.. Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt .. _api_module: coverage module --------------- .. module:: coverage The most important thing in the coverage module is the :class:`coverage.Coverage` class, described in :ref:`api_coverage`, but there are a few other things also. .. data:: version_info A tuple of five elements, similar to :data:`sys.version_info `: *major*, *minor*, *micro*, *releaselevel*, and *serial*. All values except *releaselevel* are integers; the release level is ``'alpha'``, ``'beta'``, ``'candidate'``, or ``'final'``. Unlike :data:`sys.version_info `, the elements are not available by name. .. data:: __version__ A string with the version of coverage.py, for example, ``"5.0b2"``. .. autoclass:: CoverageException Starting coverage.py automatically ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This function is used to start coverage measurement automatically when Python starts. See :ref:`subprocess` for details. .. autofunction:: process_startup