# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt # MANIFEST.in file for coverage.py # This file includes everything needed to recreate the entire project, even # though many of these files are not installed by setup.py. Unpacking the # .tar.gz source distribution would give you everything needed to continue # developing the project. "pip install" will not install many of these files. include CONTRIBUTORS.txt include CHANGES.rst include LICENSE.txt include MANIFEST.in include Makefile include NOTICE.txt include README.rst include __main__.py include howto.txt include igor.py include metacov.ini include pylintrc include setup.py include tox.ini include tox_wheels.ini include .editorconfig include .readthedocs.yml recursive-include ci * exclude ci/*.token recursive-include .github * recursive-include coverage/fullcoverage *.py recursive-include coverage/ctracer *.c *.h recursive-include doc *.py *.pip *.rst *.txt *.png recursive-include doc/_static * prune doc/_build prune doc/_spell recursive-include requirements *.pip recursive-include tests *.py *.tok recursive-include tests/gold * recursive-include tests js/* qunit/* prune tests/eggsrc/build global-exclude *.py[co]