# coding: utf-8
# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt
"""Tests for process behavior of coverage.py."""
import distutils.sysconfig # pylint: disable=import-error
import glob
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import pytest
import coverage
from coverage import env, CoverageData
from coverage.misc import output_encoding
from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest
from tests.helpers import re_lines
class ProcessTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of the per-process behavior of coverage.py."""
def data_files(self):
"""Return the names of coverage data files in this directory."""
return [f for f in os.listdir('.') if (f.startswith('.coverage.') or f == '.coverage')]
def number_of_data_files(self):
"""Return the number of coverage data files in this directory."""
return len(self.data_files())
def test_save_on_exit(self):
self.make_file("mycode.py", """\
h = "Hello"
w = "world"
self.run_command("coverage run mycode.py")
def test_environment(self):
# Checks that we can import modules from the tests directory at all!
self.make_file("mycode.py", """\
import covmod1
import covmodzip1
a = 1
out = self.run_command("coverage run mycode.py")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
def make_b_or_c_py(self):
"""Create b_or_c.py, used in a few of these tests."""
self.make_file("b_or_c.py", """\
import sys
a = 1
if sys.argv[1] == 'b':
b = 1
c = 1
d = 1
def test_combine_parallel_data(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
# After two -p runs, there should be two .coverage.machine.123 files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage .
self.run_command("coverage combine")
# After combining, there should be only the .coverage file.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
# Running combine again should fail, because there are no parallel data
# files to combine.
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage combine")
self.assertEqual(status, 1)
self.assertEqual(out, "No data to combine\n")
# And the originally combined data is still there.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
def test_combine_parallel_data_with_a_corrupt_file(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
# After two -p runs, there should be two .coverage.machine.123 files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# Make a bogus data file.
self.make_file(".coverage.bad", "This isn't a coverage data file.")
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage .
out = self.run_command("coverage combine")
warning_regex = (
r"Coverage.py warning: Couldn't read data from '.*\.coverage\.bad': "
r"CoverageException: Doesn't seem to be a coverage\.py data file"
self.assertRegex(out, warning_regex)
# After combining, those two should be the only data files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
def test_combine_no_usable_files(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/629/multiple-use-of-combine-leads-to-empty
out = self.run_command("coverage run b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Make bogus data files.
self.make_file(".coverage.bad1", "This isn't a coverage data file.")
self.make_file(".coverage.bad2", "This isn't a coverage data file.")
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage, but nothing is readable.
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage combine")
self.assertEqual(status, 1)
for n in "12":
warning_regex = (
r"Coverage.py warning: Couldn't read data from '.*\.coverage\.bad{0}': "
r"CoverageException: Doesn't seem to be a coverage\.py data file".format(n)
self.assertRegex(out, warning_regex)
self.assertRegex(out, r"No usable data files")
# After combining, we should have a main file and two parallel files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 3)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has 6 lines
# executed (we only did b, not c).
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 6)
def test_combine_parallel_data_in_two_steps(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Combine the (one) parallel coverage data file into .coverage .
self.run_command("coverage combine")
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage .
self.run_command("coverage combine --append")
# After combining, there should be only the .coverage file.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
def test_append_data(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
out = self.run_command("coverage run --append b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
def test_append_data_with_different_file(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
data_file = .mycovdata
out = self.run_command("coverage run b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
out = self.run_command("coverage run --append b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
def test_append_can_create_a_data_file(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run --append b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has only 6 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 6)
def test_combine_with_rc(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
parallel = true
out = self.run_command("coverage run b_or_c.py b")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
out = self.run_command("coverage run b_or_c.py c")
self.assertEqual(out, 'done\n')
# After two runs, there should be two .coverage.machine.123 files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage .
