# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt """Run tests in the farm sub-directory. Designed for nose.""" import difflib import filecmp import fnmatch import glob import os import re import shutil import sys from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest from tests.helpers import run_command from tests.backtest import execfile # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from coverage.debug import _TEST_NAME_FILE def test_farm(clean_only=False): """A test-generating function for nose to find and run.""" for fname in glob.glob("tests/farm/*/*.py"): case = FarmTestCase(fname, clean_only) yield (case,) # "rU" was deprecated in 3.4 READ_MODE = "rU" if sys.version_info < (3, 4) else "r" class FarmTestCase(object): """A test case from the farm tree. Tests are short Python script files, often called run.py: copy("src", "out") run(''' coverage run white.py coverage annotate white.py ''', rundir="out") compare("out", "gold", "*,cover") clean("out") Verbs (copy, run, compare, clean) are methods in this class. FarmTestCase has options to allow various uses of the test cases (normal execution, cleaning-only, or run and leave the results for debugging). """ def __init__(self, runpy, clean_only=False, dont_clean=False): """Create a test case from a run.py file. `clean_only` means that only the clean() action is executed. `dont_clean` means that the clean() action is not executed. """ self.description = runpy self.dir, self.runpy = os.path.split(runpy) self.clean_only = clean_only self.dont_clean = dont_clean self.ok = True def cd(self, newdir): """Change the current directory, and return the old one.""" cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(newdir) return cwd def addtopath(self, directory): """Add `directory` to the path, and return the old path.""" oldpath = sys.path[:] if directory is not None: sys.path.insert(0, directory) return oldpath def restorepath(self, path): """Restore the system path to `path`.""" sys.path = path def __call__(self): """Execute the test from the run.py file. """ if _TEST_NAME_FILE: # pragma: debugging with open(_TEST_NAME_FILE, "w") as f: f.write(self.description.replace("/", "_")) cwd = self.cd(self.dir) # Prepare a dictionary of globals for the run.py files to use. fns = """ copy run runfunc clean skip compare contains contains_any doesnt_contain """.split() if self.clean_only: glo = dict((fn, self.noop) for fn in fns) glo['clean'] = self.clean else: glo = dict((fn, getattr(self, fn)) for fn in fns) if self.dont_clean: # pragma: not covered glo['clean'] = self.noop old_mods = dict(sys.modules) try: execfile(self.runpy, glo) except Exception: self.ok = False raise finally: self.cd(cwd) # Remove any new modules imported during the test run. This lets us # import the same source files for more than one test. to_del = [m for m in sys.modules if m not in old_mods] for m in to_del: del sys.modules[m] def run_fully(self): # pragma: not covered """Run as a full test case, with setUp and tearDown.""" self.setUp() try: self() finally: self.tearDown() def fnmatch_list(self, files, file_pattern): """Filter the list of `files` to only those that match `file_pattern`. If `file_pattern` is None, then return the entire list of files. Returns a list of the filtered files. """ if file_pattern: files = [f for f in files if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, file_pattern)] return files def setUp(self): """Test set up, run by nose before __call__.""" # Modules should be importable from the current directory. self.old_syspath = sys.path[:] sys.path.insert(0, '') def tearDown(self): """Test tear down, run by nose after __call__.""" # Make sure the test is cleaned up, unless we never want to, or if the # test failed. if not self.dont_clean and self.ok: # pragma: part covered self.clean_only = True self() # Restore the original sys.path sys.path = self.old_syspath # Functions usable inside farm run.py files def noop(self, *args, **kwargs): """A no-op function to stub out run, copy, etc, when only cleaning.""" pass def copy(self, src, dst): """Copy a directory.""" if os.path.exists(dst): shutil.rmtree(dst) shutil.copytree(src, dst) def run(self, cmds, rundir="src", outfile=None): """Run a list of commands. `cmds` is a string, commands separated by newlines. `rundir` is the directory in which to run the commands. `outfile` is a filename to redirect stdout to. """ cwd = self.cd(rundir) if outfile: fout = open(outfile, "a+") try: for cmd in cmds.split("\n"): cmd = cmd.strip() if not cmd: continue retcode, output = run_command(cmd) print(output.rstrip()) if outfile: fout.write(output) if retcode: raise Exception("command exited abnormally") finally: if outfile: fout.close() self.cd(cwd) def runfunc(self, fn, rundir="src", addtopath=None): """Run a function. `fn` is a callable. `rundir` is the directory in which to run the function. """ cwd = self.cd(rundir) oldpath = self.addtopath(addtopath) try: fn() finally: self.cd(cwd) self.restorepath(oldpath) def compare( self, dir1, dir2, file_pattern=None, size_within=0, left_extra=False, right_extra=False, scrubs=None ): """Compare files matching `file_pattern` in `dir1` and `dir2`. `dir2` is interpreted as a prefix, with Python version numbers appended to find the actual directory to compare with. "foo" will compare against "foo_v241", "foo_v24", "foo_v2", or "foo", depending on which directory is found first. `size_within` is a percentage delta for the file sizes. If non-zero, then the file contents are not compared (since they are expected to often be different), but the file sizes must be within this amount. For example, size_within=10 means that the two files' sizes must be within 10 percent of each other to compare equal. `left_extra` true means the left directory can have extra files in it without triggering an assertion. `right_extra` means the right directory can. `scrubs` is a list of pairs, regexes to find and literal strings to replace them with to scrub the files of unimportant differences. An assertion will be raised if the directories fail one of their matches. """ # Search for a dir2 with a version suffix. version_suff = ''.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) while version_suff: trydir = dir2 + '_v' + version_suff if os.path.exists(trydir): dir2 = trydir break version_suff = version_suff[:-1] assert os.path.exists(dir1), "Left directory missing: %s" % dir1 assert os.path.exists(dir2), "Right directory missing: %s" % dir2 dc = filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2) diff_files = self.fnmatch_list(dc.diff_files, file_pattern) left_only = self.fnmatch_list(dc.left_only, file_pattern) right_only = self.fnmatch_list(dc.right_only, file_pattern) show_diff = True if size_within: # The files were already compared, use the diff_files list as a # guide for size comparison. wrong_size = [] for f in diff_files: with open(os.path.join(dir1, f), "rb") as fobj: left = fobj.read() with open(os.path.join(dir2, f), "rb") as fobj: right = fobj.read() size_l, size_r = len(left), len(right) big, little = max(size_l, size_r), min(size_l, size_r) if (big - little) / float(little) > size_within/100.0: # print "%d %d" % (big, little) # print "Left: ---\n%s\n-----\n%s" % (left, right) wrong_size.append("%s (%s,%s)" % (f, size_l, size_r)) if wrong_size: print("File sizes differ between %s and %s: %s" % ( dir1, dir2, ", ".join(wrong_size) )) # We'll show the diff iff the files differed enough in size. show_diff = bool(wrong_size) if show_diff: # filecmp only compares in binary mode, but we want text mode. So # look through the list of different files, and compare them # ourselves. text_diff = [] for f in diff_files: with open(os.path.join(dir1, f), READ_MODE) as fobj: left = fobj.read() with open(os.path.join(dir2, f), READ_MODE) as fobj: right = fobj.read() if scrubs: left = self._scrub(left, scrubs) right = self._scrub(right, scrubs) if left != right: text_diff.append(f) left = left.splitlines() right = right.splitlines() print("\n".join(difflib.Differ().compare(left, right))) assert not text_diff, "Files differ: %s" % text_diff if not left_extra: assert not left_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (dir1, left_only) if not right_extra: assert not right_only, "Files in %s only: %s" % (dir2, right_only) def _scrub(self, strdata, scrubs): """Scrub uninteresting data from the payload in `strdata`. `scrubs` is a list of (find, replace) pairs of regexes that are used on `strdata`. A string is returned. """ for rgx_find, rgx_replace in scrubs: strdata = re.sub(rgx_find, re.escape(rgx_replace), strdata) return strdata def contains(self, filename, *strlist): """Check that the file contains all of a list of strings. An assert will be raised if one of the arguments in `strlist` is missing in `filename`. """ with open(filename, "r") as fobj: text = fobj.read() for s in strlist: assert s in text, "Missing content in %s: %r" % (filename, s) def contains_any(self, filename, *strlist): """Check that the file contains at least one of a list of strings. An assert will be raised if none of the arguments in `strlist` is in `filename`. """ with open(filename, "r") as fobj: text = fobj.read() for s in strlist: if s in text: return assert False, "Missing content in %s: %r [1 of %d]" % ( filename, strlist[0], len(strlist), ) def doesnt_contain(self, filename, *strlist): """Check that the file contains none of a list of strings. An assert will be raised if any of the strings in strlist appears in `filename`. """ with open(filename, "r") as fobj: text = fobj.read() for s in strlist: assert s not in text, "Forbidden content in %s: %r" % (filename, s) def clean(self, cleandir): """Clean `cleandir` by removing it and all its children completely.""" # rmtree gives mysterious failures on Win7, so retry a "few" times. # I've seen it take over 100 tries, so, 1000! This is probably the # most unpleasant hack I've written in a long time... tries = 1000 while tries: # pragma: part covered if os.path.exists(cleandir): try: shutil.rmtree(cleandir) except OSError: # pragma: not covered if tries == 1: raise else: tries -= 1 continue break def skip(self, msg=None): """Skip the current test.""" raise SkipTest(msg) def main(): # pragma: not covered """Command-line access to test_farm. Commands: run testcase ... - Run specific test case(s) out testcase ... - Run test cases, but don't clean up, leaving output. clean - Clean all the output for all tests. """ op = 'help' try: op = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: pass if op == 'run': # Run the test for real. for test_case in sys.argv[2:]: case = FarmTestCase(test_case) case.run_fully() elif op == 'out': # Run the test, but don't clean up, so we can examine the output. for test_case in sys.argv[2:]: case = FarmTestCase(test_case, dont_clean=True) case.run_fully() elif op == 'clean': # Run all the tests, but just clean. for test in test_farm(clean_only=True): test[0].run_fully() else: print(main.__doc__) # So that we can run just one farm run.py at a time. if __name__ == '__main__': main()