diff options
22 files changed, 323 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/kit.yml b/.github/workflows/kit.yml
index 3aa67dde..bed90069 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/kit.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/kit.yml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ jobs:
# To change the matrix, edit the choices, then process this file with cog:
# $ python -m pip install cogapp
- # $ python -m cogapp -rP .github/workflows/kit.yml
+ # $ python -m cogapp -crP .github/workflows/kit.yml
# [[[cog
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ jobs:
- {"os": "windows", "py": "cp39", "arch": "AMD64"}
- {"os": "windows", "py": "cp310", "arch": "x86"}
- {"os": "windows", "py": "cp310", "arch": "AMD64"}
- # [[[end]]]
+ # [[[end]]] (checksum: dfc37c84db46011e5654945563c5ce68)
fail-fast: false
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 681e6bf1..0032a3dd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -118,24 +118,8 @@ WEBSAMPLEBETA = $(WEBHOME)/files/sample_coverage_html_beta
tox -q -e doc --notest
-cmd_help: $(DOCBIN)
- @for cmd in annotate combine debug erase html json report run xml; do \
- echo > doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- echo ".. This file is auto-generated by \"make dochtml\", don't edit it manually." >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- echo >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- echo ".. code::" >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- echo >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- echo " $$ coverage $$cmd --help" >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- $(DOCBIN)/python -m coverage $$cmd --help | \
- sed \
- -e 's/' \
- -e '/^Full doc/d' \
- -e 's/^./ &/' \
- >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \
- done
-dochtml: $(DOCBIN) cmd_help ## Build the docs HTML output.
- $(DOCBIN)/python doc/ doc/*.rst
+dochtml: $(DOCBIN) ## Build the docs HTML output.
+ $(DOCBIN)/python -m cogapp -crP --verbosity=1 doc/*.rst
$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html doc doc/_build/html
docdev: dochtml ## Build docs, and auto-watch for changes.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ec005b..00000000
--- a/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License:
-# For details:
-"""Find lines in files that should be faithful copies, and check that they are.
-Inside a comment-marked section, any chunk of indented lines should be
-faithfully copied from FILENAME. The indented lines are dedented before
-The section is between these comments:
- .. copied_from <FILENAME>
- .. end_copied_from
-This tool will print any mismatches, and then exit with a count of mismatches.
-import glob
-from itertools import groupby
-from operator import itemgetter
-import re
-import sys
-import textwrap
-def check_copied_from(rst_name):
- """Check copies in a .rst file.
- Prints problems. Returns count of bad copies.
- """
- bad_copies = 0
- file_read = None
- file_text = None
- with open(rst_name) as frst:
- for filename, first_line, text in find_copied_chunks(frst):
- if filename != file_read:
- with open(filename) as f:
- file_text =
- file_read = filename
- if text not in file_text:
- print("{}:{}: Bad copy from {}, starting with {!r}".format(
- rst_name, first_line, filename, text.splitlines()[0]
- ))
- bad_copies += 1
- return bad_copies
-def find_copied_chunks(frst):
- """Find chunks of text that are meant to be faithful copies.
- `frst` is an iterable of strings, the .rst text.
- Yields (source_filename, first_line, text) tuples.
- """
- for (_, filename), chunks in groupby(find_copied_lines(frst), itemgetter(0)):
- chunks = list(chunks)
- first_line = chunks[0][1]
- text = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(map(itemgetter(2), chunks)))
- yield filename, first_line, text
-def find_copied_lines(frst):
- """Find lines of text that are meant to be faithful copies.
- `frst` is an iterable of strings, the .rst text.
- Yields tuples ((chunk_num, file_name), line_num, line).
- `chunk_num` is an integer that is different for each distinct (blank
- line separated) chunk of text, but has no meaning other than that.
- `file_name` is the file the chunk should be copied from. `line_num`
- is the line number in the .rst file, and `line` is the text of the line.
- """
- in_section = False
- source_file = None
- chunk_num = 0
- for line_num, line in enumerate(frst, start=1):
- line = line.rstrip()
- if in_section:
- m ="^.. end_copied_from", line)
- if m:
- in_section = False
- else:
- if"^\s+\S", line):
- # Indented line
- yield (chunk_num, source_file), line_num, line
- elif not line.strip():
- # Blank line
- chunk_num += 1
- else:
- m ="^.. copied_from: (.*)", line)
- if m:
- in_section = True
- source_file =
-def main(args):
- """Check all the files in `args`, return count of bad copies."""