self.run_command("coverage combine")
# After combining, there should be only the .coverage file.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['b_or_c.py'], 7)
# Reporting should still work even with the .rc file
out = self.run_command("coverage report")
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, textwrap.dedent("""\
Name Stmts Miss Cover
b_or_c.py 7 0 100%
def test_combine_with_aliases(self):
self.make_file("d1/x.py", """\
a = 1
b = 2
print("%s %s" % (a, b))
self.make_file("d2/x.py", """\
# 1
# 2
# 3
c = 4
d = 5
print("%s %s" % (c, d))
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
parallel = True
source =
out = self.run_command("coverage run " + os.path.normpath("d1/x.py"))
self.assertEqual(out, '1 2\n')
out = self.run_command("coverage run " + os.path.normpath("d2/x.py"))
self.assertEqual(out, '4 5\n')
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
self.run_command("coverage combine")
# After combining, there should be only the .coverage file.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage data file and see that the two different x.py
# files have been combined together.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
summary = data.line_counts(fullpath=True)
self.assertEqual(len(summary), 1)
actual = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(list(summary.keys())[0]))
expected = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath('src/x.py'))
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
self.assertEqual(list(summary.values())[0], 6)
def test_erase_parallel(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
data_file = data.dat
parallel = True
self.run_command("coverage erase")
def test_missing_source_file(self):
# Check what happens if the source is missing when reporting happens.
self.make_file("fleeting.py", """\
s = 'goodbye, cruel world!'
self.run_command("coverage run fleeting.py")
out = self.run_command("coverage html -d htmlcov")
self.assertRegex(out, "No source for code: '.*fleeting.py'")
self.assertNotIn("Traceback", out)
# It happens that the code paths are different for *.py and other
# files, so try again with no extension.
self.make_file("fleeting", """\
s = 'goodbye, cruel world!'
self.run_command("coverage run fleeting")
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage html -d htmlcov")
self.assertRegex(out, "No source for code: '.*fleeting'")
self.assertNotIn("Traceback", out)
self.assertEqual(status, 1)
def test_running_missing_file(self):
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run xyzzy.py")
self.assertRegex(out, "No file to run: .*xyzzy.py")
self.assertNotIn("raceback", out)
self.assertNotIn("rror", out)
self.assertEqual(status, 1)
def test_code_throws(self):
self.make_file("throw.py", """\
def f1():
raise Exception("hey!")
def f2():
# The important thing is for "coverage run" and "python" to report the
# same traceback.
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run throw.py")
out2 = self.run_command("python throw.py")
if env.PYPY:
# Pypy has an extra frame in the traceback for some reason
out2 = re_lines(out2, "toplevel", match=False)
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, out2)
# But also make sure that the output is what we expect.
self.assertIn('File "throw.py", line 5, in f2', out)
self.assertIn('raise Exception("hey!")', out)
self.assertNotIn('coverage', out)
self.assertEqual(status, 1)
def test_code_exits(self):
self.make_file("exit.py", """\
import sys
def f1():
print("about to exit..")
def f2():
# The important thing is for "coverage run" and "python" to have the
# same output. No traceback.
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run exit.py")
status2, out2 = self.run_command_status("python exit.py")
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, out2)
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, "about to exit..\n")
self.assertEqual(status, status2)
self.assertEqual(status, 17)
def test_code_exits_no_arg(self):
self.make_file("exit_none.py", """\
import sys
def f1():
print("about to exit quietly..")
status, out = self.run_command_status("coverage run exit_none.py")
status2, out2 = self.run_command_status("python exit_none.py")
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, out2)
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out, "about to exit quietly..\n")
self.assertEqual(status, status2)
self.assertEqual(status, 0)
def test_fork(self):
if not hasattr(os, 'fork'):
self.skipTest("Can't test os.fork since it doesn't exist.")
self.make_file("fork.py", """\
import os
def child():
def main():
ret = os.fork()
if ret == 0:
os.waitpid(ret, 0)
out = self.run_command("coverage run -p fork.py")
self.assertEqual(out, 'Child!\n')
# After running the forking program, there should be two
# .coverage.machine.123 files.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 2)
# The two data files should have different random numbers at the end of
# the file name.
nums = set(name.rpartition(".")[-1] for name in self.data_files())
self.assertEqual(len(nums), 2, "Same random: %s" % (self.data_files(),))
# Combine the parallel coverage data files into .coverage .
self.run_command("coverage combine")
