------------------------------ Change history for Coverage.py ------------------------------ Version 3.4b1 --- 21 August 2010 -------------------------------- - BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the ``--omit`` and ``--include`` switches now take file patterns rather than file prefixes, closing `issue 34`_ and `issue 36`_. - BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the `omit_prefixes` argument is gone throughout coverage.py, replaced with `omit`, a list of filename patterns suitable for `fnmatch`. A parallel argument `include` controls what files are included. - The run command now has a ``--source`` switch, a list of directories or module names. If provided, coverage.py will only measure execution in those source files. - Various warnings are printed to stderr for problems encountered during data measurement: if a ``--source`` module has no Python source to measure, or is never encountered at all, or if no data is collected. - The reporting commands (report, annotate, html, and xml) now have an ``--include`` switch to restrict reporting to modules matching those file patterns, similar to the existing ``--omit`` switch. Thanks, Zooko. - The run command now supports ``--include`` and ``--omit`` to control what modules it measures. This can speed execution and reduce the amount of data during reporting. Thanks Zooko. - Since coverage.py 3.1, using the Python trace function has been slower than it needs to be. A cache of tracing decisions was broken, but has now been fixed. - Python 2.7 and 3.2 have introduced new opcodes that are now supported. - Python files with no statements, for example, empty ``__init__.py`` files, are now reported as having zero statements instead of one. Fixes `issue 1`_. - Reports now have a column of missed line counts rather than executed line counts, since developers should focus on reducing the missed lines to zero, rather than increasing the executed lines to varying targets. Once suggested, this seemed blindingly obvious. - Line numbers in HTML source pages are clickable, linking directly to that line, which is highlighted on arrival. Added a link back to the index page at the bottom of each HTML page. - Programs that call ``os.fork`` will properly collect data from both the child and parent processes. Use ``coverage run -p`` to get two data files that can be combined with ``coverage combine``. Fixes `issue 56`_. - When measuring code running in a virtualenv, most of the system library was being measured when it shouldn't have been. This is now fixed. - Doctest text files are no longer recorded in the coverage data, since they can't be reported anyway. Fixes `issue 52`_ and `issue 61`_. - Jinja HTML templates compile into Python code using the HTML filename, which confused coverage.py. Now these files are no longer traced, fixing `issue 82`. - Source files can have more than one dot in them (foo.test.py), and will be treated properly while reporting. Fixes `issue 46`_. - Source files with DOS line endings are now properly tokenized for syntax coloring on non-DOS machines. Fixes `issue 53`_. - Unusual code structure that confused exits from methods with exits from classes is now properly analyzed. See `issue 62`_. - Asking for an HTML report with no files now shows a nice error message rather than a cryptic failure ('int' object is unsubscriptable). Fixes `issue 59`_. .. _issue 1: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/1/empty-__init__py-files-are-reported-as-1-executable .. _issue 34: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/34/enhanced-omit-globbing-handling .. _issue 36: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/36/provide-regex-style-omit .. _issue 46: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/46 .. _issue 53: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/53 .. _issue 52: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/52/doctesttestfile-confuses-source-detection .. _issue 56: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/56 .. _issue 61: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/61/annotate-i-doesnt-work .. _issue 62: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/62 .. _issue 59: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/59/html-report-fails-with-int-object-is .. _issue 82: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/82/tokenerror-when-generating-html-report Version 3.3.1 --- 6 March 2010 ------------------------------ - Using `parallel=True` in .coveragerc file prevented reporting, but now does not, fixing `issue 49`_. - When running your code with "coverage run", if you call `sys.exit()`, coverage.py will exit with that status code, fixing `issue 50`_. .. _issue 49: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/49 .. _issue 50: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/50 Version 3.3 --- 24 February 2010 -------------------------------- - Settings are now read from a .coveragerc file. A specific file can be specified on the command line with --rcfile=FILE. The name of the file can be programmatically set with the `config_file` argument to the coverage() constructor, or reading a config file can be disabled with `config_file=False`. - Fixed a problem with nested loops having their branch possibilities mischaracterized: `issue 39`_. - Added coverage.process_start to enable coverage measurement when Python starts. - Parallel data file names now have a random number appended to them in addition to the machine name and process id. - Parallel data files combined with "coverage combine" are deleted after they're combined, to clean up unneeded files. Fixes `issue 40`_. - Exceptions thrown from product code run with "coverage run" are now displayed without internal coverage.py frames, so the output is the same as when the code is run without coverage.py. - The `data_suffix` argument to the coverage constructor is now appended with an added dot rather than simply appended, so that .coveragerc files will not be confused for data files. - Python source files that don't end with a newline can now be executed, fixing `issue 47`_. - Added an AUTHORS.txt