# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt """Tests for plugins.""" import os.path import coverage from coverage import env from coverage.backward import StringIO from coverage.control import Plugins from coverage.misc import CoverageException import coverage.plugin from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest from tests.helpers import CheckUniqueFilenames class FakeConfig(object): """A fake config for use in tests.""" def __init__(self, plugin, options): self.plugin = plugin self.options = options self.asked_for = [] def get_plugin_options(self, module): """Just return the options for `module` if this is the right module.""" self.asked_for.append(module) if module == self.plugin: return self.options else: return {} class LoadPluginsTest(CoverageTest): """Test Plugins.load_plugins directly.""" def test_implicit_boolean(self): self.make_file("plugin1.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin class Plugin(CoveragePlugin): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) config = FakeConfig("plugin1", {}) plugins = Plugins.load_plugins([], config) self.assertFalse(plugins) plugins = Plugins.load_plugins(["plugin1"], config) self.assertTrue(plugins) def test_importing_and_configuring(self): self.make_file("plugin1.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin class Plugin(CoveragePlugin): def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.this_is = "me" def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin(options)) """) config = FakeConfig("plugin1", {'a': 'hello'}) plugins = list(Plugins.load_plugins(["plugin1"], config)) self.assertEqual(len(plugins), 1) self.assertEqual(plugins[0].this_is, "me") self.assertEqual(plugins[0].options, {'a': 'hello'}) self.assertEqual(config.asked_for, ['plugin1']) def test_importing_and_configuring_more_than_one(self): self.make_file("plugin1.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin class Plugin(CoveragePlugin): def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.this_is = "me" def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin(options)) """) self.make_file("plugin2.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin class Plugin(CoveragePlugin): def __init__(self, options): self.options = options def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin(options)) """) config = FakeConfig("plugin1", {'a': 'hello'}) plugins = list(Plugins.load_plugins(["plugin1", "plugin2"], config)) self.assertEqual(len(plugins), 2) self.assertEqual(plugins[0].this_is, "me") self.assertEqual(plugins[0].options, {'a': 'hello'}) self.assertEqual(plugins[1].options, {}) self.assertEqual(config.asked_for, ['plugin1', 'plugin2']) # The order matters... config = FakeConfig("plugin1", {'a': 'second'}) plugins = list(Plugins.load_plugins(["plugin2", "plugin1"], config)) self.assertEqual(len(plugins), 2) self.assertEqual(plugins[0].options, {}) self.assertEqual(plugins[1].this_is, "me") self.assertEqual(plugins[1].options, {'a': 'second'}) def test_cant_import(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): _ = Plugins.load_plugins(["plugin_not_there"], None) def test_plugin_must_define_coverage_init(self): self.make_file("no_plugin.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin Nothing = 0 """) msg_pat = "Plugin module 'no_plugin' didn't define a coverage_init function" with self.assertRaisesRegex(CoverageException, msg_pat): list(Plugins.load_plugins(["no_plugin"], None)) class PluginTest(CoverageTest): """Test plugins through the Coverage class.""" def test_plugin_imported(self): # Prove that a plugin will be imported. self.make_file("my_plugin.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin class Plugin(CoveragePlugin): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_noop(Plugin()) with open("evidence.out", "w") as f: f.write("we are here!") """) self.assert_doesnt_exist("evidence.out") cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["my_plugin"]) cov.start() cov.stop() # pragma: nested with open("evidence.out") as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), "we are here!") def test_missing_plugin_raises_import_error(self): # Prove that a missing plugin will raise an ImportError. with self.assertRaises(ImportError): cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["does_not_exist_woijwoicweo"]) cov.start() cov.stop() def test_bad_plugin_isnt_hidden(self): # Prove that a plugin with an error in it will raise the error. self.make_file("plugin_over_zero.py", """\ 1/0 """) with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["plugin_over_zero"]) cov.start() cov.stop() def test_plugin_sys_info(self): self.make_file("plugin_sys_info.py", """\ import coverage class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): def sys_info(self): return [("hello", "world")] def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) debug_out = StringIO() cov = coverage.Coverage(debug=["sys"]) cov._debug_file = debug_out cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["plugin_sys_info"]) cov.load() out_lines = [line.strip() for line in debug_out.getvalue().splitlines()] if env.C_TRACER: self.assertIn('plugins.file_tracers: plugin_sys_info.Plugin', out_lines) else: self.assertIn('plugins.file_tracers: plugin_sys_info.Plugin (disabled)', out_lines) self.assertIn('plugins.configurers: -none-', out_lines) expected_end = [ "-- sys: plugin_sys_info.Plugin -------------------------------", "hello: world", "-- end -------------------------------------------------------", ] self.assertEqual(expected_end, out_lines[-len(expected_end):]) def test_plugin_with_no_sys_info(self): self.make_file("plugin_no_sys_info.py", """\ import coverage class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_configurer(Plugin()) """) debug_out = StringIO() cov = coverage.Coverage(debug=["sys"]) cov._debug_file = debug_out cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["plugin_no_sys_info"]) cov.load() out_lines = [line.strip() for line in debug_out.getvalue().splitlines()] self.assertIn('plugins.file_tracers: -none-', out_lines) self.assertIn('plugins.configurers: plugin_no_sys_info.Plugin', out_lines) expected_end = [ "-- sys: plugin_no_sys_info.Plugin ----------------------------", "-- end -------------------------------------------------------", ] self.assertEqual(expected_end, out_lines[-len(expected_end):]) def test_local_files_are_importable(self): self.make_file("importing_plugin.py", """\ from coverage import CoveragePlugin import local_module class MyPlugin(CoveragePlugin): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_noop(MyPlugin()) """) self.make_file("local_module.py", "CONST = 1") self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\ [run] plugins = importing_plugin """) self.make_file("main_file.py", "print('MAIN')") out = self.run_command("coverage run main_file.py") self.assertEqual(out, "MAIN\n") out = self.run_command("coverage html") self.assertEqual(out, "") class PluginWarningOnPyTracer(CoverageTest): """Test that we get a controlled exception with plugins on PyTracer.""" def test_exception_if_plugins_on_pytracer(self): if env.C_TRACER: self.skipTest("This test is only about PyTracer.") self.make_file("simple.py", """a = 1""") cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin1"]) expected_warnings = [ r"Plugin file tracers \(tests.plugin1.Plugin\) aren't supported with PyTracer", ] with self.assert_warnings(cov, expected_warnings): self.start_import_stop(cov, "simple") class FileTracerTest(CoverageTest): """Tests of plugins that implement file_tracer.""" def setUp(self): super(FileTracerTest, self).setUp() if not env.C_TRACER: self.skipTest("Plugins are only supported with the C tracer.") class GoodFileTracerTest(FileTracerTest): """Tests of file tracer plugin happy paths.""" def test_plugin1(self): self.make_file("simple.py", """\ import try_xyz a = 1 b = 2 """) self.make_file("try_xyz.py", """\ c = 3 d = 4 """) cov = coverage.Coverage() CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_should_trace') CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_check_include_omit_etc') cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin1"]) # Import the Python file, executing it. self.start_import_stop(cov, "simple") _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("simple.py") self.assertEqual(statements, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(missing, []) zzfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("/src", "try_ABC.zz")) _, statements, _, _ = cov.analysis(zzfile) self.assertEqual(statements, [105, 106, 107, 205, 206, 207]) def make_render_and_caller(self): """Make the render.py and caller.py files we need.""" # plugin2 emulates a dynamic tracing plugin: the caller's locals # are examined to determine the source file and line number. # The plugin is in tests/plugin2.py. self.make_file("render.py", """\ def render(filename, linenum): # This function emulates a template renderer. The plugin # will examine the `filename` and `linenum` locals to # determine the source file and line number. fiddle_around = 1 # not used, just chaff. return "[{0} @ {1}]".format(filename, linenum) def helper(x): # This function is here just to show that not all code in # this file will be part of the dynamic tracing. return x+1 """) self.make_file("caller.py", """\ import sys from render import helper, render assert render("foo_7.html", 4) == "[foo_7.html @ 4]" # Render foo_7.html again to try the CheckUniqueFilenames asserts. render("foo_7.html", 4) assert helper(42) == 43 assert render("bar_4.html", 2) == "[bar_4.html @ 2]" assert helper(76) == 77 # quux_5.html will be omitted from the results. assert render("quux_5.html", 3) == "[quux_5.html @ 3]" # For Python 2, make sure unicode is working. assert render(u"uni_3.html", 2) == "[uni_3.html @ 2]" """) # will try to read the actual source files, so make some # source files. def lines(n): """Make a string with n lines of text.""" return "".join("line %d\n" % i for i in range(n)) self.make_file("bar_4.html", lines(4)) self.make_file("foo_7.html", lines(7)) def test_plugin2(self): self.make_render_and_caller() cov = coverage.Coverage(omit=["*quux*"]) CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_should_trace') CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_check_include_omit_etc') cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin2"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "caller") # The way plugin2 works, a file named foo_7.html will be claimed to # have 7 lines in it. If render() was called with line number 4, # then the plugin will claim that lines 4 and 5 were executed. _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("foo_7.html") self.assertEqual(statements, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) self.assertEqual(missing, [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]) self.assertIn("foo_7.html", cov.data.line_counts()) _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("bar_4.html") self.assertEqual(statements, [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(missing, [1, 4]) self.assertIn("bar_4.html", cov.data.line_counts()) self.assertNotIn("quux_5.html", cov.data.line_counts()) _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("uni_3.html") self.assertEqual(statements, [1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(missing, [1]) self.assertIn("uni_3.html", cov.data.line_counts()) def test_plugin2_with_branch(self): self.make_render_and_caller() cov = coverage.Coverage(branch=True, omit=["*quux*"]) CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_should_trace') CheckUniqueFilenames.hook(cov, '_check_include_omit_etc') cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin2"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "caller") # The