# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """ Parse CHANGES.md into a JSON structure. Run with two arguments: the .md file to parse, and the JSON file to write: python parse_relnotes.py CHANGES.md relnotes.json Every section that has something that looks like a version number in it will be recorded as the release notes for that version. """ import json import re import sys class TextChunkBuffer: """Hold onto text chunks until needed.""" def __init__(self): self.buffer = [] def append(self, text): """Add `text` to the buffer.""" self.buffer.append(text) def clear(self): """Clear the buffer.""" self.buffer = [] def flush(self): """Produce a ("text", text) tuple if there's anything here.""" buffered = "".join(self.buffer).strip() if buffered: yield ("text", buffered) self.clear() def parse_md(lines): """Parse markdown lines, producing (type, text) chunks.""" buffer = TextChunkBuffer() for line in lines: header_match = re.search(r"^(#+) (.+)$", line) is_header = bool(header_match) if is_header: yield from buffer.flush() hashes, text = header_match.groups() yield (f"h{len(hashes)}", text) else: buffer.append(line) yield from buffer.flush() def sections(parsed_data): """Convert a stream of parsed tokens into sections with text and notes. Yields a stream of: ('h-level', 'header text', 'text') """ header = None text = [] for ttype, ttext in parsed_data: if ttype.startswith('h'): if header: yield (*header, "\n".join(text)) text = [] header = (ttype, ttext) elif ttype == "text": text.append(ttext) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Don't know ttype {ttype!r}") yield (*header, "\n".join(text)) def refind(regex, text): """Find a regex in some text, and return the matched text, or None.""" m = re.search(regex, text) if m: return m.group() else: return None def fix_ref_links(text, version): """Find links to .rst files, and make them full RTFD links.""" def new_link(m): return f"](https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/{version}/{m[1]}.html{m[2]})" return re.sub(r"\]\((\w+)\.rst(#.*?)\)", new_link, text) def relnotes(mdlines): r"""Yield (version, text) pairs from markdown lines. Each tuple is a separate version mentioned in the release notes. A version is any section with \d\.\d in the header text. """ for _, htext, text in sections(parse_md(mdlines)): version = refind(r"\d+\.\d[^ ]*", htext) if version: prerelease = any(c in version for c in "abc") when = refind(r"\d+-\d+-\d+", htext) text = fix_ref_links(text, version) yield { "version": version, "text": text, "prerelease": prerelease, "when": when, } def parse(md_filename, json_filename): """Main function: parse markdown and write JSON.""" with open(md_filename) as mf: markdown = mf.read() with open(json_filename, "w") as jf: json.dump(list(relnotes(markdown.splitlines(True))), jf, indent=4) if __name__ == "__main__": parse(*sys.argv[1:3])