# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """HTML reporting for coverage.py.""" import collections import datetime import json import os import re import shutil import coverage from coverage import env from coverage.backward import iitems, SimpleNamespace from coverage.data import add_data_to_hash from coverage.files import flat_rootname from coverage.misc import CoverageException, ensure_dir, file_be_gone, Hasher, isolate_module from coverage.report import get_analysis_to_report from coverage.results import Numbers from coverage.templite import Templite os = isolate_module(os) # Static files are looked for in a list of places. STATIC_PATH = [ # The place Debian puts system Javascript libraries. "/usr/share/javascript", # Our htmlfiles directory. os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "htmlfiles"), ] def data_filename(fname, pkgdir=""): """Return the path to a data file of ours. The file is searched for on `STATIC_PATH`, and the first place it's found, is returned. Each directory in `STATIC_PATH` is searched as-is, and also, if `pkgdir` is provided, at that sub-directory. """ tried = [] for static_dir in STATIC_PATH: static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, fname) if os.path.exists(static_filename): return static_filename else: tried.append(static_filename) if pkgdir: static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, pkgdir, fname) if os.path.exists(static_filename): return static_filename else: tried.append(static_filename) raise CoverageException( "Couldn't find static file %r from %r, tried: %r" % (fname, os.getcwd(), tried) ) def read_data(fname): """Return the contents of a data file of ours.""" with open(data_filename(fname)) as data_file: return data_file.read() def write_html(fname, html): """Write `html` to `fname`, properly encoded.""" html = re.sub(r"(\A\s+)|(\s+$)", "", html, flags=re.MULTILINE) + "\n" with open(fname, "wb") as fout: fout.write(html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) class HtmlDataGeneration(object): """Generate structured data to be turned into HTML reports.""" def __init__(self, cov): self.coverage = cov self.config = self.coverage.config data = self.coverage.get_data() self.has_arcs = data.has_arcs() if self.config.show_contexts: if data.measured_contexts() == set([""]): self.coverage._warn("No contexts were measured") data.set_query_contexts(self.config.report_contexts) def data_for_file(self, fr, analysis): """Produce the data needed for one file's report.""" if self.has_arcs: missing_branch_arcs = analysis.missing_branch_arcs() arcs_executed = analysis.arcs_executed() if self.config.show_contexts: contexts_by_lineno = analysis.data.contexts_by_lineno(fr.filename) else: contexts_by_lineno = collections.defaultdict(list) lines = [] for lineno, tokens in enumerate(fr.source_token_lines(), start=1): # Figure out how to mark this line. category = None short_annotations = [] long_annotations = [] if lineno in analysis.excluded: category = 'exc' elif lineno in analysis.missing: category = 'mis' elif self.has_arcs and lineno in missing_branch_arcs: category = 'par' for b in missing_branch_arcs[lineno]: if b < 0: short_annotations.append("exit") else: short_annotations.append(b) long_annotations.append(fr.missing_arc_description(lineno, b, arcs_executed)) elif lineno in analysis.statements: category = 'run' if category and self.config.show_contexts: contexts = sorted(c or "(empty)" for c in contexts_by_lineno[lineno]) else: contexts = None lines.append(SimpleNamespace( tokens=tokens, number=lineno, category=category, statement=(lineno in analysis.statements), contexts=contexts, short_annotations=short_annotations, long_annotations=long_annotations, )) file_data = SimpleNamespace( relative_filename=fr.relative_filename(), nums=analysis.numbers, lines=lines, ) return file_data class HtmlReporter(object): """HTML reporting.""" # These files will be copied from the htmlfiles directory to the output # directory. STATIC_FILES = [ ("style.css", ""), ("jquery.min.js", "jquery"), ("jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.min.js", "jquery-throttle-debounce"), ("jquery.hotkeys.js", "jquery-hotkeys"), ("jquery.isonscreen.js", "jquery-isonscreen"), ("jquery.tablesorter.min.js", "jquery-tablesorter"), ("coverage_html.js", ""), ("keybd_closed.png", ""), ("keybd_open.png", ""), ] def __init__(self, cov): self.coverage = cov self.config = self.coverage.config self.directory = self.config.html_dir title = self.config.html_title if env.PY2: title = title.decode("utf8") if self.config.extra_css: self.extra_css = os.path.basename(self.config.extra_css) else: self.extra_css = None self.data = self.coverage.get_data() self.has_arcs = self.data.has_arcs() self.file_summaries = [] self.all_files_nums = [] self.incr = IncrementalChecker(self.directory) self.datagen = HtmlDataGeneration(self.coverage) self.totals = Numbers() self.template_globals = { # Functions available in the templates. 