# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2011, Piston Cloud Computing, Inc. # Copyright 2011 Nebula, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import warnings from positional import positional import six from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient.i18n import _ @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ServiceCatalog(object): """Helper methods for dealing with a Keystone Service Catalog. .. warning:: Setting region_name is deprecated in favor of passing the region name as a parameter to calls made to the service catalog as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ @classmethod def factory(cls, resource_dict, token=None, region_name=None): """Create ServiceCatalog object given an auth token. .. warning:: Setting region_name is deprecated in favor of passing the region name as a parameter to calls made to the service catalog as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ if ServiceCatalogV3.is_valid(resource_dict): return ServiceCatalogV3(token, resource_dict, region_name) elif ServiceCatalogV2.is_valid(resource_dict): return ServiceCatalogV2(resource_dict, region_name) else: raise NotImplementedError(_('Unrecognized auth response')) def __init__(self, region_name=None): if region_name: warnings.warn( 'Setting region_name on the service catalog is deprecated in ' 'favor of passing the region name as a parameter to calls ' 'made to the service catalog as of the 1.7.0 release and may ' 'be removed in the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) self._region_name = region_name @property def region_name(self): """Region name. .. warning:: region_name is deprecated in favor of passing the region name as a parameter to calls made to the service catalog as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ warnings.warn( 'region_name is deprecated in favor of passing the region name as ' 'a parameter to calls made to the service catalog as of the 1.7.0 ' 'release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) return self._region_name def _get_endpoint_region(self, endpoint): return endpoint.get('region_id') or endpoint.get('region') @abc.abstractmethod def get_token(self): """Fetch token details from service catalog. Returns a dictionary containing the following:: - `id`: Token's ID - `expires`: Token's expiration - `user_id`: Authenticated user's ID - `tenant_id`: Authorized project's ID - `domain_id`: Authorized domain's ID """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _is_endpoint_type_match(self, endpoint, endpoint_type): """Helper function to normalize endpoint matching across v2 and v3. :returns: True if the provided endpoint matches the required endpoint_type otherwise False. """ pass # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _normalize_endpoint_type(self, endpoint_type): """Handle differences in the way v2 and v3 catalogs specify endpoint. Both v2 and v3 must be able to handle the endpoint style of the other. For example v2 must be able to handle a 'public' endpoint_type and v3 must be able to handle a 'publicURL' endpoint_type. :returns: the endpoint string in the format appropriate for this service catalog. """ pass # pragma: no cover def get_endpoints(self, service_type=None, endpoint_type=None, region_name=None, service_name=None): """Fetch and filter endpoints for the specified service(s). Returns endpoints for the specified service (or all) containing the specified type (or all) and region (or all) and service name. If there is no name in the service catalog the service_name check will be skipped. This allows compatibility with services that existed before the name was available in the catalog. """ endpoint_type = self._normalize_endpoint_type(endpoint_type) region_name = region_name or self._region_name sc = {} for service in (self.get_data() or []): try: st = service['type'] except KeyError: continue if service_type and service_type != st: continue # NOTE(jamielennox): service_name is different. It is not available # in API < v3.3. If it is in the catalog then we enforce it, if it # is not then we don't because the name could be correct we just # don't have that information to check against. if service_name: try: sn = service['name'] except KeyError: # nosec(cjschaef) # assume that we're in v3.0-v3.2 and don't have the name in # the catalog. Skip the check. pass else: if service_name != sn: continue endpoints = sc.setdefault(st, []) for endpoint in service.get('endpoints', []): if (endpoint_type and not self._is_endpoint_type_match(endpoint, endpoint_type)): continue if (region_name and region_name != self._get_endpoint_region(endpoint)): continue endpoints.append(endpoint) return sc def _get_service_endpoints(self, attr, filter_value, service_type, endpoint_type, region_name, service_name): """Fetch the endpoints of a particular service_type. Endpoints returned are also filtered based on the attr and filter_value provided. """ sc_endpoints = self.get_endpoints(service_type=service_type, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, region_name=region_name, service_name=service_name) try: endpoints = sc_endpoints[service_type] except KeyError: return if attr and not filter_value: warnings.warn( 'Providing attr without filter_value to get_urls() is ' 'deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the ' '2.0.0 release. Either both should be provided or neither ' 'should be provided.') if filter_value: return [endpoint for endpoint in endpoints if endpoint.get(attr) == filter_value] return endpoints @abc.abstractmethod @positional(enforcement=positional.WARN) def get_urls(self, attr=None, filter_value=None, service_type='identity', endpoint_type='publicURL', region_name=None, service_name=None): """Fetch endpoint urls from the service catalog. Fetch the endpoints from the service catalog for a particular endpoint attribute. If no attribute is given, return the first endpoint of the specified type. :param string attr: Endpoint attribute name. :param string filter_value: Endpoint attribute value. :param string service_type: Service type of the endpoint. :param string endpoint_type: Type of endpoint. Possible values: public or publicURL, internal or internalURL, admin or adminURL :param string region_name: Region of the endpoint. :param string service_name: The assigned name of the service. :returns: tuple of urls or None (if no match found) """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover @positional(3, enforcement=positional.WARN) def url_for(self, attr=None, filter_value=None, service_type='identity', endpoint_type='publicURL', region_name=None, service_name=None): """Fetch an endpoint from the service catalog. Fetch the specified endpoint from the service catalog for a particular endpoint attribute. If no attribute is given, return the first endpoint of the specified type. Valid endpoint types: `public` or `publicURL`, `internal` or `internalURL`, `admin` or 'adminURL` :param string attr: Endpoint attribute name. :param string filter_value: Endpoint attribute value. :param string service_type: Service type of the endpoint. :param string endpoint_type: Type of endpoint. :param string region_name: Region of the endpoint. :param string service_name: The assigned name of the service. """ if not self.get_data(): raise exceptions.EmptyCatalog(_('The service catalog is empty.')) urls = self.get_urls(attr=attr, filter_value=filter_value, service_type=service_type, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, region_name=region_name, service_name=service_name) try: return urls[0] except Exception: if service_name and region_name: msg = (_('%(endpoint_type)s endpoint for %(service_type)s ' 'service named %(service_name)s in %(region_name)s ' 'region not found') % {'endpoint_type': endpoint_type, 'service_type': service_type, 'service_name': service_name, 'region_name': region_name}) elif service_name: msg = (_('%(endpoint_type)s endpoint for %(service_type)s ' 'service named %(service_name)s not found') % {'endpoint_type': endpoint_type, 'service_type': service_type, 'service_name': service_name}) elif region_name: msg = (_('%(endpoint_type)s endpoint for %(service_type)s ' 'service in %(region_name)s region not found') % {'endpoint_type': endpoint_type, 'service_type': service_type, 'region_name': region_name}) else: msg = (_('%(endpoint_type)s endpoint for %(service_type)s ' 'service not found') % {'endpoint_type': endpoint_type, 'service_type': service_type}) raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(msg) @abc.abstractmethod def get_data(self): """Get the raw catalog structure. Get the version dependent catalog structure as it is presented within the resource. :returns: list containing raw catalog data entries or None """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover class ServiceCatalogV2(ServiceCatalog): """An object for encapsulating the v2 service catalog. The object is created using raw v2 auth token from Keystone. """ def __init__(self, resource_dict, region_name=None): self.catalog = resource_dict super(ServiceCatalogV2, self).__init__(region_name=region_name) @classmethod def is_valid(cls, resource_dict): # This class is also used for reading token info of an unscoped token. # Unscoped token does not have 'serviceCatalog' in V2, checking this # will not work. Use 'token' attribute instead. return 'token' in resource_dict def _normalize_endpoint_type(self, endpoint_type): if endpoint_type and 'URL' not in endpoint_type: endpoint_type += 'URL' return endpoint_type def _is_endpoint_type_match(self, endpoint, endpoint_type): return endpoint_type in endpoint def get_data(self): return self.catalog.get('serviceCatalog') def get_token(self): token = {'id': self.catalog['token']['id'], 'expires': self.catalog['token']['expires']} try: token['user_id'] = self.catalog['user']['id'] token['tenant_id'] = self.catalog['token']['tenant']['id'] except KeyError: # nosec(cjschaef) # just leave the tenant and user out if it doesn't exist pass return token @positional(enforcement=positional.WARN) def get_urls(self, attr=None, filter_value=None, service_type='identity', endpoint_type='publicURL', region_name=None, service_name=None): endpoint_type = self._normalize_endpoint_type(endpoint_type) endpoints = self._get_service_endpoints(attr=attr, filter_value=filter_value, service_type=service_type, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, region_name=region_name, service_name=service_name) if endpoints: return tuple([endpoint[endpoint_type] for endpoint in endpoints]) else: return None class ServiceCatalogV3(ServiceCatalog): """An object for encapsulating the v3 service catalog. The object is created using raw v3 auth token from Keystone. """ def __init__(self, token, resource_dict, region_name=None): super(ServiceCatalogV3, self).__init__(region_name=region_name) self._auth_token = token self.catalog = resource_dict @classmethod def is_valid(cls, resource_dict): # This class is also used for reading token info of an unscoped token. # Unscoped token does not have 'catalog', checking this # will not work. Use 'methods' attribute instead. return 'methods' in resource_dict def _normalize_endpoint_type(self, endpoint_type): if endpoint_type: endpoint_type = endpoint_type.rstrip('URL') return endpoint_type def _is_endpoint_type_match(self, endpoint, endpoint_type): try: return endpoint_type == endpoint['interface'] except KeyError: return False def get_data(self): return self.catalog.get('catalog') def get_token(self): token = {'id': self._auth_token, 'expires': self.catalog['expires_at']} try: token['user_id'] = self.catalog['user']['id'] domain = self.catalog.get('domain') if domain: token['domain_id'] = domain['id'] project = self.catalog.get('project') if project: token['tenant_id'] = project['id'] except KeyError: # nosec(cjschaef) # just leave the domain, project and user out if it doesn't exist pass return token @positional(enforcement=positional.WARN) def get_urls(self, attr=None, filter_value=None, service_type='identity', endpoint_type='public', region_name=None, service_name=None): endpoints = self._get_service_endpoints(attr=attr, filter_value=filter_value, service_type=service_type, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, region_name=region_name, service_name=service_name) if endpoints: return tuple([endpoint['url'] for endpoint in endpoints]) else: return None