diff options
authorMike Bayer <>2021-08-11 15:58:16 -0400
committerCaselIT <>2021-08-22 22:14:40 +0200
commit1977047a11124221461ad8daee502bc4c74d5f6c (patch)
parent6aad68605f510e8b51f42efa812e02b3831d6e33 (diff)
generate .pyi files for proxied classes
Stub .pyi files have been added for the "dynamically" generated Alembic modules ``alembic.op`` and ``alembic.context``, which include complete function signatures and docstrings, so that the functions in these namespaces will have both IDE support (vscode, pycharm, etc) as well as support for typing tools like Mypy. The files themselves are statically generated from their source functions within the source tree. Still not available is sphinx autodoc from the .pyi file. so we might want to further modify this to write into the .py directly. if we do *that*, we could almost get rid of ModuleClsProxy and just generate proxying methods fully in however, this won't work for the "extending ops" use case. Change-Id: I3f084040de25ed3f8e92a4e9d0bb83d69b78eac6
15 files changed, 2174 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/alembic/ b/alembic/
index dbcd106..273acbb 100644
--- a/alembic/
+++ b/alembic/
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@ class CommandLine:
and fn.__module__ == "alembic.command"
- spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn)
- if spec[3]:
+ spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
+ if spec[3] is not None:
positional = spec[0][1 : -len(spec[3])]
kwarg = spec[0][-len(spec[3]) :]
diff --git a/alembic/context.pyi b/alembic/context.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a33d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/context.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# ### this file stubs are generated by tools/ - do not edit ###
+# ### imports are manually managed
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import ContextManager
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import TextIO
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Union
+ from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import MetaData
+ from .migration import MigrationContext
+ from .runtime.migration import _ProxyTransaction
+### end imports ###
+def begin_transaction() -> Union["_ProxyTransaction", ContextManager]:
+ """Return a context manager that will
+ enclose an operation within a "transaction",
+ as defined by the environment's offline
+ and transactional DDL settings.
+ e.g.::
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+ :meth:`.begin_transaction` is intended to
+ "do the right thing" regardless of
+ calling context:
+ * If :meth:`.is_transactional_ddl` is ``False``,
+ returns a "do nothing" context manager
+ which otherwise produces no transactional
+ state or directives.
+ * If :meth:`.is_offline_mode` is ``True``,
+ returns a context manager that will
+ invoke the :meth:`.DefaultImpl.emit_begin`
+ and :meth:`.DefaultImpl.emit_commit`
+ methods, which will produce the string
+ directives ``BEGIN`` and ``COMMIT`` on
+ the output stream, as rendered by the
+ target backend (e.g. SQL Server would
+ * Otherwise, calls :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.begin`
+ on the current online connection, which
+ returns a :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Transaction`
+ object. This object demarcates a real
+ transaction and is itself a context manager,
+ which will roll back if an exception
+ is raised.
+ Note that a custom ```` script which
+ has more specific transactional needs can of course
+ manipulate the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ directly to produce transactional state in "online"
+ mode.
+ """
+def configure(
+ connection: Optional["Connection"],
+ url: Optional[str],
+ dialect_name: Optional[str],
+ dialect_opts: Optional[dict],
+ transactional_ddl: Optional[bool],
+ transaction_per_migration: bool,
+ output_buffer: Optional[TextIO],
+ starting_rev: Optional[str],
+ tag: Optional[str],
+ template_args: Optional[dict],
+ render_as_batch: bool,
+ target_metadata: Optional["MetaData"],
+ include_name: Optional[Callable],
+ include_object: Optional[Callable],
+ include_schemas: bool,
+ process_revision_directives: Optional[Callable],
+ compare_type: bool,
+ compare_server_default: bool,
+ render_item: Optional[Callable],
+ literal_binds: bool,
+ upgrade_token: str,
+ downgrade_token: str,
+ alembic_module_prefix: str,
+ sqlalchemy_module_prefix: str,
+ user_module_prefix: Optional[str],
+ on_version_apply: Optional[Callable],
+ **kw
+) -> None:
+ """Configure a :class:`.MigrationContext` within this
+ :class:`.EnvironmentContext` which will provide database
+ connectivity and other configuration to a series of
+ migration scripts.
+ Many methods on :class:`.EnvironmentContext` require that
+ this method has been called in order to function, as they
+ ultimately need to have database access or at least access
+ to the dialect in use. Those which do are documented as such.
+ The important thing needed by :meth:`.configure` is a
+ means to determine what kind of database dialect is in use.
+ An actual connection to that database is needed only if
+ the :class:`.MigrationContext` is to be used in
+ "online" mode.
+ If the :meth:`.is_offline_mode` function returns ``True``,
+ then no connection is needed here. Otherwise, the
+ ``connection`` parameter should be present as an
+ instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`.
+ This function is typically called from the ````
+ script within a migration environment. It can be called
+ multiple times for an invocation. The most recent
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ for which it was called is the one that will be operated upon
+ by the next call to :meth:`.run_migrations`.
+ General parameters:
+ :param connection: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ to use
+ for SQL execution in "online" mode. When present, is also
+ used to determine the type of dialect in use.
+ :param url: a string database url, or a
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` object.
+ The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if
+ ``connection`` is not passed.
+ :param dialect_name: string name of a dialect, such as
+ "postgresql", "mssql", etc.
+ The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if
+ ``connection`` and ``url`` are not passed.
+ :param dialect_opts: dictionary of options to be passed to dialect
+ constructor.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.12
+ :param transactional_ddl: Force the usage of "transactional"
+ DDL on or off;
+ this otherwise defaults to whether or not the dialect in
+ use supports it.
+ :param transaction_per_migration: if True, nest each migration script
+ in a transaction rather than the full series of migrations to
+ run.
+ :param output_buffer: a file-like object that will be used
+ for textual output
+ when the ``--sql`` option is used to generate SQL scripts.
+ Defaults to
+ ``sys.stdout`` if not passed here and also not present on
+ the :class:`.Config`
+ object. The value here overrides that of the :class:`.Config`
+ object.
+ :param output_encoding: when using ``--sql`` to generate SQL
+ scripts, apply this encoding to the string output.
+ :param literal_binds: when using ``--sql`` to generate SQL
+ scripts, pass through the ``literal_binds`` flag to the compiler
+ so that any literal values that would ordinarily be bound
+ parameters are converted to plain strings.
+ .. warning:: Dialects can typically only handle simple datatypes
+ like strings and numbers for auto-literal generation. Datatypes
+ like dates, intervals, and others may still require manual
+ formatting, typically using :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal`.
+ .. note:: the ``literal_binds`` flag is ignored on SQLAlchemy
+ versions prior to 0.8 where this feature is not supported.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal`
+ :param starting_rev: Override the "starting revision" argument
+ when using ``--sql`` mode.
+ :param tag: a string tag for usage by custom ```` scripts.
+ Set via the ``--tag`` option, can be overridden here.
+ :param template_args: dictionary of template arguments which
+ will be added to the template argument environment when
+ running the "revision" command. Note that the script environment
+ is only run within the "revision" command if the --autogenerate
+ option is used, or if the option "revision_environment=true"
+ is present in the alembic.ini file.
+ :param version_table: The name of the Alembic version table.
+ The default is ``'alembic_version'``.
+ :param version_table_schema: Optional schema to place version
+ table within.
+ :param version_table_pk: boolean, whether the Alembic version table
+ should use a primary key constraint for the "value" column; this
+ only takes effect when the table is first created.
+ Defaults to True; setting to False should not be necessary and is
+ here for backwards compatibility reasons.
+ :param on_version_apply: a callable or collection of callables to be
+ run for each migration step.
+ The callables will be run in the order they are given, once for
+ each migration step, after the respective operation has been
+ applied but before its transaction is finalized.
