# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """Import command classes.""" # There is a bug in git and older by which unquoting a string consumes # one extra character. Set this variable to True to work-around it. It only # happens when renaming a file whose name contains spaces and/or quotes, and # the symptom is: # % git-fast-import # fatal: Missing space after source: R "file 1.txt" file 2.txt # http://git.kernel.org/?p=git/git.git;a=commit;h=c8744d6a8b27115503565041566d97c21e722584 GIT_FAST_IMPORT_NEEDS_EXTRA_SPACE_AFTER_QUOTE = False # Lists of command names COMMAND_NAMES = ['blob', 'checkpoint', 'commit', 'feature', 'progress', 'reset', 'tag'] FILE_COMMAND_NAMES = ['filemodify', 'filedelete', 'filecopy', 'filerename', 'filedeleteall'] # Bazaar file kinds FILE_KIND = 'file' DIRECTORY_KIND = 'directory' SYMLINK_KIND = 'symlink' TREE_REFERENCE_KIND = 'tree-reference' # Feature names MULTIPLE_AUTHORS_FEATURE = "multiple-authors" COMMIT_PROPERTIES_FEATURE = "commit-properties" EMPTY_DIRS_FEATURE = "empty-directories" FEATURE_NAMES = [ MULTIPLE_AUTHORS_FEATURE, COMMIT_PROPERTIES_FEATURE, EMPTY_DIRS_FEATURE, ] class ImportCommand(object): """Base class for import commands.""" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name # List of field names not to display self._binary = [] def __str__(self): return repr(self) def dump_str(self, names=None, child_lists=None, verbose=False): """Dump fields as a string. :param names: the list of fields to include or None for all public fields :param child_lists: dictionary of child command names to fields for that child command to include :param verbose: if True, prefix each line with the command class and display fields as a dictionary; if False, dump just the field values with tabs between them """ interesting = {} if names is None: fields = [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('_')] else: fields = names for field in fields: value = self.__dict__.get(field) if field in self._binary and value is not None: value = '(...)' interesting[field] = value if verbose: return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, interesting) else: return "\t".join([repr(interesting[k]) for k in fields]) class BlobCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, mark, data, lineno=0): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'blob') self.mark = mark self.data = data self.lineno = lineno # Provide a unique id in case the mark is missing if mark is None: self.id = '@%d' % lineno else: self.id = ':' + mark self._binary = ['data'] def __repr__(self): if self.mark is None: mark_line = "" else: mark_line = "\nmark :%s" % self.mark return "blob%s\ndata %d\n%s" % (mark_line, len(self.data), self.data) class CheckpointCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'checkpoint') def __repr__(self): return "checkpoint" class CommitCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, ref, mark, author, committer, message, from_, merges, file_iter, lineno=0, more_authors=None, properties=None): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'commit') self.ref = ref self.mark = mark self.author = author self.committer = committer self.message = message self.from_ = from_ self.merges = merges self.file_iter = file_iter self.more_authors = more_authors self.properties = properties self.lineno = lineno self._binary = ['file_iter'] # Provide a unique id in case the mark is missing if mark is None: self.id = '@%d' % lineno else: self.id = ':%s' % mark def __repr__(self): return self.to_string(include_file_contents=True) def __str__(self): return self.to_string(include_file_contents=False) def to_string(self, use_features=True, include_file_contents=False): if self.mark is None: mark_line = "" else: mark_line = "\nmark :%s" % self.mark if self.author is None: author_section = "" else: author_section = "\nauthor %s" % format_who_when(self.author) if use_features and self.more_authors: for author in self.more_authors: author_section += "\nauthor %s" % format_who_when(author) committer = "committer %s" % format_who_when(self.committer) if self.message is None: msg_section = "" else: msg = self.message.encode('utf8') msg_section = "\ndata %d\n%s" % (len(msg), msg) if self.from_ is None: from_line = "" else: from_line = "\nfrom %s" % self.from_ if self.merges is None: merge_lines = "" else: merge_lines = "".join(["\nmerge %s" % (m,) for m in self.merges]) if use_features and self.properties: property_lines = [] for name in sorted(self.properties): value = self.properties[name] property_lines.append("\n" + format_property(name, value)) properties_section = "".join(property_lines) else: properties_section = "" if self.file_iter is None: filecommands = "" else: if include_file_contents: format_str = "\n%r" else: format_str = "\n%s" filecommands = "".join([format_str % (c,) for c in self.iter_files()]) return "commit %s%s%s\n%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.ref, mark_line, author_section, committer, msg_section, from_line, merge_lines, properties_section, filecommands) def dump_str(self, names=None, child_lists=None, verbose=False): result = [ImportCommand.dump_str(self, names, verbose=verbose)] for f in self.iter_files(): if child_lists is None: continue try: child_names = child_lists[f.name] except KeyError: continue result.append("\t%s" % f.dump_str(child_names, verbose=verbose)) return '\n'.join(result) def iter_files(self): """Iterate over files.""" # file_iter may be a callable or an iterator if callable(self.file_iter): return self.file_iter() elif self.file_iter: return iter(self.file_iter) class FeatureCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, feature_name, value=None, lineno=0): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'feature') self.feature_name = feature_name self.value = value self.lineno = lineno def __repr__(self): if self.value is None: value_text = "" else: value_text = "=%s" % self.value return "feature %s%s" % (self.feature_name, value_text) class ProgressCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, message): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'progress') self.message = message def __repr__(self): return "progress %s" % (self.message,) class ResetCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, ref, from_): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'reset') self.ref = ref self.from_ = from_ def __repr__(self): if self.from_ is None: from_line = "" else: # According to git-fast-import(1), the extra LF is optional here; # however, versions of git up to had a bug by which the LF # was needed. Always emit it, since it doesn't hurt and maintains # compatibility with older versions. # http://git.kernel.org/?p=git/git.git;a=commit;h=655e8515f279c01f525745d443f509f97cd805ab from_line = "\nfrom %s\n" % self.from_ return "reset %s%s" % (self.ref, from_line) class TagCommand(ImportCommand): def __init__(self, id, from_, tagger, message): ImportCommand.__init__(self, 'tag') self.id = id self.from_ = from_ self.tagger = tagger self.message = message def __repr__(self): if self.from_ is None: from_line = "" else: from_line = "\nfrom %s" % self.from_ if self.tagger is None: tagger_line = "" else: tagger_line = "\ntagger %s" % format_who_when(self.tagger) if self.message is None: msg_section = "" else: msg = self.message.encode('utf8') msg_section = "\ndata %d\n%s" % (len(msg), msg) return "tag %s%s%s%s" % (self.id, from_line, tagger_line, msg_section) class FileCommand(ImportCommand): """Base class for file commands.""" pass class FileModifyCommand(FileCommand): def __init__(self, path, kind, is_executable, dataref, data): # Either dataref or data should be null FileCommand.__init__(self, 'filemodify') self.path = check_path(path) self.kind = kind self.is_executable = is_executable self.dataref = dataref self.data = data self._binary = ['data'] def __repr__(self): return self.to_string(include_file_contents=True) def __str__(self): return self.to_string(include_file_contents=False) def to_string(self, include_file_contents=False): if self.is_executable: mode = "755" elif self.kind == 'file': mode = "644" elif self.kind == 'directory': mode = "040000" elif self.kind == 'symlink': mode = "120000" elif self.kind == 'tree-reference': mode = "160000" else: raise AssertionError("unknown kind %s" % (self.kind,)) datastr = "" if self.kind == 'directory': dataref = '-' elif self.dataref is None: dataref = "inline" if include_file_contents: datastr = "\ndata %d\n%s" % (len(self.data), self.data) else: dataref = "%s" % (self.dataref,) path = format_path(self.path) return "M %s %s %s%s" % (mode, dataref, path, datastr) class FileDeleteCommand(FileCommand): def __init__(self, path): FileCommand.__init__(self, 'filedelete') self.path = check_path(path) def __repr__(self): return "D %s" % (format_path(self.path),) class FileCopyCommand(FileCommand): def __init__(self, src_path, dest_path): FileCommand.__init__(self, 'filecopy') self.src_path = check_path(src_path) self.dest_path = check_path(dest_path) def __repr__(self): return "C %s %s" % ( format_path(self.src_path, quote_spaces=True), format_path(self.dest_path)) class FileRenameCommand(FileCommand): def __init__(self, old_path, new_path): FileCommand.__init__(self, 'filerename') self.old_path = check_path(old_path) self.new_path = check_path(new_path) def __repr__(self): return "R %s %s" % ( format_path(self.old_path, quote_spaces=True), format_path(self.new_path)) class FileDeleteAllCommand(FileCommand): def __init__(self): FileCommand.__init__(self, 'filedeleteall') def __repr__(self): return "deleteall" def check_path(path): """Check that a path is legal. :return: the path if all is OK :raise ValueError: if the path is illegal """ if path is None or path == '': raise ValueError("illegal path '%s'" % path) return path def format_path(p, quote_spaces=False): """Format a path in utf8, quoting it if necessary.""" if '\n' in p: import re p = re.sub('\n', '\\n', p) quote = True else: quote = p[0] == '"' or (quote_spaces and ' ' in p) if quote: extra = GIT_FAST_IMPORT_NEEDS_EXTRA_SPACE_AFTER_QUOTE and ' ' or '' p = '"%s"%s' % (p, extra) return p.encode('utf8') def format_who_when(fields): """Format a tuple of name,email,secs-since-epoch,utc-offset-secs as a string.""" offset = fields[3] if offset < 0: offset_sign = '-' offset = abs(offset) else: offset_sign = '+' offset_hours = offset / 3600 offset_minutes = offset / 60 - offset_hours * 60 offset_str = "%s%02d%02d" % (offset_sign, offset_hours, offset_minutes) name = fields[0] if name == '': sep = '' else: sep = ' ' if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('utf8') email = fields[1] if isinstance(email, unicode): email = email.encode('utf8') result = "%s%s<%s> %d %s" % (name, sep, email, fields[2], offset_str) return result def format_property(name, value): """Format the name and value (both unicode) of a property as a string.""" utf8_name = name.encode('utf8') if value is not None: utf8_value = value.encode('utf8') result = "property %s %d %s" % (utf8_name, len(utf8_value), utf8_value) else: result = "property %s" % (utf8_name,) return result