# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt """Tests for coverage.py's arc measurement.""" from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest import coverage from coverage import env from coverage.files import abs_file class SimpleArcTest(CoverageTest): """Tests for coverage.py's arc measurement.""" def test_simple_sequence(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 b = 2 """, arcz=".1 12 2.") self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 b = 3 """, arcz=".1 13 3.") self.check_coverage("""\ a = 2 b = 3 c = 5 """, arcz="-22 23 35 5-2") def test_function_def(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def foo(): a = 2 foo() """, arcz=".1 .2 14 2. 4.") def test_if(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if len([]) == 0: a = 3 assert a == 3 """, arcz=".1 12 23 24 34 4.", arcz_missing="24") self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if len([]) == 1: a = 3 assert a == 1 """, arcz=".1 12 23 24 34 4.", arcz_missing="23 34") def test_if_else(self): self.check_coverage("""\ if len([]) == 0: a = 2 else: a = 4 assert a == 2 """, arcz=".1 12 25 14 45 5.", arcz_missing="14 45") self.check_coverage("""\ if len([]) == 1: a = 2 else: a = 4 assert a == 4 """, arcz=".1 12 25 14 45 5.", arcz_missing="12 25") def test_compact_if(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if len([]) == 0: a = 2 assert a == 2 """, arcz=".1 12 23 3.", ) self.check_coverage("""\ def fn(x): if x % 2: return True return False a = fn(1) assert a == True """, arcz=".1 14 45 5. .2 2. 23 3.", arcz_missing="23 3.") def test_multiline(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = ( 2 + 3 ) b = \\ 6 """, arcz="-21 15 5-2", ) def test_if_return(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def if_ret(a): if a: return 3 b = 4 return 5 x = if_ret(0) + if_ret(1) assert x == 8 """, arcz=".1 16 67 7. .2 23 24 3. 45 5.", ) def test_dont_confuse_exit_and_else(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def foo(): if foo: a = 3 else: a = 5 return a assert foo() == 3 # 7 """, arcz=".1 17 7. .2 23 36 25 56 6.", arcz_missing="25 56" ) self.check_coverage("""\ def foo(): if foo: a = 3 else: a = 5 foo() # 6 """, arcz=".1 16 6. .2 23 3. 25 5.", arcz_missing="25 5." ) def test_what_is_the_sound_of_no_lines_clapping(self): if env.JYTHON: # Jython reports no lines for an empty file. arcz_missing=".1 1." # pragma: only jython else: # Other Pythons report one line. arcz_missing="" self.check_coverage("""\ # __init__.py """, arcz=".1 1.", arcz_missing=arcz_missing, ) class WithTest(CoverageTest): """Arc-measuring tests involving context managers.""" def test_with(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def example(): with open("test", "w") as f: # exit f.write("") return 1 example() """, arcz=".1 .2 23 34 4. 16 6." ) def test_bug_146(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/146 self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(2): with open("test", "w") as f: print(3) print(4) print(5) """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 41 15 5." ) class LoopArcTest(CoverageTest): """Arc-measuring tests involving loops.""" def test_loop(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(10): a = i assert a == 9 """, arcz=".1 12 21 13 3.", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a = -1 for i in range(0): a = i assert a == -1 """, arcz=".1 12 23 32 24 4.", arcz_missing="23 32") def test_nested_loop(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(3): for j in range(3): a = i + j assert a == 4 """, arcz=".1 12 23 32 21 14 4.", ) def test_break(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(10): a = i break # 3 a = 99 assert a == 0 # 5 """, arcz=".1 12 23 35 15 41 5.", arcz_missing="15 41") def test_continue(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(10): a = i continue # 3 a = 99 assert a == 9 # 5 """, arcz=".1 12 23 31 15 