# Copyright (C) 2008 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """Parser of import data into command objects. In order to reuse existing front-ends, the stream format is a subset of the one used by git-fast-import (as of the 1.5.4 release of git at least). The grammar is: stream ::= cmd*; cmd ::= new_blob | new_commit | new_tag | reset_branch | checkpoint | progress ; new_blob ::= 'blob' lf mark? file_content; file_content ::= data; new_commit ::= 'commit' sp ref_str lf mark? ('author' sp name '<' email '>' when lf)? 'committer' sp name '<' email '>' when lf commit_msg ('from' sp (ref_str | hexsha1 | sha1exp_str | idnum) lf)? ('merge' sp (ref_str | hexsha1 | sha1exp_str | idnum) lf)* file_change* lf?; commit_msg ::= data; file_change ::= file_clr | file_del | file_rnm | file_cpy | file_obm | file_inm; file_clr ::= 'deleteall' lf; file_del ::= 'D' sp path_str lf; file_rnm ::= 'R' sp path_str sp path_str lf; file_cpy ::= 'C' sp path_str sp path_str lf; file_obm ::= 'M' sp mode sp (hexsha1 | idnum) sp path_str lf; file_inm ::= 'M' sp mode sp 'inline' sp path_str lf data; new_tag ::= 'tag' sp tag_str lf 'from' sp (ref_str | hexsha1 | sha1exp_str | idnum) lf 'tagger' sp name '<' email '>' when lf tag_msg; tag_msg ::= data; reset_branch ::= 'reset' sp ref_str lf ('from' sp (ref_str | hexsha1 | sha1exp_str | idnum) lf)? lf?; checkpoint ::= 'checkpoint' lf lf?; progress ::= 'progress' sp not_lf* lf lf?; # note: the first idnum in a stream should be 1 and subsequent # idnums should not have gaps between values as this will cause # the stream parser to reserve space for the gapped values. An # idnum can be updated in the future to a new object by issuing # a new mark directive with the old idnum. # mark ::= 'mark' sp idnum lf; data ::= (delimited_data | exact_data) lf?; # note: delim may be any string but must not contain lf. # data_line may contain any data but must not be exactly # delim. The lf after the final data_line is included in # the data. delimited_data ::= 'data' sp '<<' delim lf (data_line lf)* delim lf; # note: declen indicates the length of binary_data in bytes. # declen does not include the lf preceeding the binary data. # exact_data ::= 'data' sp declen lf binary_data; # note: quoted strings are C-style quoting supporting \c for # common escapes of 'c' (e..g \n, \t, \\, \") or \nnn where nnn # is the signed byte value in octal. Note that the only # characters which must actually be escaped to protect the # stream formatting is: \, " and LF. Otherwise these values # are UTF8. # ref_str ::= ref; sha1exp_str ::= sha1exp; tag_str ::= tag; path_str ::= path | '"' quoted(path) '"' ; mode ::= '100644' | '644' | '100755' | '755' | '120000' ; declen ::= # unsigned 32 bit value, ascii base10 notation; bigint ::= # unsigned integer value, ascii base10 notation; binary_data ::= # file content, not interpreted; when ::= raw_when | rfc2822_when; raw_when ::= ts sp tz; rfc2822_when ::= # Valid RFC 2822 date and time; sp ::= # ASCII space character; lf ::= # ASCII newline (LF) character; # note: a colon (':') must precede the numerical value assigned to # an idnum. This is to distinguish it from a ref or tag name as # GIT does not permit ':' in ref or tag strings. # idnum ::= ':' bigint; path ::= # GIT style file path, e.g. "a/b/c"; ref ::= # GIT ref name, e.g. "refs/heads/MOZ_GECKO_EXPERIMENT"; tag ::= # GIT tag name, e.g. "FIREFOX_1_5"; sha1exp ::= # Any valid GIT SHA1 expression; hexsha1 ::= # SHA1 in hexadecimal format; # note: name and email are UTF8 strings, however name must not # contain '<' or lf and email must not contain any of the # following: '<', '>', lf. # name ::= # valid GIT author/committer name; email ::= # valid GIT author/committer email; ts ::= # time since the epoch in seconds, ascii base10 notation; tz ::= # GIT style timezone; # note: comments may appear anywhere in the input, except # within a data command. Any form of the data command # always escapes the related input from comment processing. # # In case it is not clear, the '#' that starts the comment # must be the first character on that the line (an lf have # preceeded it). # comment ::= '#' not_lf* lf; not_lf ::= # Any byte that is not ASCII newline (LF); """ import re import sys import commands import dates import errors ## Stream parsing ## class LineBasedParser(object): def __init__(self, input): """A Parser that keeps track of line numbers. :param input: the file-like object to read from """ self.input = input self.lineno = 0 # Lines pushed back onto the input stream self._buffer = [] def abort(self, exception, *args): """Raise an exception providing line number information.""" raise exception(self.lineno, *args) def readline(self): """Get the next line including the newline or '' on EOF.""" self.lineno += 1 if self._buffer: return self._buffer.pop() else: return self.input.readline() def next_line(self): """Get the next line without the newline or None on EOF.""" line = self.readline() if line: return line[:-1] else: return None def push_line(self, line): """Push line back onto the line buffer. :param line: the line with no trailing newline """ self.lineno -= 1 self._buffer.append(line + "\n") def read_bytes(self, count): """Read a given number of bytes from the input stream. Throws MissingBytes if the bytes are not found. Note: This method does not read from the line buffer. :return: a string """ result = self.input.read(count) found = len(result) self.lineno += result.count("\n") if found != count: self.abort(errors.MissingBytes, count, found) return result def read_until(self, terminator): """Read the input stream until the terminator is found. Throws MissingTerminator if the terminator is not found. Note: This method does not read from the line buffer. :return: the bytes read up to but excluding the terminator. """ lines = [] term = terminator + '\n' while True: line = self.input.readline() if line == term: break else: lines.append(line) return ''.join(lines) # Regular expression used for parsing. (Note: The spec states that the name # part should be non-empty but git-fast-export doesn't always do that so # the first bit is \w*, not \w+.) Also git-fast-import code says the # space before the email is optional. _WHO_AND_WHEN_RE = re.compile(r'([^<]*)<(.*)> (.+)') _WHO_RE = re.compile(r'([^<]*)<(.*)>') class ImportParser(LineBasedParser): def __init__(self, input, verbose=False, output=sys.stdout, user_mapper=None): """A Parser of import commands. :param input: the file-like object to read from :param verbose: display extra information of not :param output: the file-like object to write messages to (YAGNI?) :param user_mapper: if not None, the UserMapper used to adjust user-ids for authors, committers and taggers. """ LineBasedParser.__init__(self, input) self.verbose = verbose self.output = output self.user_mapper = user_mapper # We auto-detect the date format when a date is first encountered self.date_parser = None def warning(self, msg): sys.stderr.write("warning line %d: %s\n" % (self.lineno, msg)) def iter_commands(self): """Iterator returning ImportCommand objects.""" while True: line = self.next_line() if line is None: break elif len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('#'): continue # Search for commands in order of likelihood elif line.startswith('commit '): yield self._parse_commit(line[len('commit '):]) elif line.startswith('blob'): yield self._parse_blob() elif line.startswith('progress '): yield commands.ProgressCommand(line[len('progress '):]) elif line.startswith('reset '): yield self._parse_reset(line[len('reset '):]) elif line.startswith('tag '): yield self._parse_tag(line[len('tag '):]) elif line.startswith('checkpoint'): yield commands.CheckpointCommand() elif line.startswith('feature'): yield self._parse_feature(line[len('feature '):]) else: self.abort(errors.InvalidCommand, line) def iter_file_commands(self): """Iterator returning FileCommand objects. If an invalid file command is found, the line is silently pushed back and iteration ends. """ while True: line = self.next_line() if line is None: break elif len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('#'): continue # Search for file commands in order of likelihood elif line.startswith('M '): yield self._parse_file_modify(line[2:]) elif line.startswith('D '): path = self._path(line[2:]) yield