PYTHON?=python PYTHON3?=python3 TESTFLAGS=-p -v TESTOPTS= SETUPFLAGS= LXMLVERSION:=$(shell sed -ne '/__version__/s|.*__version__\s*=\s*"\([^"]*\)".*|\1|p' src/lxml/ PARALLEL?=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import sys; print("-j7" if sys.version_info >= (3, 5) else "")' ) PARALLEL3?=$(shell $(PYTHON3) -c 'import sys; print("-j7" if sys.version_info >= (3, 5) else "")' ) PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON?=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import Cython.Build.Dependencies' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo " --with-cython" || true) PY3_WITH_CYTHON?=$(shell $(PYTHON3) -c 'import Cython.Build.Dependencies' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo " --with-cython" || true) CYTHON_WITH_COVERAGE?=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import Cython.Coverage; import sys; assert not hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info")' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo " --coverage" || true) CYTHON3_WITH_COVERAGE?=$(shell $(PYTHON3) -c 'import Cython.Coverage; import sys; assert not hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info")' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo " --coverage" || true) MANYLINUX_LIBXML2_VERSION=2.9.10 MANYLINUX_LIBXSLT_VERSION=1.1.34 MANYLINUX_CFLAGS=-O3 -g1 -pipe -fPIC -flto MANYLINUX_LDFLAGS=-flto MANYLINUX_IMAGES= \ manylinux1_x86_64 \ manylinux1_i686 \ manylinux_2_24_x86_64 \ manylinux_2_24_i686 \ manylinux_2_24_aarch64 \ manylinux_2_24_ppc64le \ manylinux_2_24_s390x AARCH64_ENV=-e AR="/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/bin/gcc-ar" \ -e NM="/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/bin/gcc-nm" \ -e RANLIB="/opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib" .PHONY: all inplace inplace3 rebuild-sdist sdist build require-cython wheel_manylinux wheel all: inplace # Build in-place inplace: $(PYTHON) $(SETUPFLAGS) build_ext -i $(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON) --warnings $(subst --,--with-,$(CYTHON_WITH_COVERAGE)) $(PARALLEL) inplace3: $(PYTHON3) $(SETUPFLAGS) build_ext -i $(PY3_WITH_CYTHON) --warnings $(subst --,--with-,$(CYTHON3_WITH_COVERAGE)) $(PARALLEL3) rebuild-sdist: require-cython rm -f dist/lxml-$(LXMLVERSION).tar.gz find src -name '*.c' -exec rm -f {} \; $(MAKE) dist/lxml-$(LXMLVERSION).tar.gz dist/lxml-$(LXMLVERSION).tar.gz: $(PYTHON) $(SETUPFLAGS) sdist $(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON) sdist: dist/lxml-$(LXMLVERSION).tar.gz build: $(PYTHON) $(SETUPFLAGS) build $(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON) require-cython: @[ -n "$(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON)" ] || { \ echo "NOTE: missing Cython - please use this command to install it: $(PYTHON) -m pip install Cython"; false; } qemu-user-static: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes wheel_manylinux: $(addprefix wheel_,$(MANYLINUX_IMAGES)) $(addprefix wheel_,$(filter-out %_x86_64, $(filter-out %_i686, $(MANYLINUX_IMAGES)))): qemu-user-static wheel_%: dist/lxml-$(LXMLVERSION).tar.gz time docker run --rm -t \ -v $(shell pwd):/io \ -e AR=gcc-ar \ -e NM=gcc-nm \ -e RANLIB=gcc-ranlib \ -e CFLAGS="$(MANYLINUX_CFLAGS) $(if $(patsubst %aarch64,,$@),-march=core2,-march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a72)" \ -e LDFLAGS="$(MANYLINUX_LDFLAGS)" \ -e LIBXML2_VERSION="$(MANYLINUX_LIBXML2_VERSION)" \ -e LIBXSLT_VERSION="$(MANYLINUX_LIBXSLT_VERSION)" \ -e WHEELHOUSE=$(subst wheel_,wheelhouse/,$@) \ $(if $(patsubst %aarch64,,$@),,$(AARCH64_ENV)) \$(subst wheel_,,$@) \ bash /io/tools/manylinux/ /io/$< wheel: $(PYTHON) $(SETUPFLAGS) bdist_wheel $(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON) wheel_static: $(PYTHON) $(SETUPFLAGS) bdist_wheel $(PYTHON_WITH_CYTHON) --static-deps test_build: build $(PYTHON) $(TESTFLAGS) $(TESTOPTS) test_inplace: inplace $(PYTHON) $(TESTFLAGS) $(TESTOPTS) $(CYTHON_WITH_COVERAGE) test_inplace3: inplace3 $(PYTHON3) $(TESTFLAGS) $(TESTOPTS) $(CYTHON3_WITH_COVERAGE) valgrind_test_inplace: inplace valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --num-callers=30 --suppressions=valgrind-python.supp \ $(PYTHON) fuzz: clean $(MAKE) \ CC="/usr/bin/clang" \ CFLAGS="$$CFLAGS -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link -g2" \ CXX="/usr/bin/clang++" \ CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link" \ inplace3 $(PYTHON3) src/lxml/tests/ gdb_test_inplace: inplace @echo "file $(PYTHON)\nrun" > .gdb.command gdb -x .gdb.command -d src -d src/lxml bench_inplace: inplace $(PYTHON) benchmark/ -i $(PYTHON) benchmark/ -i $(PYTHON) benchmark/ -i $(PYTHON) benchmark/ -i ftest_build: build $(PYTHON) -f $(TESTFLAGS) $(TESTOPTS) ftest_inplace: inplace $(PYTHON) -f $(TESTFLAGS) $(TESTOPTS) apidoc: apidocclean @[ -x "`which sphinx-apidoc`" ] \ && (echo "Generating API docs ..." && \ PYTHONPATH=src:$(PYTHONPATH) sphinx-apidoc -e -P -T -o doc/api src/lxml \ "*includes" "*tests" "*" "*" "*html/" \ "*.so" "*.pyd") \ || (echo "not generating Sphinx autodoc API rst files") apihtml: apidoc inplace3 @[ -x "`which sphinx-build`" ] \ && (echo "Generating API docs ..." && \ make -C doc/api html) \ || (echo "not generating Sphinx autodoc API documentation") website: inplace3 docclean PYTHONPATH=src:$(PYTHONPATH) $(PYTHON3) doc/ doc/html . ${LXMLVERSION} html: apihtml website s5 s5: $(MAKE) -C doc/s5 slides apipdf: apidoc inplace3 rm -fr doc/api/_build @[ -x "`which sphinx-build`" ] \ && (echo "Generating API PDF docs ..." && \ make -C doc/api latexpdf) \ || (echo "not generating Sphinx autodoc API PDF documentation") pdf: apipdf pdfclean $(PYTHON) doc/ doc/pdf . ${LXMLVERSION} (cd doc/pdf && pdflatex lxmldoc.tex \ && pdflatex lxmldoc.tex \ && pdflatex lxmldoc.tex) @cp doc/pdf/lxmldoc.pdf doc/pdf/lxmldoc-${LXMLVERSION}.pdf @echo "PDF available as doc/pdf/lxmldoc-${LXMLVERSION}.pdf" # Two pdflatex runs are needed to build the correct Table of contents. test: test_inplace test3: test_inplace3 valtest: valgrind_test_inplace gdbtest: gdb_test_inplace bench: bench_inplace ftest: ftest_inplace clean: find . \( -name '*.o' -o -name '*.so' -o -name '*.py[cod]' -o -name '*.dll' \) -exec rm -f {} \; rm -rf build docclean: $(MAKE) -C doc/s5 clean rm -f doc/html/*.html pdfclean: rm -fr doc/pdf apidocclean: rm -fr doc/html/api rm -f doc/api/lxml*.rst rm -fr doc/api/_build realclean: clean docclean apidocclean find src -name '*.c' -exec rm -f {} \; rm -f TAGS $(PYTHON) clean -a --without-cython