# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt """Tests of coverage/debug.py""" import os import pytest import coverage from coverage.backward import StringIO from coverage.debug import filter_text, info_formatter, info_header, short_id, short_stack from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest from tests.helpers import re_lines class InfoFormatterTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of misc.info_formatter.""" run_in_temp_dir = False def test_info_formatter(self): lines = list(info_formatter([ ('x', 'hello there'), ('very long label', ['one element']), ('regular', ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']), ('nothing', []), ])) self.assertEqual(lines, [ ' x: hello there', 'very long label: one element', ' regular: abc', ' def', ' ghi', ' jkl', ' nothing: -none-', ]) def test_info_formatter_with_generator(self): lines = list(info_formatter(('info%d' % i, i) for i in range(3))) self.assertEqual(lines, ['info0: 0', 'info1: 1', 'info2: 2']) @pytest.mark.parametrize("label, header", [ ("x", "-- x ---------------------------------------------------------"), ("hello there", "-- hello there -----------------------------------------------"), ]) def test_info_header(label, header): assert info_header(label) == header @pytest.mark.parametrize("id64, id16", [ (0x1234, 0x1234), (0x12340000, 0x1234), (0xA5A55A5A, 0xFFFF), (0x1234cba956780fed, 0x8008), ]) def test_short_id(id64, id16): assert short_id(id64) == id16 @pytest.mark.parametrize("text, filters, result", [ ("hello", [], "hello"), ("hello\n", [], "hello\n"), ("hello\nhello\n", [], "hello\nhello\n"), ("hello\nbye\n", [lambda x: "="+x], "=hello\n=bye\n"), ("hello\nbye\n", [lambda x: "="+x, lambda x: x+"\ndone\n"], "=hello\ndone\n=bye\ndone\n"), ]) def test_filter_text(text, filters, result): assert filter_text(text, filters) == result class DebugTraceTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of debug output.""" def f1_debug_output(self, debug): """Runs some code with `debug` option, returns the debug output.""" # Make code to run. self.make_file("f1.py", """\ def f1(x): return x+1 for i in range(5): f1(i) """) debug_out = StringIO() cov = coverage.Coverage(debug=debug) cov._debug_file = debug_out self.start_import_stop(cov, "f1") cov.save() out_lines = debug_out.getvalue() return out_lines def test_debug_no_trace(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output([]) # We should have no output at all. self.assertFalse(out_lines) def test_debug_trace(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace"]) # We should have a line like "Tracing 'f1.py'" self.assertIn("Tracing 'f1.py'", out_lines) # We should have lines like "Not tracing 'collector.py'..." coverage_lines = re_lines( out_lines, r"^Not tracing .*: is part of coverage.py$" ) self.assertTrue(coverage_lines) def test_debug_trace_pid(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["trace", "pid"]) # Now our lines are always prefixed with the process id. pid_prefix = r"^%5d\.[0-9a-f]{4}: " % os.getpid() pid_lines = re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix) self.assertEqual(pid_lines, out_lines) # We still have some tracing, and some not tracing. self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Tracing ")) self.assertTrue(re_lines(out_lines, pid_prefix + "Not tracing ")) def test_debug_callers(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["pid", "dataop", "dataio", "callers"]) print(out_lines) # For every real message, there should be a stack # trace with a line like "f1_debug_output : /Users/ned/coverage/tests/test_debug.py @71" real_messages = re_lines(out_lines, r" @\d+", match=False).splitlines() frame_pattern = r"\s+f1_debug_output : .*tests[/\\]test_debug.py @\d+$" frames = re_lines(out_lines, frame_pattern).splitlines() self.assertEqual(len(real_messages), len(frames)) # The last message should be "Writing data", and the last frame should # be write_file in data.py. self.assertRegex(real_messages[-1], r"^\s*\d+\.\w{4}: Writing data") last_line = out_lines.splitlines()[-1] self.assertRegex(last_line, r"\s+write_file : .*coverage[/\\]data.py @\d+$") def test_debug_config(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["config"]) labels = """ attempted_config_files branch config_files cover_pylib data_file debug exclude_list extra_css html_dir html_title ignore_errors include omit parallel partial_always_list partial_list paths precision show_missing source timid xml_output """.split() for label in labels: label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label self.assertEqual( len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), 1 ) def test_debug_sys(self): out_lines = self.f1_debug_output(["sys"]) labels = """ version coverage cover_paths pylib_paths tracer config_files configs_read data_path python platform implementation executable cwd path environment command_line cover_match pylib_match """.split() for label in labels: label_pat = r"^\s*%s: " % label self.assertEqual( len(re_lines(out_lines, label_pat).splitlines()), 1, msg="Incorrect lines for %r" % label, ) def f_one(*args, **kwargs): """First of the chain of functions for testing `short_stack`.""" return f_two(*args, **kwargs) def f_two(*args, **kwargs): """Second of the chain of functions for testing `short_stack`.""" return f_three(*args, **kwargs) def f_three(*args, **kwargs): """Third of the chain of functions for testing `short_stack`.""" return short_stack(*args, **kwargs) class ShortStackTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of coverage.debug.short_stack.""" run_in_temp_dir = False def test_short_stack(self): stack = f_one().splitlines() self.assertGreater(len(stack), 10) self.assertIn("f_three", stack[-1]) self.assertIn("f_two", stack[-2]) self.assertIn("f_one", stack[-3]) def test_short_stack_limit(self): stack = f_one(limit=5).splitlines() self.assertEqual(len(stack), 5) def test_short_stack_skip(self): stack = f_one(skip=1).splitlines() self.assertIn("f_two", stack[-1])