import os, re, sys, subprocess import tarfile from distutils import log, version from contextlib import closing from ftplib import FTP try: from urlparse import urljoin, unquote, urlparse from urllib import urlretrieve, urlopen, urlcleanup except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote, urlparse from urllib.request import urlretrieve, urlopen, urlcleanup multi_make_options = [] try: import multiprocessing cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if cpus > 1: if cpus > 5: cpus = 5 multi_make_options = ['-j%d' % (cpus+1)] except: pass # use pre-built libraries on Windows def download_and_extract_windows_binaries(destdir): url = "" filenames = list(_list_dir_urllib(url)) release_path = "/download/%s/" % find_max_version( "library release", filenames, re.compile(r"/releases/tag/([0-9.]+[0-9])$")) url += release_path filenames = [ filename.rsplit('/', 1)[1] for filename in filenames if release_path in filename ] arch = "win64" if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else "win32" if sys.version_info < (3, 5): arch = 'vs2008.' + arch libs = {} for libname in ['libxml2', 'libxslt', 'zlib', 'iconv']: libs[libname] = "" % ( libname, find_max_version(libname, filenames), arch, ) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) for libname, libfn in libs.items(): srcfile = urljoin(url, libfn) destfile = os.path.join(destdir, libfn) if os.path.exists(destfile + ".keep"): print('Using local copy of "{}"'.format(srcfile)) else: print('Retrieving "%s" to "%s"' % (srcfile, destfile)) urlcleanup() # work around FTP bug 27973 in Py2.7.12+ urlretrieve(srcfile, destfile) d = unpack_zipfile(destfile, destdir) libs[libname] = d return libs def find_top_dir_of_zipfile(zipfile): topdir = None files = [f.filename for f in zipfile.filelist] dirs = [d for d in files if d.endswith('/')] if dirs: dirs.sort(key=len) topdir = dirs[0] topdir = topdir[:topdir.index("/")+1] for path in files: if not path.startswith(topdir): topdir = None break assert topdir, ( "cannot determine single top-level directory in zip file %s" % zipfile.filename) return topdir.rstrip('/') def unpack_zipfile(zipfn, destdir): assert zipfn.endswith('.zip') import zipfile print('Unpacking %s into %s' % (os.path.basename(zipfn), destdir)) f = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfn) try: extracted_dir = os.path.join(destdir, find_top_dir_of_zipfile(f)) f.extractall(path=destdir) finally: f.close() assert os.path.exists(extracted_dir), 'missing: %s' % extracted_dir return extracted_dir def get_prebuilt_libxml2xslt(download_dir, static_include_dirs, static_library_dirs): assert sys.platform.startswith('win') libs = download_and_extract_windows_binaries(download_dir) for libname, path in libs.items(): i = os.path.join(path, 'include') l = os.path.join(path, 'lib') assert os.path.exists(i), 'does not exist: %s' % i assert os.path.exists(l), 'does not exist: %s' % l static_include_dirs.append(i) static_library_dirs.append(l) ## Routines to download and build libxml2/xslt from sources: LIBXML2_LOCATION = '' LIBICONV_LOCATION = '' ZLIB_LOCATION = '' match_libfile_version = re.compile('^[^-]*-([.0-9-]+)[.].*').match def _find_content_encoding(response, default='iso8859-1'): from email.message import Message content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type') if content_type: msg = Message() msg.add_header('Content-Type', content_type) charset = msg.get_content_charset(default) else: charset = default return charset def remote_listdir(url): try: return _list_dir_urllib(url) except IOError: assert url.lower().startswith('ftp://') print("Requesting with urllib failed. Falling back to ftplib. " "Proxy argument will be ignored for %s" % url) return _list_dir_ftplib(url) def _list_dir_ftplib(url): parts = urlparse(url) ftp = FTP(parts.netloc) try: ftp.login() ftp.cwd(parts.path) data = [] ftp.dir(data.append) finally: ftp.quit() return parse_text_ftplist("\n".join(data)) def _list_dir_urllib(url): with closing(urlopen(url)) as res: charset = _find_content_encoding(res) content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type') data = data = data.decode(charset) if content_type and content_type.startswith('text/html'): files = parse_html_filelist(data) else: files = parse_text_ftplist(data) return files def http_listfiles(url, re_pattern): with closing(urlopen(url)) as res: charset = _find_content_encoding(res) data = files = re.findall(re_pattern, data.decode(charset)) return files def parse_text_ftplist(s): for line in s.splitlines(): if not line.startswith('d'): # -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 476 Sep 1 2011 md5sum.txt # Last (9th) element is 'md5sum.txt' in the above example, but there # may be variations, so we discard only the first 8 entries. yield line.split(None, 8)[-1] def parse_html_filelist(s): re_href = re.compile( r']*\s+)?href=["\']([^;?"\']+?)[;?"\']', re.I|re.M) links = set(re_href.findall(s)) for link in links: if not link.endswith('/'): yield unquote(link) def tryint(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: return s def download_libxml2(dest_dir, version=None): """Downloads libxml2, returning the filename where the library was downloaded""" #version_re = re.compile(r'LATEST_LIBXML2_IS_([0-9.]+[0-9](?:-[abrc0-9]+)?)') version_re = re.compile(r'libxml2-([0-9.]+[0-9]).tar.gz') filename = 'libxml2-%s.tar.gz' return download_library(dest_dir, LIBXML2_LOCATION, 'libxml2', version_re, filename, version=version) def download_libxslt(dest_dir, version=None): """Downloads libxslt, returning the filename where the library was downloaded""" #version_re = re.compile(r'LATEST_LIBXSLT_IS_([0-9.]+[0-9](?:-[abrc0-9]+)?)') version_re = re.compile(r'libxslt-([0-9.]+[0-9]).tar.gz') filename = 'libxslt-%s.tar.gz' return download_library(dest_dir, LIBXML2_LOCATION, 'libxslt', version_re, filename, version=version) def download_libiconv(dest_dir, version=None): """Downloads libiconv, returning the filename where the library was downloaded""" version_re = re.compile(r'libiconv-([0-9.]+[0-9]).tar.gz') filename = 'libiconv-%s.tar.gz' return download_library(dest_dir, LIBICONV_LOCATION, 'libiconv', version_re, filename, version=version) def download_zlib(dest_dir, version): """Downloads zlib, returning the filename where the library was downloaded""" version_re = re.compile(r'zlib-([0-9.]+[0-9]).tar.gz') filename = 'zlib-%s.tar.gz' return download_library(dest_dir, ZLIB_LOCATION, 'zlib', version_re, filename, version=version) def find_max_version(libname, filenames, version_re=None): if version_re is None: version_re = re.compile(r'%s-([0-9.]+[0-9](?:-[abrc0-9]+)?)' % libname) versions = [] for fn in filenames: match = if match: version_string = versions.append((tuple(map(tryint, version_string.split('.'))), version_string)) if not versions: raise Exception( "Could not find the most current version of %s from the files: %s" % ( libname, filenames)) versions.sort() version_string = versions[-1][-1] print('Latest version of %s is %s' % (libname, version_string)) return version_string def download_library(dest_dir, location, name, version_re, filename, version=None): if version is None: try: if location.startswith('ftp://'): fns = remote_listdir(location) else: fns = http_listfiles(location, '(%s)' % filename.replace('%s', '(?:[0-9.]+[0-9])')) version = find_max_version(name, fns, version_re) except IOError: # network failure - maybe we have the files already? latest = (0,0,0) fns = os.listdir(dest_dir) for fn in fns: if fn.startswith(name+'-'): match = match_libfile_version(fn) if match: version_tuple = tuple(map(tryint,'.'))) if version_tuple > latest: latest = version_tuple filename = fn version = None if latest == (0,0,0): raise if version: filename = filename % version full_url = urljoin(location, filename) dest_filename = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(dest_filename): print(('Using existing %s downloaded into %s ' '(delete this file if you want to re-download the package)') % ( name, dest_filename)) else: print('Downloading %s into %s from %s' % (name, dest_filename, full_url)) urlcleanup() # work around FTP bug 27973 in Py2.7.12 urlretrieve(full_url, dest_filename) return dest_filename def unpack_tarball(tar_filename, dest): print('Unpacking %s into %s' % (os.path.basename(tar_filename), dest)) tar = base_dir = None for member in tar: base_name ='/')[0] if base_dir is None: base_dir = base_name elif base_dir != base_name: print('Unexpected path in %s: %s' % (tar_filename, base_name)) tar.extractall(dest) tar.close() return os.path.join(dest, base_dir) def call_subprocess(cmd, **kw): import subprocess cwd = kw.get('cwd', '.') cmd_desc = ' '.join(cmd)'Running "%s" in %s' % (cmd_desc, cwd)) returncode =, **kw) if returncode: raise Exception('Command "%s" returned code %s' % (cmd_desc, returncode)) def safe_mkdir(dir): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) def cmmi(configure_cmd, build_dir, multicore=None, **call_setup): print('Starting build in %s' % build_dir) call_subprocess(configure_cmd, cwd=build_dir, **call_setup) if not multicore: make_jobs = multi_make_options elif int(multicore) > 1: make_jobs = ['-j%s' % multicore] else: make_jobs = [] call_subprocess( ['make'] + make_jobs, cwd=build_dir, **call_setup) call_subprocess( ['make'] + make_jobs + ['install'], cwd=build_dir, **call_setup) def configure_darwin_env(env_setup): import platform # configure target architectures on MacOS-X (x86_64 only, by default) major_version, minor_version = tuple(map(int, platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.')[:2])) if major_version > 7: env_default = { 'CFLAGS': "-arch x86_64 -O2", 'LDFLAGS': "-arch x86_64", 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': "10.6" } env_default.update(os.environ) env_setup['env'] = env_default def build_libxml2xslt(download_dir, build_dir, static_include_dirs, static_library_dirs, static_cflags, static_binaries, libxml2_version=None, libxslt_version=None, libiconv_version=None, zlib_version=None, multicore=None): safe_mkdir(download_dir) safe_mkdir(build_dir) zlib_dir = unpack_tarball(download_zlib(download_dir, zlib_version), build_dir) libiconv_dir = unpack_tarball(download_libiconv(download_dir, libiconv_version), build_dir) libxml2_dir = unpack_tarball(download_libxml2(download_dir, libxml2_version), build_dir) libxslt_dir = unpack_tarball(download_libxslt(download_dir, libxslt_version), build_dir) prefix = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(build_dir), 'libxml2') lib_dir = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib') safe_mkdir(prefix) lib_names = ['libxml2', 'libexslt', 'libxslt', 'iconv', 'libz'] existing_libs = { lib: os.path.join(lib_dir, filename) for lib in lib_names for filename in os.listdir(lib_dir) if lib in filename and filename.endswith('.a') } if os.path.isdir(lib_dir) else {} def has_current_lib(name, build_dir, _build_all_following=[False]): if _build_all_following[0]: return False # a dependency was rebuilt => rebuilt this lib as well lib_file = existing_libs.get(name) found = lib_file and os.path.getmtime(lib_file) > os.path.getmtime(build_dir) if found: print("Found pre-built '%s'" % name) else: # also rebuild all following libs (which may depend on this one) _build_all_following[0] = True return found call_setup = {} if sys.platform == 'darwin': configure_darwin_env(call_setup) configure_cmd = ['./configure', '--disable-dependency-tracking', '--disable-shared', '--prefix=%s' % prefix, ] # build zlib zlib_configure_cmd = [ './configure', '--prefix=%s' % prefix, ] if not has_current_lib("libz", zlib_dir): cmmi(zlib_configure_cmd, zlib_dir, multicore, **call_setup) # build libiconv if not has_current_lib("iconv", libiconv_dir): cmmi(configure_cmd, libiconv_dir, multicore, **call_setup) # build libxml2 libxml2_configure_cmd = configure_cmd + [ '--without-python', '--with-iconv=%s' % prefix, '--with-zlib=%s' % prefix, ] if not libxml2_version: libxml2_version = os.path.basename(libxml2_dir).split('-', 1)[-1] if tuple(map(tryint, libxml2_version.split('-', 1)[0].split('.'))) >= (2, 9, 5): libxml2_configure_cmd.append('--without-lzma') # can't currently build that try: if tuple(map(tryint, libxml2_version.split('-', 1)[0].split('.'))) >= (2, 7, 3): libxml2_configure_cmd.append('--enable-rebuild-docs=no') except Exception: pass # this isn't required, so ignore any errors if not has_current_lib("libxml2", libxml2_dir): cmmi(libxml2_configure_cmd, libxml2_dir, multicore, **call_setup) # Fix up libxslt configure script (needed up to and including 1.1.34) # with open(os.path.join(libxslt_dir, "configure"), 'rb') as f: config_script = if b' --libs print ' in config_script: config_script = config_script.replace(b' --libs print ', b' --libs ') with open(os.path.join(libxslt_dir, "configure"), 'wb') as f: f.write(config_script) # build libxslt libxslt_configure_cmd = configure_cmd + [ '--without-python', '--with-libxml-prefix=%s' % prefix, '--without-crypto', ] if not (has_current_lib("libxslt", libxslt_dir) and has_current_lib("libexslt", libxslt_dir)): cmmi(libxslt_configure_cmd, libxslt_dir, multicore, **call_setup) # collect build setup for lxml xslt_config = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin', 'xslt-config') xml2_config = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin', 'xml2-config') static_include_dirs.extend([ os.path.join(prefix, 'include'), os.path.join(prefix, 'include', 'libxml2'), os.path.join(prefix, 'include', 'libxslt'), os.path.join(prefix, 'include', 'libexslt')]) static_library_dirs.append(lib_dir) listdir = os.listdir(lib_dir) static_binaries += [os.path.join(lib_dir, filename) for lib in lib_names for filename in listdir if lib in filename and filename.endswith('.a')] return xml2_config, xslt_config