'escape': escape, 'pair': pair, 'len': len, # Constants for this report. '__url__': coverage.__url__, '__version__': coverage.__version__, 'title': title, 'time_stamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'extra_css': self.extra_css, 'has_arcs': self.has_arcs, 'show_contexts': self.config.show_contexts, # Constants for all reports. # These css classes determine which lines are highlighted by default. 'category': { 'exc': 'exc show_exc', 'mis': 'mis show_mis', 'par': 'par run show_par', 'run': 'run', } } self.pyfile_html_source = read_data("pyfile.html") self.source_tmpl = Templite(self.pyfile_html_source, self.template_globals) def report(self, morfs): """Generate an HTML report for `morfs`. `morfs` is a list of modules or file names. """ # Read the status data and check that this run used the same # global data as the last run. self.incr.read() self.incr.check_global_data(self.config, self.pyfile_html_source) # Process all the files. for fr, analysis in get_analysis_to_report(self.coverage, morfs): self.html_file(fr, analysis) if not self.all_files_nums: raise CoverageException("No data to report.") self.totals = sum(self.all_files_nums) # Write the index file. self.index_file() self.make_local_static_report_files() return self.totals.n_statements and self.totals.pc_covered def make_local_static_report_files(self): """Make local instances of static files for HTML report.""" # The files we provide must always be copied. for static, pkgdir in self.STATIC_FILES: shutil.copyfile( data_filename(static, pkgdir), os.path.join(self.directory, static) ) # The user may have extra CSS they want copied. if self.extra_css: shutil.copyfile( self.config.extra_css, os.path.join(self.directory, self.extra_css) ) def html_file(self, fr, analysis): """Generate an HTML file for one source file.""" rootname = flat_rootname(fr.relative_filename()) html_filename = rootname + ".html" ensure_dir(self.directory) html_path = os.path.join(self.directory, html_filename) # Get the numbers for this file. nums = analysis.numbers self.all_files_nums.append(nums) if self.config.skip_covered: # Don't report on 100% files. no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0) no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0) if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches: # If there's an existing file, remove it. file_be_gone(html_path) return # Find out if the file on disk is already correct. if self.incr.can_skip_file(self.data, fr, rootname): self.file_summaries.append(self.incr.index_info(rootname)) return # Write the HTML page for this file. file_data = self.datagen.data_for_file(fr, analysis) for ldata in file_data.lines: # Build the HTML for the line. html = [] for tok_type, tok_text in ldata.tokens: if tok_type == "ws": html.append(escape(tok_text)) else: tok_html = escape(tok_text) or ' ' html.append( u'{}'.format(tok_type, tok_html) ) ldata.html = ''.join(html) if ldata.short_annotations: # 202F is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE. # 219B is RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE. ldata.annotate = u",   ".join( u"{} ↛ {}".format(ldata.number, d) for d in ldata.short_annotations ) else: ldata.annotate = None if ldata.long_annotations: longs = ldata.long_annotations if len(longs) == 1: ldata.annotate_long = longs[0] else: ldata.annotate_long = u"{:d} missed branches: {}".format( len(longs), u", ".join( u"{:d}) {}".format(num, ann_long) for num, ann_long in enumerate(longs, start=1) ), ) else: ldata.annotate_long = None css_classes = [] if ldata.category: css_classes.append(self.template_globals['category'][ldata.category]) ldata.css_class = ' '.join(css_classes) or "pln" html = self.source_tmpl.render(file_data.