path: root/docs/build/api
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authorMike Bayer <>2015-07-02 19:31:20 -0400
committerMike Bayer <>2015-07-02 19:31:20 -0400
commitddec68e73711782edabd283614eb90a2da397fad (patch)
tree178836ccccbff01aa9f6f9e36a6872b51616ae6a /docs/build/api
parent4a4e3eb619132f21a0aab30d13ad3736e6ff7c9e (diff)
- reorganize API docs and write a new overview
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+The autogenerate system has two areas of API that are public:
+1. The ability to do a "diff" of a :class:`.MetaData` object against
+ a database, and receive a data structure back. This structure
+ is available either as a rudimentary list of changes, or as
+ a :class:`.MigrateOperation` structure.
+2. The ability to alter how the ``alembic revision`` command generates
+ revision scripts, including support for multiple revision scripts
+ generated in one pass.
+Getting Diffs
+.. autofunction:: alembic.autogenerate.compare_metadata
+.. autofunction:: alembic.autogenerate.produce_migrations
+.. _customizing_revision:
+Customizing Revision Generation
+.. versionadded:: 0.8.0 - the ``alembic revision`` system is now customizable.
+The ``alembic revision`` command, also available programmatically
+via :func:`.command.revision`, essentially produces a single migration
+script after being run. Whether or not the ``--autogenerate`` option
+was specified basically determines if this script is a blank revision
+script with empty ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()`` functions, or was
+produced with alembic operation directives as the result of autogenerate.
+In either case, the system creates a full plan of what is to be done
+in the form of a :class:`.MigrateOperation` structure, which is then
+used to produce the script.
+For example, suppose we ran ``alembic revision --autogenerate``, and the
+end result was that it produced a new revision ``'eced083f5df'``
+with the following contents::
+ """create the organization table."""
+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+ revision = 'eced083f5df'
+ down_revision = 'beafc7d709f'
+ from alembic import op
+ import sqlalchemy as sa
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'organization',
+ sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False)
+ )
+ op.add_column(
+ 'user',
+ sa.Column('organization_id', sa.Integer())
+ )
+ op.create_foreign_key(
+ 'org_fk', 'user', 'organization', ['organization_id'], ['id']
+ )
+ def downgrade():
+ op.drop_constraint('org_fk', 'user')
+ op.drop_column('user', 'organization_id')
+ op.drop_table('organization')
+The above script is generated by a :class:`.MigrateOperation` structure
+that looks like this::
+ from alembic.operations import ops
+ import sqlalchemy as sa
+ migration_script = ops.MigrationScript(
+ 'eced083f5df',
+ ops.UpgradeOps(
+ ops=[
+ ops.CreateTableOp(
+ 'organization',
+ [
+ sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), primary_key=True),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(50), nullable=False)
+ ]
+ ),
+ ops.ModifyTableOps(
+ 'user',
+ ops=[
+ ops.AddColumnOp(
+ 'user',
+ sa.Column('organization_id', sa.Integer())
+ ),
+ ops.CreateForeignKeyOp(
+ 'org_fk', 'user', 'organization',
+ ['organization_id'], ['id']
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ ops.DowngradeOps(
+ ops=[
+ ops.ModifyTableOps(
+ 'user',
+ ops=[
+ ops.DropConstraintOp('org_fk', 'user'),
+ ops.DropColumnOp('user', 'organization_id')
+ ]
+ ),
+ ops.DropTableOp('organization')
+ ]
+ ),
+ message='create the organization table.'
+ )
+When we deal with a :class:`.MigrationScript` structure, we can render
+the upgrade/downgrade sections into strings for debugging purposes
+using the :func:`.render_python_code` helper function::
+ from alembic.autogenerate import render_python_code
+ print(render_python_code(migration_script.upgrade_ops))
+ ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+ op.create_table('organization',
+ sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=50), nullable=False),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
+ )
+ op.add_column('user', sa.Column('organization_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True))
+ op.create_foreign_key('org_fk', 'user', 'organization', ['organization_id'], ['id'])
+ ### end Alembic commands ###
+Given that structures like the above are used to generate new revision
+files, and that we'd like to be able to alter these as they are created,
+we then need a system to access this structure when the
+:func:`.command.revision` command is used. The
+parameter gives us a way to alter this. This is a function that
+is passed the above structure as generated by Alembic, giving us a chance
+to alter it.