# After combining, there should be only the .coverage file.
self.assertEqual(self.number_of_data_files(), 1)
# Read the coverage file and see that b_or_c.py has all 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['fork.py'], 9)
def test_warnings_during_reporting(self):
# While fixing issue #224, the warnings were being printed far too
# often. Make sure they're not any more.
self.make_file("hello.py", """\
import sys, os, the_other
self.make_file("the_other.py", """\
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
source =
self.run_command("coverage run hello.py")
out = self.run_command("coverage html")
self.assertEqual(out.count("Module xyzzy was never imported."), 0)
def test_warnings_if_never_run(self):
out = self.run_command("coverage run i_dont_exist.py")
self.assertIn("No file to run: 'i_dont_exist.py'", out)
self.assertNotIn("warning", out)
self.assertNotIn("Exception", out)
out = self.run_command("coverage run -m no_such_module")
("No module named no_such_module" in out) or
("No module named 'no_such_module'" in out)
self.assertNotIn("warning", out)
self.assertNotIn("Exception", out)
def test_warnings_trace_function_changed_with_threads(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/164
self.make_file("bug164.py", """\
import threading
import time
class MyThread (threading.Thread):
def run(self):
thr = MyThread()
out = self.run_command("coverage run --timid bug164.py")
self.assertIn("Hello\n", out)
self.assertNotIn("warning", out)
def test_warning_trace_function_changed(self):
self.make_file("settrace.py", """\
import sys
out = self.run_command("coverage run --timid settrace.py")
self.assertIn("Hello\n", out)
self.assertIn("Goodbye\n", out)
self.assertIn("Trace function changed", out)
def test_warn_preimported(self):
self.make_file("hello.py", """\
import goodbye
import coverage
cov = coverage.Coverage(include=["good*"], check_preimported=True)
self.make_file("goodbye.py", """\
def f():
return "Goodbye!"
goodbye_path = os.path.abspath("goodbye.py")
out = self.run_command("python hello.py")
self.assertIn("Goodbye!", out)
msg = (
"Coverage.py warning: "
"Already imported a file that will be measured: {0} "
self.assertIn(msg, out)
def test_note(self):
if env.PYPY and env.PY3 and env.PYPYVERSION[:3] == (5, 10, 0): # pragma: obscure
# https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2729/pypy3-510-incorrectly-decodes-astral-plane
self.skipTest("Avoid incorrect decoding astral plane JSON chars")
self.make_file(".coveragerc", """\
data_file = mydata.dat
note = These are musical notes: ♫𝅗𝅥♩
self.make_file("simple.py", """print('hello')""")
self.run_command("coverage run simple.py")
data = CoverageData()
infos = data.run_infos()
self.assertEqual(len(infos), 1)
expected = u"These are musical notes: ♫𝅗𝅥♩"
self.assertEqual(infos[0]['note'], expected)
def test_fullcoverage(self): # pragma: no metacov
if env.PY2: # This doesn't work on Python 2.
self.skipTest("fullcoverage doesn't work on Python 2.")
# It only works with the C tracer, and if we aren't measuring ourselves.
if not env.C_TRACER or env.METACOV:
self.skipTest("fullcoverage only works with the C tracer.")
# fullcoverage is a trick to get stdlib modules measured from
# the very beginning of the process. Here we import os and
# then check how many lines are measured.
self.make_file("getenv.py", """\
import os
print("FOOEY == %s" % os.getenv("FOOEY"))
fullcov = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(coverage.__file__), "fullcoverage"
self.set_environ("FOOEY", "BOO")
self.set_environ("PYTHONPATH", fullcov)
out = self.run_command("python -m coverage run -L getenv.py")
self.assertEqual(out, "FOOEY == BOO\n")
data = coverage.CoverageData()
# The actual number of executed lines in os.py when it's
# imported is 120 or so. Just running os.getenv executes
# about 5.
self.assertGreater(data.line_counts()['os.py'], 50)
def test_lang_c(self):
if env.PY3 and sys.version_info < (3, 4):
# Python 3.3 can't compile the non-ascii characters in the file name.
self.skipTest("3.3 can't handle this test")
if env.JYTHON:
# Jython as of 2.7.1rc3 won't compile a filename that isn't utf8.
self.skipTest("Jython can't handle this test")
