import eventlet.hubs.hub import greenlet import logging import signal import sys socket = eventlet.patcher.original('socket') threading = eventlet.patcher.original('threading') logger = logging.getLogger('aioeventlet') try: import asyncio if sys.platform == 'win32': from asyncio.windows_utils import socketpair else: socketpair = socket.socketpair except ImportError: import trollius as asyncio if sys.platform == 'win32': from trollius.windows_utils import socketpair else: socketpair = socket.socketpair if eventlet.patcher.is_monkey_patched('socket'): # trollius must use call original socket and threading functions. # Examples: socket.socket(), socket.socketpair(), # threading.current_thread(). asyncio.base_events.socket = socket asyncio.base_events.threading = threading if hasattr(threading, 'get_ident'): asyncio.base_events._get_thread_ident = threading.get_ident else: # Python 2 asyncio.base_events._get_thread_ident = threading._get_ident = threading if sys.platform == 'win32': asyncio.windows_events.socket = socket asyncio.windows_utils.socket = socket else: asyncio.unix_events.socket = socket asyncio.unix_events.threading = threading # FIXME: patch also trollius.py3_ssl # BaseDefaultEventLoopPolicy._Local must inherit from threading.local # of the original threading module, not the patched threading module class _Local(threading.local): _loop = None _set_called = False = _Local _EVENT_READ = asyncio.selectors.EVENT_READ _EVENT_WRITE = asyncio.selectors.EVENT_WRITE _HUB_READ = eventlet.hubs.hub.READ _HUB_WRITE = eventlet.hubs.hub.WRITE # Eventlet 0.15 or newer? _EVENTLET15 = hasattr(eventlet.hubs.hub.noop, 'mark_as_closed') class _TpoolExecutor(object): def __init__(self, loop): import eventlet.tpool self._loop = loop self._tpool = eventlet.tpool def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): f = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) try: res = self._tpool.execute(fn, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: f.set_exception(exc) else: f.set_result(res) return f def shutdown(self, wait=True): self._tpool.killall() class _Selector(asyncio.selectors._BaseSelectorImpl): def __init__(self, loop, hub): super(_Selector, self).__init__() # fd => events self._notified = {} self._loop = loop self._hub = hub # eventlet.event.Event() used by FD notifiers to wake up select() self._event = None def close(self): keys = list(self.get_map().values()) for key in keys: self.unregister(key.fd) super(_Selector, self).close() def _add(self, fd, event): if event == _EVENT_READ: event_type = _HUB_READ func = self._notify_read else: event_type = _HUB_WRITE func = self._notify_write if _EVENTLET15: self._hub.add(event_type, fd, func, self._throwback, None) else: self._hub.add(event_type, fd, func) def register(self, fileobj, events, data=None): key = super(_Selector, self).register(fileobj, events, data) if events & _EVENT_READ: self._add(key.fd, _EVENT_READ) if events & _EVENT_WRITE: self._add(key.fd, _EVENT_WRITE) return key def _remove(self, fd, event): if event == _EVENT_READ: event_type = _HUB_READ else: event_type = _HUB_WRITE try: listener = self._hub.listeners[event_type][fd] except KeyError: pass else: self._hub.remove(listener) def unregister(self, fileobj): key = super(_Selector, self).unregister(fileobj) self._remove(key.fd, _EVENT_READ) self._remove(key.fd, _EVENT_WRITE) return key def _notify(self, fd, event): if fd in self._notified: self._notified[fd] |= event else: self._notified[fd] = event if self._event is not None and not self._event.ready(): # wakeup the select() method self._event.send("ready") def _notify_read(self, fd): self._notify(fd, _EVENT_READ) def _notify_write(self, fd): self._notify(fd, _EVENT_WRITE) def _throwback(self, fd): # FIXME: do something with the FD in this case? pass def _read_events(self): notified = self._notified self._notified = {} ready = [] for fd, events in notified.items(): key = self.get_key(fd) ready.append((key, events & return ready def select(self, timeout): events = self._read_events() if events: return events self._event = eventlet.event.Event() try: if timeout is not None: def timeout_cb(event): if event.ready(): return event.send('timeout') eventlet.spawn_after(timeout, timeout_cb, self._event) self._event.wait() # FIXME: cancel the timeout_cb if wait() returns 'ready'? else: # blocking call self._event.wait() return self._read_events() finally: self._event = None class EventLoop(asyncio.SelectorEventLoop): def __init__(self): self._greenthread = None # Store a reference to the hub to ensure # that we always use the same hub self._hub = eventlet.hubs.get_hub() selector = _Selector(self, self._hub) super(EventLoop, self).