTestCase, self).setUp()
- # Modules should be importable from the current directory.
- sys.path.insert(0, '')
- def tearDown(self):
- """Test tear down, run by the test runner after __call__."""
- # Make sure the test is cleaned up, unless we never want to, or if the
- # test failed.
- if not self.dont_clean and self.ok: # pragma: part covered
- self.clean_only = True
- self()
- super(FarmTestCase, self).tearDown()
- # This object will be run via the __call__ method, and test runners
- # don't do cleanups in that case. Do them now.
- self.doCleanups()
- def runTest(self): # pragma: not covered
- """Here to make unittest.TestCase happy, but will never be invoked."""
- raise Exception("runTest isn't used in this class!")
- def __call__(self): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
- """Execute the test from the runpy file."""
- # Prepare a dictionary of globals for the files to use.
- fns = """
- copy run clean skip
- compare contains contains_any doesnt_contain
- """.split()
- if self.clean_only:
- glo = dict((fn, noop) for fn in fns)
- glo['clean'] = clean
- else:
- glo = dict((fn, globals()[fn]) for fn in fns)
- if self.dont_clean: # pragma: debugging
- glo['clean'] = noop
- with change_dir(self.dir):
- try:
- execfile(self.runpy, glo)
- except Exception:
- self.ok = False
- raise
- def run_fully(self):
- """Run as a full test case, with setUp and tearDown."""
- self.setUp()
- try:
- self()
- finally:
- self.tearDown()
-# Functions usable inside farm files
-def noop(*args_unused, **kwargs_unused):
- """A no-op function to stub out run, copy, etc, when only cleaning."""
- pass
-def copy(src, dst):
- """Copy a directory."""
- if os.path.exists(dst):
-'%s already exists.' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dst)) # pragma: only failure
- shutil.copytree(src, dst)
-def run(cmds, rundir="src", outfile=None):
- """Run a list of commands.
- `cmds` is a string, commands separated by newlines.
- `rundir` is the directory in which to run the commands.
- `outfile` is a file name to redirect stdout to.
- """
- with change_dir(rundir):
- if outfile:
- fout = open(outfile, "a+")
- try:
- for cmd in cmds.split("\n"):
- cmd = cmd.strip()
- if not cmd:
- continue
- retcode, output = run_command(cmd)
- print(output.rstrip())
- if outfile:
- fout.write(output)
- if retcode:
- raise Exception("command exited abnormally") # pragma: only failure
- finally:
- if outfile:
- fout.close()
-def versioned_directory(d):
- """Find a subdirectory of d specific to the Python version.
- For example, on Python 3.6.4 rc 1, it returns the first of these
- directories that exists::
- d/3.6.4.candidate.1
- d/3.6.4.candidate
- d/3.6.4
- d/3.6
- d/3
- d
- Returns: a string, the path to an existing directory.
- """
- ver_parts = list(map(str, sys.version_info))
- for nparts in range(len(ver_parts), -1, -1):
- version = ".".join(ver_parts[:nparts])
- subdir = os.path.join(d, version)
- if os.path.exists(subdir):
- return subdir
- raise Exception("Directory missing: {}".format(d)) # pragma: only failure
-def compare(
- expected_dir, actual_dir, file_pattern=None,
- actual_extra=False, scrubs=None,
- ):
- """Compare files matching `file_pattern` in `expected_dir` and `actual_dir`.
- A version-specific subdirectory of `expected_dir` will be used if
- it exists.
- `actual_extra` true means `actual_dir` can have extra files in it
- without triggering an assertion.
- `scrubs` is a list of pairs: regexes to find and replace to scrub the
- files of unimportant differences.
- An assertion will be raised if the directories fail one of their
- matches.
- """
- expected_dir = versioned_directory(expected_dir)
- dc = filecmp.dircmp(expected_dir, actual_dir)
- diff_files = fnmatch_list(dc.diff_files, file_pattern)
- expected_only = fnmatch_list(dc.left_only, file_pattern)
- actual_only = fnmatch_list(dc.right_only, file_pattern)
- # filecmp only compares in binary mode, but we want text mode. So
- # look through the list of different files, and compare them
- # ourselves.
