path: root/doc/changes.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/changes.rst')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1278 deletions
diff --git a/doc/changes.rst b/doc/changes.rst
index d7ffd02..0243b5c 100644
--- a/doc/changes.rst
+++ b/doc/changes.rst
@@ -3,1283 +3,6 @@
.. _changes:
-Major change history for
-.. :history: 20090524T134300, brand new docs.
-.. :history: 20090613T164000, final touches for 3.0
-.. :history: 20090706T205000, changes for 3.0.1
-.. :history: 20091004T170700, changes for 3.1
-.. :history: 20091128T072200, changes for 3.2
-.. :history: 20091205T161525, 3.2 final
-.. :history: 20100221T151900, changes for 3.3
-.. :history: 20100306T181400, changes for 3.3.1
-.. :history: 20100725T211700, updated for 3.4.
-.. :history: 20100820T151500, updated for 3.4b1
-.. :history: 20100906T133800, updated for 3.4b2
-.. :history: 20100919T163400, updated for 3.4 release.
-.. :history: 20110604T214100, updated for 3.5b1
-.. :history: 20110629T082200, updated for 3.5
-.. :history: 20110923T081600, updated for 3.5.1
-.. :history: 20120429T162100, updated for 3.5.2b1
-.. :history: 20120503T233700, updated for 3.5.2
-.. :history: 20120929T093100, updated for 3.5.3
-.. :history: 20121129T060100, updated for 3.6b1.
-.. :history: 20121223T180600, updated for 3.6b2.
-.. :history: 20130105T173500, updated for 3.6
-.. :history: 20131005T205700, updated for 3.7
-.. :history: 20131212T213100, updated for 3.7.1
-.. :history: 20150124T134800, updated for 4.0a4
-.. :history: 20150802T174700, updated for 4.0b1
-.. :history: 20150822T092800, updated for 4.0b2
-.. :history: 20150919T072700, updated for 4.0
-.. :history: 20151013T103000, updated for 4.0.1
-.. :history: 20151104T050900, updated for 4.0.2
-.. :history: 20151124T065800, updated for 4.0.3
-.. :history: 20160110T125800, updated for 4.1b1
-.. :history: 20160510T125200, updated for 4.1b3
-.. :history: 20160521T074300, updated for 4.1
-.. :history: 20161226T153200, updated for 4.3
-These are the major changes for For a more complete change
-history, see the `CHANGES.rst`_ file in the source tree.
-.. _CHANGES.rst:
.. module:: coverage
-.. _changes_431:
-Version 4.3.1 --- 2016-12-28
-- Some environments couldn't install 4.3, as described in `issue 540`_. This is
- now fixed.
-- The check for conflicting ``--source`` and ``--include`` was too simple in a
- few different ways, breaking a few perfectly reasonable use cases, described
- in `issue 541`_. The check has been reverted while we re-think the fix for
- `issue 265`_.
-.. _issue 540:
-.. _issue 541:
-.. _changes_43:
-Version 4.3 --- 2016-12-27
-Special thanks to **Loïc Dachary**, who took an extraordinary interest in and contributed a number of improvements in this release.
-- The HTML report now supports a ``--skip-covered`` option like the other
- reporting commands. Thanks, Loïc Dachary for the implementation, closing
- `issue 433`_.
-- Subprocesses that are measured with `automatic subprocess measurement`_ used
- to read in any pre-existing data file. This meant data would be incorrectly
- carried forward from run to run. Now those files are not read, so each
- subprocess only writes its own data. Fixes `issue 510`_.
-- wouldn't execute `sys.excepthook`_ when an exception happened in
- your program. Now it does, thanks to Andrew Hoos. Closes `issue 535`_.
-.. _sys.excepthook:
-- The ``coverage combine`` command will now fail if there are no data files to
- combine. The combine changes in 4.2 meant that multiple combines could lose
- data, leaving you with an empty .coverage data file. Fixes issues
- `issue 525`_, `issue 412`_, `issue 516`_, and probably `issue 511`_.
-- The branch coverage issues described in `issue 493`_, `issue 496`_, and
- `issue 502`_ are now fixed, thanks to Loïc Dachary.
-- Options can now be read from a tox.ini file, if any. Like setup.cfg, sections
- are prefixed with "coverage:", so ``[run]`` options will be read from the
- ``[coverage:run]`` section of tox.ini. Implements part of `issue 519`_.
- Thanks, Stephen Finucane.
-- Specifying both ``--source`` and ``--include`` no longer silently ignores the
- include setting, instead it fails with a message. Thanks, Nathan Land and
- Loïc Dachary. Closes `issue 265`_.
-- can now search .pex files for source, just as it can .zip and
- .egg. Thanks, Peter Ebden.
-.. _issue 265:
-.. _issue 412:
-.. _issue 433:
-.. _issue 493:
-.. _issue 496:
-.. _issue 502:
-.. _issue 510:
-.. _issue 511:
-.. _issue 516:
-.. _issue 519:
-.. _issue 525:
-.. _issue 535:
-.. _changes_42:
-Version 4.2 --- 2016-07-26
-Work from the PyCon 2016 Sprints!
-- BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the ``coverage combine`` command now ignores an
- existing ``.coverage`` data file. It used to include that file in its
- combining. This caused confusing results, and extra tox "clean" steps. If
- you want the old behavior, use the new ``coverage combine --append`` option.
-- Since ``concurrency=multiprocessing`` uses subprocesses, options specified on
- the command line will not be communicated down to them. Only
- options in the configuration file will apply to the subprocesses.
