"""Summary reporting""" import sys from coverage.report import Reporter from coverage.results import Numbers from coverage.misc import NotPython class SummaryReporter(Reporter): """A reporter for writing the summary report.""" def __init__(self, coverage, config): super(SummaryReporter, self).__init__(coverage, config) self.branches = coverage.data.has_arcs() def report(self, morfs, outfile=None): """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module. `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to. """ self.find_code_units(morfs) # Prepare the formatting strings max_name = max([len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units] + [5]) fmt_name = "%%- %ds " % max_name fmt_err = "%s %s: %s\n" header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts Miss" fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d" if self.branches: header += " Branch BrMiss" fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d" width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width() header += "%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover") fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,) if self.config.show_missing: header += " Missing" fmt_coverage += " %s" rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n" header += "\n" fmt_coverage += "\n" if not outfile: outfile = sys.stdout # Write the header outfile.write(header) outfile.write(rule) total = Numbers() for cu in self.code_units: try: analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu) nums = analysis.numbers args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing) if self.branches: args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_missing_branches) args += (nums.pc_covered_str,) if self.config.show_missing: args += (analysis.missing_formatted(),) outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args) total += nums except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: not covered raise except: report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors if report_it: typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2] if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python(): report_it = False if report_it: outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg)) if total.n_files > 1: outfile.write(rule) args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing) if self.branches: args += (total.n_branches, total.n_missing_branches) args += (total.pc_covered_str,) if self.config.show_missing: args += ("",) outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args) return total.pc_covered