# LANG=C forces getfilesystemencoding on Linux to 'ascii', which causes
# failures with non-ascii file names. We don't want to make a real file
# with strange characters, though, because that gets the test runners
# tangled up. This will isolate the concerns to the coverage.py code.
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/533/exception-on-unencodable-file-name
self.make_file("weird_file.py", r"""
globs = {}
code = "a = 1\nb = 2\n"
exec(compile(code, "wut\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\x01\x02.py", 'exec'), globs)
self.set_environ("LANG", "C")
out = self.run_command("coverage run weird_file.py")
self.assertEqual(out, "1\n2\n")
def test_deprecation_warnings(self):
# Test that coverage doesn't trigger deprecation warnings.
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/305/pendingdeprecationwarning-the-imp-module
self.make_file("allok.py", """\
import warnings
import coverage
print("No warnings!")
# Some of our testing infrastructure can issue warnings.
# Turn it all off for the sub-process.
out = self.run_command("python allok.py")
self.assertEqual(out, "No warnings!\n")
def test_run_twice(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/353/40a3-introduces-an-unexpected-third-case
self.make_file("foo.py", """\
def foo():
self.make_file("run_twice.py", """\
import sys
import coverage
for i in [1, 2]:
sys.stderr.write("Run %s\\n" % i)
inst = coverage.Coverage(source=['foo'])
import foo
out = self.run_command("python run_twice.py")
"Run 1\n"
"Run 2\n"
"Coverage.py warning: Module foo was previously imported, but not measured "
def test_module_name(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/478/help-shows-silly-program-name-when-running
out = self.run_command("python -m coverage")
self.assertIn("Use 'coverage help' for help", out)
TRY_EXECFILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "modules/process_test/try_execfile.py")
class EnvironmentTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests using try_execfile.py to test the execution environment."""
def assert_tryexecfile_output(self, out1, out2):
"""Assert that the output we got is a successful run of try_execfile.py.
`out1` and `out2` must be the same, modulo a few slight known platform
# First, is this even credible try_execfile.py output?
self.assertIn('"DATA": "xyzzy"', out1)
if env.JYTHON: # pragma: only jython
# Argv0 is different for Jython, remove that from the comparison.
out1 = re_lines(out1, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)
out2 = re_lines(out2, r'\s+"argv0":', match=False)
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out1, out2)
def test_coverage_run_is_like_python(self):
with open(TRY_EXECFILE) as f:
self.make_file("run_me.py", f.read())
out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run run_me.py")
out_py = self.run_command("python run_me.py")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
def test_coverage_run_dashm_is_like_python_dashm(self):
# These -m commands assume the coverage tree is on the path.
out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run -m process_test.try_execfile")
out_py = self.run_command("python -m process_test.try_execfile")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
def test_coverage_run_dir_is_like_python_dir(self):
if sys.version_info == (3, 5, 4, 'final', 0): # pragma: obscure
self.skipTest("3.5.4 broke this: https://bugs.python.org/issue32551")
with open(TRY_EXECFILE) as f:
self.make_file("with_main/__main__.py", f.read())
out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run with_main")
out_py = self.run_command("python with_main")
# The coverage.py results are not identical to the Python results, and
# I don't know why. For now, ignore those failures. If someone finds
# a real problem with the discrepancies, we can work on it some more.
ignored = r"__file__|__loader__|__package__"
# PyPy includes the current directory in the path when running a
# directory, while CPython and coverage.py do not. Exclude that from
# the comparison also...
if env.PYPY:
ignored += "|"+re.escape(os.getcwd())
out_cov = re_lines(out_cov, ignored, match=False)
out_py = re_lines(out_py, ignored, match=False)
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
def test_coverage_run_dashm_equal_to_doubledashsource(self):
"""regression test for #328
When imported by -m, a module's __name__ is __main__, but we need the
--source machinery to know and respect the original name.