- Previously, the options didn't apply to the subprocesses, but there was no
- indication. Now it is an error to use ``--concurrency=multiprocessing`` and
- other run-affecting options on the command line. This prevents
- failures like those reported in `issue 495`_.
-- The ``concurrency`` option can now take multiple values, to support programs
- using multiprocessing and another library such as eventlet. This is only
- possible in the configuration file, not from the command line. The
- configuration file is the only way for sub-processes to all run with the same
- options. Fixes `issue 484`_. Thanks to Josh Williams for prototyping.
-- Using a ``concurrency`` setting of ``multiprocessing`` now implies
- ``--parallel`` so that the main program is measured similarly to the
- sub-processes.
-- When using `automatic subprocess measurement`_, running coverage commands
- would create spurious data files. This is now fixed, thanks to diagnosis and
- testing by Dan Riti. Closes `issue 492`_.
-- A new configuration option, ``report:sort``, controls what column of the
- text report is used to sort the rows. Thanks to Dan Wandschneider, this
- closes `issue 199`_.
-- The HTML report has a more-visible indicator for which column is being
- sorted. Closes `issue 298`_, thanks to Josh Williams.
-- Filtering the HTML report is now faster, thanks to Ville Skyttä.
-- If the HTML report cannot find the source for a file, the message now
- suggests using the ``-i`` flag to allow the report to continue. Closes
- `issue 231`_, thanks, Nathan Land.
-- When reports are ignoring errors, there's now a warning if a file cannot be
- parsed, rather than being silently ignored. Closes `issue 396`_. Thanks,
- Matthew Boehm.
-- A new option for ``coverage debug`` is available: ``coverage debug config``
- shows the current configuration. Closes `issue 454`_, thanks to Matthew
- Boehm.
-- Running coverage as a module (``python -m coverage``) no longer shows the
- program name as ````. Fixes `issue 478`_. Thanks, Scott Belden.
-- The `test_helpers` module has been moved into a separate pip-installable
- package: `unittest-mixins`_.
-.. _automatic subprocess measurement:
-.. _issue 199:
-.. _issue 231:
-.. _issue 298:
-.. _issue 396:
-.. _issue 454:
-.. _issue 478:
-.. _issue 484:
-.. _issue 492:
-.. _issue 495:
-.. _unittest-mixins:
-.. _changes_41:
-Version 4.1 --- 2016-05-21
-- Branch analysis has been rewritten: it used to be based on bytecode, but now
- uses AST analysis. This has changed a number of things:
- - More code paths are now considered runnable, especially in
- ``try``/``except`` structures. This may mean that will
- identify more code paths as uncovered. This could either raise or lower
- your overall coverage number.
- - Python 3.5's ``async`` and ``await`` keywords are properly supported,
- fixing `issue 434`_.
- - Missing branches reported with ``coverage report -m`` will now say
- ``->exit`` for missed branches to the exit of a function, rather than a
- negative number. Fixes `issue 469`_.
- - Some long-standing branch coverage bugs were fixed:
- - `issue 129`_: functions with only a docstring for a body would
- incorrectly report a missing branch on the ``def`` line.
- - `issue 212`_: code in an ``except`` block could be incorrectly marked as
- a missing branch.
- - `issue 146`_: context managers (``with`` statements) in a loop or ``try``
- block could confuse the branch measurement, reporting incorrect partial
- branches.
- - `issue 422`_: in Python 3.5, an actual partial branch could be marked as
- complete.
- - During branch coverage of single-line callables like lambdas and
- generator expressions, can now distinguish between them never
- being called, or being called but not completed. Fixes `issue 90`_,
- `issue 460`_ and `issue 475`_.
-- Pragmas to disable coverage measurement can now be used on decorator lines,
- and they will apply to the entire function or class being decorated. This
- implements the feature requested in `issue 131`_.
-- Multiprocessing support is now available on Windows. Thanks, Rodrigue
- Cloutier.
-- The HTML report has a few changes:
- - The HTML report now has a map of the file along the rightmost edge of the
- page, giving an overview of where the missed lines are. Thanks, Dmitry
- Shishov.
- - The HTML report now uses different monospaced fonts, favoring Consolas over
- Courier. Along the way, `issue 472`_ about not properly handling one-space
- indents was fixed. The index page also has slightly different styling, to
- try to make the clickable detail pages more apparent.
-- The XML report now produces correct package names for modules found in
- directories specified with ``source=``. Fixes `issue 465`_.
-- ``coverage --help`` and ``coverage --version`` now mention which tracer is
- installed, to help diagnose problems. The docs mention which features need
- the C extension. (`issue 479`_)
-- The `` function had two parameters with non-None defaults,
- which have been changed. `show_missing` used to default to True, but now
- defaults to None. If you had been calling `` without
- specifying `show_missing`, you'll need to explicitly set it to True to keep
- the same behavior. `skip_covered` used to default to False. It is now None,
- which doesn't change the behavior. This fixes `issue 485`_.
-- It's never been possible to pass a namespace module to one of the analysis
- functions, but now at least we raise a more specific error message, rather
- than getting confused. (`issue 456`_)
-- The `coverage.process_startup` function now returns the `Coverage` instance
- it creates, as suggested in `issue 481`_.