41 5.", arcz_missing="41") def test_nested_breaks(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(3): for j in range(3): a = i + j break # 4 if i == 2: break assert a == 2 and i == 2 # 7 """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 45 25 56 51 67 17 7.", arcz_missing="17 25") def test_while_true(self): # With "while 1", the loop knows it's constant. self.check_coverage("""\ a, i = 1, 0 while 1: if i >= 3: a = 4 break i += 1 assert a == 4 and i == 3 """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 45 36 63 57 7.", ) # With "while True", 2.x thinks it's computation, # 3.x thinks it's constant. if env.PY3: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 45 36 63 57 7." else: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 45 36 62 57 7." self.check_coverage("""\ a, i = 1, 0 while True: if i >= 3: a = 4 break i += 1 assert a == 4 and i == 3 """, arcz=arcz, ) def test_zero_coverage_while_loop(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/502 self.make_file("main.py", "print('done')") self.make_file("zero.py", """\ def method(self): while True: return 1 """) out = self.run_command("coverage run --branch --source=. main.py") self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n') report = self.report_from_command("coverage report -m") squeezed = self.squeezed_lines(report) self.assertIn("zero.py 3 3 0 0 0% 1-3", squeezed[3]) def test_bug_496_continue_in_constant_while(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/496 if env.PY3: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 45 53 46 6." else: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 45 52 46 6." self.check_coverage("""\ up = iter('ta') while True: char = next(up) if char == 't': continue break """, arcz=arcz ) def test_for_if_else_for(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def branches_2(l): if l: for e in l: a = 4 else: a = 6 def branches_3(l): for x in l: if x: for e in l: a = 12 else: a = 14 branches_2([0,1]) branches_3([0,1]) """, arcz= ".1 18 8G GH H. " ".2 23 34 43 26 3. 6. " "-89 9A 9-8 AB BC CB B9 AE E9", arcz_missing="26 6." ) def test_for_else(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def forelse(seq): for n in seq: if n > 5: break else: print('None of the values were greater than 5') print('Done') forelse([1,2]) forelse([1,6]) """, arcz=".1 .2 23 32 34 47 26 67 7. 18 89 9." ) def test_while_else(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def whileelse(seq): while seq: n = seq.pop() if n > 4: break else: n = 99 return n assert whileelse([1, 2]) == 99 assert whileelse([1, 5]) == 5 """, arcz=".1 19 9A A. .2 23 34 45 58 42 27 78 8.", ) def test_confusing_for_loop_bug_175(self): if env.PY3: # Py3 counts the list comp as a separate code object. arcz = ".1 -22 2-2 12 23 34 45 53 3." else: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 45 53 3." self.check_coverage("""\ o = [(1,2), (3,4)] o = [a for a in o] for tup in o: x = tup[0] y = tup[1] """, arcz=arcz, ) if env.PY3: arcz = ".1 12 -22 2-2 23 34 42 2." else: arcz = ".1 12 23 34 42 2." self.check_coverage("""\ o = [(1,2), (3,4)] for tup in [a for a in o]: x = tup[0] y = tup[1] """, arcz=arcz, ) def test_generator_expression(self): # Generator expression: self.check_coverage("""\ o = ((1,2), (3,4)) o = (a for a in o) for tup in o: x = tup[0] y = tup[1] """, arcz=".1 -22 2-2 12 23 34 45 53 3.", ) def test_other_comprehensions(self): if env.PYVERSION < (2, 7): self.skipTest("No set or dict comprehensions before 2.7") # pragma: not covered # Set comprehension: self.check_coverage("""\ o = ((1,2), (3,4)) o = {a for a in o} for tup in o: x = tup[0] y = tup[1] """, arcz=".1 -22 2-2 12 23 34 45 53 3.", ) # Dict comprehension: self.check_coverage("""\ o = ((1,2), (3,4)) o = {a:1 for a in o} for tup in o: x = tup[0] y = tup[1] """, arcz=".1 -22 2-2 12 23 34 45 53 3.", ) def test_multiline_dict_comp(self): if env.PYVERSION < (2, 