.. Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt .. _plugins: ======== Plug-ins ======== Coverage.py's behavior can be extended with third-party plug-ins. A plug-in is a separately installed Python class that you register in your .coveragerc. Plugins can alter a number of aspects of coverage.py's behavior, including implementing coverage measurement for non-Python files. Information about using plug-ins is on this page. To write a plug-in, see :ref:`api_plugin`. .. versionadded:: 4.0 Using plug-ins -------------- To use a coverage.py plug-in, you install it and configure it. For this example, let's say there's a Python package called ``something`` that provides a coverage.py plug-in called ``something.plugin``. #. Install the plug-in's package as you would any other Python package:: pip install something #. Configure coverage.py to use the plug-in. You do this by editing (or creating) your .coveragerc file, as described in :ref:`config`. The ``plugins`` setting indicates your plug-in. It's a list of importable module names of plug-ins:: [run] plugins = something.plugin #. If the plug-in needs its own configuration, you can add those settings in the .coveragerc file in a section named for the plug-in:: [something.plugin] option1 = True option2 = abc.foo Check the documentation for the plug-in for details on the options it takes. #. Run your tests with coverage.py as you usually would. If you get a message like "Plugin file tracers (something.plugin) aren't supported with PyTracer," then you don't have the :ref:`C extension ` installed. The C extension is needed for certain plug-ins. Available plug-ins ------------------ Some coverage.py plug-ins you might find useful: * `Django template coverage.py plug-in`__: for measuring coverage in Django templates. .. __: https://pypi.org/project/django_coverage_plugin/ * `Conditional coverage plug-in`__: for measuring coverage based on any rules you define! Can exclude different lines of code that are only executed on different platforms, python versions, and with different dependencies installed. .. __: https://github.com/wemake-services/coverage-conditional-plugin * `Mako template coverage plug-in`__: for measuring coverage in Mako templates. Doesn't work yet, probably needs some changes in Mako itself. .. __: https://bitbucket-archive.softwareheritage.org/projects/ne/ned/coverage-mako-plugin.html