-.. _issue 90:
-.. _issue 129:
-.. _issue 131:
-.. _issue 146:
-.. _issue 212:
-.. _issue 422:
-.. _issue 434:
-.. _issue 456:
-.. _issue 460:
-.. _issue 461:
-.. _issue 465:
-.. _issue 469:
-.. _issue 472:
-.. _issue 475:
-.. _issue 479:
-.. _issue 481:
-.. _issue 485:
-.. _changes_403:
-Version 4.0.3 --- 2015-11-24
-- Fixed a mysterious problem that manifested in different ways: sometimes
- hanging the process (`issue 420`_), sometimes making database connections
- fail (`issue 445`_).
-- The XML report now has correct ``<source>`` elements when using a
- ``--source=`` option somewhere besides the current directory. This fixes
- `issue 439`_. Thanks, Arcady Ivanov.
-- Fixed an unusual edge case of detecting source encodings, described in
- `issue 443`_.
-- Help messages that mention the command to use now properly use the actual
- command name, which might be different than "coverage". Thanks to Ben
- Finney, this closes `issue 438`_.
-.. _issue 420:
-.. _issue 438:
-.. _issue 439:
-.. _issue 443:
-.. _issue 445:
-.. _changes_402:
-Version 4.0.2 --- 2015-11-04
-- More work on supporting unusually encoded source. Fixed `issue 431`_.
-- Files or directories with non-ASCII characters are now handled properly,
- fixing `issue 432`_.
-- Setting a trace function with sys.settrace was broken by a change in 4.0.1,
- as reported in `issue 436`_. This is now fixed.
-- Officially support PyPy 4.0, which required no changes, just updates to the
- docs.
-.. _issue 431:
-.. _issue 432:
-.. _issue 436:
-.. _changes_401:
-Version 4.0.1 --- 2015-10-13
-- When combining data files, unreadable files will now generate a warning
- instead of failing the command. This is more in line with the older
- v3.7.1 behavior, which silently ignored unreadable files.
- Prompted by `issue 418`_.
-- The --skip-covered option would skip reporting on 100% covered files, but
- also skipped them when calculating total coverage. This was wrong, it should
- only remove lines from the report, not change the final answer. This is now
- fixed, closing `issue 423`_.
-- In 4.0, the data file recorded a summary of the system on which it was run.
- Combined data files would keep all of those summaries. This could lead to
- enormous data files consisting of mostly repetitive useless information. That
- summary is now gone, fixing `issue 415`_. If you want summary information,
- get in touch, and we'll figure out a better way to do it.
-- Test suites that mocked os.path.exists would experience strange failures, due
- to using their mock inadvertently. This is now fixed, closing
- `issue 416`_.
-- Importing a ``__init__`` module explicitly would lead to an error:
- ``AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'``, as reported
- in `issue 410`_. This is now fixed.
-- Code that uses ``sys.settrace(sys.gettrace())`` used to incur a more than 2x
- speed penalty. Now there's no penalty at all. Fixes `issue 397`_.
-- Pyexpat C code will no longer be recorded as a source file, fixing
- `issue 419`_.
-- The source kit now contains all of the files needed to have a complete source
- tree, re-fixing `issue 137`_ and closing `issue 281`_.
-.. _issue 281:
-.. _issue 397:
-.. _issue 410:
-.. _issue 415:
-.. _issue 416:
-.. _issue 418:
-.. _issue 419:
-.. _issue 423:
-.. _changes_40:
-Version 4.0 --- 2015-09-20
-Backward incompatibilities:
-- Python versions supported are now:
- - CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5
- - PyPy2 2.4, 2.6
- - PyPy3 2.4
-- The original command line switches (``-x`` to run a program, etc) are no
- longer supported.
-- The ``COVERAGE_OPTIONS`` environment variable is no longer supported. It was
- a hack for ``--timid`` before configuration files were available.
-- The original module-level function interface to is no longer
- supported. You must now create a :class:`coverage.Coverage` object, and use
- methods on it.
-- The ``Coverage.use_cache`` method is no longer supported.
-- The private method ``Coverage._harvest_data`` is now called
- :meth:`Coverage.get_data`, and returns the :class:`CoverageData` containing
- the collected data.
-- is now licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See `NOTICE.txt`_
- for details.
-- kits no longer include tests and docs. If you were using them,
- get in touch and let me know how.
-.. _NOTICE.txt:
-Major new features:
-- Plugins: third parties can write plugins to add file support for non-Python
- files, such as web application templating engines, or languages that compile
- down to Python. See :ref:`plugins` for how to use plugins, and
- :ref:`api_plugin` for details of how to write them. A plugin for measuring
- Django template coverage is available: `django_coverage_plugin`_
-- Gevent, eventlet, and greenlet are now supported. The ``[run] concurrency``
- setting, or the ``--concurrency`` command line switch, specifies the
- concurrency library in use. Huge thanks to Peter Portante for initial
- implementation, and to Joe Jevnik for the final insight that completed the
- work.
-- The data storage has been re-written, using JSON instead of pickle. The
- :class:`.CoverageData` class is a new supported API to the contents of the
- data file. Data files from older versions of can be converted to
- the new format with ``python -m coverage.pickle2json``.
-- Wildly experimental: support for measuring processes started by the
- multiprocessing module. To use, set ``--concurrency=multiprocessing``,
- either on the command line or in the .coveragerc file. Thanks, Eduardo
- Schettino. Currently, this does not work on Windows.
-New features:
-- Options are now also read from a setup.cfg file, if any. Sections are
- prefixed with "coverage:", so the ``[run]`` options will be read from the
- ``[coverage:run]`` section of setup.cfg.