- bad_copies = 0
- for arg in args:
- for fname in glob.glob(arg):
- bad_copies += check_copied_from(fname)
- return bad_copies
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/doc/cmd.rst b/doc/cmd.rst
index 189205ef..8c37781f 100644
--- a/doc/cmd.rst
+++ b/doc/cmd.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,27 @@
.. Licensed under the Apache License:
.. For details:
+.. [[[cog
+ import contextlib
+ import io
+ import re
+ import textwrap
+ from coverage.cmdline import CoverageScript
+ def show_help(cmd):
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as stdout:
+ CoverageScript().command_line([cmd, "--help"])
+ help = stdout.getvalue()
+ help = help.replace("", "coverage")
+ help = re.sub(r"(?m)^Full doc.*$", "", help)
+ help = help.rstrip()
+ print(".. code::\n")
+ print(f" $ coverage {cmd} --help")
+ print(textwrap.indent(help, " "))
+.. ]]]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
.. _cmd:
@@ -90,7 +111,48 @@ Python ``-m`` switch::
There are many options:
-.. include:: help/run.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("run") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage run --help
+ Usage: coverage run [options] <pyfile> [program options]
+ Run a Python program, measuring code execution.
+ Options:
+ -a, --append Append coverage data to .coverage, otherwise it starts
+ clean each time.
+ --branch Measure branch coverage in addition to statement
+ coverage.
+ --concurrency=LIB Properly measure code using a concurrency library.
+ Valid values are: thread, gevent, greenlet, eventlet,
+ multiprocessing.
+ --context=LABEL The context label to record for this coverage run.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ -m, --module <pyfile> is an importable Python module, not a script
+ path, to be run as 'python -m' would run it.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ -L, --pylib Measure coverage even inside the Python installed
+ library, which isn't done by default.
+ -p, --parallel-mode Append the machine name, process id and random number
+ to the .coverage data file name to simplify collecting
+ data from many processes.
+ --source=SRC1,SRC2,...
+ A list of directories or importable names of code to
+ measure.
+ --timid Use a simpler but slower trace method. Try this if you
+ get seemingly impossible results!
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 869a31153b3cf401c52523ae9b52c7ab)
If you want :ref:`branch coverage <branch>` measurement, use the ``--branch``
flag. Otherwise only statement coverage is measured.
@@ -302,7 +364,29 @@ indicating the file and the problem.
The original input data files are deleted once they've been combined. If you
want to keep those files, use the ``--keep`` command-line option.
-.. include:: help/combine.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("combine") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage combine --help
+ Usage: coverage combine [options] <path1> <path2> ... <pathN>
+ Combine data from multiple coverage files collected with 'run -p'. The
+ combined results are written to a single file representing the union of the
+ data. The positional arguments are data files or directories containing data
+ files. If no paths are provided, data files in the default data file's
+ directory are combined.
+ Options:
+ -a, --append Append coverage data to .coverage, otherwise it starts
+ clean each time.
+ --keep Keep original coverage files, otherwise they are deleted.
+ -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: ddd34bbd27ab1fda8dabce80e4d67795)
.. _cmd_erase:
@@ -312,7 +396,21 @@ Erase data: ``coverage erase``
To erase the collected data, use the **erase** command:
-.. include:: help/erase.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("erase") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage erase --help
+ Usage: coverage erase [options]
+ Erase previously collected coverage data.
+ Options:
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 27f64e800a037c7e8f90289affdd5f13)
If your configuration file indicates parallel data collection, **erase** will
remove all of the data files.
@@ -366,7 +464,44 @@ For each module executed, the report shows the count of executable statements,
the number of those statements missed, and the resulting coverage, expressed
as a percentage.
-.. include:: help/report.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("report") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage report --help
+ Usage: coverage report [options] [modules]
+ Report coverage statistics on modules.
+ Options:
+ --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
+ Only display data from lines covered in the given
+ contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
+ than MIN.
+ -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ --precision=N Number of digits after the decimal point to display
+ for reported coverage percentages.
+ --sort=COLUMN Sort the report by the named column: name, stmts,
+ miss, branch, brpart, or cover. Default is name.
+ -m, --show-missing Show line numbers of statements in each module that
+ weren't executed.
+ --skip-covered Skip files with 100% coverage.
+ --no-skip-covered Disable --skip-covered.
+ --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: e5e77534929d2579f9d022227ef97313)
The ``-m`` flag also shows the line numbers of missing statements::
@@ -441,7 +576,46 @@ the highlighting.
A number of keyboard shortcuts are available for navigating the report.