7): self.skipTest("No set or dict comprehensions before 2.7") # pragma: not covered if env.PYVERSION < (3, 5): arcz = "-42 2B B-4 2-4" else: arcz = "-32 2B B-3 2-3" # Multiline dict comp: self.check_coverage("""\ # comment d = \\ { i: str(i) for i in range(9) } x = 11 """, arcz=arcz, ) # Multi dict comp: if env.PYVERSION < (3, 5): arcz = "-42 2F F-4 2-4" else: arcz = "-32 2F F-3 2-3" self.check_coverage("""\ # comment d = \\ { (i, j): str(i+j) for i in range(9) for j in range(13) } x = 15 """, arcz=arcz, ) class ExceptionArcTest(CoverageTest): """Arc-measuring tests involving exception handling.""" def test_try_except(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b = 1, 1 try: a = 3 except: b = 5 assert a == 3 and b == 1 """, arcz=".1 12 23 36 45 56 6.", arcz_missing="45 56") self.check_coverage("""\ a, b = 1, 1 try: a = 3 raise Exception("Yikes!") a = 5 except: b = 7 assert a == 3 and b == 7 """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 46 58 67 78 8.", arcz_missing="58", ) def test_hidden_raise(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b = 1, 1 def oops(x): if x % 2: raise Exception("odd") try: a = 6 oops(1) a = 8 except: b = 10 assert a == 6 and b == 10 """, arcz=".1 12 -23 34 3-2 4-2 25 56 67 78 8B 9A AB B.", arcz_missing="3-2 78 8B", arcz_unpredicted="79", ) def test_except_with_type(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b = 1, 1 def oops(x): if x % 2: raise ValueError("odd") def try_it(x): try: a = 7 oops(x) a = 9 except ValueError: b = 11 return a assert try_it(0) == 9 # C assert try_it(1) == 7 # D """, arcz=".1 12 -23 34 3-2 4-2 25 5D DE E. -56 67 78 89 9C AB BC C-5", arcz_unpredicted="8A", ) def test_try_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, c = 1, 1 try: a = 3 finally: c = 5 assert a == 3 and c == 5 """, arcz=".1 12 23 35 56 6.", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, c, d = 1, 1, 1 try: try: a = 4 finally: c = 6 except: d = 8 assert a == 4 and c == 6 and d == 1 # 9 """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 46 78 89 69 9.", arcz_missing="78 89", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, c, d = 1, 1, 1 try: try: a = 4 raise Exception("Yikes!") a = 6 finally: c = 8 except: d = 10 # A assert a == 4 and c == 8 and d == 10 # B """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 45 58 68 89 8B 9A AB B.", arcz_missing="68 8B", ) def test_finally_in_loop(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, c, d, i = 1, 1, 1, 99 try: for i in range(5): try: a = 5 if i > 0: raise Exception("Yikes!") a = 8 finally: c = 10 except: d = 12 # C assert a == 5 and c == 10 and d == 12 # D """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 3D 45 56 67 68 7A 8A A3 AB BC CD D.", arcz_missing="3D", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, c, d, i = 1, 1, 1, 99 try: for i in range(5): try: a = 5 if i > 10: raise Exception("Yikes!") a = 8 finally: c = 10 except: d = 12 # C assert a == 8 and c == 10 and d == 1 # D """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 3D 45 56 67 68 7A 8A A3 AB BC CD D.", arcz_missing="67 7A AB BC CD", ) def test_break_through_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, c, d, i = 1, 1, 1, 99 try: for i in range(3): try: a = 5 if i > 0: break a = 8 finally: c = 10 except: d = 12 # C assert a == 5 and c == 10 and d == 1 # D """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 3D 45 56 67 68 7A 8A A3 AD BC CD D.", arcz_missing="3D BC CD", ) def test_continue_through_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c, d, i = 1, 1, 1, 1, 99 try: for i in range(5): try: a = 5 if i > 0: continue b = 8 finally: c = 10 except: d = 12 # C assert (a, b, c, d) == (5, 8, 10, 1) # D """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 3D 45 56 67 68 7A 8A A3 BC CD D.", arcz_missing="BC CD", ) def test_finally_in_loop_bug_92(self): self.check_coverage("""\ for i in range(5): try: j = 3 finally: f = 5 g = 6 h = 7 """, arcz=".1 12 23 35 56 61 17 7.", ) def test_bug_212(self): # "except Exception as e" is crucial here. self.check_coverage("""\ def b(exc): try: while 1: raise Exception(exc) # 4 except Exception as e: if exc != 'expected': raise q = 8 b('expected') try: b('unexpected') # C except: pass """, arcz=".1 .2 1A 23 34 45 56 67 68 7. 