--- features: - | The 2.37 microversion is now supported. This introduces the following changes: * CLI: The **--nic** value for the **nova boot** command now takes two special values, 'auto' and 'none'. If --nic is not specified, the CLI defaults to 'auto'. * Python API: The **nics** kwarg is required when creating a server using the *novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The **nics** value can be a list of dicts or a string with value 'auto' or 'none'. upgrade: - | With the 2.37 microversion, the **nics** kwarg is required when creating a server using the *novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The **nics** value can be a list of dicts or an enum string with one of the following values: * **auto**: This tells the Compute service to automatically allocate a network for the project if one is not available and then associate an IP from that network with the server. This is the same behavior as passing nics=None before the 2.37 microversion. * **none**: This tells the Compute service to not allocate any networking for the server.