-- The HTML report now has filtering. Type text into the Filter box on the
- index page, and only modules with that text in the name will be shown.
- Thanks, Danny Allen.
-- A new option: ``coverage report --skip-covered``
- (or ``[report] skip_covered``) will reduce the number of files reported by
- skipping files with 100% coverage. Thanks, Krystian Kichewko. This means
- that empty ```` files will be skipped, since they are 100%
- covered.
-- You can now specify the ``--fail-under`` option in the ``.coveragerc`` file
- as the ``[report] fail_under`` option.
-- The ``report -m`` command now shows missing branches when reporting on branch
- coverage. Thanks, Steve Leonard.
-- The ``coverage combine`` command now accepts any number of directories or
- files as arguments, and will combine all the data from them. This means you
- don't have to copy the files to one directory before combining. Thanks,
- Christine Lytwynec.
-- A new configuration option for the XML report: ``[xml] package_depth``
- controls which directories are identified as packages in the report.
- Directories deeper than this depth are not reported as packages.
- The default is that all directories are reported as packages.
- Thanks, Lex Berezhny.
-- A new configuration option, ``[run] note``, lets you set a note that will be
- stored in the ``runs`` section of the data file. You can use this to
- annotate the data file with any information you like.
-- The COVERAGE_DEBUG environment variable can be used to set the
- ``[run] debug`` configuration option to control what internal operations are
- logged.
-- A new version identifier is available, `coverage.version_info`, a plain tuple
- of values similar to `sys.version_info`_.
-- now always adds the current directory to sys.path, so that
- plugins can import files in the current directory.
-- now accepts a directory name for ``coverage run`` and will run a
- ```` found there, just like Python will. Thanks, Dmitry Trofimov.
-- The ``--debug`` switch can now be used on any command.
-- Reports now use file names with extensions. Previously, a report would
- describe a/b/ as "a/b/c". Now it is shown as "a/b/". This allows
- for better support of non-Python files.
-- Missing branches in the HTML report now have a bit more information in the
- right-hand annotations. Hopefully this will make their meaning clearer.
-- The XML report now contains a <source> element. Thanks Stan Hu.
-- The XML report now includes a ``missing-branches`` attribute. Thanks, Steve
- Peak. This is not a part of the Cobertura DTD, so the XML report no longer
- references the DTD.
-- The XML report now reports each directory as a package again. This was a bad
- regression, I apologize.
-- In parallel mode, ``coverage erase`` will now delete all of the data files.
-- A new warning is possible, if a desired file isn't measured because it was
- imported before was started.
-- The :func:`coverage.process_startup` function now will start coverage
- measurement only once, no matter how many times it is called. This fixes
- problems due to unusual virtualenv configurations.
-- Unrecognized configuration options will now print an error message and stop
- This should help prevent configuration mistakes from passing
- silently.
-API changes:
-- The class defined in the coverage module is now called ``Coverage`` instead
- of ``coverage``, though the old name still works, for backward compatibility.
-- You can now programmatically adjust the configuration of by
- calling :meth:`Coverage.set_option` after construction.
- :meth:`Coverage.get_option` reads the configuration values.
-- If the `config_file` argument to the Coverage constructor is specified as
- ".coveragerc", it is treated as if it were True. This means setup.cfg is
- also examined, and a missing file is not considered an error.
-Bug fixes:
-- The textual report and the HTML report used to report partial branches
- differently for no good reason. Now the text report's "missing branches"
- column is a "partial branches" column so that both reports show the same
- numbers. This closes `issue 342`_.
-- The ``fail-under`` value is now rounded the same as reported results,
- preventing paradoxical results, fixing `issue 284`_.
-- Branch coverage couldn't properly handle certain extremely long files. This
- is now fixed, closing `issue 359`_.
-- Branch coverage didn't understand yield statements properly. Mickie Betz
- persisted in pursuing this despite Ned's pessimism. Fixes `issue 308`_ and
- `issue 324`_.
-- Files with incorrect encoding declaration comments are no longer ignored by
- the reporting commands.
-- Empty files are now reported as 100% covered in the XML report, not 0%
- covered.
-- The XML report will now create the output directory if need be. Thanks, Chris
- Rose.
-- HTML reports no longer raise UnicodeDecodeError if a Python file has
- undecodable characters.
-- The annotate command will now annotate all files, not just ones relative to
- the current directory.
-.. _django_coverage_plugin:
-.. _issue 284:
-.. _issue 308:
-.. _issue 324:
-.. _issue 342:
-.. _issue 359:
-.. _sys.version_info:
-.. _changes_371:
-Version 3.7.1 --- 2013-12-13
-- Improved the speed of HTML report generation by about 20%.
-- Fixed the mechanism for finding OS-installed static files for the HTML report
- so that it will actually find OS-installed static files.
-.. _changes_37:
-Version 3.7 --- 2013-10-06
-- Added the ``--debug`` switch to ``coverage run``. It accepts a list of
- options indicating the type of internal activity to log to stderr. For
- details, see :ref:`the run --debug options <cmd_run_debug>`.
-- Improved the branch coverage facility, fixing `issue 92`_ and `issue 175`_.
-- Running code with ``coverage run -m`` now behaves more like Python does,
- setting sys.path properly, which fixes `issue 207`_ and `issue 242`_.
-- can now run .pyc files directly, closing `issue 264`_.
-- properly supports .pyw files, fixing `issue 261`_.