__init__(selector=selector) # Force a call to set_debug() to set hub.debug_blocking self.set_debug(self.get_debug()) if eventlet.patcher.is_monkey_patched('thread'): self._default_executor = _TpoolExecutor(self) def call_soon(self, callback, *args): handle = super(EventLoop, self).call_soon(callback, *args) if self._selector is not None and self._selector._event: # is running: write into the self-pipe to wake up # the selector self._write_to_self() return handle def call_at(self, when, callback, *args): handle = super(EventLoop, self).call_at(when, callback, *args) if self._selector is not None and self._selector._event: # is running: write into the self-pipe to wake up # the selector self._write_to_self() return handle def set_debug(self, debug): super(EventLoop, self).set_debug(debug) self._hub.debug_exceptions = debug # Detect blocking eventlet functions. The feature is implemented with # signal.alarm() which is is not available on Windows. Signal handlers # can only be set from the main loop. So detecting blocking functions # cannot be used on Windows nor from a thread different than the main # thread. self._hub.debug_blocking = ( debug and (sys.platform != 'win32') and isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread)) if (self._hub.debug_blocking and hasattr(self, 'slow_callback_duration')): self._hub.debug_blocking_resolution = self.slow_callback_duration def run_forever(self): self._greenthread = eventlet.getcurrent() try: super(EventLoop, self).run_forever() finally: if self._hub.debug_blocking: # eventlet event loop is still running: cancel the current # detection of blocking tasks signal.alarm(0) self._greenthread = None def time(self): return self._hub.clock() class EventLoopPolicy(asyncio.DefaultEventLoopPolicy): _loop_factory = EventLoop def wrap_greenthread(gt, loop=None): """Wrap an eventlet GreenThread, or a greenlet, into a Future object. The Future object waits for the completion of a greenthread. The result or the exception of the greenthread will be stored in the Future object. The greenthread must be wrapped before its execution starts. If the greenthread is running or already finished, an exception is raised. For greenlets, the run attribute must be set. """ if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() fut = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) if not isinstance(gt, greenlet.greenlet): raise TypeError("greenthread or greenlet request, not %s" % type(gt)) if gt: raise RuntimeError("wrap_greenthread: the greenthread is running") if gt.dead: raise RuntimeError("wrap_greenthread: the greenthread already finished") if isinstance(gt, eventlet.greenthread.GreenThread): orig_main = def wrap_func(*args, **kw): try: orig_main(*args, **kw) except Exception as exc: fut.set_exception(exc) else: result = gt.wait() fut.set_result(result) = wrap_func else: try: orig_func = except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("wrap_greenthread: the run attribute " "of the greenlet is not set") def wrap_func(*args, **kw): try: result = orig_func(*args, **kw) except Exception as exc: fut.set_exception(exc) else: fut.set_result(result) = wrap_func return fut def yield_future(future, loop=None): """Wait for a future, a task, or a coroutine object from a greenthread. Yield control other eligible eventlet coroutines until the future is done (finished successfully or failed with an exception). Return the result or raise the exception of the future. The function must not be called from the greenthread running the aioeventlet event loop. """ future = asyncio.async(future, loop=loop) if future._loop._greenthread == eventlet.getcurrent(): raise RuntimeError("yield_future() must not be called from " "the greenthread of the aioeventlet event loop") event = eventlet.event.Event() def done(fut): try: result = fut.result() except Exception as exc: event.send_exception(exc) else: event.send(result) future.add_done_callback(done) return event.wait()