# These -m commands assume the coverage tree is on the path.
out_cov = self.run_command(
"coverage run --source process_test.try_execfile -m process_test.try_execfile"
out_py = self.run_command("python -m process_test.try_execfile")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
def test_coverage_run_dashm_superset_of_doubledashsource(self):
"""Edge case: --source foo -m foo.bar"""
# These -m commands assume the coverage tree is on the path.
out_cov = self.run_command(
"coverage run --source process_test -m process_test.try_execfile"
out_py = self.run_command("python -m process_test.try_execfile")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report")
self.assertEqual(st, 0)
self.assertEqual(self.line_count(out), 6, out)
def test_coverage_run_script_imports_doubledashsource(self):
# This file imports try_execfile, which compiles it to .pyc, so the
# first run will have __file__ == "try_execfile.py" and the second will
# have __file__ == "try_execfile.pyc", which throws off the comparison.
# Setting dont_write_bytecode True stops the compilation to .pyc and
# keeps the test working.
self.make_file("myscript", """\
import sys; sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
import process_test.try_execfile
# These -m commands assume the coverage tree is on the path.
out_cov = self.run_command(
"coverage run --source process_test myscript"
out_py = self.run_command("python myscript")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report")
self.assertEqual(st, 0)
self.assertEqual(self.line_count(out), 6, out)
def test_coverage_run_dashm_is_like_python_dashm_off_path(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/242
self.make_file("sub/__init__.py", "")
with open(TRY_EXECFILE) as f:
self.make_file("sub/run_me.py", f.read())
out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run -m sub.run_me")
out_py = self.run_command("python -m sub.run_me")
self.assert_tryexecfile_output(out_cov, out_py)
def test_coverage_run_dashm_is_like_python_dashm_with__main__207(self):
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/207
self.make_file("package/__init__.py", "print('init')")
self.make_file("package/__main__.py", "print('main')")
out_cov = self.run_command("coverage run -m package")
out_py = self.run_command("python -m package")
self.assertMultiLineEqual(out_cov, out_py)
class ExcepthookTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of sys.excepthook support."""
def test_excepthook(self):
self.make_file("excepthook.py", """\
import sys
def excepthook(*args):
print('in excepthook')
if maybe == 2:
sys.excepthook = excepthook
maybe = 1
raise RuntimeError('Error Outside')
cov_st, cov_out = self.run_command_status("coverage run excepthook.py")
py_st, py_out = self.run_command_status("python excepthook.py")
if not env.JYTHON:
self.assertEqual(cov_st, py_st)
self.assertEqual(cov_st, 1)
self.assertIn("in excepthook", py_out)
self.assertEqual(cov_out, py_out)
# Read the coverage file and see that excepthook.py has 7 lines
# executed.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['excepthook.py'], 7)
def test_excepthook_exit(self):
if env.PYPY or env.JYTHON:
self.skipTest("non-CPython handles excepthook exits differently, punt for now.")
self.make_file("excepthook_exit.py", """\
import sys
def excepthook(*args):
print('in excepthook')
sys.excepthook = excepthook
raise RuntimeError('Error Outside')
cov_st, cov_out = self.run_command_status("coverage run excepthook_exit.py")
py_st, py_out = self.run_command_status("python excepthook_exit.py")
self.assertEqual(cov_st, py_st)
self.assertEqual(cov_st, 0)
self.assertIn("in excepthook", py_out)
self.assertEqual(cov_out, py_out)
def test_excepthook_throw(self):
if env.PYPY:
self.skipTest("PyPy handles excepthook throws differently, punt for now.")
self.make_file("excepthook_throw.py", """\
import sys
def excepthook(*args):
# Write this message to stderr so that we don't have to deal
# with interleaved stdout/stderr comparisons in the assertions
# in the test.
sys.stderr.write('in excepthook\\n')
raise RuntimeError('Error Inside')
sys.excepthook = excepthook
raise RuntimeError('Error Outside')
cov_st, cov_out = self.run_command_status("coverage run excepthook_throw.py")
py_st, py_out = self.run_command_status("python excepthook_throw.py")
if not env.JYTHON:
self.assertEqual(cov_st, py_st)
self.assertEqual(cov_st, 1)
self.assertIn("in excepthook", py_out)
self.assertEqual(cov_out, py_out)
class AliasedCommandTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of the version-specific command aliases."""
run_in_temp_dir = False
def setUp(self):
super(AliasedCommandTest, self).setUp()
if env.JYTHON:
self.skipTest("Coverage command names don't work on Jython")
def test_major_version_works(self):
# "coverage2" works on py2
cmd = "coverage%d" % sys.version_info[0]
out = self.run_command(cmd)
self.assertIn("Code coverage for Python", out)
def test_wrong_alias_doesnt_work(self):
# "coverage3" doesn't work on py2
assert sys.version_info[0] in [2, 3] # Let us know when Python 4 is out...
badcmd = "coverage%d" % (5 - sys.version_info[0])
out = self.run_command(badcmd)
self.assertNotIn("Code coverage for Python", out)
def test_specific_alias_works(self):
# "coverage-2.7" works on py2.7
cmd = "coverage-%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2]
out = self.run_command(cmd)
self.assertIn("Code coverage for Python", out)
def test_aliases_used_in_messages(self):
cmds = [
"coverage%d" % sys.version_info[0],
"coverage-%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2],
for cmd in cmds:
out = self.run_command("%s foobar" % cmd)
self.assertIn("Unknown command: 'foobar'", out)
self.assertIn("Use '%s help' for help" % cmd, out)
class PydocTest(CoverageTest):
"""Test that pydoc can get our information."""
run_in_temp_dir = False
def assert_pydoc_ok(self, name, thing):
"""Check that pydoc of `name` finds the docstring from `thing`."""
# Run pydoc.
out = self.run_command("python -m pydoc " + name)
# It should say "Help on..", and not have a traceback
self.assert_starts_with(out, "Help on ")
self.assertNotIn("Traceback", out)
# All of the lines in the docstring should be there somewhere.
for line in thing.__doc__.splitlines():
self.assertIn(line.strip(), out)
def test_pydoc_coverage(self):
self.assert_pydoc_ok("coverage", coverage)
def test_pydoc_coverage_coverage(self):
self.assert_pydoc_ok("coverage.Coverage", coverage.Coverage)
class FailUnderTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of the --fail-under switch."""
def setUp(self):
super(FailUnderTest, self).setUp()
self.make_file("forty_two_plus.py", """\
# I have 42.857% (3/7) coverage!
a = 1
b = 2
if a > 3:
b = 4
c = 5
d = 6
e = 7
st, _ = self.run_command_status("coverage run forty_two_plus.py")
self.assertEqual(st, 0)
def test_report_43_is_ok(self):
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report --fail-under=43")
self.assertEqual(st, 0)
self.assertEqual(self.last_line_squeezed(out), "forty_two_plus.py 7 4 43%")
def test_report_43_is_not_ok(self):
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report --fail-under=44")
self.assertEqual(st, 2)
self.assertEqual(self.last_line_squeezed(out), "forty_two_plus.py 7 4 43%")
def test_report_42p86_is_not_ok(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", "[report]\nprecision = 2")
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report --fail-under=42.88")
self.assertEqual(st, 2)
self.assertEqual(self.last_line_squeezed(out), "forty_two_plus.py 7 4 42.86%")
class FailUnderNoFilesTest(CoverageTest):
"""Test that nothing to report results in an error exit status."""
def test_report(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", "[report]\nfail_under = 99\n")
st, out = self.run_command_status("coverage report")
self.assertIn('No data to report.', out)
self.assertEqual(st, 1)
class FailUnderEmptyFilesTest(CoverageTest):
"""Test that empty files produce the proper fail_under exit status."""
def test_report(self):
self.make_file(".coveragerc", "[report]\nfail_under = 99\n")
self.make_file("empty.py", "")
st, _ = self.run_command_status("coverage run empty.py")
self.assertEqual(st, 0)
st, _ = self.run_command_status("coverage report")
self.assertEqual(st, 2)
class UnicodeFilePathsTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of using non-ascii characters in the names of files."""
