# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """HTML reporting for coverage.py.""" import datetime import json import os import re import shutil import coverage from coverage import env from coverage.backward import iitems, SimpleNamespace from coverage.data import add_data_to_hash from coverage.files import flat_rootname from coverage.misc import CoverageException, ensure_dir, file_be_gone, Hasher, isolate_module from coverage.report import get_analysis_to_report from coverage.results import Numbers from coverage.templite import Templite os = isolate_module(os) # Static files are looked for in a list of places. STATIC_PATH = [ # The place Debian puts system Javascript libraries. "/usr/share/javascript", # Our htmlfiles directory. os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "htmlfiles"), ] def data_filename(fname, pkgdir=""): """Return the path to a data file of ours. The file is searched for on `STATIC_PATH`, and the first place it's found, is returned. Each directory in `STATIC_PATH` is searched as-is, and also, if `pkgdir` is provided, at that sub-directory. """ tried = [] for static_dir in STATIC_PATH: static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, fname) if os.path.exists(static_filename): return static_filename else: tried.append(static_filename) if pkgdir: static_filename = os.path.join(static_dir, pkgdir, fname) if os.path.exists(static_filename): return static_filename else: tried.append(static_filename) raise CoverageException( "Couldn't find static file %r from %r, tried: %r" % (fname, os.getcwd(), tried) ) def read_data(fname): """Return the contents of a data file of ours.""" with open(data_filename(fname)) as data_file: return data_file.read() def write_html(fname, html): """Write `html` to `fname`, properly encoded.""" html = re.sub(r"(\A\s+)|(\s+$)", "", html, flags=re.MULTILINE) + "\n" with open(fname, "wb") as fout: fout.write(html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) class HtmlDataGeneration(object): """Generate structured data to be turned into HTML reports.""" EMPTY = "(empty)" def __init__(self, cov): self.coverage = cov self.config = self.coverage.config data = self.coverage.get_data() self.has_arcs = data.has_arcs() if self.config.show_contexts: if data.measured_contexts() == set([""]): self.coverage._warn("No contexts were measured") data.set_query_contexts(self.config.report_contexts) def data_for_file(self, fr, analysis): """Produce the data needed for one file's report.""" if self.has_arcs: missing_branch_arcs = analysis.missing_branch_arcs() arcs_executed = analysis.arcs_executed() if self.config.show_contexts: contexts_by_lineno = analysis.data.contexts_by_lineno(fr.filename) lines = [] for lineno, tokens in enumerate(fr.source_token_lines(), start=1): # Figure out how to mark this line. category = None short_annotations = [] long_annotations = [] if lineno in analysis.excluded: category = 'exc' elif lineno in analysis.missing: category = 'mis' elif self.has_arcs and lineno in missing_branch_arcs: category = 'par' for b in missing_branch_arcs[lineno]: if b < 0: short_annotations.append("exit") else: short_annotations.append(b) long_annotations.append(fr.missing_arc_description(lineno, b, arcs_executed)) elif lineno in analysis.statements: category = 'run' contexts = contexts_label = None context_list = None if category and self.config.show_contexts: contexts = sorted(c or self.EMPTY for c in contexts_by_lineno[lineno]) if contexts == [self.EMPTY]: contexts_label = self.EMPTY else: contexts_label = "{} ctx".format(len(contexts)) context_list = contexts lines.append(SimpleNamespace( tokens=tokens, number=lineno, category=category, statement=(lineno in analysis.statements), contexts=contexts, contexts_label=contexts_label, context_list=context_list, short_annotations=short_annotations, long_annotations=long_annotations, )) file_data = SimpleNamespace( relative_filename=fr.relative_filename(), nums=analysis.numbers, lines=lines, ) return file_data class HtmlReporter(object): """HTML reporting.""" # These files will be copied from the htmlfiles directory to the output # directory. STATIC_FILES = [ ("style.css", ""), ("jquery.min.js", "jquery"), ("jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.min.js", "jquery-throttle-debounce"), ("jquery.hotkeys.js", "jquery-hotkeys"), ("jquery.isonscreen.js", "jquery-isonscreen"), ("jquery.tablesorter.min.js", "jquery-tablesorter"), ("coverage_html.js", ""), ("keybd_closed.png", ""), ("keybd_open.png", ""), ] def __init__(self, cov): self.coverage = cov self.config = self.coverage.config self.directory = self.config.html_dir title = self.config.html_title if env.PY2: title = title.decode("utf8") if self.config.extra_css: self.extra_css = os.path.basename(self.config.extra_css) else: self.extra_css = None self.data = self.coverage.get_data() self.has_arcs = self.data.has_arcs() self.file_summaries = [] self.all_files_nums = [] self.incr = IncrementalChecker(self.directory) self.datagen = HtmlDataGeneration(self.coverage) self.totals = Numbers() self.template_globals = { # Functions available in the templates. 