+ Each callable accepts no positional arguments and the following
+ keyword arguments:
+ * ``ctx``: the :class:`.MigrationContext` running the migration,
+ * ``step``: a :class:`.MigrationInfo` representing the
+ step currently being applied,
+ * ``heads``: a collection of version strings representing the
+ current heads,
+ * ``run_args``: the ``**kwargs`` passed to :meth:`.run_migrations`.
+ Parameters specific to the autogenerate feature, when
+ ``alembic revision`` is run with the ``--autogenerate`` feature:
+ :param target_metadata: a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ object, or a sequence of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ objects, that will be consulted during autogeneration.
+ The tables present in each :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ will be compared against
+ what is locally available on the target
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ to produce candidate upgrade/downgrade operations.
+ :param compare_type: Indicates type comparison behavior during
+ an autogenerate
+ operation. Defaults to ``False`` which disables type
+ comparison. Set to
+ ``True`` to turn on default type comparison, which has varied
+ accuracy depending on backend. See :ref:`compare_types`
+ for an example as well as information on other type
+ comparison options.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`compare_types`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_server_default`
+ :param compare_server_default: Indicates server default comparison
+ behavior during
+ an autogenerate operation. Defaults to ``False`` which disables
+ server default
+ comparison. Set to ``True`` to turn on server default comparison,
+ which has
+ varied accuracy depending on backend.
+ To customize server default comparison behavior, a callable may
+ be specified
+ which can filter server default comparisons during an
+ autogenerate operation.
+ defaults during an autogenerate operation. The format of this
+ callable is::
+ def my_compare_server_default(context, inspected_column,
+ metadata_column, inspected_default, metadata_default,
+ rendered_metadata_default):
+ # return True if the defaults are different,
+ # False if not, or None to allow the default implementation
+ # to compare these defaults
+ return None
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ compare_server_default = my_compare_server_default
+ )
+ ``inspected_column`` is a dictionary structure as returned by
+ :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.get_columns`, whereas
+ ``metadata_column`` is a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Column` from
+ the local model environment.
+ A return value of ``None`` indicates to allow default server default
+ comparison
+ to proceed. Note that some backends such as Postgresql actually
+ execute
+ the two defaults on the database side to compare for equivalence.
+ .. seealso::
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_type`
+ :param include_name: A callable function which is given
+ the chance to return ``True`` or ``False`` for any database reflected
+ object based on its name, including database schema names when
+ the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` flag
+ is set to ``True``.
+ The function accepts the following positional arguments:
+ * ``name``: the name of the object, such as schema name or table name.
+ Will be ``None`` when indicating the default schema name of the
+ database connection.
+ * ``type``: a string describing the type of object; currently
+ ``"schema"``, ``"table"``, ``"column"``, ``"index"``,
+ ``"unique_constraint"``, or ``"foreign_key_constraint"``
+ * ``parent_names``: a dictionary of "parent" object names, that are
+ relative to the name being given. Keys in this dictionary may
+ include: ``"schema_name"``, ``"table_name"``.
+ E.g.::
+ def include_name(name, type_, parent_names):
+ if type_ == "schema":
+ return name in ["schema_one", "schema_two"]
+ else:
+ return True
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ include_schemas = True,
+ include_name = include_name
+ )
+ .. versionadded:: 1.5
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas`
+ :param include_object: A callable function which is given
+ the chance to return ``True`` or ``False`` for any object,
+ indicating if the given object should be considered in the
+ autogenerate sweep.
+ The function accepts the following positional arguments:
+ * ``object``: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem` object such
+ as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index`
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`,
+ or :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKeyConstraint` object
+ * ``name``: the name of the object. This is typically available
+ via ````.
+ * ``type``: a string describing the type of object; currently
+ ``"table"``, ``"column"``, ``"index"``, ``"unique_constraint"``,
+ or ``"foreign_key_constraint"``
+ * ``reflected``: ``True`` if the given object was produced based on
+ table reflection, ``False`` if it's from a local :class:`.MetaData`
+ object.
+ * ``compare_to``: the object being compared against, if available,
+ else ``None``.
+ E.g.::
+ def include_object(object, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
+ if (type_ == "column" and
+ not reflected and
+"skip_autogenerate", False)):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ include_object = include_object
+ )
+ For the use case of omitting specific schemas from a target database
+ when :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` is
+ set to ``True``, the :attr:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table.schema`
+ attribute can be checked for each :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`
+ object passed to the hook, however it is much more efficient
+ to filter on schemas before reflection of objects takes place
+ using the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ hook.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas`
+ :param render_as_batch: if True, commands which alter elements
+ within a table will be placed under a ``with batch_alter_table():``
+ directive, so that batch migrations will take place.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_migrations`
+ :param include_schemas: If True, autogenerate will scan across
+ all schemas located by the SQLAlchemy
+ :meth:`~sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.get_schema_names`
+ method, and include all differences in tables found across all
+ those schemas. When using this option, you may want to also
+ use the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ parameter to specify a callable which
+ can filter the tables/schemas that get included.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object`
+ :param render_item: Callable that can be used to override how
+ any schema item, i.e. column, constraint, type,
+ etc., is rendered for autogenerate. The callable receives a
+ string describing the type of object, the object, and
+ the autogen context. If it returns False, the
+ default rendering method will be used. If it returns None,
+ the item will not be rendered in the context of a Table
+ construct, that is, can be used to skip columns or constraints
+ within op.create_table()::
+ def my_render_column(type_, col, autogen_context):
+ if type_ == "column" and isinstance(col, MySpecialCol):
+ return repr(col)
+ else:
+ return False
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ render_item = my_render_column
+ )
+ Available values for the type string include: ``"column"``,
+ ``"primary_key"``, ``"foreign_key"``, ``"unique"``, ``"check"``,
+ ``"type"``, ``"server_default"``.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogen_render_types`
+ :param upgrade_token: When autogenerate completes, the text of the
+ candidate upgrade operations will be present in this template
+ variable when ```` is rendered. Defaults to
+ ``upgrades``.
+ :param downgrade_token: When autogenerate completes, the text of the
+ candidate downgrade operations will be present in this
+ template variable when ```` is rendered. Defaults to
+ ``downgrades``.
+ :param alembic_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to Alembic
+ :mod:`alembic.operations` constructs, this prefix will be used
+ (i.e. ``op.create_table``) Defaults to "``op.``".
+ Can be ``None`` to indicate no prefix.
+ :param sqlalchemy_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to
+ SQLAlchemy
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` or type classes, this prefix
+ will be used
+ (i.e. ``sa.Column("somename", sa.Integer)``) Defaults to "``sa.``".
+ Can be ``None`` to indicate no prefix.
+ Note that when dialect-specific types are rendered, autogenerate
+ will render them using the dialect module name, i.e. ``mssql.BIT()``,
+ ``postgresql.UUID()``.
+ :param user_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to a SQLAlchemy
+ type (e.g. :class:`.TypeEngine`) where the module name is not
+ under the ``sqlalchemy`` namespace, this prefix will be used
+ within autogenerate. If left at its default of
+ ``None``, the ``__module__`` attribute of the type is used to
+ render the import module. It's a good practice to set this
+ and to have all custom types be available from a fixed module space,
+ in order to future-proof migration files against reorganizations
+ in modules.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogen_module_prefix`
+ :param process_revision_directives: a callable function that will
+ be passed a structure representing the end result of an autogenerate
+ or plain "revision" operation, which can be manipulated to affect
+ how the ``alembic revision`` command ultimately outputs new
+ revision scripts. The structure of the callable is::
+ def process_revision_directives(context, revision, directives):
+ pass
+ The ``directives`` parameter is a Python list containing
+ a single :class:`.MigrationScript` directive, which represents
+ the revision file to be generated. This list as well as its
+ contents may be freely modified to produce any set of commands.