-- Omitting files within a tree specified with the ``source`` option would
- cause them to be incorrectly marked as unexecuted, as described in
- `issue 218`_. This is now fixed.
-- When specifying paths to alias together during data combining, you can now
- specify relative paths, fixing `issue 267`_.
-- Most file paths can now be specified with username expansion (``~/src``, or
- ``~build/src``, for example), and with environment variable expansion
- (``build/$BUILDNUM/src``).
-- Trying to create an XML report with no files to report on, would cause a
- ZeroDivideError, but no longer does, fixing `issue 250`_.
-- When running a threaded program under the Python tracer, no
- longer issues a spurious warning about the trace function changing: "Trace
- function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None." This fixes
- `issue 164`_.
-- Static files necessary for HTML reports are found in system-installed places,
- to ease OS-level packaging of Closes `issue 259`_.
-- Source files with encoding declarations, but a blank first line, were not
- decoded properly. Now they are. Thanks, Roger Hu.
-- The source kit now includes the ```` file in the root coverage
- directory, fixing `issue 255`_.
-.. _issue 92:
-.. _issue 164:
-.. _issue 175:
-.. _issue 207:
-.. _issue 242:
-.. _issue 218:
-.. _issue 250:
-.. _issue 255:
-.. _issue 259:
-.. _issue 261:
-.. _issue 264:
-.. _issue 267:
-.. _changes_36:
-Version 3.6 --- 2013-01-05
-- The **report**, **html**, and **xml** commands now accept a ``--fail-under``
- switch that indicates in the exit status whether the coverage percentage was
- less than a particular value. Closes `issue 139`_.
-- The reporting functions, coverage.html_report(), and
- coverage.xml_report() now all return a float, the total percentage covered
- measurement.
-- The HTML report's title can now be set in the configuration file, with the
- ``--title`` switch on the command line, or via the API.
-- Configuration files now support substitution of environment variables, using
- syntax like ``${WORD}``. Closes `issue 97`_.
-- The C extension is optionally compiled using a different more widely-used
- technique, taking another stab at fixing `issue 80`_ once and for all.
-- When installing, now in addition to creating a "coverage" command, two new
- aliases are also installed. A "coverage2" or "coverage3" command will be
- created, depending on whether you are installing in Python 2.x or 3.x.
- A "coverage-X.Y" command will also be created corresponding to your specific
- version of Python. Closes `issue 111`_.
-- The installer no longer tries to bootstrap setuptools or
- Distribute. You must have one of them installed first, as `issue 202`_
- recommended.
-- The kit now includes docs (closing `issue 137`_) and tests.
-- Added a page to the docs about :doc:`contributing <contributing>` to
-, closing `issue 171`_.
-- Added a page to the docs about :doc:`troublesome situations <trouble>`,
- closing `issue 226`_.
-- Docstrings for the legacy singleton methods are more helpful. Thanks Marius
- Gedminas. Closes `issue 205`_.
-- The pydoc tool can now show documentation for the class `coverage.coverage`.
- Closes `issue 206`_.
-- Added some info to the TODO file, closing `issue 227`_.
-- Wildcards in ``include=`` and ``omit=`` arguments were not handled properly
- in reporting functions, though they were when running. Now they are handled
- uniformly, closing `issue 143`_ and `issue 163`_. **NOTE**: it is possible
- that your configurations may now be incorrect. If you use ``include`` or
- ``omit`` during reporting, whether on the command line, through the API, or
- in a configuration file, please check carefully that you were not relying on
- the old broken behavior.
-- Embarrassingly, the `[xml] output=` setting in the .coveragerc file simply
- didn't work. Now it does.
-- Combining data files would create entries for phantom files if used with
- ``source`` and path aliases. It no longer does.
-- ``debug sys`` now shows the configuration file path that was read.
-- If an oddly-behaved package claims that code came from an empty-string
- file name, no longer associates it with the directory name,
- fixing `issue 221`_.
-- The XML report now consistently uses file names for the filename attribute,
- rather than sometimes using module names. Fixes `issue 67`_.
- Thanks, Marcus Cobden.
-- Coverage percentage metrics are now computed slightly differently under
- branch coverage. This means that completely unexecuted files will now
- correctly have 0% coverage, fixing `issue 156`_. This also means that your
- total coverage numbers will generally now be lower if you are measuring
- branch coverage.
-- On Windows, files are now reported in their correct case, fixing `issue 89`_
- and `issue 203`_.
-- If a file is missing during reporting, the path shown in the error message
- is now correct, rather than an incorrect path in the current directory.
- Fixes `issue 60`_.
-- Running an HTML report in Python 3 in the same directory as an old Python 2
- HTML report would fail with a UnicodeDecodeError. This issue (`issue 193`_)
- is now fixed.
-- Fixed yet another error trying to parse non-Python files as Python, this
- time an IndentationError, closing `issue 82`_ for the fourth time...
-- If `coverage xml` fails because there is no data to report, it used to
- create a zero-length XML file. Now it doesn't, fixing `issue 210`_.
-- Jython files now work with the ``--source`` option, fixing `issue 100`_.
-- Running under a debugger is unlikely to work, but it shouldn't
- fail with "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable". Fixes
- `issue 201`_.
-- On some Linux distributions, when installed with the OS package manager,
- would report its own code as part of the results. Now it won't,
- fixing `issue 214`_, though this will take some time to be repackaged by the
- operating systems.