+For example, if we wanted to put all the "upgrade" operations into
+a certain branch, and we wanted our script to not have any "downgrade"
+operations at all, we could build an extension as follows, illustrated
+within an ```` script::
+ def process_revision_directives(context, revision, directives):
+ script = directives[0]
+ # set specific branch
+ script.head = "mybranch@head"
+ # erase downgrade operations
+ script.downgrade_ops.ops[:] = []
+ # ...
+ def run_migrations_online():
+ # ...
+ with engine.connect() as connection:
+ context.configure(
+ connection=connection,
+ target_metadata=target_metadata,
+ process_revision_directives=process_revision_directives)
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+Above, the ``directives`` argument is a Python list. We may alter the
+given structure within this list in-place, or replace it with a new
+structure consisting of zero or more :class:`.MigrationScript` directives.
+The :func:`.command.revision` command will then produce scripts corresponding
+to whatever is in this list.
+.. autofunction:: alembic.autogenerate.render_python_code
+Autogenerating Custom Operation Directives
+In the section :ref:`operation_plugins`, we talked about adding new
+subclasses of :class:`.MigrateOperation` in order to add new ``op.``
+directives. In the preceding section :ref:`customizing_revision`, we
+also learned that these same :class:`.MigrateOperation` structures are at
+the base of how the autogenerate system knows what Python code to render.
+How to connect these two systems, so that our own custom operation
+directives can be used? First off, we'd probably be implementing
+a :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.process_revision_directives`
+plugin as described previously, so that we can add our own directives
+to the autogenerate stream. What if we wanted to add our ``CreateSequenceOp``
+to the autogenerate structure? We basically need to define an autogenerate
+renderer for it, as follows::
+ # note: this is a continuation of the example from the
+ # "Operation Plugins" section
+ from alembic.autogenerate import renderers
+ @renderers.dispatch_for(CreateSequenceOp)
+ def render_create_sequence(autogen_context, op):
+ return "op.create_sequence(%r, **%r)" % (
+ op.sequence_name,
+ )
+With our render function established, we can our ``CreateSequenceOp``
+generated in an autogenerate context using the :func:`.render_python_code`
+debugging function in conjunction with an :class:`.UpgradeOps` structure::
+ from alembic.operations import ops
+ from alembic.autogenerate import render_python_code
+ upgrade_ops = ops.UpgradeOps(
+ ops=[
+ CreateSequenceOp("my_seq")
+ ]
+ )
+ print(render_python_code(upgrade_ops))
+Which produces::
+ ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+ op.create_sequence('my_seq', **{})
+ ### end Alembic commands ###
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+Alembic commands are all represented by functions in the :mod:`alembic.command`
+package. They all accept the same style of usage, being sent
+the :class:`~.alembic.config.Config` object as the first argument.
+Commands can be run programmatically, by first constructing a :class:`.Config`
+object, as in::
+ from alembic.config import Config
+ from alembic import command
+ alembic_cfg = Config("/path/to/yourapp/alembic.ini")
+ command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, "head")
+In many cases, and perhaps more often than not, an application will wish
+to call upon a series of Alembic commands and/or other features. It is
+usually a good idea to link multiple commands along a single connection
+and transaction, if feasible. This can be achieved using the
+:attr:`.Config.attributes` dictionary in order to share a connection::
+ with engine.begin() as connection:
+ alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection
+ command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, "head")
+This recipe requires that ```` consumes this connection argument;
+see the example in :ref:`connection_sharing` for details.
+To write small API functions that make direct use of database and script directory
+information, rather than just running one of the built-in commands,
+use the :class:`.ScriptDirectory` and :class:`.MigrationContext`
+classes directly.
+.. currentmodule:: alembic.command
+.. automodule:: alembic.command
+ :members:
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+The :class:`.Config` object represents the configuration
+passed to the Alembic environment. From an API usage perspective,
+it is needed for the following use cases:
+* to create a :class:`.ScriptDirectory`, which allows you to work
+ with the actual script files in a migration environment
+* to create an :class:`.EnvironmentContext`, which allows you to
+ actually run the ```` module within the migration environment
+* to programatically run any of the commands in the :mod:`alembic.command`
+ module.
+The :class:`.Config` is *not* needed for these cases:
+* to instantiate a :class:`.MigrationContext` directly - this object
+ only needs a SQLAlchemy connection or dialect name.
