# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt # Makefile for utility work on coverage.py. help: ## Show this help. @echo "Available targets:" @grep '^[a-zA-Z]' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk -F ':.*?## ' 'NF==2 {printf " %-26s%s\n", $$1, $$2}' clean_platform: ## Remove files that clash across platforms. @rm -f *.so */*.so @rm -rf __pycache__ */__pycache__ */*/__pycache__ */*/*/__pycache__ */*/*/*/__pycache__ */*/*/*/*/__pycache__ @rm -f *.pyc */*.pyc */*/*.pyc */*/*/*.pyc */*/*/*/*.pyc */*/*/*/*/*.pyc @rm -f *.pyo */*.pyo */*/*.pyo */*/*/*.pyo */*/*/*/*.pyo */*/*/*/*/*.pyo clean: clean_platform ## Remove artifacts of test execution, installation, etc. @echo "Cleaning..." @-pip uninstall -yq coverage @rm -f *.pyd */*.pyd @rm -rf build coverage.egg-info dist htmlcov @rm -f *.bak */*.bak */*/*.bak */*/*/*.bak */*/*/*/*.bak */*/*/*/*/*.bak @rm -f *$$py.class */*$$py.class */*/*$$py.class */*/*/*$$py.class */*/*/*/*$$py.class */*/*/*/*/*$$py.class @rm -f coverage/*,cover @rm -f MANIFEST @rm -f .coverage .coverage.* coverage.xml .metacov* @rm -f .tox/*/lib/*/site-packages/zzz_metacov.pth @rm -f */.coverage */*/.coverage */*/*/.coverage */*/*/*/.coverage */*/*/*/*/.coverage */*/*/*/*/*/.coverage @rm -f tests/covmain.zip tests/zipmods.zip tests/zip1.zip @rm -rf doc/_build doc/_spell doc/sample_html_beta @rm -rf tmp @rm -rf .cache .pytest_cache .hypothesis @rm -rf tests/actual @-make -C tests/gold/html clean sterile: clean ## Remove all non-controlled content, even if expensive. rm -rf .tox CSS = coverage/htmlfiles/style.css SCSS = coverage/htmlfiles/style.scss css: $(CSS) ## Compile .scss into .css. $(CSS): $(SCSS) pysassc --style=compact $(SCSS) $@ cp $@ tests/gold/html/styled LINTABLE = coverage tests igor.py setup.py __main__.py lint: ## Run linters and checkers. tox -q -e lint test: tox -q -e py39 $(ARGS) PYTEST_SMOKE_ARGS = -n 6 -m "not expensive" --maxfail=3 $(ARGS) smoke: ## Run tests quickly with the C tracer in the lowest supported Python versions. COVERAGE_NO_PYTRACER=1 tox -q -e py39 -- $(PYTEST_SMOKE_ARGS) pysmoke: ## Run tests quickly with the Python tracer in the lowest supported Python versions. COVERAGE_NO_CTRACER=1 tox -q -e py39 -- $(PYTEST_SMOKE_ARGS) metasmoke: COVERAGE_NO_PYTRACER=1 ARGS="-e py39" make clean metacov metahtml # Coverage measurement of coverage.py itself (meta-coverage). See metacov.ini # for details. metacov: ## Run meta-coverage, measuring ourself. COVERAGE_COVERAGE=yes tox -q $(ARGS) metahtml: ## Produce meta-coverage HTML reports. python igor.py combine_html # Kitting kit: ## Make the source distribution. python setup.py sdist kit_upload: ## Upload the built distributions to PyPI. twine upload --verbose dist/* test_upload: ## Upload the distributions to PyPI's testing server. twine upload --verbose --repository testpypi dist/* kit_local: # pip.conf looks like this: # [global] # find-links = file:///Users/ned/Downloads/local_pypi cp -v dist/* `awk -F "//" '/find-links/ {print $$2}' ~/.pip/pip.conf` # pip caches wheels of things it has installed. Clean them out so we # don't go crazy trying to figure out why our new code isn't installing. find ~/Library/Caches/pip/wheels -name 'coverage-*' -delete download_kits: ## Download the built kits from GitHub. python ci/download_gha_artifacts.py nedbat/coveragepy check_kits: ## Check that dist/* are well-formed. python -m twine check dist/* build_ext: python setup.py build_ext # Documentation DOCBIN = .tox/doc/bin SPHINXOPTS = -aE SPHINXBUILD = $(DOCBIN)/sphinx-build $(SPHINXOPTS) SPHINXAUTOBUILD = $(DOCBIN)/sphinx-autobuild -p 9876 --ignore '.git/**' --open-browser WEBHOME = ~/web/stellated WEBSAMPLE = $(WEBHOME)/files/sample_coverage_html WEBSAMPLEBETA = $(WEBHOME)/files/sample_coverage_html_beta $(DOCBIN): tox -q -e doc --notest cmd_help: $(DOCBIN) @for cmd in annotate combine debug erase html json report run xml; do \ echo > doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ echo ".. This file is auto-generated by \"make dochtml\", don't edit it manually." >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ echo >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ echo ".. code::" >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ echo >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ echo " $$ coverage $$cmd --help" >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ $(DOCBIN)/python -m coverage $$cmd --help | \ sed \ -e 's/__main__.py/coverage/' \ -e '/^Full doc/d' \ -e 's/^./ &/' \ >> doc/help/$$cmd.rst; \ done dochtml: $(DOCBIN) cmd_help ## Build the docs HTML output. $(DOCBIN)/python doc/check_copied_from.py doc/*.rst $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html doc doc/_build/html docdev: dochtml ## Build docs, and auto-watch for changes. PATH=$(DOCBIN):$(PATH) $(SPHINXAUTOBUILD) -b html doc doc/_build/html docspell: $(DOCBIN) ## Run the spell checker on the docs. $(SPHINXBUILD) -b spelling doc doc/_spell publish: rm -f $(WEBSAMPLE)/*.* mkdir -p $(WEBSAMPLE) cp doc/sample_html/*.* $(WEBSAMPLE) publishbeta: rm -f $(WEBSAMPLEBETA)/*.* mkdir -p $(WEBSAMPLEBETA) cp doc/sample_html_beta/*.* $(WEBSAMPLEBETA) CHANGES_MD = tmp/rst_rst/changes.md RELNOTES_JSON = tmp/relnotes.json $(CHANGES_MD): CHANGES.rst $(DOCBIN) $(SPHINXBUILD) -b rst doc tmp/rst_rst pandoc -frst -tmarkdown_strict --atx-headers --wrap=none tmp/rst_rst/changes.rst > $(CHANGES_MD) relnotes_json: $(RELNOTES_JSON) ## Convert changelog to JSON for further parsing. $(RELNOTES_JSON): $(CHANGES_MD) $(DOCBIN)/python ci/parse_relnotes.py tmp/rst_rst/changes.md $(RELNOTES_JSON) github_releases: $(RELNOTES_JSON) ## Update GitHub releases. $(DOCBIN)/python ci/github_releases.py $(RELNOTES_JSON) nedbat/coveragepy