-- When ended unsuccessfully, it may have reported odd errors like
- ``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isabs'``. It no longer does,
- so kiss `issue 153`_ goodbye.
-.. _issue 60:
-.. _issue 67:
-.. _issue 80:
-.. _issue 89:
-.. _issue 97:
-.. _issue 100:
-.. _issue 111:
-.. _issue 137:
-.. _issue 139:
-.. _issue 143:
-.. _issue 153:
-.. _issue 156:
-.. _issue 163:
-.. _issue 171:
-.. _issue 193:
-.. _issue 201:
-.. _issue 202:
-.. _issue 203:
-.. _issue 205:
-.. _issue 206:
-.. _issue 210:
-.. _issue 214:
-.. _issue 221:
-.. _issue 226:
-.. _issue 227:
-.. _changes_353:
-Version 3.5.3 --- 2012-09-29
-- Line numbers in the HTML report line up better with the source lines, fixing
- `issue 197`_, thanks Marius Gedminas.
-- When specifying a directory as the source= option, the directory itself no
- longer needs to have a ```` file, though its sub-directories do,
- to be considered as source files.
-- Files encoded as UTF-8 with a BOM are now properly handled, fixing
- `issue 179`_. Thanks, Pablo Carballo.
-- Fixed more cases of non-Python files being reported as Python source, and
- then not being able to parse them as Python. Closes `issue 82`_ (again).
- Thanks, Julian Berman.
-- Fixed memory leaks under Python 3, thanks, Brett Cannon. Closes `issue 147`_.
-- Optimized .pyo files may not have been handled correctly, `issue 195`_.
- Thanks, Marius Gedminas.
-- Certain unusually named file paths could have been mangled during reporting,
- `issue 194`_. Thanks, Marius Gedminas.
-- Try to do a better job of the impossible task of detecting when we can't
- build the C extension, fixing `issue 183`_.
-.. _issue 147:
-.. _issue 179:
-.. _issue 183:
-.. _issue 194:
-.. _issue 195:
-.. _issue 197:
-.. _changes_352:
-Version 3.5.2 --- 2012-05-04
-- The HTML report has slightly tweaked controls: the buttons at the top of
- the page are color-coded to the source lines they affect.
-- Custom CSS can be applied to the HTML report by specifying a CSS file as
- the extra_css configuration value in the [html] section.
-- Source files with custom encodings declared in a comment at the top are now
- properly handled during reporting on Python 2. Python 3 always handled them
- properly. This fixes `issue 157`_.
-- Backup files left behind by editors are no longer collected by the source=
- option, fixing `issue 168`_.
-- If a file doesn't parse properly as Python, we don't report it as an error
- if the file name seems like maybe it wasn't meant to be Python. This is a
- pragmatic fix for `issue 82`_.
-- The ``-m`` switch on ``coverage report``, which includes missing line numbers
- in the summary report, can now be specified as ``show_missing`` in the
- config file. Closes `issue 173`_.
-- When running a module with ``coverage run -m <modulename>``, certain details
- of the execution environment weren't the same as for
- ``python -m <modulename>``. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making
- ``coverage run -m unittest discover`` not work if you had tests in a
- directory named "test". This fixes `issue 155`_.
-- Now the exit status of your product code is properly used as the process
- status when running ``python -m coverage run ...``. Thanks, JT Olds.
-- When installing into pypy, we no longer attempt (and fail) to compile
- the C tracer function, closing `issue 166`_.
-.. _issue 82:
-.. _issue 155:
-.. _issue 157:
-.. _issue 166:
-.. _issue 168:
-.. _issue 173:
-.. _changes_351:
-Version 3.5.1 --- 2011-09-23
-- When combining data files from parallel runs, you can now instruct
- about which directories are equivalent on different machines. A
- ``[paths]`` section in the configuration file lists paths that are to be
- considered equivalent. Finishes `issue 17`_.
-- for-else constructs are understood better, and don't cause erroneous partial
- branch warnings. Fixes `issue 122`_.
-- Branch coverage for ``with`` statements is improved, fixing `issue 128`_.
-- The number of partial branches reported on the HTML summary page was
- different than the number reported on the individual file pages. This is
- now fixed.
-- An explicit include directive to measure files in the Python installation
- wouldn't work because of the standard library exclusion. Now the include
- directive takes precedence, and the files will be measured. Fixes
- `issue 138`_.
-- The HTML report now handles Unicode characters in Python source files
- properly. This fixes `issue 124`_ and `issue 144`_. Thanks, Devin
- Jeanpierre.
-- In order to help the core developers measure the test coverage of the
- standard library, Brandon Rhodes devised an aggressive hack to trick Python
- into running some code before anything else in the process.
- See the coverage/fullcoverage directory if you are interested.
-.. _issue 17:
-.. _issue 122:
-.. _issue 124:
-.. _issue 128:
-.. _issue 138:
-.. _issue 144:
-.. _changes_35:
-Version 3.5 --- 2011-06-29
-HTML reporting:
-- The HTML report now has hotkeys. Try ``n``, ``s``, ``m``, ``x``, ``b``,
- ``p``, and ``c`` on the overview page to change the column sorting.
- On a file page, ``r``, ``m``, ``x``, and ``p`` toggle the run, missing,
- excluded, and partial line markings. You can navigate the highlighted
- sections of code by using the ``j`` and ``k`` keys for next and previous.
- The ``1`` (one) key jumps to the first highlighted section in the file,
- and ``0`` (zero) scrolls to the top of the file.
