# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """Tests for context support.""" from __future__ import annotations import inspect import os.path from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple from unittest import mock import coverage from coverage.context import qualname_from_frame from coverage.data import CoverageData, sorted_lines from coverage.types import TArc, TCovKwargs, TLineNo from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest from tests.helpers import assert_count_equal class StaticContextTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of the static context.""" def test_no_context(self) -> None: self.make_file("main.py", "a = 1") cov = coverage.Coverage() self.start_import_stop(cov, "main") data = cov.get_data() assert_count_equal(data.measured_contexts(), [""]) def test_static_context(self) -> None: self.make_file("main.py", "a = 1") cov = coverage.Coverage(context="gooey") self.start_import_stop(cov, "main") data = cov.get_data() assert_count_equal(data.measured_contexts(), ["gooey"]) SOURCE = """\ a = 1 if a > 2: a = 3 assert a == 1 """ LINES = [1, 2, 4] ARCS = [(-1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4), (4, -1)] def run_red_blue(self, **options: TCovKwargs) -> Tuple[CoverageData, CoverageData]: """Run red.py and blue.py, and return their CoverageData objects.""" self.make_file("red.py", self.SOURCE) red_cov = coverage.Coverage(context="red", data_suffix="r", source=["."], **options) self.start_import_stop(red_cov, "red") red_cov.save() red_data = red_cov.get_data() self.make_file("blue.py", self.SOURCE) blue_cov = coverage.Coverage(context="blue", data_suffix="b", source=["."], **options) self.start_import_stop(blue_cov, "blue") blue_cov.save() blue_data = blue_cov.get_data() return red_data, blue_data def test_combining_line_contexts(self) -> None: red_data, blue_data = self.run_red_blue() for datas in [[red_data, blue_data], [blue_data, red_data]]: combined = CoverageData(suffix="combined") for data in datas: combined.update(data) assert combined.measured_contexts() == {'red', 'blue'} full_names = {os.path.basename(f): f for f in combined.measured_files()} assert_count_equal(full_names, ['red.py', 'blue.py']) fred = full_names['red.py'] fblue = full_names['blue.py'] def assert_combined_lines(filename: str, context: str, lines: List[TLineNo]) -> None: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop combined.set_query_context(context) assert combined.lines(filename) == lines assert_combined_lines(fred, 'red', self.LINES) assert_combined_lines(fred, 'blue', []) assert_combined_lines(fblue, 'red', []) assert_combined_lines(fblue, 'blue', self.LINES) def test_combining_arc_contexts(self) -> None: red_data, blue_data = self.run_red_blue(branch=True) for datas in [[red_data, blue_data], [blue_data, red_data]]: combined = CoverageData(suffix="combined") for data in datas: combined.update(data) assert combined.measured_contexts() == {'red', 'blue'} full_names = {os.path.basename(f): f for f in combined.measured_files()} assert_count_equal(full_names, ['red.py', 'blue.py']) fred = full_names['red.py'] fblue = full_names['blue.py'] def assert_combined_lines(filename: str, context: str, lines: List[TLineNo]) -> None: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop combined.set_query_context(context) assert combined.lines(filename) == lines assert_combined_lines(fred, 'red', self.LINES) assert_combined_lines(fred, 'blue', []) assert_combined_lines(fblue, 'red', []) assert_combined_lines(fblue, 'blue', self.LINES) def assert_combined_arcs(filename: str, context: str, lines: List[TArc]) -> None: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop combined.set_query_context(context) assert combined.arcs(filename) == lines assert_combined_arcs(fred, 'red', self.ARCS) assert_combined_arcs(fred, 'blue', []) assert_combined_arcs(fblue, 'red', []) assert_combined_arcs(fblue, 'blue', self.ARCS) class DynamicContextTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of dynamically changing contexts.""" SOURCE = """\ def helper(lineno): x = 2 def test_one(): a = 5 helper(6) def test_two(): a = 9 b = 10 if a > 11: b = 12 assert a == (13-4) assert b == (14-4) helper(15) test_one() x = 18 helper(19) test_two() """ OUTER_LINES = [1, 4, 8, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20] TEST_ONE_LINES = [5, 6, 2] TEST_TWO_LINES = [9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 2] def test_dynamic_alone(self) -> None: self.make_file("two_tests.py", self.SOURCE) cov = coverage.Coverage(source=["."]) cov.set_option("run:dynamic_context", "test_function") self.start_import_stop(cov, "two_tests") data = cov.get_data() full_names = {os.path.basename(f): f for f in data.measured_files()} fname = full_names["two_tests.py"] assert_count_equal( data.measured_contexts(), ["", "two_tests.test_one", "two_tests.test_two"] ) def assert_context_lines(context: str, lines: List[TLineNo]) -> None: data.set_query_context(context) assert_count_equal(lines, sorted_lines(data, fname)) assert_context_lines("", self.OUTER_LINES) assert_context_lines("two_tests.test_one", self.TEST_ONE_LINES) assert_context_lines("two_tests.test_two", self.TEST_TWO_LINES) def test_static_and_dynamic(self) -> None: self.make_file("two_tests.py", self.SOURCE) cov = coverage.Coverage(context="stat", source=["."]) cov.set_option("run:dynamic_context", "test_function") self.start_import_stop(cov, "two_tests") data = cov.get_data() full_names = {os.path.basename(f): f for f in data.measured_files()} fname = full_names["two_tests.py"] assert_count_equal( data.measured_contexts(), ["stat", "stat|two_tests.test_one", "stat|two_tests.test_two"] ) def assert_context_lines(context: str, lines: List[TLineNo]) -> None: data.set_query_context(context) assert_count_equal(lines, sorted_lines(data, fname)) assert_context_lines("stat", self.OUTER_LINES) assert_context_lines("stat|two_tests.test_one", self.TEST_ONE_LINES) assert_context_lines("stat|two_tests.test_two", self.TEST_TWO_LINES) def get_qualname() -> Optional[str]: """Helper to return qualname_from_frame for the caller.""" stack = inspect.stack()[1:] if any(sinfo[0].f_code.co_name == "get_qualname" for sinfo in stack): # We're calling ourselves recursively, maybe because we're testing # properties. Return an int to try to get back on track. return 17 # type: ignore[return-value] caller_frame = stack[0][0] return qualname_from_frame(caller_frame) # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring, missing-function-docstring, unused-argument class Parent: def meth(self) -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() @property def a_property(self) -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() class Child(Parent): pass class SomethingElse: pass class MultiChild(SomethingElse, Child): pass def no_arguments() -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() def plain_old_function(a: Any, b: Any) -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() def fake_out(self: Any) -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() def patch_meth(self: Any) -> Optional[str]: return get_qualname() # pylint: enable=missing-class-docstring, missing-function-docstring, unused-argument class QualnameTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of qualname_from_frame.""" # Pylint gets confused about meth() below. # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter run_in_temp_dir = False def test_method(self) -> None: assert Parent().meth() == "tests.test_context.Parent.meth" def test_inherited_method(self) -> None: assert Child().meth() == "tests.test_context.Parent.meth" def test_mi_inherited_method(self) -> None: assert MultiChild().meth() == "tests.test_context.Parent.meth" def test_no_arguments(self) -> None: assert no_arguments() == "tests.test_context.no_arguments" def test_plain_old_function(self) -> None: assert plain_old_function(0, 1) == "tests.test_context.plain_old_function" def test_fake_out(self) -> None: assert fake_out(0) == "tests.test_context.fake_out" def test_property(self) -> None: assert Parent().a_property == "tests.test_context.Parent.a_property" def test_changeling(self) -> None: c = Child() c.meth = patch_meth # type: ignore[assignment] assert c.meth(c) == "tests.test_context.patch_meth" # type: ignore[call-arg] def test_bug_829(self) -> None: # A class with a name like a function shouldn't confuse qualname_from_frame. class test_something: # pylint: disable=unused-variable assert get_qualname() is None def test_bug_1210(self) -> None: # Under pyarmor (an obfuscator), a function can have a "self" argument, # but then not have a "self" local. co = mock.Mock(co_name="a_co_name", co_argcount=1, co_varnames=["self"]) frame = mock.Mock(f_code=co, f_locals={}) assert qualname_from_frame(frame) == "unittest.mock.a_co_name"