commands.FileDeleteCommand(path) elif line.startswith('R '): old, new = self._path_pair(line[2:]) yield commands.FileRenameCommand(old, new) elif line.startswith('C '): src, dest = self._path_pair(line[2:]) yield commands.FileCopyCommand(src, dest) elif line.startswith('deleteall'): yield commands.FileDeleteAllCommand() else: self.push_line(line) break def _parse_blob(self): """Parse a blob command.""" lineno = self.lineno mark = self._get_mark_if_any() data = self._get_data('blob') return commands.BlobCommand(mark, data, lineno) def _parse_commit(self, ref): """Parse a commit command.""" lineno = self.lineno mark = self._get_mark_if_any() author = self._get_user_info('commit', 'author', False) more_authors = [] while True: another_author = self._get_user_info('commit', 'author', False) if another_author is not None: more_authors.append(another_author) else: break committer = self._get_user_info('commit', 'committer') message = self._get_data('commit', 'message') try: message = message.decode('utf_8') except UnicodeDecodeError: self.warning( "commit message not in utf8 - replacing unknown characters") message = message.decode('utf_8', 'replace') from_ = self._get_from() merges = [] while True: merge = self._get_merge() if merge is not None: # while the spec suggests it's illegal, git-fast-export # outputs multiple merges on the one line, e.g. # merge :x :y :z these_merges = merge.split(" ") merges.extend(these_merges) else: break properties = {} while True: name_value = self._get_property() if name_value is not None: name, value = name_value properties[name] = value else: break return commands.CommitCommand(ref, mark, author, committer, message, from_, merges, self.iter_file_commands, lineno=lineno, more_authors=more_authors, properties=properties) def _parse_feature(self, info): """Parse a feature command.""" parts = info.split("=", 1) name = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: value = self._path(parts[1]) else: value = None return commands.FeatureCommand(name, value, lineno=self.lineno) def _parse_file_modify(self, info): """Parse a filemodify command within a commit. :param info: a string in the format "mode dataref path" (where dataref might be the hard-coded literal 'inline'). """ params = info.split(' ', 2) path = self._path(params[2]) is_executable, kind = self._mode(params[0]) if params[1] == 'inline': dataref = None data = self._get_data('filemodify') else: dataref = params[1] data = None return commands.FileModifyCommand(path, kind, is_executable, dataref, data) def _parse_reset(self, ref): """Parse a reset command.""" from_ = self._get_from() return commands.ResetCommand(ref, from_) def _parse_tag(self, name): """Parse a tag command.""" from_ = self._get_from('tag') tagger = self._get_user_info('tag', 'tagger', accept_just_who=True) message = self._get_data('tag', 'message').decode('utf_8') return commands.TagCommand(name, from_, tagger, message) def _get_mark_if_any(self): """Parse a mark section.""" line = self.next_line() if line.startswith('mark :'): return line[len('mark :'):] else: self.push_line(line) return None def _get_from(self, required_for=None): """Parse a from section.""" line = self.next_line() if line is None: return None elif line.startswith('from '): return line[len('from '):] elif required_for: self.abort(errors.MissingSection, required_for, 'from') else: self.push_line(line) return None def _get_merge(self): """Parse a merge section.""" line = self.next_line() if line is None: return None elif line.startswith('merge '): return line[len('merge '):] else: self.push_line(line) return None def _get_property(self): """Parse a property section.""" line = self.next_line() if line is None: return None elif line.startswith('property '): return self._name_value(line[len('property '):]) else: self.push_line(line) return None def _get_user_info(self, cmd, section, required=True, accept_just_who=False): """Parse a user section.""" line = self.next_line() if line.startswith(section + ' '): return self._who_when(line[len(section + ' '):], cmd, section, accept_just_who=accept_just_who) elif required: self.abort(errors.MissingSection, cmd, section) else: self.push_line(line) return None def _get_data(self, required_for, section='data'): """Parse a data section.""" line = self.next_line() if line.startswith('data '): rest = line[len('data '):] if rest.startswith('<<'): return self.read_until(rest[2:]) else: size = int(rest) read_bytes = self.read_bytes(size) # optional LF after data. next = self.input.readline() self.lineno += 1 if len(next) > 1 or next != "\n": self.push_line(next[:-1]) return read_bytes else: self.abort(errors.MissingSection, required_for, section) def _who_when(self, s, cmd, section, accept_just_who=False): """Parse who and when information from a string. :return: a tuple of (name,email,timestamp,timezone). name may be the empty string if only an email address was given. """ match = _WHO_AND_WHEN_RE.search(s) if match: datestr = match.group(3).lstrip() if self.date_parser is None: # auto-detect the date format if len(datestr.split(' ')) == 2: format = 'raw' elif datestr == 'now': format = 'now' else: format = 'rfc2822' self.date_parser = dates.DATE_PARSERS_BY_NAME[format] try: when = self.date_parser(datestr, self.lineno) except ValueError: print "failed to parse datestr '%s'" % (datestr,) raise else: match = _WHO_RE.search(s) if accept_just_who and match: # HACK around missing time # TODO: output a warning here when = dates.DATE_PARSERS_BY_NAME['now']('now') else: self.abort(errors.BadFormat, cmd, section, s) name = match.group(1) if len(name) > 0: if name[-1] == " ": try: name = name[:-1].decode('utf_8') except UnicodeDecodeError: # The spec says names are *typically* utf8 encoded # but that isn't enforced by git-fast-export (at least) self.warning("%s name not in utf8 - replacing unknown " "characters" % (section,)) name = name[:-1].decode('utf_8', 'replace') email = match.group(2) # While it shouldn't happen, some datasets have email addresses # which contain unicode characters. See bug 338186. We sanitize # the data at this level just in case. try: email = email.decode('utf_8') except UnicodeDecodeError: self.warning("%s email not in utf8 - replacing unknown characters" % (section,)) email = email.decode('utf_8', 'replace') if self.user_mapper: name, email = self.user_mapper.map_name_and_email(name, email) return (name, email, when[0], when[1]) def _name_value(self, s): """Parse a (name,value) tuple from 'name value-length value'.""" parts = s.split(' ', 2) name = parts[0] if len(parts) == 1: value = None else: size = int(parts[1]) value = parts[2] still_to_read = size - len(value) if still_to_read > 0: read_bytes = self.read_bytes(still_to_read) value += "\n" + read_bytes[:still_to_read - 1] value = value.decode('utf8') return (name, value) def _path(self, s): """Parse a path.""" if s.startswith('"'): if s[-1] != '"': self.abort(errors.BadFormat, '?', '?', s) else: return _unquote_c_string(s[1:-1]) try: return s.decode('utf_8') except UnicodeDecodeError: # The spec recommends utf8 encoding but that isn't enforced return s def _path_pair(self, s): """Parse two paths separated by a space.""" # TODO: handle a space in the first path if s.startswith('"'): parts = s[1:].split('" ', 1) else: parts = s.split(' ', 1) if len(parts) != 2: self.abort(errors.BadFormat, '?', '?', s) elif parts[1].startswith('"') and parts[1].endswith('"'): parts[1] = parts[1][1:-1] elif parts[1].startswith('"') or parts[1].endswith('"'): self.abort(errors.BadFormat, '?', '?', s) return map(_unquote_c_string, parts) def _mode(self, s): """Parse a file mode into executable and kind. :return (is_executable, kind) """ # Note: Output from git-fast-export slightly different to spec if s in ['644', '100644', '0100644']: return False, commands.FILE_KIND elif s in ['755', '100755', '0100755']: return True, commands.FILE_KIND elif s in ['040000', '0040000']: return False, commands.DIRECTORY_KIND elif s in ['120000', '0120000']: return False, commands.SYMLINK_KIND elif s in ['160000', '0160000']: return False, commands.TREE_REFERENCE_KIND else: self.abort(errors.BadFormat, 'filemodify', 'mode', s) def _unquote_c_string(s): """replace C-style escape sequences (\n, \", etc.) with real chars.""" # HACK: Python strings are close enough return s.decode('string_escape', 'replace')