# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt """Control of and utilities for debugging.""" import inspect import os import sys from coverage.misc import isolate_module os = isolate_module(os) # When debugging, it can be helpful to force some options, especially when # debugging the configuration mechanisms you usually use to control debugging! # This is a list of forced debugging options. FORCED_DEBUG = [] # A hack for debugging testing in sub-processes. _TEST_NAME_FILE = "" # "/tmp/covtest.txt" class DebugControl(object): """Control and output for debugging.""" def __init__(self, options, output): """Configure the options and output file for debugging.""" self.options = options self.output = output def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.options, self.output) def should(self, option): """Decide whether to output debug information in category `option`.""" return (option in self.options or option in FORCED_DEBUG) def write(self, msg): """Write a line of debug output.""" if self.should('pid'): msg = "pid %5d: %s" % (os.getpid(), msg) self.output.write(msg+"\n") if self.should('callers'): dump_stack_frames(out=self.output) self.output.flush() def write_formatted_info(self, header, info): """Write a sequence of (label,data) pairs nicely.""" self.write(info_header(header)) for line in info_formatter(info): self.write(" %s" % line) def info_header(label): """Make a nice header string.""" return "--{0:-<60s}".format(" "+label+" ") def info_formatter(info): """Produce a sequence of formatted lines from info. `info` is a sequence of pairs (label, data). The produced lines are nicely formatted, ready to print. """ info = list(info) if not info: return label_len = max(len(l) for l, _d in info) for label, data in info: if data == []: data = "-none-" if isinstance(data, (list, set, tuple)): prefix = "%*s:" % (label_len, label) for e in data: yield "%*s %s" % (label_len+1, prefix, e) prefix = "" else: yield "%*s: %s" % (label_len, label, data) def short_stack(limit=None): # pragma: debugging """Return a string summarizing the call stack. The string is multi-line, with one line per stack frame. Each line shows the function name, the file name, and the line number: ... start_import_stop : /Users/ned/coverage/trunk/tests/coveragetest.py @95 import_local_file : /Users/ned/coverage/trunk/tests/coveragetest.py @81 import_local_file : /Users/ned/coverage/trunk/coverage/backward.py @159 ... `limit` is the number of frames to include, defaulting to all of them. """ stack = inspect.stack()[limit:0:-1] return "\n".join("%30s : %s @%d" % (t[3], t[1], t[2]) for t in stack) def dump_stack_frames(limit=None, out=None): # pragma: debugging """Print a summary of the stack to stdout, or some place else.""" out = out or sys.stdout out.write(short_stack(limit=limit)) out.write("\n")