import sys import io import os import os.path import subprocess from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext from distutils.core import Extension from distutils.errors import CompileError, DistutilsOptionError from versioninfo import get_base_dir try: import Cython.Compiler.Version CYTHON_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: CYTHON_INSTALLED = False EXT_MODULES = ["lxml.etree", "lxml.objectify"] COMPILED_MODULES = [ "lxml.builder", "lxml._elementpath", "lxml.html.diff", "lxml.html.clean", "lxml.sax", ] HEADER_FILES = ['etree.h', 'etree_api.h'] if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') or ( getattr(sys, 'implementation', None) and != 'cpython'): # disable Cython compilation of Python modules in PyPy and other non-CPythons del COMPILED_MODULES[:] SOURCE_PATH = "src" INCLUDE_PACKAGE_PATH = os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml', 'includes') if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: _system_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() if _system_encoding is None: _system_encoding = "iso-8859-1" # :-) def decode_input(data): if isinstance(data, str): return data return data.decode(_system_encoding) else: def decode_input(data): return data def env_var(name): value = os.getenv(name) if value: value = decode_input(value) if sys.platform == 'win32' and ';' in value: return value.split(';') else: return value.split() else: return [] def _prefer_reldirs(base_dir, dirs): return [ os.path.relpath(path) if path.startswith(base_dir) else path for path in dirs ] def ext_modules(static_include_dirs, static_library_dirs, static_cflags, static_binaries): global XML2_CONFIG, XSLT_CONFIG if OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT: from buildlibxml import build_libxml2xslt, get_prebuilt_libxml2xslt if sys.platform.startswith('win'): get_prebuilt_libxml2xslt( OPTION_DOWNLOAD_DIR, static_include_dirs, static_library_dirs) else: XML2_CONFIG, XSLT_CONFIG = build_libxml2xslt( OPTION_DOWNLOAD_DIR, 'build/tmp', static_include_dirs, static_library_dirs, static_cflags, static_binaries, libiconv_version=OPTION_LIBICONV_VERSION, libxml2_version=OPTION_LIBXML2_VERSION, libxslt_version=OPTION_LIBXSLT_VERSION, zlib_version=OPTION_ZLIB_VERSION, multicore=OPTION_MULTICORE) modules = EXT_MODULES + COMPILED_MODULES if OPTION_WITHOUT_OBJECTIFY: modules = [entry for entry in modules if 'objectify' not in entry] module_files = list(os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, *module.split('.')) for module in modules) c_files_exist = [os.path.exists(module + '.c') for module in module_files] use_cython = True if CYTHON_INSTALLED and (OPTION_WITH_CYTHON or not all(c_files_exist)): print("Building with Cython %s." % Cython.Compiler.Version.version) # generate module cleanup code from Cython.Compiler import Options Options.generate_cleanup_code = 3 Options.clear_to_none = False elif not OPTION_WITHOUT_CYTHON and not all(c_files_exist): for exists, module in zip(c_files_exist, module_files): if not exists: raise RuntimeError( "ERROR: Trying to build without Cython, but pre-generated '%s.c' " "is not available (pass --without-cython to ignore this error)." % module) else: if not all(c_files_exist): for exists, module in zip(c_files_exist, module_files): if not exists: print("WARNING: Trying to build without Cython, but pre-generated " "'%s.c' is not available." % module) use_cython = False print("Building without Cython.") if not check_build_dependencies(): raise RuntimeError("Dependency missing") base_dir = get_base_dir() _include_dirs = _prefer_reldirs( base_dir, include_dirs(static_include_dirs) + [ SOURCE_PATH, INCLUDE_PACKAGE_PATH, ]) _library_dirs = _prefer_reldirs(base_dir, library_dirs(static_library_dirs)) _cflags = cflags(static_cflags) _ldflags = ['-isysroot', get_xcode_isysroot()] if sys.platform == 'darwin' else None _define_macros = define_macros() _libraries = libraries() if _library_dirs: message = "Building against libxml2/libxslt in " if len(_library_dirs) > 1: print(message + "one of the following directories:") for dir in _library_dirs: print(" " + dir) else: print(message + "the following directory: " + _library_dirs[0]) if OPTION_AUTO_RPATH: runtime_library_dirs = _library_dirs else: runtime_library_dirs = [] if CYTHON_INSTALLED and OPTION_SHOW_WARNINGS: from Cython.Compiler import Errors Errors.LEVEL = 0 cythonize_directives = { 'binding': True, } if OPTION_WITH_COVERAGE: cythonize_directives['linetrace'] = True result = [] for module, src_file in zip(modules, module_files): is_py = module in COMPILED_MODULES main_module_source = src_file + ( '.c' if not use_cython else '.py' if is_py else '.pyx') result.append( Extension( module, sources = [main_module_source], depends = find_dependencies(module), extra_compile_args = _cflags, extra_link_args = None if is_py else _ldflags, extra_objects = None if is_py else static_binaries, define_macros = _define_macros, include_dirs = _include_dirs, library_dirs = None if is_py else _library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs = None if is_py else runtime_library_dirs, libraries = None if is_py else _libraries, )) if CYTHON_INSTALLED and OPTION_WITH_CYTHON_GDB: for ext in result: ext.cython_gdb = True if CYTHON_INSTALLED and use_cython: # build .c files right now and convert Extension() objects from Cython.Build import cythonize result = cythonize(result, compiler_directives=cythonize_directives) # for backwards compatibility reasons, provide "etree[_api].h" also as "lxml.etree[_api].h" for header_filename in HEADER_FILES: src_file = os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml', header_filename) dst_file = os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml', 'lxml.' + header_filename) if not os.path.exists(src_file): continue if os.path.exists(dst_file) and os.path.getmtime(dst_file) >= os.path.getmtime(src_file): continue with, 'r', encoding='iso8859-1') as f: content = for filename in HEADER_FILES: content = content.replace('"%s"' % filename, '"lxml.%s"' % filename) with, 'w', encoding='iso8859-1') as f: f.write(content) return result def find_dependencies(module): if not CYTHON_INSTALLED or 'lxml.html' in module: return [] base_dir = get_base_dir() package_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml') includes_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, INCLUDE_PACKAGE_PATH) pxd_files = [ os.path.join(INCLUDE_PACKAGE_PATH, filename) for filename in os.listdir(includes_dir) if filename.endswith('.pxd') ] if module == 'lxml.etree': pxi_files = [ os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml', filename) for filename in os.listdir(package_dir) if filename.endswith('.pxi') and 'objectpath' not in filename ] pxd_files = [ filename for filename in pxd_files if 'etreepublic' not in filename ] elif module == 'lxml.objectify': pxi_files = [os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'lxml', 'objectpath.pxi')] else: pxi_files = pxd_files = [] return pxd_files + pxi_files def extra_setup_args(): class CheckLibxml2BuildExt(_build_ext): """Subclass to check whether libxml2 is really available if the build fails""" def run(self): try: # old-style class in Py2 except CompileError as e: print('Compile failed: %s' % e) if not seems_to_have_libxml2(): print_libxml_error() raise result = {'cmdclass': {'build_ext': CheckLibxml2BuildExt}} return result def seems_to_have_libxml2(): from distutils import ccompiler compiler = ccompiler.new_compiler() return compiler.has_function( 'xmlXPathInit', include_dirs=include_dirs([]) + ['/usr/include/libxml2'], includes=['libxml/xpath.h'], library_dirs=library_dirs([]), libraries=['xml2']) def print_libxml_error(): print('*********************************************************************************') print('Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?') if sys.platform in ('darwin',): print('Perhaps try: xcode-select --install') print('*********************************************************************************') def libraries(): standard_libs = [] if 'linux' in sys.platform: standard_libs.append('rt') if not OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT: standard_libs.append('z') standard_libs.append('m') if sys.platform in ('win32',): libs = ['libxslt', 'libexslt', 'libxml2', 'iconv'] if OPTION_STATIC: libs = ['%s_a' % lib for lib in libs] libs.extend(['zlib', 'WS2_32']) elif OPTION_STATIC: libs = standard_libs else: libs = ['xslt', 'exslt', 'xml2'] + standard_libs return libs def library_dirs(static_library_dirs): if OPTION_STATIC: if not static_library_dirs: static_library_dirs = env_var('LIBRARY') assert static_library_dirs, "Static build not configured, see doc/build.txt" return static_library_dirs # filter them from xslt-config --libs result = [] possible_library_dirs = flags('libs') for possible_library_dir in possible_library_dirs: if possible_library_dir.startswith('-L'): result.append(possible_library_dir[2:]) return result def include_dirs(static_include_dirs): if OPTION_STATIC: if not static_include_dirs: static_include_dirs = env_var('INCLUDE') return static_include_dirs # filter them from xslt-config --cflags result = [] possible_include_dirs = flags('cflags') for possible_include_dir in possible_include_dirs: if possible_include_dir.startswith('-I'): result.append(possible_include_dir[2:]) return result def cflags(static_cflags): result = [] if not OPTION_SHOW_WARNINGS: result.append('-w') if OPTION_DEBUG_GCC: result.append('-g2') if OPTION_STATIC: if not static_cflags: static_cflags = env_var('CFLAGS') result.extend(static_cflags) else: # anything from xslt-config --cflags that doesn't start with -I possible_cflags = flags('cflags') for possible_cflag in possible_cflags: if not possible_cflag.startswith('-I'): result.append(possible_cflag) if sys.platform in ('darwin',): for opt in result: if 'flat_namespace' in opt: break else: result.append('-flat_namespace') return result def define_macros(): macros = [] if OPTION_WITHOUT_ASSERT: macros.append(('PYREX_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS', None)) if OPTION_WITHOUT_THREADING: macros.append(('WITHOUT_THREADING', None)) if OPTION_WITH_REFNANNY: macros.append(('CYTHON_REFNANNY', None)) if OPTION_WITH_UNICODE_STRINGS: macros.append(('LXML_UNICODE_STRINGS', '1')) if OPTION_WITH_COVERAGE: macros.append(('CYTHON_TRACE_NOGIL', '1')) if OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT: macros.append(('LIBXML_STATIC', None)) macros.append(('LIBXSLT_STATIC', None)) # Disable showing C lines in tracebacks, unless explicitly requested. macros.append(('CYTHON_CLINE_IN_TRACEBACK', '1' if OPTION_WITH_CLINES else '0')) return macros def run_command(cmd, *args): if not cmd: return '' if args: cmd = ' '.join((cmd,) + args) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, errors = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0 and errors: return '' return decode_input(stdout_data).strip() def check_min_version(version, min_version, libname): if not version: # this is ok for targets like sdist etc. return True lib_version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')[:3])) req_version = tuple(map(int, min_version.split('.')[:3])) if lib_version < req_version: print("Minimum required version of %s is %s. Your system has version %s." % ( libname, min_version, version)) return False return True def get_library_version(prog, libname=None): if libname: return run_command(prog, '--modversion %s' % libname) else: return run_command(prog, '--version') PKG_CONFIG = None XML2_CONFIG = None XSLT_CONFIG = None def get_library_versions(): global XML2_CONFIG, XSLT_CONFIG # Pre-built libraries if XML2_CONFIG and XSLT_CONFIG: xml2_version = get_library_version(XML2_CONFIG) xslt_version = get_library_version(XSLT_CONFIG) return xml2_version, xslt_version # Path to xml2-config and xslt-config specified on the command line if OPTION_WITH_XML2_CONFIG: xml2_version = get_library_version(OPTION_WITH_XML2_CONFIG) if xml2_version and OPTION_WITH_XSLT_CONFIG: xslt_version = get_library_version(OPTION_WITH_XSLT_CONFIG) if xslt_version: XML2_CONFIG = OPTION_WITH_XML2_CONFIG XSLT_CONFIG = OPTION_WITH_XSLT_CONFIG return xml2_version, xslt_version # Try pkg-config global PKG_CONFIG PKG_CONFIG = os.getenv('PKG_CONFIG', 'pkg-config') xml2_version = get_library_version(PKG_CONFIG, 'libxml-2.0') if xml2_version: xslt_version = get_library_version(PKG_CONFIG, 'libxslt') if xml2_version and xslt_version: return xml2_version, xslt_version # Try xml2-config and xslt-config XML2_CONFIG = os.getenv('XML2_CONFIG', 'xml2-config') xml2_version = get_library_version(XML2_CONFIG) if xml2_version: XSLT_CONFIG = os.getenv('XSLT_CONFIG', 'xslt-config') xslt_version = get_library_version(XSLT_CONFIG) if xml2_version and xslt_version: return xml2_version, xslt_version # One or both build dependencies not found. Fail on Linux platforms only. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): return '', '' print("Error: Please make sure the libxml2 and libxslt development packages are installed.") sys.exit(1) def check_build_dependencies(): xml2_version, xslt_version = get_library_versions() xml2_ok = check_min_version(xml2_version, '2.7.0', 'libxml2') xslt_ok = check_min_version(xslt_version, '1.1.23', 'libxslt') if not OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT and xml2_version in ('2.9.11', '2.9.12'): print("\n" "WARNING: The stock libxml2 versions 2.9.11 and 2.9.12 are incompatible" " with this lxml version. " "They produce excess content on serialisation. " "Use a different library version or a static build." "\n") if xml2_version and xslt_version: print("Building against libxml2 %s and libxslt %s" % (xml2_version, xslt_version)) else: print("Building against pre-built libxml2 andl libxslt libraries") return (xml2_ok and xslt_ok) def get_flags(prog, option, libname=None): if libname: return run_command(prog, '--%s %s' % (option, libname)) else: return run_command(prog, '--%s' % option) def flags(option): if XML2_CONFIG: xml2_flags = get_flags(XML2_CONFIG, option) xslt_flags = get_flags(XSLT_CONFIG, option) else: xml2_flags = get_flags(PKG_CONFIG, option, 'libxml-2.0') xslt_flags = get_flags(PKG_CONFIG, option, 'libxslt') flag_list = xml2_flags.split() for flag in xslt_flags.split(): if flag not in flag_list: flag_list.append(flag) return flag_list def get_xcode_isysroot(): return run_command('xcrun', '--show-sdk-path') ## Option handling: def has_option(name): try: sys.argv.remove('--%s' % name) return True except ValueError: pass # allow passing all cmd line options also as environment variables env_val = os.getenv(name.upper().replace('-', '_'), 'false').lower() if env_val == "true": return True return False def option_value(name, deprecated_for=None): for index, option in enumerate(sys.argv): if option == '--' + name: if index+1 >= len(sys.argv): raise DistutilsOptionError( 'The option %s requires a value' % option) value = sys.argv[index+1] sys.argv[index:index+2] = [] if deprecated_for: print_deprecated_option(name, deprecated_for) return value if option.startswith('--' + name + '='): value = option[len(name)+3:] sys.argv[index:index+1] = [] if deprecated_for: print_deprecated_option(name, deprecated_for) return value env_name = name.upper().replace('-', '_') env_val = os.getenv(env_name) if env_val and deprecated_for: print_deprecated_option(env_name, deprecated_for.upper().replace('-', '_')) return env_val def print_deprecated_option(name, new_name): print("WARN: Option '%s' is deprecated. Use '%s' instead." % (name, new_name)) staticbuild = bool(os.environ.get('STATICBUILD', '')) # pick up any commandline options and/or env variables OPTION_WITHOUT_OBJECTIFY = has_option('without-objectify') OPTION_WITH_UNICODE_STRINGS = has_option('with-unicode-strings') OPTION_WITHOUT_ASSERT = has_option('without-assert') OPTION_WITHOUT_THREADING = has_option('without-threading') OPTION_WITHOUT_CYTHON = has_option('without-cython') OPTION_WITH_CYTHON = has_option('with-cython') OPTION_WITH_CYTHON_GDB = has_option('cython-gdb') OPTION_WITH_REFNANNY = has_option('with-refnanny') OPTION_WITH_COVERAGE = has_option('with-coverage') OPTION_WITH_CLINES = has_option('with-clines') if OPTION_WITHOUT_CYTHON: CYTHON_INSTALLED = False OPTION_STATIC = staticbuild or has_option('static') OPTION_DEBUG_GCC = has_option('debug-gcc') OPTION_SHOW_WARNINGS = has_option('warnings') OPTION_AUTO_RPATH = has_option('auto-rpath') OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT = staticbuild or has_option('static-deps') if OPTION_BUILD_LIBXML2XSLT: OPTION_STATIC = True OPTION_WITH_XML2_CONFIG = option_value('with-xml2-config') or option_value('xml2-config', deprecated_for='with-xml2-config') OPTION_WITH_XSLT_CONFIG = option_value('with-xslt-config') or option_value('xslt-config', deprecated_for='with-xslt-config') OPTION_LIBXML2_VERSION = option_value('libxml2-version') OPTION_LIBXSLT_VERSION = option_value('libxslt-version') OPTION_LIBICONV_VERSION = option_value('libiconv-version') OPTION_ZLIB_VERSION = option_value('zlib-version') OPTION_MULTICORE = option_value('multicore') OPTION_DOWNLOAD_DIR = option_value('download-dir') if OPTION_DOWNLOAD_DIR is None: OPTION_DOWNLOAD_DIR = 'libs'