def setUp(self):
super(UnicodeFilePathsTest, self).setUp()
if env.JYTHON:
self.skipTest("Jython doesn't like accented file names")
def test_accented_dot_py(self):
# Make a file with a non-ascii character in the filename.
self.make_file(u"h\xe2t.py", "print('accented')")
out = self.run_command(u"coverage run h\xe2t.py")
self.assertEqual(out, "accented\n")
# The HTML report uses ascii-encoded HTML entities.
out = self.run_command("coverage html")
self.assertEqual(out, "")
with open("htmlcov/index.html") as indexf:
index = indexf.read()
self.assertIn('hât.py', index)
# The XML report is always UTF8-encoded.
out = self.run_command("coverage xml")
self.assertEqual(out, "")
with open("coverage.xml", "rb") as xmlf:
xml = xmlf.read()
self.assertIn(u' filename="h\xe2t.py"'.encode('utf8'), xml)
self.assertIn(u' name="h\xe2t.py"'.encode('utf8'), xml)
report_expected = (
u"Name Stmts Miss Cover\n"
u"h\xe2t.py 1 0 100%\n"
if env.PY2:
report_expected = report_expected.encode(output_encoding())
out = self.run_command("coverage report")
self.assertEqual(out, report_expected)
def test_accented_directory(self):
# Make a file with a non-ascii character in the directory name.
self.make_file(u"\xe2/accented.py", "print('accented')")
out = self.run_command(u"coverage run \xe2/accented.py")
self.assertEqual(out, "accented\n")
# The HTML report uses ascii-encoded HTML entities.
out = self.run_command("coverage html")
self.assertEqual(out, "")
with open("htmlcov/index.html") as indexf:
index = indexf.read()
self.assertIn('â%saccented.py' % os.sep, index)
# The XML report is always UTF8-encoded.
out = self.run_command("coverage xml")
self.assertEqual(out, "")
with open("coverage.xml", "rb") as xmlf:
xml = xmlf.read()
self.assertIn(u' filename="\xe2/accented.py"'.encode('utf8'), xml)
self.assertIn(u' name="accented.py"'.encode('utf8'), xml)
report_expected = (
u"Name Stmts Miss Cover\n"
u"\xe2%saccented.py 1 0 100%%\n" % os.sep
if env.PY2:
report_expected = report_expected.encode(output_encoding())
out = self.run_command("coverage report")
self.assertEqual(out, report_expected)
def possible_pth_dirs():
"""Produce a sequence of directories for trying to write .pth files."""
# First look through sys.path, and if we find a .pth file, then it's a good
# place to put ours.
for pth_dir in sys.path: # pragma: part covered
pth_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(pth_dir, "*.pth"))
if pth_files:
yield pth_dir
# If we're still looking, then try the Python library directory.
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/339/pth-test-malfunctions
yield distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() # pragma: cant happen
def find_writable_pth_directory():
"""Find a place to write a .pth file."""
for pth_dir in possible_pth_dirs(): # pragma: part covered
try_it = os.path.join(pth_dir, "touch_{0}.it".format(WORKER))
with open(try_it, "w") as f:
except (IOError, OSError): # pragma: cant happen
return pth_dir
return None # pragma: cant happen
WORKER = os.environ.get('PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER', '')
PTH_DIR = find_writable_pth_directory()
class ProcessCoverageMixin(object):
"""Set up a .pth file to coverage-measure all sub-processes."""
def setUp(self):
super(ProcessCoverageMixin, self).setUp()
# Create the .pth file.
pth_contents = "import coverage; coverage.process_startup()\n"
pth_path = os.path.join(PTH_DIR, "subcover_{0}.pth".format(WORKER))
with open(pth_path, "w") as pth:
self.pth_path = pth_path
self.addCleanup(os.remove, self.pth_path)
class ProcessStartupTest(ProcessCoverageMixin, CoverageTest):
"""Test that we can measure coverage in sub-processes."""
