.. Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt =========== Coverage.py =========== .. :history: 20090524T134300, brand new docs. .. :history: 20090613T164000, final touches for 3.0 .. :history: 20090618T195900, minor tweaks .. :history: 20090707T205200, changes for 3.0.1 .. :history: 20090913T084400, new command line syntax .. :history: 20091004T211900, version 3.1 .. :history: 20091127T155100, version 3.2 .. :history: 20091205T161429, version 3.2 for real. .. :history: 20100224T204700, version 3.3 .. :history: 20100306T181500, version 3.3.1 .. :history: 20100725T211700, updated for 3.4. .. :history: 20100820T151500, updated for 3.4b1. .. :history: 20100906T134700, updated for 3.4b2. .. :history: 20100919T163500, updated for 3.4 release. .. :history: 20110213T081200, claim true 3.2 compatibility. .. :history: 20110604T114800, update for 3.5b1 .. :history: 20110629T082300, update for 3.5 .. :history: 20110827T221800, update for 3.5.1b1 .. :history: 20110923T081800, update for 3.5.1 .. :history: 20120429T162100, updated for 3.5.2b1 .. :history: 20120503T233800, updated for 3.5.2 .. :history: 20120929T093500, updated for 3.5.3 .. :history: 20121117T094900, Change from easy_install to pip. .. :history: 20121128T203700, Updated for 3.6b1. .. :history: 20121223T180600, Updated for 3.6b2. .. :history: 20121229T112300, Updated for 3.6b3. .. :history: 20130105T174000, Updated for 3.6 .. :history: 20131005T210000, Updated for 3.7 .. :history: 20131212T213300, Updated for 3.7.1 .. :history: 20140924T073000, Updated for 4.0a1 .. :history: 20150124T023900, Updated for 4.0a4 .. :history: 20150216T201000, Updated for 4.0a5 .. :history: 20150802T160200, Updated for 4.0b1 .. :history: 20150822T092900, Updated for 4.0b2 .. :history: 20150918T072700, Updated for 4.0 .. :history: 20151013T103200, Updated for 4.0.1 .. :history: 20151104T050900, updated for 4.0.2 .. :history: 20151124T065900, updated for 4.0.3 .. :history: 20160110T125900, updated for 4.1b1 .. :history: 20160123T171300, updated for 4.1b2 .. :history: 20160510T125300, updated for 4.1b3 .. :history: 20160521T074500, updated for 4.1 .. :history: 20160726T161300, updated for 4.2 .. :history: 20161226T160400, updated for 4.3 .. :history: 20170116T180100, updated for 4.3.2 .. :history: 20180203T130300, updated for 4.5 .. :history: 20180210T125300, updated for 4.5.1 Coverage.py is a tool for measuring code coverage of Python programs. It monitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed, then analyzes the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not. Coverage measurement is typically used to gauge the effectiveness of tests. It can show which parts of your code are being exercised by tests, and which are not. .. ifconfig:: not prerelease The latest version is coverage.py 4.5.1, released February 10th 2018. It is supported on: * Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. * PyPy2 5.10 and PyPy3 5.10. * Jython 2.7.1, though only for running code, not reporting. * IronPython 2.7.7, though only for running code, not reporting. .. ifconfig:: prerelease The latest version is coverage.py 5.0a1, released May 28th 2018. It is supported on: * Python versions 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. * PyPy2 6.0 and PyPy3 6.0. * Jython 2.7.1, though only for running code, not reporting. * IronPython 2.7.7, though only for running code, not reporting. **This is a pre-release build. The usual warnings about possible bugs apply.** The latest stable version is coverage.py 4.5.1, `described here`_. .. _described here: http://coverage.readthedocs.io/ Quick start ----------- Getting started is easy: #. Install coverage.py from the `coverage.py page on the Python Package Index`_, or by using "pip install coverage". For a few more details, see :ref:`install`. #. Use ``coverage run`` to run your program and gather data: .. code-block:: console # if you usually do: # # $ python my_program.py arg1 arg2 # # then instead do: $ coverage run my_program.py arg1 arg2 blah blah ..your program's output.. blah blah #. Use ``coverage report`` to report on the results: .. code-block:: console $ coverage report -m Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------- my_program.py 20 4 80% 33-35, 39 my_other_module.py 56 6 89% 17-23 ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 76 10 87% #. For a nicer presentation, use ``coverage html`` to get annotated HTML listings detailing missed lines: .. code-block:: console $ coverage html .. ifconfig:: not prerelease Then visit htmlcov/index.html in your browser, to see a `report like this`_. .. ifconfig:: prerelease Then visit htmlcov/index.html in your browser, to see a `report like this one`_. .. _coverage.py page on the Python Package Index: https://pypi.org/project/coverage/ .. _report like this: https://nedbatchelder.com/files/sample_coverage_html/index.html .. _report like this one: https://nedbatchelder.com/files/sample_coverage_html_beta/index.html Using coverage.py ----------------- There are a few different ways to use coverage.py. The simplest is the :ref:`command line `, which lets you run your program and see the results. If you need more control over how your project is measured, you can use the :ref:`API `. Some test runners provide coverage integration to make it easy to use coverage.py while running tests. For example, `pytest`_ has the `pytest-cov`_ plugin. You can fine-tune coverage.py's view of your code by directing it to ignore parts that you know aren't interesting. See :ref:`source` and :ref:`excluding` for details. .. _pytest: http://doc.pytest.org .. _pytest-cov: https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/ .. _contact: Getting help ------------ If the :ref:`FAQ ` doesn't answer your question, you can discuss coverage.py or get help using it on the `Testing In Python`_ mailing list. .. _Testing In Python: http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/testing-in-python Bug reports are gladly accepted at the `Bitbucket issue tracker`_. Bitbucket also hosts the `code repository`_. There is a `mirrored repo`_ on GitHub. .. _Bitbucket issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues .. _code repository: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy .. _mirrored repo: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy `I can be reached`_ in a number of ways. I'm happy to answer questions about using coverage.py. .. _I can be reached: https://nedbatchelder.com/site/aboutned.html More information ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 install cmd config source excluding branch subprocess api howitworks plugins contributing trouble faq changes