""" Python Markdown A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. Documentation: https://python-markdown.github.io/ GitHub: https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown/ PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/ Started by Manfred Stienstra (http://www.dwerg.net/). Maintained for a few years by Yuri Takhteyev (http://www.freewisdom.org). Currently maintained by Waylan Limberg (https://github.com/waylan), Dmitry Shachnev (https://github.com/mitya57) and Isaac Muse (https://github.com/facelessuser). Copyright 2007-2019 The Python Markdown Project (v. 1.7 and later) Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Yuri Takhteyev (v. 0.2-1.6b) Copyright 2004 Manfred Stienstra (the original version) License: BSD (see LICENSE.md for details). """ from markdown.test_tools import TestCase from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension from markdown.extensions.nl2br import Nl2BrExtension class TestTOC(TestCase): maxDiff = None # TODO: Move the rest of the TOC tests here. def testAnchorLink(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 ## Header *2* ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Header 1

Header 2

''' ), extensions=[TocExtension(anchorlink=True)] ) def testAnchorLinkWithSingleInlineCode(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is `code`.', '

' # noqa '' # noqa 'This is code.' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(anchorlink=True)] ) def testAnchorLinkWithDoubleInlineCode(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is `code` and `this` too.', '

' # noqa '' # noqa 'This is code and this too.' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(anchorlink=True)] ) def testPermalink(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True)] ) def testPermalinkWithSingleInlineCode(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is `code`.', '

' # noqa 'This is code.' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True)] ) def testPermalinkWithDoubleInlineCode(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is `code` and `this` too.', '

' # noqa 'This is code and this too.' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True)] ) def testMinMaxLevel(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 not in TOC ## Header 2 not in TOC ### Header 3 #### Header 4 ##### Header 5 not in TOC ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Header 1 not in TOC

Header 2 not in TOC

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5 not in TOC
''' ), expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 3, 'id': 'header-3', 'name': 'Header 3', 'children': [ { 'level': 4, 'id': 'header-4', 'name': 'Header 4', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth='3-4')] ) def testMaxLevel(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3 not in TOC ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3 not in TOC

''' ), expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 1, 'id': 'header-1', 'name': 'Header 1', 'children': [ { 'level': 2, 'id': 'header-2', 'name': 'Header 2', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth=2)] ) def testMinMaxLevelwithAnchorLink(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 not in TOC ## Header 2 not in TOC ### Header 3 #### Header 4 ##### Header 5 not in TOC ''' ), '

' # noqa 'Header 1 not in TOC

\n' # noqa '

' # noqa 'Header 2 not in TOC

\n' # noqa '

' # noqa 'Header 3

\n' # noqa '

' # noqa 'Header 4

\n' # noqa '
' # noqa 'Header 5 not in TOC
', # noqa expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 3, 'id': 'header-3', 'name': 'Header 3', 'children': [ { 'level': 4, 'id': 'header-4', 'name': 'Header 4', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth='3-4', anchorlink=True)] ) def testMinMaxLevelwithPermalink(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 not in TOC ## Header 2 not in TOC ### Header 3 #### Header 4 ##### Header 5 not in TOC ''' ), '

Header 1 not in TOC' # noqa '

\n' # noqa '

Header 2 not in TOC' # noqa '

\n' # noqa '

Header 3' # noqa '

\n' # noqa '

Header 4' # noqa '

\n' # noqa '
Header 5 not in TOC' # noqa '
', # noqa expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 3, 'id': 'header-3', 'name': 'Header 3', 'children': [ { 'level': 4, 'id': 'header-4', 'name': 'Header 4', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth='3-4', permalink=True)] ) def testMinMaxLevelwithBaseLevel(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # First Header ## Second Level ### Third Level #### Forth Level ''' ), self.dedent( '''

First Header

Second Level

Third Level
Forth Level
''' ), expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 4, 'id': 'second-level', 'name': 'Second Level', 'children': [ { 'level': 5, 'id': 'third-level', 'name': 'Third Level', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth='4-5', baselevel=3)] ) def testMaxLevelwithBaseLevel(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Some Header ## Next Level ### Too High ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Some Header

Next Level

Too High

''' ), expected_attrs={ 'toc': ( '
\n' '\n' # noqa '
\n' # noqa ), 'toc_tokens': [ { 'level': 2, 'id': 'some-header', 'name': 'Some Header', 'children': [ { 'level': 3, 'id': 'next-level', 'name': 'Next Level', 'children': [] } ] } ] }, extensions=[TocExtension(toc_depth=3, baselevel=2)] ) def test_escaped_code(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' [TOC] # `` ''' ), self.dedent( '''


''' ), extensions=['toc'] ) def test_escaped_char_in_id(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( r'# escaped\_character', '


', extensions=['toc'] ) def testAnchorLinkWithCustomClass(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 ## Header *2* ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Header 1

Header 2

''' ), extensions=[TocExtension(anchorlink=True, anchorlink_class="custom")] ) def testAnchorLinkWithCustomClasses(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( ''' # Header 1 ## Header *2* ''' ), self.dedent( '''

Header 1

Header 2

''' ), extensions=[TocExtension(anchorlink=True, anchorlink_class="custom1 custom2")] ) def testPermalinkWithEmptyText(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink="")] ) def testPermalinkWithCustomClass(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, permalink_class="custom")] ) def testPermalinkWithCustomClasses(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, permalink_class="custom1 custom2")] ) def testPermalinkWithCustomTitle(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, permalink_title="custom")] ) def testPermalinkWithEmptyTitle(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Header', '

' # noqa 'Header' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, permalink_title="")] ) def testPermalinkWithUnicodeInID(self): from markdown.extensions.toc import slugify_unicode self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Unicode ヘッダー', '

' # noqa 'Unicode ヘッダー' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, slugify=slugify_unicode)] ) def testPermalinkWithUnicodeTitle(self): from markdown.extensions.toc import slugify_unicode self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Unicode ヘッダー', '

' # noqa 'Unicode ヘッダー' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True, permalink_title="パーマリンク", slugify=slugify_unicode)] ) def testPermalinkWithExtendedLatinInID(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# Théâtre', '

' # noqa 'Théâtre' # noqa '' # noqa '

', # noqa extensions=[TocExtension(permalink=True)] ) def testNl2brCompatibility(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '[TOC]\ntext', '


', extensions=[TocExtension(), Nl2BrExtension()] )