way plugin2 works, a file named foo_7.html will be claimed to # have 7 lines in it. If render() was called with line number 4, # then the plugin will claim that lines 4 and 5 were executed. analysis = cov._analyze("foo_7.html") self.assertEqual(analysis.statements, set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])) # Plugins don't do branch coverage yet. self.assertEqual(analysis.has_arcs(), True) self.assertEqual(analysis.arc_possibilities(), []) self.assertEqual(analysis.missing, set([1, 2, 3, 6, 7])) def test_plugin2_with_text_report(self): self.make_render_and_caller() cov = coverage.Coverage(branch=True, omit=["*quux*"]) cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin2"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "caller") repout = StringIO() total = cov.report(file=repout, include=["*.html"], omit=["uni*.html"], show_missing=True) report = repout.getvalue().splitlines() expected = [ 'Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing', '--------------------------------------------------------', 'bar_4.html 4 2 0 0 50% 1, 4', 'foo_7.html 7 5 0 0 29% 1-3, 6-7', '--------------------------------------------------------', 'TOTAL 11 7 0 0 36%', ] self.assertEqual(report, expected) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, 36.36, places=2) def test_plugin2_with_html_report(self): self.make_render_and_caller() cov = coverage.Coverage(branch=True, omit=["*quux*"]) cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin2"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "caller") total = cov.html_report(include=["*.html"], omit=["uni*.html"]) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, 36.36, places=2) self.assert_exists("htmlcov/index.html") self.assert_exists("htmlcov/bar_4_html.html") self.assert_exists("htmlcov/foo_7_html.html") def test_plugin2_with_xml_report(self): self.make_render_and_caller() cov = coverage.Coverage(branch=True, omit=["*quux*"]) cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin2"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "caller") total = cov.xml_report(include=["*.html"], omit=["uni*.html"]) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, 36.36, places=2) with open("coverage.xml") as fxml: xml = fxml.read() for snip in [ 'filename="bar_4.html" line-rate="0.5" name="bar_4.html"', 'filename="foo_7.html" line-rate="0.2857" name="foo_7.html"', ]: self.assertIn(snip, xml) def test_defer_to_python(self): # A plugin that measures, but then wants built-in python reporting. self.make_file("fairly_odd_plugin.py", """\ # A plugin that claims all the odd lines are executed, and none of # the even lines, and then punts reporting off to the built-in # Python reporting. import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): return OddTracer(filename) def file_reporter(self, filename): return "python" class OddTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def source_filename(self): return self.filename def line_number_range(self, frame): lineno = frame.f_lineno if lineno % 2: return (lineno, lineno) else: return (-1, -1) def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.make_file("unsuspecting.py", """\ a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 4 e = 5 f = 6 """) cov = coverage.Coverage(include=["unsuspecting.py"]) cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["fairly_odd_plugin"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "unsuspecting") repout = StringIO() total = cov.report(file=repout, show_missing=True) report = repout.getvalue().splitlines() expected = [ 'Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing', '-----------------------------------------------', 'unsuspecting.py 6 3 50% 2, 4, 6', ] self.assertEqual(report, expected) self.assertEqual(total, 50) def test_find_unexecuted(self): self.make_file("unexecuted_plugin.py", """\ import os import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): if filename.endswith("foo.py"): return MyTracer(filename) def file_reporter(self, filename): return MyReporter(filename) def find_executable_files(self, src_dir): # Check that src_dir is the right value files = os.listdir(src_dir) assert "foo.py" in files assert "unexecuted_plugin.py" in files return ["chimera.py"] class MyTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def source_filename(self): return self.filename def line_number_range(self, frame): return (999, 999) class MyReporter(coverage.FileReporter): def lines(self): return set([99, 999, 9999]) def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.make_file("foo.py", "a = 1\n") cov = coverage.Coverage(source=['.']) cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["unexecuted_plugin"]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "foo") # The file we executed claims to have run line 999. _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("foo.py") self.assertEqual(statements, [99, 999, 9999]) self.assertEqual(missing, [99, 9999]) # The completely missing file is in the results. _, statements, missing, _ = cov.analysis("chimera.py") self.assertEqual(statements, [99, 999, 9999]) self.assertEqual(missing, [99, 999, 9999]) # But completely new filenames are not in the results. self.assertEqual(len(cov.get_data().measured_files()), 3) with self.assertRaises(CoverageException): cov.analysis("fictional.py") class BadFileTracerTest(FileTracerTest): """Test error handling around file tracer plugins.""" def run_plugin(self, module_name): """Run a plugin with the given module_name. Uses a few fixed Python files. Returns the Coverage object. """ self.make_file("simple.py", """\ import other, another a = other.f(2) b = other.f(3) c = another.g(4) d = another.g(5) """) # The names of these files are important: some plugins apply themselves # to "*other.py". self.make_file("other.py", """\ def f(x): return x+1 """) self.make_file("another.py", """\ def g(x): return x-1 """) cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", [module_name]) self.start_import_stop(cov, "simple") return cov def run_bad_plugin(self, module_name, plugin_name, our_error=True, excmsg=None, excmsgs=None): """Run a file, and see that the plugin failed. `module_name` and `plugin_name` is the module and name of the plugin to use. `our_error` is True if the error reported to the user will be an explicit error in our test code, marked with an '# Oh noes!' comment. `excmsg`, if provided, is text that must appear in the stderr. `excmsgs`, if provided, is a list of messages, one of which must appear in the stderr. The plugin will be disabled, and we check that a warning is output explaining why. """ self.run_plugin(module_name) stderr = self.stderr() if our_error: errors = stderr.count("# Oh noes!") # The exception we're causing should only appear once. self.assertEqual(errors, 1) # There should be a warning explaining what's happening, but only one. # The message can be in two forms: # Disabling plug-in '...' due to previous exception # or: # Disabling plug-in '...' due to an exception: msg = "Disabling plug-in '%s.%s' due to " % (module_name, plugin_name) warnings = stderr.count(msg) self.assertEqual(warnings, 1) if excmsg: self.assertIn(excmsg, stderr) if excmsgs: self.assertTrue(any(em in stderr for em in excmsgs), "expected one of %r" % excmsgs) def test_file_tracer_has_no_file_tracer_method(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ class Plugin(object): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin("bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False) def test_file_tracer_has_inherited_sourcefilename_method(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): # Just grab everything. return FileTracer() class FileTracer(coverage.FileTracer): pass def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsg="Class 'bad_plugin.FileTracer' needs to implement source_filename()", ) def test_plugin_has_inherited_filereporter_method(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): # Just grab everything. return FileTracer() class FileTracer(coverage.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): return "foo.xxx" def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) cov = self.run_plugin("bad_plugin") expected_msg = "Plugin 'bad_plugin.Plugin' needs to implement file_reporter()" with self.assertRaisesRegex(NotImplementedError, expected_msg): cov.report() def test_file_tracer_fails(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): 17/0 # Oh noes! def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin("bad_plugin", "Plugin") def test_file_tracer_returns_wrong(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): return 3.14159 def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsg="'float' object has no attribute", ) def test_has_dynamic_source_filename_fails(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def has_dynamic_source_filename(self): 23/0 # Oh noes! def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin("bad_plugin", "Plugin") def test_source_filename_fails(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): 42/0 # Oh noes! def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin("bad_plugin", "Plugin") def test_source_filename_returns_wrong(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): return 17.3 def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsgs=[ "expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not float", "'float' object has no attribute", "object of type 'float' has no len()", "'float' object is unsubscriptable", ], ) def test_dynamic_source_filename_fails(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): if filename.endswith("other.py"): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def has_dynamic_source_filename(self): return True def dynamic_source_filename(self, filename, frame): 101/0 # Oh noes! def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin("bad_plugin", "Plugin") def test_line_number_range_returns_non_tuple(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): if filename.endswith("other.py"): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): return "something.foo" def line_number_range(self, frame): return 42.23 def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsg="line_number_range must return 2-tuple", ) def test_line_number_range_returns_triple(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): if filename.endswith("other.py"): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): return "something.foo" def line_number_range(self, frame): return (1, 2, 3) def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsg="line_number_range must return 2-tuple", ) def test_line_number_range_returns_pair_of_strings(self): self.make_file("bad_plugin.py", """\ import coverage.plugin class Plugin(coverage.plugin.CoveragePlugin): def file_tracer(self, filename): if filename.endswith("other.py"): return BadFileTracer() class BadFileTracer(coverage.plugin.FileTracer): def source_filename(self): return "something.foo" def line_number_range(self, frame): return ("5", "7") def coverage_init(reg, options): reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin()) """) self.run_bad_plugin( "bad_plugin", "Plugin", our_error=False, excmsg="an integer is required", ) class ConfigurerPluginTest(CoverageTest): """Test configuring plugins.""" run_in_temp_dir = False def test_configurer_plugin(self): cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.set_option("run:plugins", ["tests.plugin_config"]) cov.start() cov.stop() # pragma: nested excluded = cov.get_option("report:exclude_lines") self.assertIn("pragma: custom", excluded) self.assertIn("pragma: or whatever", excluded)