+ The section :ref:`customizing_revision` shows an example of
+ doing this. The ``context`` parameter is the
+ :class:`.MigrationContext` in use,
+ and ``revision`` is a tuple of revision identifiers representing the
+ current revision of the database.
+ The callable is invoked at all times when the ``--autogenerate``
+ option is passed to ``alembic revision``. If ``--autogenerate``
+ is not passed, the callable is invoked only if the
+ ``revision_environment`` variable is set to True in the Alembic
+ configuration, in which case the given ``directives`` collection
+ will contain empty :class:`.UpgradeOps` and :class:`.DowngradeOps`
+ collections for ``.upgrade_ops`` and ``.downgrade_ops``. The
+ ``--autogenerate`` option itself can be inferred by inspecting
+ ``context.config.cmd_opts.autogenerate``.
+ The callable function may optionally be an instance of
+ a :class:`.Rewriter` object. This is a helper object that
+ assists in the production of autogenerate-stream rewriter functions.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`customizing_revision`
+ :ref:`autogen_rewriter`
+ :paramref:`.command.revision.process_revision_directives`
+ Parameters specific to individual backends:
+ :param mssql_batch_separator: The "batch separator" which will
+ be placed between each statement when generating offline SQL Server
+ migrations. Defaults to ``GO``. Note this is in addition to the
+ customary semicolon ``;`` at the end of each statement; SQL Server
+ considers the "batch separator" to denote the end of an
+ individual statement execution, and cannot group certain
+ dependent operations in one step.
+ :param oracle_batch_separator: The "batch separator" which will
+ be placed between each statement when generating offline
+ Oracle migrations. Defaults to ``/``. Oracle doesn't add a
+ semicolon between statements like most other backends.
+ """
+def execute(sql, execution_options):
+ """Execute the given SQL using the current change context.
+ The behavior of :meth:`.execute` is the same
+ as that of :meth:`.Operations.execute`. Please see that
+ function's documentation for full detail including
+ caveats and limitations.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext` has
+ first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def get_bind():
+ """Return the current 'bind'.
+ In "online" mode, this is the
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection` currently being used
+ to emit SQL to the database.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def get_context() -> "MigrationContext":
+ """Return the current :class:`.MigrationContext` object.
+ If :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` has not been
+ called yet, raises an exception.
+ """
+def get_head_revision() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the hex identifier of the 'head' script revision.
+ If the script directory has multiple heads, this
+ method raises a :class:`.CommandError`;
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_head_revisions` should be preferred.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso:: :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_head_revisions`
+ """
+def get_head_revisions() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the hex identifier of the 'heads' script revision(s).
+ This returns a tuple containing the version number of all
+ heads in the script directory.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_revision_argument() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Get the 'destination' revision argument.
+ This is typically the argument passed to the
+ ``upgrade`` or ``downgrade`` command.
+ If it was specified as ``head``, the actual
+ version number is returned; if specified
+ as ``base``, ``None`` is returned.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_starting_revision_argument() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the 'starting revision' argument,
+ if the revision was passed using ``start:end``.
+ This is only meaningful in "offline" mode.
+ Returns ``None`` if no value is available
+ or was configured.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_tag_argument() -> Optional[str]:
+ """Return the value passed for the ``--tag`` argument, if any.
+ The ``--tag`` argument is not used directly by Alembic,
+ but is available for custom ```` configurations that
+ wish to use it; particularly for offline generation scripts
+ that wish to generate tagged filenames.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_x_argument` - a newer and more
+ open ended system of extending ```` scripts via the command
+ line.
+ """
+def get_x_argument(as_dictionary: bool):
+ """Return the value(s) passed for the ``-x`` argument, if any.
+ The ``-x`` argument is an open ended flag that allows any user-defined
+ value or values to be passed on the command line, then available
+ here for consumption by a custom ```` script.
+ The return value is a list, returned directly from the ``argparse``
+ structure. If ``as_dictionary=True`` is passed, the ``x`` arguments
+ are parsed using ``key=value`` format into a dictionary that is
+ then returned.
+ For example, to support passing a database URL on the command line,
+ the standard ```` script can be modified like this::
+ cmd_line_url = context.get_x_argument(
+ as_dictionary=True).get('dbname')
+ if cmd_line_url:
+ engine = create_engine(cmd_line_url)
+ else:
+ engine = engine_from_config(
+ config.get_section(config.config_ini_section),
+ prefix='sqlalchemy.',
+ poolclass=pool.NullPool)
+ This then takes effect by running the ``alembic`` script as::
+ alembic -x dbname=postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname upgrade head
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_tag_argument`
+ :attr:`.Config.cmd_opts`
+ """
+def is_offline_mode() -> bool:
+ """Return True if the current migrations environment
+ is running in "offline mode".
+ This is ``True`` or ``False`` depending
+ on the ``--sql`` flag passed.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def is_transactional_ddl():
+ """Return True if the context is configured to expect a
+ transactional DDL capable backend.
+ This defaults to the type of database in use, and
+ can be overridden by the ``transactional_ddl`` argument
+ to :meth:`.configure`
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def run_migrations(**kw) -> None:
+ """Run migrations as determined by the current command line
+ configuration
+ as well as versioning information present (or not) in the current
+ database connection (if one is present).
+ The function accepts optional ``**kw`` arguments. If these are
+ passed, they are sent directly to the ``upgrade()`` and
+ ``downgrade()``
+ functions within each target revision file. By modifying the
+ ```` file so that the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()``
+ functions accept arguments, parameters can be passed here so that
+ contextual information, usually information to identify a particular
+ database in use, can be passed from a custom ```` script
+ to the migration functions.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext` has
+ first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def static_output(text):
+ """Emit text directly to the "offline" SQL stream.
+ Typically this is for emitting comments that
+ start with --. The statement is not treated
+ as a SQL execution, no ; or batch separator
+ is added, etc.
+ """
diff --git a/alembic/op.pyi b/alembic/op.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76912dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/op.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+# ### this file stubs are generated by tools/ - do not edit ###
+# ### imports are manually managed
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence
+from typing import Type
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Union
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import TableClause
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Update
+ from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import BinaryExpression
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import conv
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import TextClause
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import Function
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Computed
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Identity
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeEngine
+ from .operations.ops import MigrateOperation
+ from .util.sqla_compat import _literal_bindparam
+### end imports ###
+def add_column(
+ table_name: str, column: "Column", schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an "add column" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, String
+ op.add_column('organization',
+ Column('name', String())
+ )
+ The provided :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object can also
+ specify a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKey`, referencing
+ a remote table name. Alembic will automatically generate a stub
+ "referenced" table and emit a second ALTER statement in order
+ to add the constraint separately::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, INTEGER, ForeignKey
+ op.add_column('organization',
+ Column('account_id', INTEGER, ForeignKey(''))
+ )
+ Note that this statement uses the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ construct as is from the SQLAlchemy library. In particular,
+ default values to be created on the database side are
+ specified using the ``server_default`` parameter, and not
+ ``default`` which only specifies Python-side defaults::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, TIMESTAMP, func
+ # specify "DEFAULT NOW" along with the column add
+ op.add_column('account',
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ :param table_name: String name of the parent table.
+ :param column: a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object
+ representing the new column.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def alter_column(
+ table_name: str,
+ column_name: str,
+ nullable: Optional[bool],
+ comment: Union[str, bool, None],
+ server_default: Any,
+ new_column_name: Optional[str],
+ type_: Union["TypeEngine", Type["TypeEngine"], None],
+ existing_type: Union["TypeEngine", Type["TypeEngine"], None],
+ existing_server_default: Union[str, bool, "Identity", "Computed", None],
+ existing_nullable: Optional[bool],
+ existing_comment: Optional[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an "alter column" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ Generally, only that aspect of the column which
+ is being changed, i.e. name, type, nullability,
+ default, needs to be specified. Multiple changes
+ can also be specified at once and the backend should
+ "do the right thing", emitting each change either
+ separately or together as the backend allows.