'escape': escape, 'pair': pair, 'len': len, # Constants for this report. '__url__': coverage.__url__, '__version__': coverage.__version__, 'title': title, 'time_stamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'extra_css': self.extra_css, 'has_arcs': self.has_arcs, 'show_contexts': self.config.show_contexts, # Constants for all reports. # These css classes determine which lines are highlighted by default. 'category': { 'exc': 'exc show_exc', 'mis': 'mis show_mis', 'par': 'par run show_par', 'run': 'run', } } self.pyfile_html_source = read_data("pyfile.html") self.source_tmpl = Templite(self.pyfile_html_source, self.template_globals) def report(self, morfs): """Generate an HTML report for `morfs`. `morfs` is a list of modules or file names. """ # Read the status data and check that this run used the same # global data as the last run. self.incr.read() self.incr.check_global_data(self.config, self.pyfile_html_source) # Process all the files. for fr, analysis in get_analysis_to_report(self.coverage, morfs): self.html_file(fr, analysis) if not self.all_files_nums: raise CoverageException("No data to report.") self.totals = sum(self.all_files_nums) # Write the index file. self.index_file() self.make_local_static_report_files() return self.totals.n_statements and self.totals.pc_covered def make_local_static_report_files(self): """Make local instances of static files for HTML report.""" # The files we provide must always be copied. for static, pkgdir in self.STATIC_FILES: shutil.copyfile( data_filename(static, pkgdir), os.path.join(self.directory, static) ) # The user may have extra CSS they want copied. if self.extra_css: shutil.copyfile( self.config.extra_css, os.path.join(self.directory, self.extra_css) ) def html_file(self, fr, analysis): """Generate an HTML file for one source file.""" rootname = flat_rootname(fr.relative_filename()) html_filename = rootname + ".html" ensure_dir(self.directory) html_path = os.path.join(self.directory, html_filename) # Get the numbers for this file. nums = analysis.numbers self.all_files_nums.append(nums) if self.config.skip_covered: # Don't report on 100% files. no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0) no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0) if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches: # If there's an existing file, remove it. file_be_gone(html_path) return if self.config.skip_empty: # Don't report on empty files. if nums.n_statements == 0: file_be_gone(html_path) return # Find out if the file on disk is already correct. if self.incr.can_skip_file(self.data, fr, rootname): self.file_summaries.append(self.incr.index_info(rootname)) return # Write the HTML page for this file. file_data = self.datagen.data_for_file(fr, analysis) for ldata in file_data.lines: # Build the HTML for the line. html = [] for tok_type, tok_text in ldata.tokens: if tok_type == "ws": html.append(escape(tok_text)) else: tok_html = escape(tok_text) or ' ' html.append( u'{}'.format(tok_type, tok_html) ) ldata.html = ''.join(html) if ldata.short_annotations: # 202F is NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE. # 219B is RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE. ldata.annotate = u",   ".join( u"{} ↛ {}".format(ldata.number, d) for d in ldata.short_annotations ) else: ldata.annotate = None if ldata.long_annotations: longs = ldata.long_annotations if len(longs) == 1: ldata.annotate_long = longs[0] else: ldata.annotate_long = u"{:d} missed branches: {}".format( len(longs), u", ".join( u"{:d}) {}".format(num, ann_long) for num, ann_long in enumerate(longs, start=1) ), ) else: ldata.annotate_long = None css_classes = [] if ldata.category: css_classes.append(self.template_globals['category'][ldata.category]) ldata.css_class = ' '.join(css_classes) or "pln" html = self.source_tmpl.render(file_data.