# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt [tox] # When changing this list, be sure to check the [gh-actions] list below. # PYVERSIONS envlist = py{37,38,39,310,311,312}, pypy3, doc, lint skip_missing_interpreters = {env:COVERAGE_SKIP_MISSING_INTERPRETERS:True} toxworkdir = {env:TOXWORKDIR:.tox} [testenv] usedevelop = True extras = toml # PYVERSIONS deps = -r requirements/pip.pip -r requirements/pytest.pip py{37,38,39,310,311}: -r requirements/light-threads.pip # Windows can't update the pip version with pip running, so use Python # to install things. install_command = python -m pip install -U {opts} {packages} passenv = * setenv = pypy{3,37,38,39}: COVERAGE_NO_CTRACER=no C extension under PyPy jython: COVERAGE_NO_CTRACER=no C extension under Jython jython: PYTEST_ADDOPTS=-n 0 # For some tests, we need .pyc files written in the current directory, # so override any local setting. PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX= commands = # Create tests/zipmods.zip python igor.py zip_mods # Build the C extension and test with the CTracer python setup.py --quiet build_ext --inplace python -m pip install -q -e . python igor.py test_with_tracer c {posargs} # Remove the C extension so that we can test the PyTracer python igor.py remove_extension # Test with the PyTracer python igor.py test_with_tracer py {posargs} [testenv:anypy] # $set_env.py: COVERAGE_ANYPY - The custom Python for "tox -e anypy" # For running against my own builds of CPython, or any other specific Python. basepython = {env:COVERAGE_ANYPY} [testenv:doc] # Build the docs so we know if they are successful. We build twice: once with # -q to get all warnings, and once with -QW to get a success/fail status # return. deps = -r doc/requirements.pip whitelist_externals = make commands = # If this command fails, see the comment at the top of doc/cmd.rst python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 doc/*.rst #doc8 -q --ignore-path 'doc/_*' doc CHANGES.rst README.rst sphinx-build -b html -aEnqW doc doc/_build/html rst2html.py --strict README.rst doc/_build/trash - sphinx-build -b html -b linkcheck -aEnq doc doc/_build/html - sphinx-build -b html -b linkcheck -aEnQW doc doc/_build/html [testenv:lint] deps = -r requirements/lint.pip setenv = {[testenv]setenv} LINTABLE=coverage tests doc ci igor.py setup.py __main__.py commands = python -m tabnanny {env:LINTABLE} python igor.py check_eol # If this command fails, see the comment at the top of doc/cmd.rst python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 doc/*.rst python -m cogapp -cP --check --verbosity=1 .github/workflows/*.yml #doc8 -q --ignore-path 'doc/_*' doc CHANGES.rst README.rst # If 'build -q' becomes a thing (https://github.com/pypa/build/issues/188), # this can be simplifed: python igor.py quietly "python -m build" twine check dist/* python -m pylint --notes= {env:LINTABLE} check-manifest --ignore 'doc/sample_html/*,.treerc' [gh-actions] # PYVERSIONS python = 3.7: py37 3.8: py38 3.9: py39 3.10: py310 3.11: py311 3.12: py312 pypy-3: pypy3