+ MySQL has special requirements here, since MySQL
+ cannot ALTER a column without a full specification.
+ When producing MySQL-compatible migration files,
+ it is recommended that the ``existing_type``,
+ ``existing_server_default``, and ``existing_nullable``
+ parameters be present, if not being altered.
+ Type changes which are against the SQLAlchemy
+ "schema" types :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`
+ and :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum` may also
+ add or drop constraints which accompany those
+ types on backends that don't support them natively.
+ The ``existing_type`` argument is
+ used in this case to identify and remove a previous
+ constraint that was bound to the type object.
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param column_name: string name of the target column,
+ as it exists before the operation begins.
+ :param nullable: Optional; specify ``True`` or ``False``
+ to alter the column's nullability.
+ :param server_default: Optional; specify a string
+ SQL expression, :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text`,
+ or :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.DefaultClause` to indicate
+ an alteration to the column's default value.
+ Set to ``None`` to have the default removed.
+ :param comment: optional string text of a new comment to add to the
+ column.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param new_column_name: Optional; specify a string name here to
+ indicate the new name within a column rename operation.
+ :param type\_: Optional; a :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ type object to specify a change to the column's type.
+ For SQLAlchemy types that also indicate a constraint (i.e.
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum`),
+ the constraint is also generated.
+ :param autoincrement: set the ``AUTO_INCREMENT`` flag of the column;
+ currently understood by the MySQL dialect.
+ :param existing_type: Optional; a
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ type object to specify the previous type. This
+ is required for all MySQL column alter operations that
+ don't otherwise specify a new type, as well as for
+ when nullability is being changed on a SQL Server
+ column. It is also used if the type is a so-called
+ SQLlchemy "schema" type which may define a constraint (i.e.
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum`),
+ so that the constraint can be dropped.
+ :param existing_server_default: Optional; The existing
+ default value of the column. Required on MySQL if
+ an existing default is not being changed; else MySQL
+ removes the default.
+ :param existing_nullable: Optional; the existing nullability
+ of the column. Required on MySQL if the existing nullability
+ is not being changed; else MySQL sets this to NULL.
+ :param existing_autoincrement: Optional; the existing autoincrement
+ of the column. Used for MySQL's system of altering a column
+ that specifies ``AUTO_INCREMENT``.
+ :param existing_comment: string text of the existing comment on the
+ column to be maintained. Required on MySQL if the existing comment
+ on the column is not being changed.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param postgresql_using: String argument which will indicate a
+ SQL expression to render within the Postgresql-specific USING clause
+ within ALTER COLUMN. This string is taken directly as raw SQL which
+ must explicitly include any necessary quoting or escaping of tokens
+ within the expression.
+ """
+def batch_alter_table(
+ table_name,
+ schema,
+ recreate,
+ partial_reordering,
+ copy_from,
+ table_args,
+ table_kwargs,
+ reflect_args,
+ reflect_kwargs,
+ naming_convention,
+ """Invoke a series of per-table migrations in batch.
+ Batch mode allows a series of operations specific to a table
+ to be syntactically grouped together, and allows for alternate
+ modes of table migration, in particular the "recreate" style of
+ migration required by SQLite.
+ "recreate" style is as follows:
+ 1. A new table is created with the new specification, based on the
+ migration directives within the batch, using a temporary name.
+ 2. the data copied from the existing table to the new table.
+ 3. the existing table is dropped.
+ 4. the new table is renamed to the existing table name.
+ The directive by default will only use "recreate" style on the
+ SQLite backend, and only if directives are present which require
+ this form, e.g. anything other than ``add_column()``. The batch
+ operation on other backends will proceed using standard ALTER TABLE
+ operations.
+ The method is used as a context manager, which returns an instance
+ of :class:`.BatchOperations`; this object is the same as
+ :class:`.Operations` except that table names and schema names
+ are omitted. E.g.::
+ with op.batch_alter_table("some_table") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
+ batch_op.drop_column('bar')
+ The operations within the context manager are invoked at once
+ when the context is ended. When run against SQLite, if the
+ migrations include operations not supported by SQLite's ALTER TABLE,
+ the entire table will be copied to a new one with the new
+ specification, moving all data across as well.
+ The copy operation by default uses reflection to retrieve the current
+ structure of the table, and therefore :meth:`.batch_alter_table`
+ in this mode requires that the migration is run in "online" mode.
+ The ``copy_from`` parameter may be passed which refers to an existing
+ :class:`.Table` object, which will bypass this reflection step.
+ .. note:: The table copy operation will currently not copy
+ CHECK constraints, and may not copy UNIQUE constraints that are
+ unnamed, as is possible on SQLite. See the section
+ :ref:`sqlite_batch_constraints` for workarounds.
+ :param table_name: name of table
+ :param schema: optional schema name.
+ :param recreate: under what circumstances the table should be
+ recreated. At its default of ``"auto"``, the SQLite dialect will
+ recreate the table if any operations other than ``add_column()``,
+ ``create_index()``, or ``drop_index()`` are
+ present. Other options include ``"always"`` and ``"never"``.
+ :param copy_from: optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ that will act as the structure of the table being copied. If omitted,
+ table reflection is used to retrieve the structure of the table.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_offline_mode`
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.reflect_args`
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.reflect_kwargs`
+ :param reflect_args: a sequence of additional positional arguments that
+ will be applied to the table structure being reflected / copied;
+ this may be used to pass column and constraint overrides to the
+ table that will be reflected, in lieu of passing the whole
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` using
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from`.
+ :param reflect_kwargs: a dictionary of additional keyword arguments
+ that will be applied to the table structure being copied; this may be
+ used to pass additional table and reflection options to the table that
+ will be reflected, in lieu of passing the whole
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` using
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from`.
+ :param table_args: a sequence of additional positional arguments that
+ will be applied to the new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` when
+ created, in addition to those copied from the source table.
+ This may be used to provide additional constraints such as CHECK
+ constraints that may not be reflected.
+ :param table_kwargs: a dictionary of additional keyword arguments
+ that will be applied to the new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`
+ when created, in addition to those copied from the source table.
+ This may be used to provide for additional table options that may
+ not be reflected.
+ :param naming_convention: a naming convention dictionary of the form
+ described at :ref:`autogen_naming_conventions` which will be applied
+ to the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` during the reflection
+ process. This is typically required if one wants to drop SQLite
+ constraints, as these constraints will not have names when
+ reflected on this backend. Requires SQLAlchemy **0.9.4** or greater.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`dropping_sqlite_foreign_keys`
+ :param partial_reordering: a list of tuples, each suggesting a desired
+ ordering of two or more columns in the newly created table. Requires
+ that :paramref:`.batch_alter_table.recreate` is set to ``"always"``.
+ Examples, given a table with columns "a", "b", "c", and "d":
+ Specify the order of all columns::
+ with op.batch_alter_table(
+ "some_table", recreate="always",
+ partial_reordering=[("c", "d", "a", "b")]
+ ) as batch_op:
+ pass
+ Ensure "d" appears before "c", and "b", appears before "a"::
+ with op.batch_alter_table(
+ "some_table", recreate="always",
+ partial_reordering=[("d", "c"), ("b", "a")]
+ ) as batch_op:
+ pass
+ The ordering of columns not included in the partial_reordering
+ set is undefined. Therefore it is best to specify the complete
+ ordering of all columns for best results.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
+ .. note:: batch mode requires SQLAlchemy 0.8 or above.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_migrations`
+ """
+def bulk_insert(
+ table: Union["Table", "TableClause"], rows: List[dict], multiinsert: bool
+) -> None:
+ """Issue a "bulk insert" operation using the current
+ migration context.