def setUp(self):
super(ProcessStartupTest, self).setUp()
# Main will run sub.py
self.make_file("main.py", """\
import os, os.path, sys
ex = os.path.basename(sys.executable)
os.system(ex + " sub.py")
# sub.py will write a few lines.
self.make_file("sub.py", """\
f = open("out.txt", "w")
f.write("Hello, world!\\n")
def test_subprocess_with_pth_files(self): # pragma: no metacov
if env.METACOV:
self.skipTest("Can't test sub-process pth file suppport during metacoverage")
# An existing data file should not be read when a subprocess gets
# measured automatically. Create the data file here with bogus data in
# it.
data = coverage.CoverageData()
data.add_lines({os.path.abspath('sub.py'): dict.fromkeys(range(100))})
self.make_file("coverage.ini", """\
data_file = .mycovdata
self.set_environ("COVERAGE_PROCESS_START", "coverage.ini")
import main # pylint: disable=import-error, unused-variable
with open("out.txt") as f:
self.assertEqual(f.read(), "Hello, world!\n")
# Read the data from .coverage
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['sub.py'], 3)
def test_subprocess_with_pth_files_and_parallel(self): # pragma: no metacov
# https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/492/subprocess-coverage-strange-detection-of
if env.METACOV:
self.skipTest("Can't test sub-process pth file suppport during metacoverage")
self.make_file("coverage.ini", """\
parallel = true
self.set_environ("COVERAGE_PROCESS_START", "coverage.ini")
self.run_command("coverage run main.py")
with open("out.txt") as f:
self.assertEqual(f.read(), "Hello, world!\n")
self.run_command("coverage combine")
# assert that the combined .coverage data file is correct
data = coverage.CoverageData()
self.assertEqual(data.line_counts()['sub.py'], 3)
# assert that there are *no* extra data files left over after a combine
data_files = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + '/.coverage*')
self.assertEqual(len(data_files), 1,
"Expected only .coverage after combine, looks like there are "
"extra data files that were not cleaned up: %r" % data_files)
class ProcessStartupWithSourceTest(ProcessCoverageMixin, CoverageTest):
"""Show that we can configure {[run]source} during process-level coverage.
There are three interesting variables, for a total of eight tests:
1. -m versus a simple script argument (for example, `python myscript`),
2. filtering for the top-level (main.py) or second-level (sub.py)
module, and
3. whether the files are in a package or not.
def assert_pth_and_source_work_together(
self, dashm, package, source
): # pragma: no metacov
"""Run the test for a particular combination of factors.
The arguments are all strings:
* `dashm`: Either "" (run the program as a file) or "-m" (run the
program as a module).
* `package`: Either "" (put the source at the top level) or a
package name to use to hold the source.
* `source`: Either "main" or "sub", which file to use as the
``--source`` argument.
if env.METACOV:
self.skipTest("Can't test sub-process pth file suppport during metacoverage")
def fullname(modname):
"""What is the full module name for `modname` for this test?"""
if package and dashm:
return '.'.join((package, modname))
return modname
def path(basename):
"""Where should `basename` be created for this test?"""
return os.path.join(package, basename)
# Main will run sub.py.
self.make_file(path("main.py"), """\
import %s
a = 2
b = 3
""" % fullname('sub'))
if package:
self.make_file(path("__init__.py"), "")
# sub.py will write a few lines.
self.make_file(path("sub.py"), """\
# Avoid 'with' so Jython can play along.
f = open("out.txt", "w")
f.write("Hello, world!")
self.make_file("coverage.ini", """\
source = %s
""" % fullname(source))
self.set_environ("COVERAGE_PROCESS_START", "coverage.ini")
if dashm:
cmd = "python -m %s" % fullname('main')
cmd = "python %s" % path('main.py')
with open("out.txt") as f:
self.assertEqual(f.read(), "Hello, world!")
# Read the data from .coverage
data = coverage.CoverageData()
summary = data.line_counts()
self.assertEqual(summary[source + '.py'], 3)
self.assertEqual(len(summary), 1)
def test_dashm_main(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('-m', '', 'main')
def test_script_main(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('', '', 'main')
def test_dashm_sub(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('-m', '', 'sub')
def test_script_sub(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('', '', 'sub')
def test_dashm_pkg_main(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('-m', 'pkg', 'main')
def test_script_pkg_main(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('', 'pkg', 'main')
def test_dashm_pkg_sub(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('-m', 'pkg', 'sub')
def test_script_pkg_sub(self):
self.assert_pth_and_source_work_together('', 'pkg', 'sub')