8. AB BC C. DE E.", arcz_missing="C.", arcz_unpredicted="CD") def test_except_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 try: a = 3 except: b = 5 finally: c = 7 assert a == 3 and b == 1 and c == 7 """, arcz=".1 12 23 45 37 57 78 8.", arcz_missing="45 57") self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 def oops(x): if x % 2: raise Exception("odd") try: a = 5 oops(1) a = 7 except: b = 9 finally: c = 11 assert a == 5 and b == 9 and c == 11 """, arcz=".1 12 -23 3-2 24 45 56 67 7B 89 9B BC C.", arcz_missing="67 7B", arcz_unpredicted="68") def test_multiple_except_clauses(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 try: a = 3 except ValueError: b = 5 except IndexError: a = 7 finally: c = 9 assert a == 3 and b == 1 and c == 9 """, arcz=".1 12 23 45 46 39 59 67 79 9A A.", arcz_missing="45 59 46 67 79", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 try: a = int("xyz") # ValueError except ValueError: b = 5 except IndexError: a = 7 finally: c = 9 assert a == 1 and b == 5 and c == 9 """, arcz=".1 12 23 45 46 39 59 67 79 9A A.", arcz_missing="39 46 67 79", arcz_unpredicted="34", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 try: a = [1][3] # IndexError except ValueError: b = 5 except IndexError: a = 7 finally: c = 9 assert a == 7 and b == 1 and c == 9 """, arcz=".1 12 23 45 46 39 59 67 79 9A A.", arcz_missing="39 45 59", arcz_unpredicted="34", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a, b, c = 1, 1, 1 try: try: a = 4/0 # ZeroDivisionError except ValueError: b = 6 except IndexError: a = 8 finally: c = 10 except ZeroDivisionError: pass assert a == 1 and b == 1 and c == 10 """, arcz=".1 12 23 34 4A 56 6A 57 78 8A AD BC CD D.", arcz_missing="4A 56 6A 78 8A AD", arcz_unpredicted="45 7A AB", ) def test_return_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = [1] def check_token(data): if data: try: return 5 finally: a.append(7) return 8 assert check_token(False) == 8 assert a == [1] assert check_token(True) == 5 assert a == [1, 7] """, arcz=".1 12 29 9A AB BC C-1 -23 34 45 57 7-2 38 8-2", ) def test_except_jump_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def func(x): a = f = g = 2 try: for i in range(4): try: 6/0 except ZeroDivisionError: if x == 'break': a = 9 break elif x == 'continue': a = 12 continue elif x == 'return': a = 15 # F return a, f, g, i # G elif x == 'raise': # H a = 18 # I raise ValueError() # J finally: f = 21 # L except ValueError: # M g = 23 # N return a, f, g, i # O assert func('break') == (9, 21, 2, 0) # Q assert func('continue') == (12, 21, 2, 3) # R assert func('return') == (15, 2, 2, 0) # S assert func('raise') == (18, 21, 23, 0) # T """, arcz= ".1 1Q QR RS ST T. " ".2 23 34 45 56 4O 6L " "78 89 9A AL 8B BC CD DL BE EF FG GL EH HI IJ JL HL " "LO L4 L. LM " "MN NO O.", arcz_missing="6L HL", arcz_unpredicted="67", ) def test_else_jump_finally(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def func(x): a = f = g = 2 try: for i in range(4): try: b = 6 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: if x == 'break': a = 11 break elif x == 'continue': a = 14 continue elif x == 'return': a = 17 # H return a, f, g, i # I elif x == 'raise': # J a = 20 # K raise ValueError() # L finally: f = 23 # N except ValueError: # O g = 25 # P return a, f, g, i # Q assert func('break') == (11, 23, 2, 0) # S assert func('continue') == (14, 23, 2, 3) # T assert func('return') == (17, 2, 2, 0) # U assert func('raise') == (20, 23, 25, 0) # V """, arcz= ".1 1S ST TU UV V. " ".2 23 34 45 56 6A 78 8N 4Q " "AB BC CN AD DE EF FN DG GH HI IN GJ JK KL LN JN " "NQ N4 N. NO " "OP PQ Q.", arcz_missing="78 8N JN", arcz_unpredicted="", ) class YieldTest(CoverageTest): """Arc tests for generators.""" def test_yield_in_loop(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def gen(inp): for n in inp: yield n list(gen([1,2,3])) """, arcz=".1 .2 23 2. 