file. .. _issue 39: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/39 .. _issue 40: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/40 .. _issue 47: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/47 Version 3.2 --- 5 December 2009 ------------------------------- - Added a ``--version`` option on the command line. Version 3.2b4 --- 1 December 2009 --------------------------------- - Branch coverage improvements: - The XML report now includes branch information. - Click-to-sort HTML report columns are now persisted in a cookie. Viewing a report will sort it first the way you last had a coverage report sorted. Thanks, `Chris Adams`_. - On Python 3.x, setuptools has been replaced by `Distribute`_. .. _Distribute: http://packages.python.org/distribute/ Version 3.2b3 --- 23 November 2009 ---------------------------------- - Fixed a memory leak in the C tracer that was introduced in 3.2b1. - Branch coverage improvements: - Branches to excluded code are ignored. - The table of contents in the HTML report is now sortable: click the headers on any column. Thanks, `Chris Adams`_. .. _Chris Adams: http://improbable.org/chris/ Version 3.2b2 --- 19 November 2009 ---------------------------------- - Branch coverage improvements: - Classes are no longer incorrectly marked as branches: `issue 32`_. - "except" clauses with types are no longer incorrectly marked as branches: `issue 35`_. - Fixed some problems syntax coloring sources with line continuations and source with tabs: `issue 30`_ and `issue 31`_. - The --omit option now works much better than before, fixing `issue 14` and `issue 33`_. Thanks, Danek Duvall. .. _issue 14: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/14 .. _issue 30: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/30 .. _issue 31: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/31 .. _issue 32: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/32 .. _issue 33: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/33 .. _issue 35: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/35 Version 3.2b1 --- 10 November 2009 ---------------------------------- - Branch coverage! - XML reporting has file paths that let Cobertura find the source code. - The tracer code has changed, it's a few percent faster. - Some exceptions reported by the command line interface have been cleaned up so that tracebacks inside coverage.py aren't shown. Fixes `issue 23`_. .. _issue 23: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/23 Version 3.1 --- 4 October 2009 ------------------------------ - Source code can now be read from eggs. Thanks, Ross Lawley. Fixes `issue 25`_. .. _issue 25: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/25 Version 3.1b1 --- 27 September 2009 ----------------------------------- - Python 3.1 is now supported. - Coverage.py has a new command line syntax with sub-commands. This expands the possibilities for adding features and options in the future. The old syntax is still supported. Try "coverage help" to see the new commands. Thanks to Ben Finney for early help. - Added an experimental "coverage xml" command for producing coverage reports in a Cobertura-compatible XML format. Thanks, Bill Hart. - Added the --timid option to enable a simpler slower trace function that works for DecoratorTools projects, including TurboGears. Fixed `issue 12`_ and `issue 13`_. - HTML reports show modules from other directories. Fixed `issue 11`_. - HTML reports now display syntax-colored Python source. - Programs that change directory will still write .coverage files in the directory where execution started. Fixed `issue 24`_. - Added a "coverage debug" command for getting diagnostic information about the coverage.py installation. .. _issue 11: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/11 .. _issue 12: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/12 .. _issue 13: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/13 .. _issue 24: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/24 Version 3.0.1 --- 7 July 2009 ----------------------------- - Removed the recursion limit in the tracer function. Previously, code that ran more than 500 frames deep would crash. Fixed `issue 9`. - Fixed a bizarre problem involving pyexpat, whereby lines following XML parser invocations could be overlooked. Fixed `issue 10`. - On Python 2.3, coverage.py could mis-measure code with exceptions being raised. This is now fixed. - The coverage.py code itself will now not be measured by coverage.py, and no coverage modules will be mentioned in the nose --with-cover plug-in. Fixed `issue 8`. - When running source files, coverage.py now opens them in universal newline mode just like Python does. This lets it run Windows files on Mac, for example. .. _issue 9: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/9 .. _issue 10: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/10 .. _issue 8: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/8 Version 3.0 --- 13 June 2009 ---------------------------- - Fixed the way the Python library was ignored. Too much code was being excluded the old way. - Tabs are now properly converted in HTML reports. Previously indentation was lost. Fixed `issue 6`. - Nested modules now get a proper flat_rootname. Thanks, Christian Heimes. .. _issue 6: http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/6 Version 3.0b3 --- 16 May 2009 ----------------------------- - Added parameters to coverage.