.. _install: ============ Installation ============ .. :history: 20100725T225600, new for 3.4. .. :history: 20100820T151500, updated for 3.4b1. .. :history: 20100906T134800, updated for 3.4b2. .. :history: 20110604T213400, updated for 3.5b1. .. :history: 20110629T082400, updated for 3.5. .. :history: 20110923T081900, updated for 3.5.1. .. :history: 20120429T162500, updated for 3.5.2b1. .. :history: 20120503T234000, updated for 3.5.2. .. :history: 20120929T093600, updated for 3.5.3. .. :history: 20121117T095000, Now setuptools is a pre-req. .. :history: 20121128T203000, updated for 3.6b1. .. :history: 20121223T180800, updated for 3.6b2. .. :history: 20121229T112400, updated for 3.6b3. .. :history: 20130105T174400, updated for 3.6. .. :history: 20131005T210600, updated for 3.7. .. :history: 20131212T213500, updated for 3.7.1. .. :history: 20140927T102700, updated for 4.0a1. .. highlight:: console .. _coverage_pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/coverage .. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools .. _Distribute: http://packages.python.org/distribute/ Installing coverage.py is done in the usual ways. The simplest way is with pip:: $ pip install coverage .. ifconfig:: prerelease To install a pre-release version, you will need to specify ``--pre``:: $ pip install --pre coverage The alternate old-school technique is: #. Install (or already have installed) `setuptools`_ or `Distribute`_. #. Download the appropriate kit from the `coverage page on the Python Package Index`__. #. Run ``python setup.py install``. .. __: coverage_pypi_ Installing from source ---------------------- Coverage.py includes a C extension for speed. If you are installing from source, you may need to install the python-dev support files, for example with:: $ sudo apt-get install python-dev or for Python 3.x:: $ sudo apt-get install python3-dev Installing on Windows --------------------- For Windows, kits are provided on the `PyPI page`__ for different versions of Python and different CPU architectures. These kits require that `setuptools`_ be installed as a pre-requisite, but otherwise are self-contained. They have the C extension pre-compiled so there's no need to worry about compilers. .. __: coverage_pypi_ Checking the installation ------------------------- If all went well, you should be able to open a command prompt, and see coverage installed properly: .. ifconfig:: not prerelease .. parsed-literal:: $ coverage --version Coverage.py, version |release|. Documentation at https://coverage.readthedocs.org .. ifconfig:: prerelease .. parsed-literal:: $ coverage --version Coverage.py, version |release|. Documentation at https://coverage.readthedocs.org/en/|release| You can also invoke coverage as a module: .. ifconfig:: not prerelease .. parsed-literal:: $ python -m coverage --version Coverage.py, version |release|. Documentation at https://coverage.readthedocs.org .. ifconfig:: prerelease .. parsed-literal:: $ python -m coverage --version Coverage.py, version |release|. Documentation at https://coverage.readthedocs.org/en/|release|