+ This provides a means of representing an INSERT of multiple rows
+ which works equally well in the context of executing on a live
+ connection as well as that of generating a SQL script. In the
+ case of a SQL script, the values are rendered inline into the
+ statement.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from datetime import date
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
+ from sqlalchemy import String, Integer, Date
+ # Create an ad-hoc table to use for the insert statement.
+ accounts_table = table('account',
+ column('id', Integer),
+ column('name', String),
+ column('create_date', Date)
+ )
+ op.bulk_insert(accounts_table,
+ [
+ {'id':1, 'name':'John Smith',
+ 'create_date':date(2010, 10, 5)},
+ {'id':2, 'name':'Ed Williams',
+ 'create_date':date(2007, 5, 27)},
+ {'id':3, 'name':'Wendy Jones',
+ 'create_date':date(2008, 8, 15)},
+ ]
+ )
+ When using --sql mode, some datatypes may not render inline
+ automatically, such as dates and other special types. When this
+ issue is present, :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal` may be used::
+ op.bulk_insert(accounts_table,
+ [
+ {'id':1, 'name':'John Smith',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2010-10-05")},
+ {'id':2, 'name':'Ed Williams',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2007-05-27")},
+ {'id':3, 'name':'Wendy Jones',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2008-08-15")},
+ ],
+ multiinsert=False
+ )
+ When using :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal` in conjunction with
+ :meth:`.Operations.bulk_insert`, in order for the statement to work
+ in "online" (e.g. non --sql) mode, the
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.bulk_insert.multiinsert`
+ flag should be set to ``False``, which will have the effect of
+ individual INSERT statements being emitted to the database, each
+ with a distinct VALUES clause, so that the "inline" values can
+ still be rendered, rather than attempting to pass the values
+ as bound parameters.
+ :param table: a table object which represents the target of the INSERT.
+ :param rows: a list of dictionaries indicating rows.
+ :param multiinsert: when at its default of True and --sql mode is not
+ enabled, the INSERT statement will be executed using
+ "executemany()" style, where all elements in the list of
+ dictionaries are passed as bound parameters in a single
+ list. Setting this to False results in individual INSERT
+ statements being emitted per parameter set, and is needed
+ in those cases where non-literal values are present in the
+ parameter sets.
+ """
+def create_check_constraint(
+ constraint_name: Optional[str],
+ table_name: str,
+ condition: "BinaryExpression",
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create check constraint" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import column, func
+ op.create_check_constraint(
+ "ck_user_name_len",
+ "user",
+ func.len(column('name')) > 5
+ )
+ CHECK constraints are usually against a SQL expression, so ad-hoc
+ table metadata is usually needed. The function will convert the given
+ arguments into a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint` bound
+ to an anonymous table in order to emit the CREATE statement.
+ :param name: Name of the check constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param condition: SQL expression that's the condition of the
+ constraint. Can be a string or SQLAlchemy expression language
+ structure.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def create_exclude_constraint(
+ constraint_name: str, table_name: str, *elements: Any, **kw: Any
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an alter to create an EXCLUDE constraint using the
+ current migration context.
+ .. note:: This method is Postgresql specific, and additionally
+ requires at least SQLAlchemy 1.0.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_exclude_constraint(
+ "user_excl",
+ "user",
+ ("period", '&&'),
+ ("group", '='),
+ where=("group != 'some group'")
+ )
+ Note that the expressions work the same way as that of
+ the ``ExcludeConstraint`` object itself; if plain strings are
+ passed, quoting rules must be applied manually.
+ :param name: Name of the constraint.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param elements: exclude conditions.
+ :param where: SQL expression or SQL string with optional WHERE
+ clause.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within.
+ """
+def create_foreign_key(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ source_table: str,
+ referent_table: str,
+ local_cols: List[str],
+ remote_cols: List[str],
+ onupdate: Optional[str],
+ ondelete: Optional[str],
+ deferrable: Optional[bool],
+ initially: Optional[str],
+ match: Optional[str],
+ source_schema: Optional[str],
+ referent_schema: Optional[str],
+ **dialect_kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create foreign key" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_foreign_key(
+ "fk_user_address", "address",
+ "user", ["user_id"], ["id"])
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKeyConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the foreign key constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param source_table: String name of the source table.
+ :param referent_table: String name of the destination table.
+ :param local_cols: a list of string column names in the
+ source table.
+ :param remote_cols: a list of string column names in the
+ remote table.
+ :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE <value> when
+ issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
+ :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE <value> when
+ issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT
+ DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param source_schema: Optional schema name of the source table.
+ :param referent_schema: Optional schema name of the destination table.
+ """
+def create_index(
+ index_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: Sequence[Union[str, "TextClause", "Function"]],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ unique: bool,
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create index" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_index('ik_test', 't1', ['foo', 'bar'])
+ Functional indexes can be produced by using the
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import text
+ op.create_index('ik_test', 't1', [text('lower(foo)')])
+ :param index_name: name of the index.
+ :param table_name: name of the owning table.
+ :param columns: a list consisting of string column names and/or
+ :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` constructs.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param unique: If True, create a unique index.
+ :param quote:
+ Force quoting of this column's name on or off, corresponding
+ to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default
+ of ``None``, the column identifier will be quoted according to
+ whether the name is case sensitive (identifiers with at least one
+ upper case character are treated as case sensitive), or if it's a
+ reserved word. This flag is only needed to force quoting of a
+ reserved word which is not known by the SQLAlchemy dialect.
+ :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are
+ dialect specific, and passed in the form
+ ``<dialectname>_<argname>``.
+ See the documentation regarding an individual dialect at
+ :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments.
+ """
+def create_primary_key(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: List[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create primary key" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_primary_key(
+ "pk_my_table", "my_table",
+ ["id", "version"]
+ )
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the primary key constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the target table.
+ :param columns: a list of string column names to be applied to the
+ primary key constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def create_table(table_name: str, *columns, **kw) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create table" instruction using the current migration
+ context.
+ This directive receives an argument list similar to that of the
+ traditional :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` construct, but without the
+ metadata::
+ from sqlalchemy import INTEGER, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, Column
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_table(
+ 'account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', VARCHAR(50), nullable=False),
+ Column('description', NVARCHAR(200)),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ Note that :meth:`.create_table` accepts
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ constructs directly from the SQLAlchemy library. In particular,
+ default values to be created on the database side are
+ specified using the ``server_default`` parameter, and not
+ ``default`` which only specifies Python-side defaults::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, TIMESTAMP, func
+ # specify "DEFAULT NOW" along with the "timestamp" column
+ op.create_table('account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ The function also returns a newly created
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, corresponding to the table
+ specification given, which is suitable for
+ immediate SQL operations, in particular
+ :meth:`.Operations.bulk_insert`::
+ from sqlalchemy import INTEGER, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, Column
+ from alembic import op
+ account_table = op.create_table(
+ 'account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', VARCHAR(50), nullable=False),
+ Column('description', NVARCHAR(200)),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ op.bulk_insert(
+ account_table,
+ [
+ {"name": "A1", "description": "account 1"},
+ {"name": "A2", "description": "account 2"},
+ ]
+ )
+ :param table_name: Name of the table
+ :param \*columns: collection of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ objects within
+ the table, as well as optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint`
+ objects
+ and :class:`~.sqlalchemy.schema.Index` objects.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Other keyword arguments are passed to the underlying
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object created for the command.
+ :return: the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object corresponding
+ to the parameters given.
+ """
+def create_table_comment(
+ table_name: str,
+ comment: Optional[str],
+ existing_comment: None,
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Emit a COMMENT ON operation to set the comment for a table.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param comment: string value of the comment being registered against
+ the specified table.
+ :param existing_comment: String value of a comment
+ already registered on the specified table, used within autogenerate
+ so that the operation is reversible, but not required for direct
+ use.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.drop_table_comment`
+ :paramref:`.Operations.alter_column.comment`
+ """
+def create_unique_constraint(
+ constraint_name: Optional[str],
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: Sequence[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Any:
+ """Issue a "create unique constraint" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_unique_constraint("uq_user_name", "user", ["name"])
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the unique constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param columns: a list of string column names in the
+ source table.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def drop_column(
+ table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str], **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop column" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_column('organization', 'account_id')
+ :param table_name: name of table
+ :param column_name: name of column
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param mssql_drop_check: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop the CHECK constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from sys.check_constraints,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that constraint.
+ :param mssql_drop_default: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop the DEFAULT constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from sys.default_constraints,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that default.
+ :param mssql_drop_foreign_key: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop a single FOREIGN KEY constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from
+ sys.foreign_keys/sys.foreign_key_columns,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that default. Only
+ works if the column has exactly one FK constraint which refers to
+ it, at the moment.
+ """
+def drop_constraint(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ type_: Optional[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Drop a constraint of the given name, typically via DROP CONSTRAINT.
+ :param constraint_name: name of the constraint.
+ :param table_name: table name.
+ :param type\_: optional, required on MySQL. can be
+ 'foreignkey', 'primary', 'unique', or 'check'.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def drop_index(
+ index_name: str, table_name: Optional[str], schema: Optional[str], **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop index" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_index("accounts")
+ :param index_name: name of the index.
+ :param table_name: name of the owning table. Some
+ backends such as Microsoft SQL Server require this.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are
+ dialect specific, and passed in the form
+ ``<dialectname>_<argname>``.
+ See the documentation regarding an individual dialect at
+ :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments.
+ """
+def drop_table(table_name: str, schema: Optional[str], **kw: Any) -> None:
+ """Issue a "drop table" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_table("accounts")
+ :param table_name: Name of the table
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Other keyword arguments are passed to the underlying
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object created for the command.
+ """
+def drop_table_comment(
+ table_name: str, existing_comment: Optional[str], schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop table comment" operation to
+ remove an existing comment set on a table.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param existing_comment: An optional string value of a comment already
+ registered on the specified table.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.create_table_comment`
+ :paramref:`.Operations.alter_column.comment`
+ """
+def execute(
+ sqltext: Union[str, "TextClause", "Update"], execution_options: None
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Execute the given SQL using the current migration context.
+ The given SQL can be a plain string, e.g.::
+ op.execute("INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES ('some value')")
+ Or it can be any kind of Core SQL Expression construct, such as
+ below where we use an update construct::
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
+ from sqlalchemy import String
+ from alembic import op
+ account = table('account',
+ column('name', String)
+ )
+ op.execute(
+ account.update().\\
+ where('account 1')).\\
+ values({'name':op.inline_literal('account 2')})
+ )
+ Above, we made use of the SQLAlchemy
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.table` and
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.column` constructs to make a brief,
+ ad-hoc table construct just for our UPDATE statement. A full
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` construct of course works perfectly
+ fine as well, though note it's a recommended practice to at least
+ ensure the definition of a table is self-contained within the migration
+ script, rather than imported from a module that may break compatibility
+ with older migrations.
+ In a SQL script context, the statement is emitted directly to the
+ output stream. There is *no* return result, however, as this
+ function is oriented towards generating a change script
+ that can run in "offline" mode. Additionally, parameterized
+ statements are discouraged here, as they *will not work* in offline
+ mode. Above, we use :meth:`.inline_literal` where parameters are
+ to be used.
+ For full interaction with a connected database where parameters can
+ also be used normally, use the "bind" available from the context::
+ from alembic import op
+ connection = op.get_bind()
+ connection.execute(
+ account.update().where('account 1').
+ values({"name": "account 2"})
+ )
+ Additionally, when passing the statement as a plain string, it is first
+ coerceed into a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct
+ before being passed along. In the less likely case that the
+ literal SQL string contains a colon, it must be escaped with a
+ backslash, as::
+ op.execute("INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES ('\:colon_value')")
+ :param sql: Any legal SQLAlchemy expression, including:
+ * a string
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct.
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.insert` construct.
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update`,
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.insert`,
+ or :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.delete` construct.
+ * Pretty much anything that's "executable" as described
+ in :ref:`sqlexpression_toplevel`.
+ .. note:: when passing a plain string, the statement is coerced into
+ a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct. This construct
+ considers symbols with colons, e.g. ``:foo`` to be bound parameters.
+ To avoid this, ensure that colon symbols are escaped, e.g.
+ ``\:foo``.
+ :param execution_options: Optional dictionary of
+ execution options, will be passed to
+ :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execution_options`.
+ """
+def f(name: str) -> "conv":
+ """Indicate a string name that has already had a naming convention
+ applied to it.
+ This feature combines with the SQLAlchemy ``naming_convention`` feature
+ to disambiguate constraint names that have already had naming
+ conventions applied to them, versus those that have not. This is
+ necessary in the case that the ``"%(constraint_name)s"`` token
+ is used within a naming convention, so that it can be identified
+ that this particular name should remain fixed.
+ If the :meth:`.Operations.f` is used on a constraint, the naming
+ convention will not take effect::
+ op.add_column('t', 'x', Boolean(name=op.f('ck_bool_t_x')))
+ Above, the CHECK constraint generated will have the name
+ ``ck_bool_t_x`` regardless of whether or not a naming convention is
+ in use.
+ Alternatively, if a naming convention is in use, and 'f' is not used,
+ names will be converted along conventions. If the ``target_metadata``
+ contains the naming convention
+ ``{"ck": "ck_bool_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s"}``, then the
+ output of the following:
+ op.add_column('t', 'x', Boolean(name='x'))
+ will be::
+ CONSTRAINT ck_bool_t_x CHECK (x in (1, 0)))
+ The function is rendered in the output of autogenerate when
+ a particular constraint name is already converted.
+ """
+def get_bind() -> "Connection":
+ """Return the current 'bind'.
+ Under normal circumstances, this is the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection` currently being used
+ to emit SQL to the database.
+ In a SQL script context, this value is ``None``. [TODO: verify this]
+ """
+def get_context():
+ """Return the :class:`.MigrationContext` object that's
+ currently in use.
+ """
+def implementation_for(op_cls: Any) -> Callable:
+ """Register an implementation for a given :class:`.MigrateOperation`.
+ This is part of the operation extensibility API.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`operation_plugins` - example of use
+ """
+def inline_literal(
+ value: Union[str, int], type_: None
+) -> "_literal_bindparam":
+ """Produce an 'inline literal' expression, suitable for
+ using in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
+ When using Alembic in "offline" mode, CRUD operations
+ aren't compatible with SQLAlchemy's default behavior surrounding
+ literal values,
+ which is that they are converted into bound values and passed
+ separately into the ``execute()`` method of the DBAPI cursor.
+ An offline SQL
+ script needs to have these rendered inline. While it should
+ always be noted that inline literal values are an **enormous**
+ security hole in an application that handles untrusted input,
+ a schema migration is not run in this context, so
+ literals are safe to render inline, with the caveat that
+ advanced types like dates may not be supported directly
+ by SQLAlchemy.
+ See :meth:`.execute` for an example usage of
+ :meth:`.inline_literal`.
+ The environment can also be configured to attempt to render
+ "literal" values inline automatically, for those simple types
+ that are supported by the dialect; see
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.literal_binds` for this
+ more recently added feature.
+ :param value: The value to render. Strings, integers, and simple
+ numerics should be supported. Other types like boolean,
+ dates, etc. may or may not be supported yet by various
+ backends.
+ :param type\_: optional - a :class:`sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ subclass stating the type of this value. In SQLAlchemy
+ expressions, this is usually derived automatically
+ from the Python type of the value itself, as well as
+ based on the context in which the value is used.