-- HTML reporting is now incremental: a record is kept of the data that
- produced the HTML reports, and only files whose data has changed will
- be generated. This should make most HTML reporting faster.
-Running Python files
-- Modules can now be run directly using ``coverage run -m modulename``, to
- mirror Python's ``-m`` flag. Closes `issue 95`_, thanks, Brandon Rhodes.
-- ``coverage run`` didn't emulate Python accurately in one detail: the
- current directory inserted into ``sys.path`` was relative rather than
- absolute. This is now fixed.
-- Pathological code execution could disable the trace function behind our
- backs, leading to incorrect code measurement. Now if this happens,
- will issue a warning, at least alerting you to the problem.
- Closes `issue 93`_. Thanks to Marius Gedminas for the idea.
-- The C-based trace function now behaves properly when saved and restored
- with ``sys.gettrace()`` and ``sys.settrace()``. This fixes `issue 125`_
- and `issue 123`_. Thanks, Devin Jeanpierre.
-- can now be run directly from a working tree by specifying
- the directory name to python: ``python coverage_py_working_dir run ...``.
- Thanks, Brett Cannon.
-- A little bit of Jython support: `coverage run` can now measure Jython
- execution by adapting when $py.class files are traced. Thanks, Adi Roiban.
-- Partial branch warnings can now be pragma'd away. The configuration option
- ``partial_branches`` is a list of regular expressions. Lines matching any of
- those expressions will never be marked as a partial branch. In addition,
- there's a built-in list of regular expressions marking statements which
- should never be marked as partial. This list includes ``while True:``,
- ``while 1:``, ``if 1:``, and ``if 0:``.
-- The ``--omit`` and ``--include`` switches now interpret their values more
- usefully. If the value starts with a wildcard character, it is used as-is.
- If it does not, it is interpreted relative to the current directory.
- Closes `issue 121`_.
-- Syntax errors in supposed Python files can now be ignored during reporting
- with the ``-i`` switch just like other source errors. Closes `issue 115`_.
-.. _issue 93:
-.. _issue 95:
-.. _issue 115:
-.. _issue 121:
-.. _issue 123:
-.. _issue 125:
-.. _changes_34:
-Version 3.4 --- 2010-09-19
-Controlling source:
-- BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the ``--omit`` and ``--include`` switches now take
- file patterns rather than file prefixes, closing `issue 34`_ and `issue 36`_.
-- BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the `omit_prefixes` argument is gone throughout
-, replaced with `omit`, a list of file name patterns suitable for
- `fnmatch`. A parallel argument `include` controls what files are included.
-- The run command now has a ``--source`` switch, a list of directories or
- module names. If provided, will only measure execution in those
- source files. The run command also now supports ``--include`` and ``--omit``
- to control what modules it measures. This can speed execution and reduce the
- amount of data during reporting. Thanks Zooko.
-- The reporting commands (report, annotate, html, and xml) now have an
- ``--include`` switch to restrict reporting to modules matching those file
- patterns, similar to the existing ``--omit`` switch. Thanks, Zooko.
-- Completely unexecuted files can now be included in coverage results, reported
- as 0% covered. This only happens if the --source option is specified, since
- needs guidance about where to look for source files.
-- Python files with no statements, for example, empty ```` files,
- are now reported as having zero statements instead of one. Fixes `issue 1`_.
-- Reports now have a column of missed line counts rather than executed line
- counts, since developers should focus on reducing the missed lines to zero,
- rather than increasing the executed lines to varying targets. Once
- suggested, this seemed blindingly obvious.
-- Coverage percentages are now displayed uniformly across reporting methods.
- Previously, different reports could round percentages differently. Also,
- percentages are only reported as 0% or 100% if they are truly 0 or 100, and
- are rounded otherwise. Fixes `issue 41`_ and `issue 70`_.
-- The XML report output now properly includes a percentage for branch coverage,
- fixing `issue 65`_ and `issue 81`_, and the report is sorted by package
- name, fixing `issue 88`_.
-- The XML report is now sorted by package name, fixing `issue 88`_.
-- The precision of reported coverage percentages can be set with the
- ``[report] precision`` config file setting. Completes `issue 16`_.
-- Line numbers in HTML source pages are clickable, linking directly to that
- line, which is highlighted on arrival. Added a link back to the index page
- at the bottom of each HTML page.
-Execution and measurement:
-- Various warnings are printed to stderr for problems encountered during data
- measurement: if a ``--source`` module has no Python source to measure, or is
- never encountered at all, or if no data is collected.
-- Doctest text files are no longer recorded in the coverage data, since they
- can't be reported anyway. Fixes `issue 52`_ and `issue 61`_.
-- Threads derived from ``threading.Thread`` with an overridden `run` method
- would report no coverage for the `run` method. This is now fixed, closing
- `issue 85`_.
-- Programs that exited with ``sys.exit()`` with no argument weren't handled
- properly, producing a stack trace. This is now fixed.
-- Programs that call ``os.fork`` will properly collect data from both the child
- and parent processes. Use ``coverage run -p`` to get two data files that can
- be combined with ``coverage combine``. Fixes `issue 56`_.
-- When measuring code running in a virtualenv, most of the system library was
- being measured when it shouldn't have been. This is now fixed.
-- can now be run as a module: ``python -m coverage``. Thanks,
- Brett Cannon.