__dict__) write_html(html_path, html) # Save this file's information for the index file. index_info = { 'nums': nums, 'html_filename': html_filename, 'relative_filename': fr.relative_filename(), } self.file_summaries.append(index_info) self.incr.set_index_info(rootname, index_info) def index_file(self): """Write the index.html file for this report.""" index_tmpl = Templite(read_data("index.html"), self.template_globals) html = index_tmpl.render({ 'files': self.file_summaries, 'totals': self.totals, }) write_html(os.path.join(self.directory, "index.html"), html) # Write the latest hashes for next time. self.incr.write() class IncrementalChecker(object): """Logic and data to support incremental reporting.""" STATUS_FILE = "status.json" STATUS_FORMAT = 2 # pylint: disable=wrong-spelling-in-comment,useless-suppression # The data looks like: # # { # "format": 2, # "globals": "540ee119c15d52a68a53fe6f0897346d", # "version": "4.0a1", # "files": { # "cogapp___init__": { # "hash": "e45581a5b48f879f301c0f30bf77a50c", # "index": { # "html_filename": "cogapp___init__.html", # "relative_filename": "cogapp/__init__", # "nums": [ 1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # } # }, # ... # "cogapp_whiteutils": { # "hash": "8504bb427fc488c4176809ded0277d51", # "index": { # "html_filename": "cogapp_whiteutils.html", # "relative_filename": "cogapp/whiteutils", # "nums": [ 1, 59, 0, 1, 28, 2, 2 ] # } # } # } # } def __init__(self, directory): self.directory = directory self.reset() def reset(self): """Initialize to empty. Causes all files to be reported.""" self.globals = '' self.files = {} def read(self): """Read the information we stored last time.""" usable = False try: status_file = os.path.join(self.directory, self.STATUS_FILE) with open(status_file) as fstatus: status = json.load(fstatus) except (IOError, ValueError): usable = False else: usable = True if status['format'] != self.STATUS_FORMAT: usable = False elif status['version'] != coverage.__version__: usable = False if usable: self.files = {} for filename, fileinfo in iitems(status['files']): fileinfo['index']['nums'] = Numbers(*fileinfo['index']['nums']) self.files[filename] = fileinfo self.globals = status['globals'] else: self.reset() def write(self): """Write the current status.""" status_file = os.path.join(self.directory, self.STATUS_FILE) files = {} for filename, fileinfo in iitems(self.files): fileinfo['index']['nums'] = fileinfo['index']['nums'].init_args() files[filename] = fileinfo status = { 'format': self.STATUS_FORMAT, 'version': coverage.__version__, 'globals': self.globals, 'files': files, } with open(status_file, "w") as fout: json.dump(status, fout, separators=(',', ':')) def check_global_data(self, *data): """Check the global data that can affect incremental reporting.""" m = Hasher() for d in data: m.update(d) these_globals = m.hexdigest() if self.globals != these_globals: self.reset() self.globals = these_globals def can_skip_file(self, data, fr, rootname): """Can we skip reporting this file? `data` is a CoverageData object, `fr` is a `FileReporter`, and `rootname` is the name being used for the file. """ m = Hasher() m.update(fr.source().encode('utf-8')) add_data_to_hash(data, fr.filename, m) this_hash = m.hexdigest() that_hash = self.file_hash(rootname) if this_hash == that_hash: # Nothing has changed to require the file to be reported again. return True else: self.set_file_hash(rootname, this_hash) return False def file_hash(self, fname): """Get the hash of `fname`'s contents.""" return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('hash', '') def set_file_hash(self, fname, val): """Set the hash of `fname`'s contents.""" self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['hash'] = val def index_info(self, fname): """Get the information for index.html for `fname`.""" return self.files.get(fname, {}).get('index', {}) def set_index_info(self, fname, info): """Set the information for index.html for `fname`.""" self.files.setdefault(fname, {})['index'] = info # Helpers for templates and generating HTML def escape(t): """HTML-escape the text in `t`. This is only suitable for HTML text, not attributes. """ # Convert HTML special chars into HTML entities. return t.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<") def pair(ratio): """Format a pair of numbers so JavaScript can read them in an attribute.""" return "%s %s" % ratio