# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Exception classes for fastimport""" # Prefix to messages to show location information _LOCATION_FMT = "line %(lineno)d: " # ImportError is heavily based on BzrError class ImportError(Exception): """The base exception class for all import processing exceptions.""" def __init__(self): super(ImportError, self).__init__(self._fmt % self.__dict__) class ParsingError(ImportError): """The base exception class for all import processing exceptions.""" _fmt = _LOCATION_FMT + "Unknown Import Parsing Error" def __init__(self, lineno): self.lineno = lineno ImportError.__init__(self) class MissingBytes(ParsingError): """Raised when EOF encountered while expecting to find more bytes.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Unexpected EOF - expected %(expected)d bytes," " found %(found)d") def __init__(self, lineno, expected, found): self.expected = expected self.found = found ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class MissingTerminator(ParsingError): """Raised when EOF encountered while expecting to find a terminator.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Unexpected EOF - expected '%(terminator)s' terminator") def __init__(self, lineno, terminator): self.terminator = terminator ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class InvalidCommand(ParsingError): """Raised when an unknown command found.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Invalid command '%(cmd)s'") def __init__(self, lineno, cmd): self.cmd = cmd ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class MissingSection(ParsingError): """Raised when a section is required in a command but not present.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Command %(cmd)s is missing section %(section)s") def __init__(self, lineno, cmd, section): self.cmd = cmd self.section = section ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class BadFormat(ParsingError): """Raised when a section is formatted incorrectly.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Bad format for section %(section)s in " "command %(cmd)s: found '%(text)s'") def __init__(self, lineno, cmd, section, text): self.cmd = cmd self.section = section self.text = text ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class InvalidTimezone(ParsingError): """Raised when converting a string timezone to a seconds offset.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Timezone %(timezone)r could not be converted.%(reason)s") def __init__(self, lineno, timezone, reason=None): self.timezone = timezone if reason: self.reason = ' ' + reason else: self.reason = '' ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class PrematureEndOfStream(ParsingError): """Raised when the 'done' feature was specified but missing.""" _fmt = (_LOCATION_FMT + "Stream end before 'done' command") def __init__(self, lineno): ParsingError.__init__(self, lineno) class UnknownDateFormat(ImportError): """Raised when an unknown date format is given.""" _fmt = ("Unknown date format '%(format)s'") def __init__(self, format): self.format = format ImportError.__init__(self) class MissingHandler(ImportError): """Raised when a processor can't handle a command.""" _fmt = ("Missing handler for command %(cmd)s") def __init__(self, cmd): self.cmd = cmd ImportError.__init__(self) class UnknownParameter(ImportError): """Raised when an unknown parameter is passed to a processor.""" _fmt = ("Unknown parameter - '%(param)s' not in %(knowns)s") def __init__(self, param, knowns): self.param = param self.knowns = knowns ImportError.__init__(self) class BadRepositorySize(ImportError): """Raised when the repository has an incorrect number of revisions.""" _fmt = ("Bad repository size - %(found)d revisions found, " "%(expected)d expected") def __init__(self, expected, found): self.expected = expected self.found = found ImportError.__init__(self) class BadRestart(ImportError): """Raised when the import stream and id-map do not match up.""" _fmt = ("Bad restart - attempted to skip commit %(commit_id)s " "but matching revision-id is unknown") def __init__(self, commit_id): self.commit_id = commit_id ImportError.__init__(self) class UnknownFeature(ImportError): """Raised when an unknown feature is given in the input stream.""" _fmt = ("Unknown feature '%(feature)s' - try a later importer or " "an earlier data format") def __init__(self, feature): self.feature = feature ImportError.__init__(self)