# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """Determine contexts for coverage.py""" def combine_context_switchers(context_switchers): """Create a single context switcher from multiple switchers. `context_switchers` is a list of functions that take a frame as an argument and return a string to use as the new context label. Returns a function that composites `context_switchers` functions, or None if `context_switchers` is an empty list. When invoked, the combined switcher calls `context_switchers` one-by-one until a string is returned. The combined switcher returns None if all `context_switchers` return None. """ if not context_switchers: return None if len(context_switchers) == 1: return context_switchers[0] def should_start_context(frame): """The combiner for multiple context switchers.""" for switcher in context_switchers: new_context = switcher(frame) if new_context is not None: return new_context return None return should_start_context def should_start_context_test_function(frame): """Is this frame calling a test_* function?""" co_name = frame.f_code.co_name if co_name.startswith("test") or co_name == "runTest": return qualname_from_frame(frame) return None def qualname_from_frame(frame): """Get a qualified name for the code running in `frame`.""" co = frame.f_code fname = co.co_name method = None if co.co_argcount and co.co_varnames[0] == "self": self = frame.f_locals["self"] method = getattr(self, fname, None) if method is None: func = frame.f_globals.get(fname) if func is None: return None return func.__module__ + '.' + fname func = getattr(method, '__func__', None) if func is None: cls = self.__class__ return cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__ + "." + fname if hasattr(func, '__qualname__'): qname = func.__module__ + '.' + func.__qualname__ else: for cls in getattr(self.__class__, '__mro__', ()): f = cls.__dict__.get(fname, None) if f is None: continue if f is func: qname = cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__ + "." + fname break else: # Support for old-style classes. def mro(bases): for base in bases: f = base.__dict__.get(fname, None) if f is func: return base.__module__ + '.' + base.__name__ + "." + fname for base in bases: qname = mro(base.__bases__) if qname is not None: return qname return None qname = mro([self.__class__]) if qname is None: qname = func.__module__ + '.' + fname return qname