# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/src/default/NOTICE.txt [tox] envlist = py{26,27,33,34,35,36}, pypy{40,51,3_24}, doc skip_missing_interpreters = True [testenv] usedevelop = True deps = # https://requires.io/github/nedbat/coveragepy/requirements/ pip==8.1.2 nose==1.3.7 mock==2.0.0 PyContracts==1.7.9 unittest-mixins==1.0 py26: unittest2==1.1.0 py{27,33,34,35,36}: gevent==1.1.1 py{26,27,33,34,35,36}: eventlet==0.19.0 py{26,27,33,34,35,36}: greenlet==0.4.9 # setuptools no longer supports Python 3.2 pypy3_24: setuptools==21.1.0 # Windows can't update the pip version with pip running, so use Python # to install things. install_command = python -m pip install -U {opts} {packages} passenv = * setenv = pypy,pypy{24,26,40,51,3_24}: COVERAGE_NO_EXTENSION=no C extension under PyPy # Something (pip? setuptools?) chatters about 3.2 support going away. pypy3_24: PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore:::pkg_resources commands = python setup.py --quiet clean develop # Create tests/zipmods.zip # Install the egg1 egg # Remove the C extension so that we can test the PyTracer python igor.py zip_mods install_egg remove_extension # Test with the PyTracer python igor.py test_with_tracer py {posargs} # Build the C extension and test with the CTracer python setup.py --quiet build_ext --inplace python igor.py test_with_tracer c {posargs} [testenv:py26] install_command = python -m pip.__main__ install -U {opts} {packages} [testenv:pypy] # The "pypy" environment is for Travis. Probably can make Travis use one of # the other environments... basepython = pypy [testenv:pypy24] basepython = pypy2.4 [testenv:pypy26] basepython = pypy2.6 [testenv:pypy3_24] basepython = pypy3-2.4 [testenv:pypy40] basepython = pypy4.0 [testenv:pypy51] basepython = pypy5.1 [testenv:doc] # Build the docs so we know if they are successful. We build twice: once with # -q to get all warnings, and once with -QW to get a success/fail status # return. deps = -rdoc/requirements.pip commands = sphinx-build -aEnq doc doc/_build/html sphinx-build -aEnQW doc doc/_build/html rst2html.py --strict CHANGES.rst doc/_build/trash rst2html.py --strict README.rst doc/_build/trash # Yes, pep8 will read its settings from tox.ini! [pep8] # E265 block comment should start with '# ' # E266 too many leading '#' for block comment # E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0 # E401 multiple imports on one line # The rest are the default ignored warnings. ignore = E265,E266,E123,E133,E226,E241,E242,E301,E401 max-line-length = 100