__init__ for options that had been set on the coverage object itself. - Added clear_exclude() and get_exclude_list() methods for programmatic manipulation of the exclude regexes. - Added coverage.load() to read previously-saved data from the data file. - Improved the finding of code files. For example, .pyc files that have been installed after compiling are now located correctly. Thanks, Detlev Offenbach. - When using the object API (that is, constructing a coverage() object), data is no longer saved automatically on process exit. You can re-enable it with the auto_data=True parameter on the coverage() constructor. The module-level interface still uses automatic saving. Version 3.0b --- 30 April 2009 ------------------------------ HTML reporting, and continued refactoring. - HTML reports and annotation of source files: use the new -b (browser) switch. Thanks to George Song for code, inspiration and guidance. - Code in the Python standard library is not measured by default. If you need to measure standard library code, use the -L command-line switch during execution, or the cover_pylib=True argument to the coverage() constructor. - Source annotation into a directory (-a -d) behaves differently. The annotated files are named with their hierarchy flattened so that same-named files from different directories no longer collide. Also, only files in the current tree are included. - coverage.annotate_file is no longer available. - Programs executed with -x now behave more as they should, for example, __file__ has the correct value. - .coverage data files have a new pickle-based format designed for better extensibility. - Removed the undocumented cache_file argument to coverage.usecache(). Version 3.0b1 --- 7 March 2009 ------------------------------ Major overhaul. - Coverage is now a package rather than a module. Functionality has been split into classes. - The trace function is implemented in C for speed. Coverage runs are now much faster. Thanks to David Christian for productive micro-sprints and other encouragement. - Executable lines are identified by reading the line number tables in the compiled code, removing a great deal of complicated analysis code. - Precisely which lines are considered executable has changed in some cases. Therefore, your coverage stats may also change slightly. - The singleton coverage object is only created if the module-level functions are used. This maintains the old interface while allowing better programmatic use of Coverage. - The minimum supported Python version is 2.3. Version 2.85 --- 14 September 2008 ---------------------------------- - Add support for finding source files in eggs. Don't check for morf's being instances of ModuleType, instead use duck typing so that pseudo-modules can participate. Thanks, Imri Goldberg. - Use os.realpath as part of the fixing of file names so that symlinks won't confuse things. Thanks, Patrick Mezard. Version 2.80 --- 25 May 2008 ---------------------------- - Open files in rU mode to avoid line ending craziness. Thanks, Edward Loper. Version 2.78 --- 30 September 2007 ---------------------------------- - Don't try to predict whether a file is Python source based on the extension. Extension-less files are often Pythons scripts. Instead, simply parse the file and catch the syntax errors. Hat tip to Ben Finney. Version 2.77 --- 29 July 2007 ----------------------------- - Better packaging. Version 2.76 --- 23 July 2007 ----------------------------- - Now Python 2.5 is *really* fully supported: the body of the new with statement is counted as executable. Version 2.75 --- 22 July 2007 ----------------------------- - Python 2.5 now fully supported. The method of dealing with multi-line statements is now less sensitive to the exact line that Python reports during execution. Pass statements are handled specially so that their disappearance during execution won't throw off the measurement. Version 2.7 --- 21 July 2007 ---------------------------- - "#pragma: nocover" is excluded by default. - Properly ignore docstrings and other constant expressions that appear in the middle of a function, a problem reported by Tim Leslie. - coverage.erase() shouldn't clobber the exclude regex. Change how parallel mode is invoked, and fix erase() so that it erases the cache when called programmatically. - In reports, ignore code executed from strings, since we can't do anything useful with it anyway. - Better file handling on Linux, thanks Guillaume Chazarain. - Better shell support on Windows, thanks Noel O'Boyle. - Python 2.2 support maintained, thanks Catherine Proulx. - Minor changes to avoid lint warnings. Version 2.6 --- 23 August 2006 ------------------------------ - Applied Joseph Tate's patch for function decorators. - Applied Sigve Tjora and Mark van der Wal's fixes for argument handling. - Applied Geoff Bache's parallel mode patch. - Refactorings to improve testability. Fixes to command-line logic for parallel mode and collect. Version 2.5 --- 4 December 2005 ------------------------------- - Call threading.settrace so that all threads are measured. Thanks Martin Fuzzey. - Add a file argument to report so that reports can be captured to a different destination. - coverage.py can now measure itself. - Adapted Greg Rogers' patch for using relative file names, and sorting and omitting files to report on. Version 2.2 --- 31 December 2004 -------------------------------- - Allow for keyword arguments in the module global functions. Thanks, Allen. Version 2.1 --- 14 December 2004 -------------------------------- - Return 'analysis' to its original behavior and add 'analysis2'. Add a global for 'annotate', and factor it, adding 'annotate_file'. Version 2.0 --- 12 December 2004 -------------------------------- Significant code changes. - Finding executable statements has been rewritten so that docstrings and other quirks of Python execution aren't mistakenly identified as missing lines. - Lines can be excluded from consideration, even entire suites of lines. - The file system cache of covered lines can be disabled programmatically. - Modernized the code. Earlier History --------------- 2001-12-04 GDR Created. 2001-12-06 GDR Added command-line interface and source code annotation. 2001-12-09 GDR Moved design and interface to separate documents. 2001-12-10 GDR Open cache file as binary on Windows. Allow simultaneous -e and -x, or -a and -r. 2001-12-12 GDR Added command-line help. Cache analysis so that it only needs to be done once when you specify -a and -r. 2001-12-13 GDR Improved speed while recording. Portable between Python 1.5.2 and 2.1.1. 2002-01-03 GDR Module-level functions work correctly. 2002-01-07 GDR Update sys.path when running a file with the -x option, so that it matches the value the program would get if it were run on its own.