+* to instantiate a :class:`.Operations` object - this object only
+ needs a :class:`.MigrationContext`.
+.. currentmodule:: alembic.config
+.. automodule:: alembic.config
+ :members:
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+DDL Internals
+These are some of the constructs used to generate migration
+instructions. The APIs here build off of the :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement`
+and :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiler` systems.
+For programmatic usage of Alembic's migration directives, the easiest
+route is to use the higher level functions given by :mod:`alembic.operations`.
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.base
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.impl
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.mysql
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.mssql
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.postgresql
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: alembic.ddl.sqlite
+ :members:
+ :undoc-members:
+ :show-inheritance:
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+The Environment Context
+The :class:`.EnvironmentContext` class provides most of the
+API used within an ```` script. Within ````,
+the instantated :class:`.EnvironmentContext` is made available
+via a special *proxy module* called ``alembic.context``. That is,
+you can import ``alembic.context`` like a regular Python module,
+and each name you call upon it is ultimately routed towards the
+current :class:`.EnvironmentContext` in use.
+In particular, the key method used within ```` is :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`,
+which establishes all the details about how the database will be accessed.
+.. automodule:: alembic.runtime.environment
+ :members: EnvironmentContext
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+.. _api:
+API Details
+Alembic's internal API has many public integration points that can be used
+to extend Alembic's functionality as well as to re-use its functionality
+in new ways. As the project has grown, more APIs are created and exposed
+for this purpose.
+Direct use of the vast majority of API details discussed here is not needed
+for rudimentary use of Alembic; the only API that is used normally by end users is
+the methods provided by the :class:`.Operations` class, which is discussed
+outside of this subsection, and the parameters that can be passed to
+the :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` method, used when configuring
+one's ```` environment. However, real-world applications will
+usually end up using more of the internal API, in particular being able
+to run commands programmatically, as discussed in the section :doc:`api/commands`.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ overview
+ environment
+ migration
+ config
+ commands
+ operations
+ autogenerate
+ script
+ ddl
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+The Migration Context
+.. automodule:: alembic.runtime.migration
+ :members: MigrationContext
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+The Operations Object
+Within migration scripts, actual database migration operations are handled
+via an instance of :class:`.Operations`. The :class:`.Operations` class
+lists out available migration operations that are linked to a
+:class:`.MigrationContext`, which communicates instructions originated
+by the :class:`.Operations` object into SQL that is sent to a database or SQL
+output stream.
+Most methods on the :class:`.Operations` class are generated dynamically
+using a "plugin" system, described in the next section
+:ref:`operation_plugins`. Additionally, when Alembic migration scripts
+actually run, the methods on the current :class:`.Operations` object are
+proxied out to the :mod:`alembic.op` module, so that they are available
+using module-style access.
+For an overview of how to use an :class:`.Operations` object directly
+in programs, as well as for reference to the standard operation methods
+as well as "batch" methods, see :ref:`ops`.
+.. _operation_plugins:
+Operation Plugins
+The Operations object is extensible using a plugin system. This system
+allows one to add new ``op.<some_operation>`` methods at runtime. The
+steps to use this system are to first create a subclass of
+:class:`.MigrateOperation`, register it using the :meth:`.Operations.register_operation`
+class decorator, then build a default "implementation" function which is
+established using the :meth:`.Operations.implementation_for` decorator.
+.. versionadded:: 0.8.0 - the :class:`.Operations` class is now an
+ open namespace that is extensible via the creation of new
+ :class:`.MigrateOperation` subclasses.
+Below we illustrate a very simple operation ``CreateSequenceOp`` which
+will implement a new method ``op.create_sequence()`` for use in
+migration scripts::
+ from alembic.operations import Operations, MigrateOperation
+ @Operations.register_operation("create_sequence")
+ class CreateSequenceOp(MigrateOperation):
+ """Create a SEQUENCE."""
+ def __init__(self, sequence_name, **kw):
+ self.sequence_name = sequence_name
+ = kw
+ @classmethod
+ def create_sequence(cls, operations, sequence_name, **kw):
+ """Issue a "CREATE SEQUENCE" instruction."""