Click the keyboard icon in the upper right to see the complete list.
-.. include:: help/html.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("html") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage html --help
+ Usage: coverage html [options] [modules]
+ Create an HTML report of the coverage of the files. Each file gets its own
+ page, with the source decorated to show executed, excluded, and missed lines.
+ Options:
+ --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
+ Only display data from lines covered in the given
+ contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
+ quoted.
+ -d DIR, --directory=DIR
+ Write the output files to DIR.
+ --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
+ than MIN.
+ -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ --precision=N Number of digits after the decimal point to display
+ for reported coverage percentages.
+ -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
+ --show-contexts Show contexts for covered lines.
+ --skip-covered Skip files with 100% coverage.
+ --no-skip-covered Disable --skip-covered.
+ --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
+ --title=TITLE A text string to use as the title on the HTML.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 75eda57d99b6c7b736f8ab2d60cc765d)
The title of the report can be set with the ``title`` setting in the
``[html]`` section of the configuration file, or the ``--title`` switch on
@@ -485,7 +659,35 @@ compatible with `Cobertura`_.
.. _Cobertura:
-.. include:: help/xml.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("xml") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage xml --help
+ Usage: coverage xml [options] [modules]
+ Generate an XML report of coverage results.
+ Options:
+ --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
+ than MIN.
+ -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ -o OUTFILE Write the XML report to this file. Defaults to
+ 'coverage.xml'
+ -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
+ --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 7f5bcdcacbd60e32514201f24c56c17f)
You can specify the name of the output file with the ``-o`` switch.
@@ -537,7 +739,40 @@ JSON reporting: ``coverage json``
The **json** command writes coverage data to a "coverage.json" file.
-.. include:: help/json.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("json") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage json --help
+ Usage: coverage json [options] [modules]
+ Generate a JSON report of coverage results.
+ Options:
+ --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
+ Only display data from lines covered in the given
+ contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
+ than MIN.
+ -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ -o OUTFILE Write the JSON report to this file. Defaults to
+ 'coverage.json'
+ --pretty-print Format the JSON for human readers.
+ -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
+ --show-contexts Show contexts for covered lines.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 6fbe1ca09a8f0379a5e1794d8ac14e79)
You can specify the name of the output file with the ``-o`` switch. The JSON
can be nicely formatted by specifying the ``--pretty-print`` switch.
@@ -580,7 +815,32 @@ For example::
> else:
> a = 2
-.. include:: help/annotate.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("annotate") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage annotate --help
+ Usage: coverage annotate [options] [modules]
+ Make annotated copies of the given files, marking statements that are executed
+ with > and statements that are missed with !.
+ Options:
+ -d DIR, --directory=DIR
+ Write the output files to DIR.
+ -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
+ --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
+ Include only files whose paths match one of these
+ patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
+ quoted.
+ --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
+ Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
+ tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 8c3175a256f38215016d03b66de23d5b)
Other common reporting options are described above in :ref:`cmd_reporting`.
@@ -603,7 +863,24 @@ Three types of information are available:
* ``data``: show a summary of the collected coverage data
* ``premain``: show the call stack invoking coverage
-.. include:: help/debug.rst
+.. [[[cog show_help("debug") ]]]
+.. code::
+ $ coverage debug --help
+ Usage: coverage debug <topic>
+ Display information about the internals of, for diagnosing
+ problems. Topics are: 'data' to show a summary of the collected data; 'sys' to
+ show installation information; 'config' to show the configuration; 'premain'
+ to show what is calling coverage.
+ Options:
+ --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
+ -h, --help Get help on this command.
+ --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
+ 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 66c36bb462796800400d588fa5a71c5f)
.. _cmd_run_debug:
diff --git a/doc/dbschema.rst b/doc/dbschema.rst
index 42cf26cc..c6f3395e 100644
--- a/doc/dbschema.rst
+++ b/doc/dbschema.rst
@@ -18,13 +18,18 @@ The schema can change without changing the major version of, so be
careful when accessing the database directly. The `coverage_schema` table has
the schema number of the database. The schema described here corresponds to:
-.. copied_from: coverage/
+.. [[[cog
+ from coverage.sqldata import SCHEMA_VERSION
+ print(".. code::")
+ print()
+ print()
+.. ]]]
.. code::
-.. end_copied_from
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 95a75340df33237e7e9c93b02dd1814c)
You can use SQLite tools such as the :mod:`sqlite3 <python:sqlite3>` module in
the Python standard library to access the data. Some data is stored in a
@@ -37,8 +42,13 @@ Database schema
This is the database schema:
-.. copied_from: coverage/
+.. [[[cog
+ import textwrap
+ from coverage.sqldata import SCHEMA
+ print(".. code::")
+ print()
+ print(textwrap.indent(SCHEMA, " "))
+.. ]]]
.. code::
CREATE TABLE coverage_schema (
@@ -101,7 +111,7 @@ This is the database schema:
foreign key (file_id) references file (id)
-.. end_copied_from
+.. [[[end]]] (checksum: 207fbab355481686e0dce0a9d99d173c)
.. _numbits:
diff --git a/doc/help/annotate.rst b/doc/help/annotate.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d59719..00000000
--- a/doc/help/annotate.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage annotate --help
- Usage: coverage annotate [options] [modules]
- Make annotated copies of the given files, marking statements that are executed
- with > and statements that are missed with !.
- Options:
- -d DIR, --directory=DIR
- Write the output files to DIR.
- -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/help/combine.rst b/doc/help/combine.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 49c0e089..00000000
--- a/doc/help/combine.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage combine --help
- Usage: coverage combine [options] <path1> <path2> ... <pathN>
- Combine data from multiple coverage files collected with 'run -p'. The
- combined results are written to a single file representing the union of the
- data. The positional arguments are data files or directories containing data
- files. If no paths are provided, data files in the default data file's
- directory are combined.
- Options:
- -a, --append Append coverage data to .coverage, otherwise it starts
- clean each time.
- --keep Keep original coverage files, otherwise they are deleted.
- -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
diff --git a/doc/help/debug.rst b/doc/help/debug.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b6361da5..00000000
--- a/doc/help/debug.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage debug --help
- Usage: coverage debug <topic>
- Display information about the internals of, for diagnosing
- problems. Topics are: 'data' to show a summary of the collected data; 'sys' to
- show installation information; 'config' to show the configuration; 'premain'
- to show what is calling coverage.
- Options:
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
diff --git a/doc/help/erase.rst b/doc/help/erase.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 372dd4fb..00000000
--- a/doc/help/erase.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage erase --help
- Usage: coverage erase [options]
- Erase previously collected coverage data.
- Options:
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried.
diff --git a/doc/help/html.rst b/doc/help/html.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 081646b9..00000000
--- a/doc/help/html.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage html --help
- Usage: coverage html [options] [modules]
- Create an HTML report of the coverage of the files. Each file gets its own
- page, with the source decorated to show executed, excluded, and missed lines.
- Options:
- --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
- Only display data from lines covered in the given
- contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
- quoted.
- -d DIR, --directory=DIR
- Write the output files to DIR.
- --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
- than MIN.
- -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- --precision=N Number of digits after the decimal point to display
- for reported coverage percentages.
- -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
- --show-contexts Show contexts for covered lines.
- --skip-covered Skip files with 100% coverage.
- --no-skip-covered Disable --skip-covered.
- --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
- --title=TITLE A text string to use as the title on the HTML.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/help/json.rst b/doc/help/json.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f08948..00000000
--- a/doc/help/json.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage json --help
- Usage: coverage json [options] [modules]
- Generate a JSON report of coverage results.
- Options:
- --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
- Only display data from lines covered in the given
- contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
- quoted.
- --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
- than MIN.
- -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- -o OUTFILE Write the JSON report to this file. Defaults to
- 'coverage.json'
- --pretty-print Format the JSON for human readers.
- -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
- --show-contexts Show contexts for covered lines.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/help/report.rst b/doc/help/report.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b8985e4b..00000000
--- a/doc/help/report.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage report --help
- Usage: coverage report [options] [modules]
- Report coverage statistics on modules.
- Options:
- --contexts=REGEX1,REGEX2,...
- Only display data from lines covered in the given
- contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
- quoted.
- --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
- than MIN.
- -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- --precision=N Number of digits after the decimal point to display
- for reported coverage percentages.
- --sort=COLUMN Sort the report by the named column: name, stmts,
- miss, branch, brpart, or cover. Default is name.
- -m, --show-missing Show line numbers of statements in each module that
- weren't executed.
- --skip-covered Skip files with 100% coverage.
- --no-skip-covered Disable --skip-covered.
- --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/help/run.rst b/doc/help/run.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 467764a6..00000000
--- a/doc/help/run.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage run --help
- Usage: coverage run [options] <pyfile> [program options]
- Run a Python program, measuring code execution.
- Options:
- -a, --append Append coverage data to .coverage, otherwise it starts
- clean each time.