- text_diff = []
- for f in diff_files:
- expected_file = os.path.join(expected_dir, f)
- actual_file = os.path.join(actual_dir, f)
- with open(expected_file, READ_MODE) as fobj:
- expected =
- with open(actual_file, READ_MODE) as fobj:
- actual =
- if scrubs:
- expected = scrub(expected, scrubs)
- actual = scrub(actual, scrubs)
- if expected != actual: # pragma: only failure
- text_diff.append('%s != %s' % (expected_file, actual_file))
- expected = expected.splitlines()
- actual = actual.splitlines()
- print(":::: diff {!r} and {!r}".format(expected_file, actual_file))
- print("\n".join(difflib.Differ().compare(expected, actual)))
- print(":::: end diff {!r} and {!r}".format(expected_file, actual_file))
- assert not text_diff, "Files differ: %s" % '\n'.join(text_diff)
- assert not expected_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (expected_dir, expected_only)
- if not actual_extra:
- assert not actual_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (actual_dir, actual_only)
-def contains(filename, *strlist):
- """Check that the file contains all of a list of strings.
- An assert will be raised if one of the arguments in `strlist` is
- missing in `filename`.
- """
- with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
- text =
- for s in strlist:
- assert s in text, "Missing content in %s: %r" % (filename, s)
-def contains_any(filename, *strlist):
- """Check that the file contains at least one of a list of strings.
- An assert will be raised if none of the arguments in `strlist` is in
- `filename`.
- """
- with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
- text =
- for s in strlist:
- if s in text:
- return
- assert False, ( # pragma: only failure
- "Missing content in %s: %r [1 of %d]" % (filename, strlist[0], len(strlist),)
- )
-def doesnt_contain(filename, *strlist):
- """Check that the file contains none of a list of strings.
- An assert will be raised if any of the strings in `strlist` appears in
- `filename`.
- """
- with open(filename, "r") as fobj:
- text =
- for s in strlist:
- assert s not in text, "Forbidden content in %s: %r" % (filename, s)
-def clean(cleandir):
- """Clean `cleandir` by removing it and all its children completely."""
- # rmtree gives mysterious failures on Win7, so retry a "few" times.
- # I've seen it take over 100 tries, so, 1000! This is probably the
- # most unpleasant hack I've written in a long time...
- tries = 1000
- while tries: # pragma: part covered
- if os.path.exists(cleandir):
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(cleandir)
- except OSError: # pragma: cant happen
- if tries == 1:
- raise
- else:
- tries -= 1
- continue
- break
-def skip(msg=None):
- """Skip the current test."""
- raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
-# Helpers
-def fnmatch_list(files, file_pattern):
- """Filter the list of `files` to only those that match `file_pattern`.
- If `file_pattern` is None, then return the entire list of files.
- Returns a list of the filtered files.
- """
- if file_pattern:
- files = [f for f in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, file_pattern)]
- return files
-def scrub(strdata, scrubs):
- """Scrub uninteresting data from the payload in `strdata`.
- `scrubs` is a list of (find, replace) pairs of regexes that are used on
- `strdata`. A string is returned.
- """
- for rgx_find, rgx_replace in scrubs:
- strdata = re.sub(rgx_find, rgx_replace, strdata)
- return strdata
-def main(): # pragma: debugging
- """Command-line access to farm tests.
- Commands:
- run testcase ... - Run specific test case(s)
- out testcase ... - Run test cases, but don't clean up, leaving output.
- clean - Clean all the output for all tests.
- """
- try:
- op = sys.argv[1]
- except IndexError:
- op = 'help'
- if op == 'run':
- # Run the test for real.
- for filename in sys.argv[2:]:
- FarmTestCase(filename).run_fully()
- elif op == 'out':
- # Run the test, but don't clean up, so we can examine the output.
- for filename in sys.argv[2:]:
- FarmTestCase(filename, dont_clean=True).run_fully()
- elif op == 'clean':
- # Run all the tests, but just clean.
- for filename in TEST_FILES:
- FarmTestCase(filename, clean_only=True).run_fully()
- else:
- print(main.__doc__)
-# So that we can run just one farm at a time.
-if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: debugging
- main()