32 15 5.", ) def test_padded_yield_in_loop(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def gen(inp): i = 2 for n in inp: i = 4 yield n i = 6 i = 7 list(gen([1,2,3])) """, arcz=".1 19 9. .2 23 34 45 56 63 37 7.", ) def test_bug_308(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def run(): for i in range(10): yield lambda: i for f in run(): print(f()) """, arcz=".1 15 56 65 5. .2 23 32 2. -33 3-3", ) self.check_coverage("""\ def run(): yield lambda: 100 for i in range(10): yield lambda: i for f in run(): print(f()) """, arcz=".1 16 67 76 6. .2 23 34 43 3. -22 2-2 -44 4-4", ) self.check_coverage("""\ def run(): yield lambda: 100 # no branch miss for f in run(): print(f()) """, arcz=".1 14 45 54 4. .2 2. -22 2-2", ) def test_bug_324(self): # This code is tricky: the list() call pulls all the values from gen(), # but each of them is a generator itself that is never iterated. As a # result, the generator expression on line 3 is never entered or run. self.check_coverage("""\ def gen(inp): for n in inp: yield (i * 2 for i in range(n)) list(gen([1,2,3])) """, arcz= ".1 15 5. " # The module level ".2 23 32 2. " # The gen() function "-33 3-3", # The generator expression arcz_missing="-33 3-3", ) def test_coroutines(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def double_inputs(): while len([1]): # avoid compiler differences x = yield x *= 2 yield x gen = double_inputs() next(gen) print(gen.send(10)) next(gen) print(gen.send(6)) """, arcz= ".1 17 78 89 9A AB B. " ".2 23 34 45 52 2.", arcz_missing="2.", ) self.assertEqual(self.stdout(), "20\n12\n") def test_yield_from(self): if env.PYVERSION < (3, 3): self.skipTest("Python before 3.3 doesn't have 'yield from'") self.check_coverage("""\ def gen(inp): i = 2 for n in inp: i = 4 yield from range(3) i = 6 i = 7 list(gen([1,2,3])) """, arcz=".1 19 9. .2 23 34 45 56 63 37 7.", arcz_unpredicted="5.", ) def test_abandoned_yield(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/440 self.check_coverage("""\ def gen(): print("yup") yield "yielded" print("nope") print(next(gen())) """, lines=[1, 2, 3, 4, 6], missing="4", arcz=".1 16 6. .2 23 34 4.", arcz_missing="34 4.", ) class OptimizedIfTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of if statements being optimized away.""" def test_optimized_away_if_0(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if len([2]): c = 3 if 0: # this line isn't in the compiled code. if len([5]): d = 6 else: e = 8 f = 9 """, lines=[1, 2, 3, 8, 9], arcz=".1 12 23 28 38 89 9.", arcz_missing="28", ) def test_optimized_away_if_1(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if len([2]): c = 3 if 1: # this line isn't in the compiled code, if len([5]): # but these are. d = 6 else: e = 8 f = 9 """, lines=[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9], arcz=".1 12 23 25 35 56 69 59 9.", arcz_missing="25 59", ) self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if 1: b = 3 c = 4 d = 5 """, lines=[1, 3, 4, 5], arcz=".1 13 34 45 5.", ) def test_optimized_nested(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if 0: if 0: b = 4 else: c = 6 else: if 0: d = 9 else: if 0: e = 11 f = 12 if 0: g = 13 h = 14 i = 15 """, lines=[1, 12, 14, 15], arcz=".1 1C CE EF F.", ) def test_constant_if(self): if env.PYPY: self.skipTest("PyPy doesn't optimize away 'if __debug__:'") # CPython optimizes away "if __debug__:" self.check_coverage("""\ for value in [True, False]: if value: if __debug__: x = 4 else: x = 6 """, arcz=".1 12 24 41 26 61 1.", ) # No Python optimizes away "if not __debug__:" self.check_coverage("""\ for value in [True, False]: if value: if not __debug__: x = 4 else: x = 6 """, arcz=".1 12 23 31 34 41 26 61 1.", arcz_missing="34 41", ) class MiscArcTest(CoverageTest): """Miscellaneous arc-measuring tests.""" def test_dict_literal(self): if env.PYVERSION < (3, 5): arcz = ".1 19 9." else: # Python 3.5 changed how dict literals are constructed. arcz = "-21 19 9-2" self.check_coverage("""\ d = { 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': { 'd': 5, 'e': 6, } } assert d """, arcz=arcz, ) self.check_coverage("""\ d = \\ { 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': { 'd': 5, 'e': 6, } } assert d """, arcz="-21 19 9-2", ) def test_unpacked_literals(self): if env.PYVERSION < (3, 5): self.skipTest("Don't have unpacked literals until 3.5") self.check_coverage("""\ d = { 'a': 2, 'b': 3, } weird = { **d, **{'c': 7}, 'd': 8, } assert weird['b'] == 3 """, arcz="-21 15 5A A-2" ) self.check_coverage("""\ l = [ 2, 3, ] weird = [ *l, *[7], 8, ] assert weird[1] == 3 """, arcz="-21 15 5A A-2" ) def test_pathologically_long_code_object(self): if env.JYTHON: self.skipTest("Bytecode concerns are irrelevant on Jython") # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/359 # The structure of this file is such that an EXTENDED_ARG bytecode is # needed to encode the jump at the end. We weren't interpreting those # opcodes. # Note that we no longer interpret bytecode at all, but it couldn't # hurt to keep the test... code = """\ data = [ """ + "".join("""\ [ {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}, {i}], """.format(i=i) for i in range(2000) ) + """\ ] print(len(data)) """ self.check_coverage( code, arcs=[(-3, 1), (1, 4004), (4004, -3)], arcs_missing=[], arcs_unpredicted=[], ) def test_partial_generators(self): # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/475/generator-expression-is-marked-as-not # Line 2 is executed completely. # Line 3 is started but not finished, because zip ends when #2 ends. # Line 4 is never started. cov = self.check_coverage("""\ def f(a, b): c = (i for i in a) # 2 d = (j for j in b) # 3 e = (k for k in b) # 4 return dict(zip(c, d)) f(['a', 'b'], [1, 2]) """, arcz=".1 17 7. .2 23 34 45 5. -22 2-2 -33 3-3 -44 4-4", arcz_missing="3-3 -44 4-4", ) # ugh, unexposed methods?? filename = self.last_module_name + ".py" fr = cov._get_file_reporter(filename) arcs_executed = cov._analyze(filename).arcs_executed() self.assertEqual( fr.missing_arc_description(3, -3, arcs_executed), "line 3 didn't finish the generator expression on line 3" ) self.assertEqual( fr.missing_arc_description(4, -4, arcs_executed), "line 4 didn't run the generator expression on line 4" ) class DecoratorArcTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of arcs with decorators.""" def test_function_decorator(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def decorator(arg): def _dec(f): return f return _dec @decorator(6) @decorator( len([8]), ) def my_function( a=len([11]), ): x = 13 a = 14 my_function() """, arcz= ".1 16 67 7A AE EF F. " # main line ".2 24 4. -23 3-2 " # decorators "-6D D-6 ", # my_function ) def test_class_decorator(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def decorator(arg): def _dec(c): return c return _dec @decorator(6) @decorator( len([8]), ) class MyObject( object ): X = 13 a = 14 """, arcz= ".1 16 67 6D 7A AE E. " # main line ".2 24 4. -23 3-2 " # decorators "-66 D-6 ", # MyObject ) def test_bug_466(self): # A bad interaction between decorators and multi-line list assignments, # believe it or not...! self.check_coverage("""\ class Parser(object): @classmethod def parse(cls): formats = [ 5 ] return None Parser.parse() """, arcz=".1 1A A. 13 3. -35 58 8-3", ) self.check_coverage("""\ class Parser(object): @classmethod def parse(cls): formats = [ 6, ] return None Parser.parse() """, arcz=".1 1A A. 13 3. -35 58 8-3", ) class LambdaArcTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of lambdas""" def