# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """Miscellaneous stuff for coverage.py.""" import errno import hashlib import inspect import locale import os import os.path import random import re import socket import sys import types from coverage import env from coverage.backward import to_bytes, unicode_class ISOLATED_MODULES = {} def isolate_module(mod): """Copy a module so that we are isolated from aggressive mocking. If a test suite mocks os.path.exists (for example), and then we need to use it during the test, everything will get tangled up if we use their mock. Making a copy of the module when we import it will isolate coverage.py from those complications. """ if mod not in ISOLATED_MODULES: new_mod = types.ModuleType(mod.__name__) ISOLATED_MODULES[mod] = new_mod for name in dir(mod): value = getattr(mod, name) if isinstance(value, types.ModuleType): value = isolate_module(value) setattr(new_mod, name, value) return ISOLATED_MODULES[mod] os = isolate_module(os) def dummy_decorator_with_args(*args_unused, **kwargs_unused): """Dummy no-op implementation of a decorator with arguments.""" def _decorator(func): return func return _decorator # Environment COVERAGE_NO_CONTRACTS=1 can turn off contracts while debugging # tests to remove noise from stack traces. # $set_env.py: COVERAGE_NO_CONTRACTS - Disable PyContracts to simplify stack traces. USE_CONTRACTS = env.TESTING and not bool(int(os.environ.get("COVERAGE_NO_CONTRACTS", 0))) # Use PyContracts for assertion testing on parameters and returns, but only if # we are running our own test suite. if USE_CONTRACTS: from contracts import contract # pylint: disable=unused-import from contracts import new_contract as raw_new_contract def new_contract(*args, **kwargs): """A proxy for contracts.new_contract that doesn't mind happening twice.""" try: raw_new_contract(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError: # During meta-coverage, this module is imported twice, and # PyContracts doesn't like redefining contracts. It's OK. pass # Define contract words that PyContract doesn't have. new_contract('bytes', lambda v: isinstance(v, bytes)) if env.PY3: new_contract('unicode', lambda v: isinstance(v, unicode_class)) def one_of(argnames): """Ensure that only one of the argnames is non-None.""" def _decorator(func): argnameset = {name.strip() for name in argnames.split(",")} def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): vals = [kwargs.get(name) for name in argnameset] assert sum(val is not None for val in vals) == 1 return func(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapper return _decorator else: # pragma: not testing # We aren't using real PyContracts, so just define our decorators as # stunt-double no-ops. contract = dummy_decorator_with_args one_of = dummy_decorator_with_args def new_contract(*args_unused, **kwargs_unused): """Dummy no-op implementation of `new_contract`.""" pass def nice_pair(pair): """Make a nice string representation of a pair of numbers. If the numbers are equal, just return the number, otherwise return the pair with a dash between them, indicating the range. """ start, end = pair if start == end: return "%d" % start else: return "%d-%d" % (start, end) def expensive(fn): """A decorator to indicate that a method shouldn't be called more than once. Normally, this does nothing. During testing, this raises an exception if called more than once. """ if env.TESTING: attr = "_once_" + fn.__name__ def _wrapper(self): if hasattr(self, attr): raise AssertionError("Shouldn't have called %s more than once" % fn.__name__) setattr(self, attr, True) return fn(self) return _wrapper else: return fn # pragma: not testing def bool_or_none(b): """Return bool(b), but preserve None.""" if b is None: return None else: return bool(b) def join_regex(regexes): """Combine a list of regexes into one that matches any of them.""" return "|".join("(?:%s)" % r for r in regexes) def file_be_gone(path): """Remove a file, and don't get annoyed if it doesn't exist.""" try: os.remove(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def ensure_dir(directory): """Make sure the directory exists. If `directory` is None or empty, do nothing. """ if directory and not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def ensure_dir_for_file(path): """Make sure the directory for the path exists.""" ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(path)) def output_encoding(outfile=None): """Determine the encoding to use for output written to `outfile` or stdout.""" if outfile is None: outfile = sys.stdout encoding = ( getattr(outfile, "encoding", None) or getattr(sys.__stdout__, "encoding", None) or locale.getpreferredencoding() ) return encoding def filename_suffix(suffix): """Compute a filename suffix for a data file. If `suffix` is a string or None, simply return it. If `suffix` is True, then build a suffix incorporating the hostname, process id, and a random number. Returns a string or None. """ if suffix is True: # If data_suffix was a simple true value, then make a suffix with # plenty of distinguishing information. We do this here in # `save()` at the last minute so that the pid will be correct even # if the process forks. dice = random.Random(os.urandom(8)).randint(0, 999999) suffix = "%s.%s.%06d" % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid(), dice) return suffix class Hasher(object): """Hashes Python data into md5.""" def __init__(self): self.md5 = hashlib.md5() def update(self, v): """Add `v` to the hash, recursively if needed.""" self.md5.update(to_bytes(str(type(v)))) if isinstance(v, unicode_class): self.md5.update(v.encode('utf8')) elif isinstance(v, bytes): self.md5.update(v) elif v is None: pass elif isinstance(v, (int, float)): self.md5.update(to_bytes(str(v))) elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): for e in v: self.update(e) elif isinstance(v, dict): keys = v.keys() for k in sorted(keys): self.update(k) self.update(v[k]) else: for k in dir(v): if k.startswith('__'): continue a = getattr(v, k) if inspect.isroutine(a): continue self.update(k) self.update(a) self.md5.update(b'.') def hexdigest(self): """Retrieve the hex digest of the hash.""" return self.md5.hexdigest() def _needs_to_implement(that, func_name): """Helper to raise NotImplementedError in interface stubs.""" if hasattr(that, "_coverage_plugin_name"): thing = "Plugin" name = that._coverage_plugin_name else: thing = "Class" klass = that.__class__ name = "{klass.__module__}.{klass.__name__}".format(klass=klass) raise NotImplementedError( "{thing} {name!r} needs to implement {func_name}()".format( thing=thing, name=name, func_name=func_name ) ) class DefaultValue(object): """A sentinel object to use for unusual default-value needs. Construct with a string that will be used as the repr, for display in help and Sphinx output. """ def __init__(self, display_as): self.display_as = display_as def __repr__(self): return self.display_as def substitute_variables(text, variables): """Substitute ``${VAR}`` variables in `text` with their values. Variables in the text can take a number of shell-inspired forms:: $VAR ${VAR} ${VAR?} strict: an error if VAR isn't defined. ${VAR-missing} defaulted: "missing" if VAR isn't defined. $$ just a dollar sign. `variables` is a dictionary of variable values. Returns the resulting text with values substituted. """ dollar_pattern = r"""(?x) # Use extended regex syntax \$ # A dollar sign, (?: # then (?P\$) | # a dollar sign, or (?P\w+) | # a plain word, or { # a {-wrapped (?P\w+) # word, (?: (?P\?) | # with a strict marker -(?P[^}]*) # or a default value )? # maybe. } ) """ def dollar_replace(match): """Called for each $replacement.""" # Only one of the groups will have matched, just get its text. word = next(g for g in match.group('dollar', 'word1', 'word2') if g) if word == "$": return "$" elif word in variables: return variables[word] elif match.group('strict'): msg = "Variable {} is undefined: {!r}".format(word, text) raise CoverageException(msg) else: return match.group('defval') text = re.sub(dollar_pattern, dollar_replace, text) return text class BaseCoverageException(Exception): """The base of all Coverage exceptions.""" pass class CoverageException(BaseCoverageException): """An exception raised by a coverage.py function.""" pass class NoSource(CoverageException): """We couldn't find the source for a module.""" pass class NoCode(NoSource): """We couldn't find any code at all.""" pass class NotPython(CoverageException): """A source file turned out not to be parsable Python.""" pass class ExceptionDuringRun(CoverageException): """An exception happened while running customer code. Construct it with three arguments, the values from `sys.exc_info`. """ pass class StopEverything(BaseCoverageException): """An exception that means everything should stop. The CoverageTest class converts these to SkipTest, so that when running tests, raising this exception will automatically skip the test. """ pass