+ op = CreateSequenceOp(sequence_name, **kw)
+ return operations.invoke(op)
+Above, the ``CreateSequenceOp`` class represents a new operation that will
+be available as ``op.create_sequence()``. The reason the operation
+is represented as a stateful class is so that an operation and a specific
+set of arguments can be represented generically; the state can then correspond
+to different kinds of operations, such as invoking the instruction against
+a database, or autogenerating Python code for the operation into a
+In order to establish the migrate-script behavior of the new operation,
+we use the :meth:`.Operations.implementation_for` decorator::
+ @Operations.implementation_for(CreateSequenceOp)
+ def create_sequence(operations, operation):
+ operations.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE %s" % operation.sequence_name)
+Above, we use the simplest possible technique of invoking our DDL, which
+is just to call :meth:`.Operations.execute` with literal SQL. If this is
+all a custom operation needs, then this is fine. However, options for
+more comprehensive support include building out a custom SQL construct,
+as documented at :ref:`sqlalchemy.ext.compiles`.
+With the above two steps, a migration script can now use a new method
+``op.create_sequence()`` that will proxy to our object as a classmethod::
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_sequence("my_sequence")
+The registration of new operations only needs to occur in time for the
+```` script to invoke :meth:`.MigrationContext.run_migrations`;
+within the module level of the ```` script is sufficient.
+.. versionadded:: 0.8 - the migration operations available via the
+ :class:`.Operations` class as well as the :mod:`alembic.op` namespace
+ is now extensible using a plugin system.
+.. _operation_objects:
+Built-in Operation Objects
+The migration operations present on :class:`.Operations` are themselves
+delivered via operation objects that represent an operation and its
+arguments. All operations descend from the :class:`.MigrateOperation`
+class, and are registered with the :class:`.Operations` class using
+the :meth:`.Operations.register_operation` class decorator. The
+:class:`.MigrateOperation` objects also serve as the basis for how the
+autogenerate system renders new migration scripts.
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`operation_plugins`
+ :ref:`customizing_revision`
+The built-in operation objects are listed below.
+.. automodule:: alembic.operations.ops
+ :members:
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+A visualization of the primary features of Alembic's internals is presented
+in the following figure. The module and class boxes do not list out
+all the operations provided by each unit; only a small set of representative
+elements intended to convey the primary purpose of each system.
+.. image:: api_overview.png
+The script runner for Alembic is present in the :mod:`alembic.config` module.
+This module produces a :class:`.Config` object and passes it to the
+appropriate function in :mod:`alembic.command`. Functions within
+:mod:`alembic.command` will typically instantiate an
+:class:`.ScriptDirectory` instance, which represents the collection of
+version files, and an :class:`.EnvironmentContext`, which represents a
+configurational object passed to the environment's ```` script.
+Within the execution of ````, a :class:`.MigrationContext`
+object is produced when the :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`
+method is called. :class:`.MigrationContext` is the gateway to the database
+for other parts of the application, and produces a :class:`.DefaultImpl`
+object which does the actual database communication, and knows how to
+create the specific SQL text of the various DDL directives such as
+ALTER TABLE; :class:`.DefaultImpl` has subclasses that are per-database-backend.
+In "offline" mode (e.g. ``--sql``), the :class:`.MigrationContext` will
+produce SQL to a file output stream instead of a database.
+During an upgrade or downgrade operation, a specific series of migration
+scripts are invoked starting with the :class:`.MigrationContext` in conjunction
+with the :class:`.ScriptDirectory`; the actual scripts themselves make use
+of the :class:`.Operations` object, which provide the end-user interface to
+specific database operations. The :class:`.Operations` object is generated
+based on a series of "operation directive" objects that are user-extensible,
+and start out in the :mod:`alembic.operations.ops` module.
+Another prominent feature of Alembic is the "autogenerate" feature, which
+produces new migration scripts that contain Python code. The autogenerate
+feature starts in :mod:`alembic.autogenerate`, and is used exclusively
+by the :func:`.alembic.command.revision` command when the ``--autogenerate``
+flag is passed. Autogenerate refers to the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+and :class:`.DefaultImpl` in order to access database connectivity and
+access per-backend rules for autogenerate comparisons. It also makes use
+of :mod:`alembic.operations.ops` in order to represent the operations that
+it will render into scripts.
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+Script Directory
+The :class:`.ScriptDirectory` object provides programmatic access
+to the Alembic version files present in the filesystem.
+.. automodule:: alembic.script
+ :members:
+The :class:`.RevisionMap` object serves as the basis for revision
+management, used exclusively by :class:`.ScriptDirectory`.
+.. automodule:: alembic.script.revision
+ :members: