title: Release Notes for v3.4 # Python-Markdown 3.4 Release Notes Python-Markdown version 3.4 supports Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and PyPy3. ## Backwards-incompatible changes ### The `table` extension now uses a `style` attribute instead of `align` attribute for alignment. The [HTML4 spec][spec4] specifically deprecates the use of the `align` attribute and it does not appear at all in the [HTML5 spec][spec5]. Therefore, by default, the [table] extension will now use the `style` attribute (setting just the `text-align` property) in `td` and `th` blocks. [spec4]: https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/present/graphics.html#h-15.1.2 [spec5]: https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/tabular-data.html#attributes-common-to-td-and-th-elements The former behavior is available by setting the setting `use_align_attribute` configuration option to `True` when adding the extension. For example, to configure the old `align` behavior: ```python from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension markdown.markdown(src, extensions=[TableExtension(use_align_attribute=True)]) ``` In addition, tests were moved to the modern test environment. ## New features The following new features have been included in the 3.3 release: * Use `style` attribute in tables for alignment instead of `align` for better CSS inter-operation. The old behavior is available by setting `use_align_attribute=True` when adding the extension. * Some new configuration options have been added to the [footnotes](../extensions/footnotes.md) extension (#1218): * Small refactor of the `BACKLINK_TITLE` option; The use of `format()` instead of "old" `%d` formatter allows to specify text without the need to have the number of the footnote in it (like footnotes on Wikipedia for example). The modification is backward compatible so no configuration change is required. * Addition of a new option `SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT` that allows to specify a custom placeholder for the footnote itself in the text. Ex: `[{}]` will give [1], `({})` will give (1), or just by default, the current behavior: 1. ## Bug fixes The following bug fixes are included in the 3.4 release: