--- name: Bug report about: Report a problem with coverage.py title: '' labels: bug, needs triage assignees: '' --- **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of the bug. **To Reproduce** How can we reproduce the problem? Please *be specific*. Don't link to a failing CI job. Answer the questions below: 1. What version of Python are you using? 1. What version of coverage.py shows the problem? The output of `coverage debug sys` is helpful. 1. What versions of what packages do you have installed? The output of `pip freeze` is helpful. 1. What code shows the problem? Give us a specific commit of a specific repo that we can check out. If you've already worked around the problem, please provide a commit before that fix. 1. What commands should we run to reproduce the problem? *Be specific*. Include everything, even `git clone`, `pip install`, and so on. Explain like we're five! **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.