# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt # Run like this: # .tox/py36/bin/python perf/perf_measure.py from collections import namedtuple import os import statistics import sys import tempfile import time from unittest_mixins.mixins import make_file import coverage from coverage.backward import import_local_file from tests.helpers import SuperModuleCleaner class StressResult(namedtuple('StressResult', ['files', 'calls', 'lines', 'baseline', 'covered'])): @property def overhead(self): return self.covered - self.baseline TEST_FILE = """\ def parent(call_count, line_count): for _ in range(call_count): child(line_count) def child(line_count): for i in range(line_count): x = 1 """ def mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count): lines = [] lines.extend( "import test{}".format(idx) for idx in range(file_count) ) lines.extend( "test{}.parent({}, {})".format(idx, call_count, line_count) for idx in range(file_count) ) return "\n".join(lines) class StressTest(object): def __init__(self): self.module_cleaner = SuperModuleCleaner() def _run_scenario(self, file_count, call_count, line_count): self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() for idx in range(file_count): make_file('test{}.py'.format(idx), TEST_FILE) make_file('testmain.py', mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count)) # Run it once just to get the disk caches loaded up. import_local_file("testmain") self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() # Run it to get the baseline time. start = time.perf_counter() import_local_file("testmain") baseline = time.perf_counter() - start self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() # Run it to get the covered time. start = time.perf_counter() cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.start() try: # pragma: nested # Import the Python file, executing it. import_local_file("testmain") finally: # pragma: nested # Stop coverage.py. covered = time.perf_counter() - start stats = cov._collector.tracers[0].get_stats() if stats: stats = stats.copy() cov.stop() return baseline, covered, stats def _compute_overhead(self, file_count, call_count, line_count): baseline, covered, stats = self._run_scenario(file_count, call_count, line_count) #print("baseline = {:.2f}, covered = {:.2f}".format(baseline, covered)) # Empirically determined to produce the same numbers as the collected # stats from get_stats(), with Python 3.6. actual_file_count = 17 + file_count actual_call_count = file_count * call_count + 156 * file_count + 85 actual_line_count = ( 2 * file_count * call_count * line_count + 3 * file_count * call_count + 769 * file_count + 345 ) if stats is not None: assert actual_file_count == stats['files'] assert actual_call_count == stats['calls'] assert actual_line_count == stats['lines'] print("File counts", file_count, actual_file_count, stats['files']) print("Call counts", call_count, actual_call_count, stats['calls']) print("Line counts", line_count, actual_line_count, stats['lines']) print() return StressResult( actual_file_count, actual_call_count, actual_line_count, baseline, covered, ) fixed = 200 numlo = 100 numhi = 100 step = 50 runs = 5 def count_operations(self): def operations(thing): for _ in range(self.runs): for n in range(self.numlo, self.numhi+1, self.step): kwargs = { "file_count": self.fixed, "call_count": self.fixed, "line_count": self.fixed, } kwargs[thing+"_count"] = n yield kwargs['file_count'] * kwargs['call_count'] * kwargs['line_count'] ops = sum(sum(operations(thing)) for thing in ["file", "call", "line"]) print("{:.1f}M operations".format(ops/1e6)) def check_coefficients(self): # For checking the calculation of actual stats: for f in range(1, 6): for c in range(1, 6): for l in range(1, 6): _, _, stats = self._run_scenario(f, c, l) print("{0},{1},{2},{3[files]},{3[calls]},{3[lines]}".format(f, c, l, stats)) def stress_test(self): # For checking the overhead for each component: def time_thing(thing): per_thing = [] pct_thing = [] for _ in range(self.runs): for n in range(self.numlo, self.numhi+1, self.step): kwargs = { "file_count": self.fixed, "call_count": self.fixed, "line_count": self.fixed, } kwargs[thing+"_count"] = n res = self._compute_overhead(**kwargs) per_thing.append(res.overhead / getattr(res, "{}s".format(thing))) pct_thing.append(res.covered / res.baseline * 100) out = "Per {}: ".format(thing) out += "mean = {:9.3f}us, stddev = {:8.3f}us, ".format( statistics.mean(per_thing)*1e6, statistics.stdev(per_thing)*1e6 ) out += "min = {:9.3f}us, ".format(min(per_thing)*1e6) out += "pct = {:6.1f}%, stddev = {:6.1f}%".format( statistics.mean(pct_thing), statistics.stdev(pct_thing) ) print(out) time_thing("file") time_thing("call") time_thing("line") if __name__ == '__main__': with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="coverage_stress_") as tempdir: print("Working in {}".format(tempdir)) os.chdir(tempdir) sys.path.insert(0, ".") StressTest().stress_test()