-.. _issue 1:
-.. _issue 16:
-.. _issue 34:
-.. _issue 36:
-.. _issue 41:
-.. _issue 52:
-.. _issue 56:
-.. _issue 61:
-.. _issue 65:
-.. _issue 70:
-.. _issue 81:
-.. _issue 85:
-.. _issue 88:
-.. _changes_331:
-Version 3.3.1 --- 2010-03-06
-- Using ``parallel=True`` in a .coveragerc file prevented reporting, but now
- does not, fixing `issue 49`_.
-- When running your code with ``coverage run``, if you call ``sys.exit()``,
- will exit with that status code, fixing `issue 50`_.
-.. _issue 49:
-.. _issue 50:
-.. _changes_33:
-Version 3.3 --- 2010-02-24
-- Settings are now read from a .coveragerc file. A specific file can be
- specified on the command line with ``--rcfile=FILE``. The name of the file
- can be programmatically set with the ``config_file`` argument to the
- coverage() constructor, or reading a config file can be disabled with
- ``config_file=False``.
-- Added coverage.process_start to enable coverage measurement when Python
- starts.
-- Parallel data file names now have a random number appended to them in
- addition to the machine name and process id. Also, parallel data files
- combined with ``coverage combine`` are deleted after they're combined, to
- clean up unneeded files. Fixes `issue 40`_.
-- Exceptions thrown from product code run with ``coverage run`` are now
- displayed without internal frames, so the output is the same as
- when the code is run without
-- Fixed `issue 39`_ and `issue 47`_.
-.. _issue 39:
-.. _issue 40:
-.. _issue 47:
-.. _changes_32:
-Version 3.2 --- 2009-12-05
-- Branch coverage: can tell you which branches didn't have both (or
- all) choices executed, even where the choice doesn't affect which lines were
- executed. See :ref:`branch` for more details.
-- The table of contents in the HTML report is now sortable: click the headers
- on any column. The sorting is persisted so that subsequent reports are
- sorted as you wish. Thanks, `Chris Adams`_.
-- XML reporting has file paths that let Cobertura find the source code, fixing
- `issue 21`_.
-- The ``--omit`` option now works much better than before, fixing `issue 14`_
- and `issue 33`_. Thanks, Danek Duvall.
-- Added a ``--version`` option on the command line.
-- Program execution under is a few percent faster.
-- Some exceptions reported by the command line interface have been cleaned up
- so that tracebacks inside aren't shown. Fixes `issue 23`_.
-- Fixed some problems syntax coloring sources with line continuations and
- source with tabs: `issue 30`_ and `issue 31`_.
-.. _Chris Adams:
-.. _issue 21:
-.. _issue 23:
-.. _issue 14:
-.. _issue 30:
-.. _issue 31:
-.. _issue 33:
-.. _changes_31:
-Version 3.1 --- 2009-10-04
-- Python 3.1 is now supported.
-- has a new command line syntax with sub-commands. This expands
- the possibilities for adding features and options in the future. The old
- syntax is still supported. Try ``coverage help`` to see the new commands.
- Thanks to Ben Finney for early help.
-- Added an experimental ``coverage xml`` command for producing coverage reports
- in a Cobertura-compatible XML format. Thanks, Bill Hart.
-- Added the ``--timid`` option to enable a simpler slower trace function that
- works for DecoratorTools projects, including TurboGears. Fixed `issue 12`_
- and `issue 13`_.
-- HTML reports now display syntax-colored Python source.
-- Added a ``coverage debug`` command for getting diagnostic information about
- the installation.
-- Source code can now be read from eggs. Thanks, Ross Lawley. Fixes
- `issue 25`_.
-.. _issue 25:
-.. _issue 12:
-.. _issue 13:
-.. _changes_301:
-Version 3.0.1 --- 2009-07-07
-- Removed the recursion limit in the tracer function. Previously, code that
- ran more than 500 frames deep would crash.
-- Fixed a bizarre problem involving pyexpat, whereby lines following XML parser
- invocations could be overlooked.
-- On Python 2.3, could mis-measure code with exceptions being
- raised. This is now fixed.
-- The code itself will now not be measured by, and no
- modules will be mentioned in the nose ``--with-cover`` plugin.
-- When running source files, now opens them in universal newline
- mode just like Python does. This lets it run Windows files on Mac, for
- example.
-.. _changes_30:
-Version 3.0 --- 2009-06-13
-- is now a package rather than a module. Functionality has been
- split into classes.
-- HTML reports and annotation of source files: use the new ``-b`` (browser)
- switch. Thanks to George Song for code, inspiration and guidance.
-- The trace function is implemented in C for speed. runs are now
- much faster. Thanks to David Christian for productive micro-sprints and
- other encouragement.
-- The minimum supported Python version is 2.3.
-- When using the object API (that is, constructing a coverage() object), data
- is no longer saved automatically on process exit. You can re-enable it with
- the ``auto_data=True`` parameter on the coverage() constructor.
- The module-level interface still uses automatic saving.
-- Code in the Python standard library is not measured by default. If you need
- to measure standard library code, use the ``-L`` command-line switch during
- execution, or the ``cover_pylib=True`` argument to the coverage()
- constructor.
-- API changes:
- - Added parameters to coverage.__init__ for options that had been set on
- the coverage object itself.
- - Added clear_exclude() and get_exclude_list() methods for programmatic
- manipulation of the exclude regexes.
- - Added coverage.load() to read previously-saved data from the data file.
- - coverage.annotate_file is no longer available.
- - Removed the undocumented cache_file argument to coverage.usecache().
+.. include:: ../CHANGES.rst