+ .. seealso::
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.literal_binds`
+ """
+def invoke(operation: "MigrateOperation") -> Any:
+ """Given a :class:`.MigrateOperation`, invoke it in terms of
+ this :class:`.Operations` instance.
+ """
+def register_operation(name: str, sourcename: Optional[str]) -> Callable:
+ """Register a new operation for this class.
+ This method is normally used to add new operations
+ to the :class:`.Operations` class, and possibly the
+ :class:`.BatchOperations` class as well. All Alembic migration
+ operations are implemented via this system, however the system
+ is also available as a public API to facilitate adding custom
+ operations.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`operation_plugins`
+ """
+def rename_table(
+ old_table_name: str, new_table_name: str, schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Emit an ALTER TABLE to rename a table.
+ :param old_table_name: old name.
+ :param new_table_name: new name.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
diff --git a/alembic/operations/ b/alembic/operations/
index d4ec7b1..21f7a85 100644
--- a/alembic/operations/
+++ b/alembic/operations/
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager
import textwrap
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
+from typing import ForwardRef # noqa
from typing import Iterator
+from typing import List # noqa
from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence # noqa
+from typing import Type # noqa
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union
@@ -14,9 +18,12 @@ from . import schemaobj
from .. import util
from ..util import sqla_compat
from ..util.compat import inspect_formatargspec
-from ..util.compat import inspect_getargspec
+from ..util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec
+NoneType = type(None)
+ from sqlalchemy import Table # noqa
from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
from .batch import BatchOperationsImpl
@@ -107,7 +114,7 @@ class Operations(util.ModuleClsProxy):
fn = getattr(op_cls, sourcename)
source_name = fn.__name__
- spec = inspect_getargspec(fn)
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
name_args = spec[0]
assert name_args[0:2] == ["cls", "operations"]
@@ -143,8 +150,10 @@ class Operations(util.ModuleClsProxy):
"doc": fn.__doc__,
- globals_ = {"op_cls": op_cls}
+ globals_ = dict(globals())
+ globals_.update({"op_cls": op_cls})
lcl = {}
exec(func_text, globals_, lcl)
setattr(cls, name, lcl[name])
fn.__func__.__doc__ = (
diff --git a/alembic/py.typed b/alembic/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/py.typed
diff --git a/alembic/script/ b/alembic/script/
index 8f9e35e..8990148 100644
--- a/alembic/script/
+++ b/alembic/script/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def register(name: str) -> Callable:
def decorate(fn):
_registry[name] = fn
+ return fn
return decorate
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ def _parse_cmdline_options(cmdline_options_str: str, path: str) -> List[str]:
-def console_scripts(path, options):
+def console_scripts(path, options, ignore_output=False):
import pkg_resources
@@ -128,6 +129,9 @@ def console_scripts(path, options):
cmdline_options_str = options.get("options", "")
cmdline_options_list = _parse_cmdline_options(cmdline_options_str, path)
+ kw = {}
+ if ignore_output:
+ kw["stdout"] = kw["stderr"] = subprocess.DEVNULL
@@ -137,4 +141,5 @@ def console_scripts(path, options):
+ cmdline_options_list,
+ **kw
diff --git a/alembic/testing/ b/alembic/testing/
index 05b2e34..98ef82d 100644
--- a/alembic/testing/
+++ b/alembic/testing/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.testing import engines
from sqlalchemy.testing import exclusions
from sqlalchemy.testing import mock
from sqlalchemy.testing import provide_metadata
+from sqlalchemy.testing import skip_if
from sqlalchemy.testing import uses_deprecated
from sqlalchemy.testing.config import combinations
from sqlalchemy.testing.config import fixture
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index a07813c..b87f8a6 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -1,48 +1,10 @@
-import collections
-import inspect
import io
import os
-from typing import Any
-from typing import Callable
-from typing import Dict
-from typing import List
-from typing import Optional
-from typing import Type
-is_posix = == "posix"
-ArgSpec = collections.namedtuple(
- "ArgSpec", ["args", "varargs", "keywords", "defaults"]
-def inspect_getargspec(func: Callable) -> ArgSpec:
- """getargspec based on fully vendored getfullargspec from Python 3.3."""
- if inspect.ismethod(func):
- func = func.__func__ # type: ignore
- if not inspect.isfunction(func):
- raise TypeError("{!r} is not a Python function".format(func))
+from sqlalchemy.util import inspect_getfullargspec # noqa
+from sqlalchemy.util.compat import inspect_formatargspec # noqa
- co = func.__code__
- if not inspect.iscode(co):
- raise TypeError("{!r} is not a code object".format(co))
- nargs = co.co_argcount
- names = co.co_varnames
- nkwargs = co.co_kwonlyargcount
- args = list(names[:nargs])
- nargs += nkwargs
- varargs = None
- if co.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS:
- varargs = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- nargs = nargs + 1
- varkw = None
- if co.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS:
- varkw = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- return ArgSpec(args, varargs, varkw, func.__defaults__) # type: ignore
+is_posix = == "posix"
string_types = (str,)
@@ -50,76 +12,6 @@ binary_type = bytes
text_type = str
-def _formatannotation(annotation, base_module=None):
- """vendored from python 3.7"""
- if getattr(annotation, "__module__", None) == "typing":
- return repr(annotation).replace("typing.", "")
- if isinstance(annotation, type):
- if annotation.__module__ in ("builtins", base_module):
- return annotation.__qualname__
- return annotation.__module__ + "." + annotation.__qualname__
- return repr(annotation)
-def inspect_formatargspec(
- args: List[str],
- varargs: Optional[str] = None,
- varkw: Optional[str] = None,
- defaults: Optional[Any] = None,
- kwonlyargs: tuple = (),
- kwonlydefaults: Dict[Any, Any] = {},
- annotations: Dict[Any, Any] = {},
- formatarg: Type[str] = str,
- formatvarargs: Callable = lambda name: "*" + name,
- formatvarkw: Callable = lambda name: "**" + name,
- formatvalue: Callable = lambda value: "=" + repr(value),
- formatreturns: Callable = lambda text: " -> " + text,
- formatannotation: Callable = _formatannotation,
-) -> str:
- """Copy formatargspec from python 3.7 standard library.
- Python 3 has deprecated formatargspec and requested that Signature
- be used instead, however this requires a full reimplementation
- of formatargspec() in terms of creating Parameter objects and such.
- Instead of introducing all the object-creation overhead and having
- to reinvent from scratch, just copy their compatibility routine.
- """
- def formatargandannotation(arg):
- result = formatarg(arg)
- if arg in annotations:
- result += ": " + formatannotation(annotations[arg])
- return result
- specs = []
- if defaults:
- firstdefault = len(args) - len(defaults)
- for i, arg in enumerate(args):
- spec = formatargandannotation(arg)
- if defaults and i >= firstdefault:
- spec = spec + formatvalue(defaults[i - firstdefault])
- specs.append(spec)
- if varargs is not None:
- specs.append(formatvarargs(formatargandannotation(varargs)))
- else:
- if kwonlyargs:
- specs.append("*")
- if kwonlyargs:
- for kwonlyarg in kwonlyargs:
- spec = formatargandannotation(kwonlyarg)
- if kwonlydefaults and kwonlyarg in kwonlydefaults:
- spec += formatvalue(kwonlydefaults[kwonlyarg])
- specs.append(spec)
- if varkw is not None:
- specs.append(formatvarkw(formatargandannotation(varkw)))
- result = "(" + ", ".join(specs) + ")"
- if "return" in annotations:
- result += formatreturns(formatannotation(annotations["return"]))
- return result
# produce a wrapper that allows encoded text to stream
# into a given buffer, but doesn't close it.
# not sure of a more idiomatic approach to this.
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index 87a9aca..4db9a5f 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.util import memoized_property # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import to_list # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import unique_list # noqa
-from .compat import inspect_getargspec
+from .compat import inspect_getfullargspec
from .compat import string_types
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class ModuleClsProxy(metaclass=_ModuleClsMeta):
translations = getattr(fn, "_legacy_translations", [])
if translations:
- spec = inspect_getargspec(fn)
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
if spec[0] and spec[0][0] == "self":
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class ModuleClsProxy(metaclass=_ModuleClsMeta):
lcl = {}
exec(func_text, globals_, lcl)
return lcl[name]
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index e1ccd41..b2b6f06 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ sqla_14 = _vers >= (1, 4)
from sqlalchemy import Computed # noqa
except ImportError:
- Computed = None # type: ignore
+ Computed = type(None) # type: ignore
has_computed = False
has_computed_reflection = False
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ else:
from sqlalchemy import Identity # noqa
except ImportError:
- Identity = None # type: ignore
+ Identity = type(None) # type: ignore
has_identity = False
# attributes common to Indentity and Sequence
diff --git a/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst b/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
index 7f8aa6c..fa4d2cf 100644
--- a/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
+++ b/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
.. change::
:tags: feature, general
- pep-484 type annotations have been added throughout the library. This
- should be helpful in providing Mypy and IDE support, however there is not
- full support for Alembic's dynamically modified "op" namespace as of yet; a
- future release will likely modify the approach used for importing this
- namespace to be better compatible with pep-484 capabilities. \ No newline at end of file
+ pep-484 type annotations have been added throughout the library.
+ Additionally, stub .pyi files have been added for the "dynamically"
+ generated Alembic modules ``alembic.op`` and ``alembic.config``, which
+ include complete function signatures and docstrings, so that the functions
+ in these namespaces will have both IDE support (vscode, pycharm, etc) as
+ well as support for typing tools like Mypy. The files themselves are
+ statically generated from their source functions within the source tree. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 025a93a..d2df66c 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ install_requires =
tz =
+alembic = *.pyi, py.typed
exclude =
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5186c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import alembic
+from alembic.testing import eq_
+from alembic.testing import skip_if
+from alembic.testing import TestBase
+_home = Path(__file__).parent.parent
+def requirements():
+ try:
+ import black # noqa
+ import zimports # noqa
+ return False
+ except Exception:
+ return True
+def run_command(file):
+ res =
+ [
+ sys.executable,
+ str((_home / "tools" / "").relative_to(_home)),
+ "--stdout",
+ "--file",
+ file,
+ ],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=_home,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+ return res
+class TestStubFiles(TestBase):
+ @skip_if(requirements, "black and zimports are required for this test")
+ def test_op_pyi(self):
+ res = run_command("op")
+ generated = res.stdout
+ expected = Path(alembic.__file__).parent / "op.pyi"
+ eq_(generated, expected.read_text())
+ @skip_if(requirements, "black and zimports are required for this test")
+ def test_context_pyi(self):
+ res = run_command("context")
+ generated = res.stdout
+ expected = Path(alembic.__file__).parent / "context.pyi"
+ eq_(generated, expected.read_text())
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfed09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import sys
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import textwrap
+from mako.pygen import PythonPrinter
+from alembic.operations.base import Operations
+from alembic.runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext
+from alembic.script.write_hooks import console_scripts
+from alembic.util.compat import inspect_formatargspec
+from alembic.util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec
+ "op": {"context", "create_module_class_proxy"},
+ "context": {
+ "config",
+ "create_module_class_proxy",
+ "get_impl",
+ "requires_connection",
+ "script",
+ },
+def generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls: type,
+ progname: str,
+ source_path: Path,
+ destination_path: Path,
+ ignore_output: bool,
+ ignore_items: set,
+ imports = []
+ read_imports = False
+ with open(source_path) as read_file:
+ for line in read_file:
+ if line.startswith("# ### this file stubs are generated by"):
+ read_imports = True
+ elif line.startswith("### end imports ###"):
+ read_imports = False
+ break
+ elif read_imports:
+ imports.append(line.rstrip())
+ with open(destination_path, "w") as buf:
+ printer = PythonPrinter(buf)
+ printer.writeline(
+ f"# ### this file stubs are generated by {progname} - do not edit ###"
+ )
+ for line in imports:
+ buf.write(line + "\n")
+ printer.writeline("### end imports ###")
+ buf.write("\n\n")
+ for name in dir(cls):
+ if name.startswith("_") or name in ignore_items:
+ continue
+ meth = getattr(cls, name)
+ if callable(meth):
+ _generate_stub_for_meth(cls, name, printer)
+ else:
+ _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, printer)
+ printer.close()
+ console_scripts(
+ str(destination_path),
+ {"entrypoint": "zimports", "options": "-e"},
+ ignore_output=ignore_output,
+ )
+ pyproject = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pyproject.toml"
+ console_scripts(
+ str(destination_path),
+ {"entrypoint": "black", "options": f"--config {pyproject}"},
+ ignore_output=ignore_output,
+ )
+def _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, printer):
+ printer.writeline(f"{name}: Any")
+def _generate_stub_for_meth(cls, name, printer):
+ fn = getattr(cls, name)
+ while hasattr(fn, "__wrapped__"):
+ fn = fn.__wrapped__
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
+ name_args = spec[0]
+ assert name_args[0:1] == ["self"] or name_args[0:1] == ["cls"]
+ name_args[0:1] = []
+ def _formatannotation(annotation, base_module=None):
+ if getattr(annotation, "__module__", None) == "typing":
+ retval = repr(annotation).replace("typing.", "")
+ elif isinstance(annotation, type):
+ if annotation.__module__ in ("builtins", base_module):
+ retval = annotation.__qualname__
+ else:
+ retval = annotation.__module__ + "." + annotation.__qualname__
+ else:
+ retval = repr(annotation)
+ retval = re.sub(
+ r'ForwardRef\(([\'"].+?[\'"])\)', lambda m:, retval
+ )
+ retval = re.sub("NoneType", "None", retval)
+ return retval
+ argspec = inspect_formatargspec(
+ *spec, formatvalue=lambda value: "", formatannotation=_formatannotation
+ )
+ func_text = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ def %(name)s%(argspec)s:
+ '''%(doc)s'''
+ """
+ % {
+ "name": name,
+ "argspec": argspec,
+ "doc": fn.__doc__,
+ }
+ )
+ printer.write_indented_block(func_text)
+def run_file(
+ source_path: Path, cls_to_generate: type, stdout: bool, ignore_items: set
+ progname = Path(sys.argv[0]).as_posix()
+ if not stdout:
+ generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls_to_generate,
+ progname,
+ source_path=source_path,
+ destination_path=source_path,
+ ignore_output=False,
+ ignore_items=ignore_items,
+ )
+ else:
+ with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".pyi") as f:
+ f.close()
+ generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls_to_generate,
+ progname,
+ source_path=source_path,
+ ignore_output=True,
+ ignore_items=ignore_items,
+ )
+ f_path = Path(
+ sys.stdout.write(f_path.read_text())
+ f_path.unlink()
+def main(args):
+ location = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "alembic"
+ if args.file in {"all", "op"}:
+ run_file(
+ location / "op.pyi", Operations, args.stdout, IGNORE_ITEMS["op"]
+ )
+ if args.file in {"all", "context"}:
+ run_file(
+ location / "context.pyi",
+ EnvironmentContext,
+ args.stdout,
+ IGNORE_ITEMS["context"],
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--file",
+ choices={"op", "context", "all"},
+ default="all",
+ help="Which file to generate. Default is to regenerate all files",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--stdout",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Write to stdout instead of saving to file",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 20e55ab..5cdbce5 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ deps=pytest>4.6
sqlalchemy: sqlalchemy>=1.3.0
+ zimports
+ black