# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """Tests of miscellaneous stuff.""" from __future__ import annotations import sys import pytest from coverage.exceptions import CoverageException from coverage.misc import file_be_gone from coverage.misc import Hasher, substitute_variables, import_third_party from coverage.misc import human_sorted, human_sorted_items from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest class HasherTest(CoverageTest): """Test our wrapper of fingerprint hashing.""" run_in_temp_dir = False def test_string_hashing(self) -> None: h1 = Hasher() h1.update("Hello, world!") h2 = Hasher() h2.update("Goodbye!") h3 = Hasher() h3.update("Hello, world!") assert h1.hexdigest() != h2.hexdigest() assert h1.hexdigest() == h3.hexdigest() def test_bytes_hashing(self) -> None: h1 = Hasher() h1.update(b"Hello, world!") h2 = Hasher() h2.update(b"Goodbye!") assert h1.hexdigest() != h2.hexdigest() def test_unicode_hashing(self) -> None: h1 = Hasher() h1.update("Hello, world! \N{SNOWMAN}") h2 = Hasher() h2.update("Goodbye!") assert h1.hexdigest() != h2.hexdigest() def test_dict_hashing(self) -> None: h1 = Hasher() h1.update({'a': 17, 'b': 23}) h2 = Hasher() h2.update({'b': 23, 'a': 17}) assert h1.hexdigest() == h2.hexdigest() def test_dict_collision(self) -> None: h1 = Hasher() h1.update({'a': 17, 'b': {'c': 1, 'd': 2}}) h2 = Hasher() h2.update({'a': 17, 'b': {'c': 1}, 'd': 2}) assert h1.hexdigest() != h2.hexdigest() class RemoveFileTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of misc.file_be_gone.""" def test_remove_nonexistent_file(self) -> None: # It's OK to try to remove a file that doesn't exist. file_be_gone("not_here.txt") def test_remove_actual_file(self) -> None: # It really does remove a file that does exist. self.make_file("here.txt", "We are here, we are here, we are here!") file_be_gone("here.txt") self.assert_doesnt_exist("here.txt") def test_actual_errors(self) -> None: # Errors can still happen. # ". is a directory" on Unix, or "Access denied" on Windows with pytest.raises(OSError): file_be_gone(".") VARS = { 'FOO': 'fooey', 'BAR': 'xyzzy', } @pytest.mark.parametrize("before, after", [ ("Nothing to do", "Nothing to do"), ("Dollar: $$", "Dollar: $"), ("Simple: $FOO is fooey", "Simple: fooey is fooey"), ("Braced: X${FOO}X.", "Braced: XfooeyX."), ("Missing: x${NOTHING}y is xy", "Missing: xy is xy"), ("Multiple: $$ $FOO $BAR ${FOO}", "Multiple: $ fooey xyzzy fooey"), ("Ill-formed: ${%5} ${{HI}} ${", "Ill-formed: ${%5} ${{HI}} ${"), ("Strict: ${FOO?} is there", "Strict: fooey is there"), ("Defaulted: ${WUT-missing}!", "Defaulted: missing!"), ("Defaulted empty: ${WUT-}!", "Defaulted empty: !"), ]) def test_substitute_variables(before: str, after: str) -> None: assert substitute_variables(before, VARS) == after @pytest.mark.parametrize("text", [ "Strict: ${NOTHING?} is an error", ]) def test_substitute_variables_errors(text: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(CoverageException) as exc_info: substitute_variables(text, VARS) assert text in str(exc_info.value) assert "Variable NOTHING is undefined" in str(exc_info.value) class ImportThirdPartyTest(CoverageTest): """Test import_third_party.""" run_in_temp_dir = False def test_success(self) -> None: # Make sure we don't have pytest in sys.modules before we start. del sys.modules["pytest"] # Import pytest mod, has = import_third_party("pytest") assert has # Yes, it's really pytest: assert mod.__name__ == "pytest" print(dir(mod)) assert all(hasattr(mod, name) for name in ["skip", "mark", "raises", "warns"]) # But it's not in sys.modules: assert "pytest" not in sys.modules def test_failure(self) -> None: _, has = import_third_party("xyzzy") assert not has assert "xyzzy" not in sys.modules HUMAN_DATA = [ ("z1 a2z a2a a3 a1", "a1 a2a a2z a3 z1"), ("a10 a9 a100 a1", "a1 a9 a10 a100"), ("4.0 3.10-win 3.10-mac 3.9-mac 3.9-win", "3.9-mac 3.9-win 3.10-mac 3.10-win 4.0"), ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("words, ordered", HUMAN_DATA) def test_human_sorted(words: str, ordered: str) -> None: assert " ".join(human_sorted(words.split())) == ordered @pytest.mark.parametrize("words, ordered", HUMAN_DATA) def test_human_sorted_items(words: str, ordered: str) -> None: keys = words.split() items = [(k, 1) for k in keys] + [(k, 2) for k in keys] okeys = ordered.split() oitems = [(k, v) for k in okeys for v in [1, 2]] assert human_sorted_items(items) == oitems assert human_sorted_items(items, reverse=True) == oitems[::-1]