test_multiline_lambda(self): self.check_coverage("""\ fn = (lambda x: x + 2 ) assert fn(4) == 6 """, arcz=".1 14 4-1 1-1", ) self.check_coverage("""\ fn = \\ ( lambda x: x + 8 ) assert fn(10) == 18 """, arcz="-42 2A A-4 2-4", ) def test_unused_lambdas_are_confusing_bug_90(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 fn = lambda x: x b = 3 """, arcz=".1 12 -22 2-2 23 3.", arcz_missing="-22 2-2", ) def test_raise_with_lambda_looks_like_partial_branch(self): self.check_coverage("""\ def ouch(fn): 2/0 a = b = c = d = 3 try: a = ouch(lambda: 5) if a: b = 7 except ZeroDivisionError: c = 9 d = 10 assert (a, b, c, d) == (3, 3, 9, 10) """, lines=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], missing="6-7", arcz=".1 13 34 45 56 67 6A 7A 89 9A AB B. .2 2. -55 5-5", arcz_missing="56 67 6A 7A -55 5-5", arcz_unpredicted="58", ) def test_lambda_in_dict(self): self.check_coverage("""\ x = 1 x = 2 d = { 4: lambda: [], 5: lambda: [], 6: lambda: [], 7: lambda: [], } for k, v in d.items(): # 10 if k & 1: v() """, arcz=".1 12 23 3A AB BC BA CA A. -43 -53 -63 -73 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7", arcz_missing="-43 3-4 -63 3-6", arcz_unpredicted="", ) class AsyncTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of the new async and await keywords in Python 3.5""" def setUp(self): if env.PYVERSION < (3, 5): self.skipTest("Async features are new in Python 3.5") super(AsyncTest, self).setUp() def test_async(self): self.check_coverage("""\ import asyncio async def compute(x, y): # 3 print("Compute %s + %s ..." % (x, y)) await asyncio.sleep(0.001) return x + y # 6 async def print_sum(x, y): # 8 result = (0 + await compute(x, y) # A ) print("%s + %s = %s" % (x, y, result)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # E loop.run_until_complete(print_sum(1, 2)) loop.close() # G """, arcz= ".1 13 38 8E EF FG G. " "-34 45 56 6-3 " "-89 9C C-8", arcz_unpredicted="5-3 9-8", ) self.assertEqual(self.stdout(), "Compute 1 + 2 ...\n1 + 2 = 3\n") def test_async_for(self): self.check_coverage("""\ import asyncio class AsyncIteratorWrapper: # 3 def __init__(self, obj): # 4 self._it = iter(obj) def __aiter__(self): # 7 return self async def __anext__(self): # A try: return next(self._it) except StopIteration: raise StopAsyncIteration async def doit(): # G async for letter in AsyncIteratorWrapper("abc"): print(letter) print(".") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # L loop.run_until_complete(doit()) loop.close() """, arcz= ".1 13 3G GL LM MN N. " # module main line "-33 34 47 7A A-3 " # class definition "-GH HI IH HJ J-G " # doit "-45 5-4 " # __init__ "-78 8-7 " # __aiter__ "-AB BC C-A DE E-A ", # __anext__ arcz_unpredicted="CD", ) self.assertEqual(self.stdout(), "a\nb\nc\n.\n") def test_async_with(self): self.check_coverage("""\ async def go(): async with x: pass """, arcz=".1 1. .2 23 3.", arcz_missing=".2 23 3.", ) class ExcludeTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of exclusions to indicate known partial branches.""" def test_default(self): # A number of forms of pragma comment are accepted. self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 if a: #pragma: no branch b = 3 c = 4 if c: # pragma NOBRANCH d = 6 e = 7 if e:#\tpragma:\tno branch f = 9 """, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], arcz=".1 12 23 24 34 45 56 57 67 78 89 9. 8.", ) def test_custom_pragmas(self): self.check_coverage("""\ a = 1 while a: # [only some] c = 3 break assert c == 5-2 """, [1,2,3,4,5], partials=["only some"], arcz=".1 12 23 34 45 25 5.", ) class LineDataTest(CoverageTest): """Tests that line_data gives us what we expect.""" def test_branch(self): cov = coverage.Coverage(branch=True) self.make_file("fun1.py", """\ def fun1(x): if x == 1: return fun1(3) """) self.start_import_stop(cov, "fun1") data = cov.get_data() fun1_lines = data.lines(abs_file("fun1.py")) self.assertCountEqual(fun1_lines, [1, 2, 5])