__dict__) write_html(html_path, html) # Save this file's information for the index file. index_info = { 'nums': nums, 'html_filename': html_filename, 'relative_filename': fr.relative_filename(), } self.file_summaries.append(index_info) self.incr.set_index_info(rootname, index_info) def index_file(self): """Write the index.html file for this report.""" index_tmpl = Templite(read_data("index.html"), self.template_globals) html = index_tmpl.render({ 'files': self.file_summaries, 'totals': self.totals, }) write_html(os.path.join(self.directory, "index.html"), html) # Write the latest hashes for next time. self.incr.write() class IncrementalChecker(object): """Logic and data to support incremental reporting.""" STATUS_FILE = "status.json" STATUS_FORMAT = 2 # pylint: disable=wrong-spelling-in-comment,useless-suppression # The data looks like: # # { # "format": 2, # "globals": "540ee119c15d52a68a53fe6f0897346d", # "version": "4.0a1", # "files": { # "cogapp___init__": { # "hash": "e45581a5b48f879f301c0f30bf77a50c", # "index": { # "html_filename": "cogapp___init__.html", # "relative_filename": "cogapp/__init__", # "nums": [ 1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # } # }, # ... # "cogapp_whiteutils": { # "hash": "8504bb427fc488c4176809ded0277d51", # "index": { # "html_filename": "cogapp_whiteutils.html", # "relative_filename": "cogapp/whiteutils", # "nums": [ 1, 59, 0, 1, 28, 2, 2 ] # } # } # } # } def __init__(self, directory): self.directory = directory self.reset() def reset(self): """Initialize to empty. Causes all files to be reported.""" self.globals = '' self.files = {} def read(self): """Read the information we stored last time.""" usable = False try: status_file = os.path.join(self.directory, self.STATUS_FILE) with open(status_file) as fstatus: status = json.load(fstatus) except (IOError, ValueError): usable = False else: usable = True if status['format'] != self.STATUS_FORMAT: usable = False elif status['version'] != coverage.__version__: usable = False if usable: self.files = {} for filename, fileinfo in iitems(status['files']): fileinfo['index']['nums'] = Numbers(*fileinfo['index']['nums']) self.files[filename] = fileinfo self.globals = status['globals'] else: self.reset() def write(self): """Write the current status.""" status_file = os.path.join(self.directory, self.STATUS_FILE) files = {} for filename, fileinfo in iitems(self.files): fileinfo['index']['nums'] = fileinfo['index']['nums'].init_args() files[filename] = fileinfo status = { 'format': self.STATUS_FORMAT, 'version': coverage.__version__, 'globals': self.globals, 'files': files, } with open(status_file, "w") as fout: json.dump(status, fout, separators=(',', ':')) def check_global_data(self, *data): """Check the global data that can affect incremental reporting.""" m = Hasher() for d in data: m.update(d) these_globals = m.hexdigest() if self.globals != these_globals: self.reset() self.globals = these_globals def can_skip_file(self, data, fr, rootname): """Can we skip reporting this file? `data` is a CoverageData object, `fr` is a `FileReporter`, and `rootname` is the name being used for the file. """ m = Hasher() m.update(fr.source().encode('utf-8')) add_data_to_hash(data, fr.filename, m) this_hash = m.hexdigest() that_hash = self.file_hash(rootname) if this_hash == that_hash: # Nothing has changed to require the file to be reported again. return True else: self.set_file_hash(rootname, this_hash) return False def file_hash(self, fname): """Get the hash of `fname`'s contents.""" return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('hash', '') def set_file_hash(self, fname, val): """Set the hash of `fname`'s contents.""" self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['hash'] = val def index_info(self, fname): """Get the information for index.html for `fname`.""" return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('index', {}) def set_index_info(self, fname, info): """Set the information for index.html for `fname`.""" self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['index'] = info # Helpers for templates and generating HTML def escape(t): """HTML-escape the text in `t`. This is only suitable for HTML text, not attributes. """ # Convert HTML special chars into HTML entities. return t.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<") def pair(ratio): """Format a pair of numbers so JavaScript can read them in an attribute.""" return "%s %s" % ratio