- --branch Measure branch coverage in addition to statement
- coverage.
- --concurrency=LIB Properly measure code using a concurrency library.
- Valid values are: thread, gevent, greenlet, eventlet,
- multiprocessing.
- --context=LABEL The context label to record for this coverage run.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- -m, --module <pyfile> is an importable Python module, not a script
- path, to be run as 'python -m' would run it.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- -L, --pylib Measure coverage even inside the Python installed
- library, which isn't done by default.
- -p, --parallel-mode Append the machine name, process id and random number
- to the .coverage data file name to simplify collecting
- data from many processes.
- --source=SRC1,SRC2,...
- A list of directories or importable names of code to
- measure.
- --timid Use a simpler but slower trace method. Try this if you
- get seemingly impossible results!
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/help/xml.rst b/doc/help/xml.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index cb64877d..00000000
--- a/doc/help/xml.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-.. This file is auto-generated by "make dochtml", don't edit it manually.
-.. code::
- $ coverage xml --help
- Usage: coverage xml [options] [modules]
- Generate an XML report of coverage results.
- Options:
- --fail-under=MIN Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
- than MIN.
- -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors while reading source files.
- --include=PAT1,PAT2,...
- Include only files whose paths match one of these
- patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
- quoted.
- --omit=PAT1,PAT2,... Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
- Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
- -o OUTFILE Write the XML report to this file. Defaults to
- 'coverage.xml'
- -q, --quiet Don't print messages about what is happening.
- --skip-empty Skip files with no code.
- --debug=OPTS Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
- -h, --help Get help on this command.
- --rcfile=RCFILE Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
- 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
- tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index fb3c27ad..3a9088c7 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
-c ../requirements/pins.pip
diff --git a/doc/requirements.pip b/doc/requirements.pip
index 0025493b..276f4a99 100644
--- a/doc/requirements.pip
+++ b/doc/requirements.pip
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ certifi==2021.10.8
# via requests
# via requests
+ # via -r doc/
# via sphinx-autobuild
@@ -97,5 +99,5 @@ urllib3==1.26.7
# via requests
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
# via sphinx
diff --git a/requirements/ b/requirements/
index df834108..44c2c39f 100644
--- a/requirements/
+++ b/requirements/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ tox
-r pytest.pip
# for linting.
diff --git a/requirements/dev.pip b/requirements/dev.pip
index 06010a93..416df6a6 100644
--- a/requirements/dev.pip
+++ b/requirements/dev.pip
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ charset-normalizer==2.0.7
# via requests
# via -r requirements/
+ # via -r requirements/
# via twine
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ future==0.18.2
# pycontracts
# via -r requirements/
# via -r requirements/pytest.pip
# via requests
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ parso==0.8.2
# via jedi
# via build
# via twine
# via
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ zipp==3.6.0
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
# via -r requirements/pip.pip
# via
# astroid
# check-manifest
diff --git a/requirements/kit.pip b/requirements/kit.pip
index 4fba8c2e..24eb772e 100644
--- a/requirements/kit.pip
+++ b/requirements/kit.pip
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ wheel==0.37.0
# via -r requirements/
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
# via -r requirements/
diff --git a/requirements/pip-tools.pip b/requirements/pip-tools.pip
index 3a5d1bdc..93f04661 100644
--- a/requirements/pip-tools.pip
+++ b/requirements/pip-tools.pip
@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ wheel==0.37.0
# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
# via pip-tools
# via pip-tools
diff --git a/requirements/pytest.pip b/requirements/pytest.pip
index 1732be28..11dbcc19 100644
--- a/requirements/pytest.pip
+++ b/requirements/pytest.pip
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ flaky==3.7.0
# via -r requirements/
# via pycontracts
# via -r requirements/
# via pytest
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 31162ac7..2bbaf911 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ deps =
whitelist_externals =
commands =
- make cmd_help
- python doc/ doc/*.rst
+ python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 doc/*.rst
doc8 -q --ignore-path 'doc/_*' doc CHANGES.rst README.rst
sphinx-build -b html -aEnqW doc doc/_build/html --strict README.rst doc/_build/trash
@@ -83,6 +82,9 @@ setenv =
commands =
python -m tabnanny {env:LINTABLE}
python check_eol
+ python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 doc/*.rst
+ python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 .github/workflows/*.yml
+ doc8 -q --ignore-path 'doc/_*' doc CHANGES.rst README.rst
# If 'build -q' becomes a thing (,
# this can be simplifed:
python quietly "python -m build"