0.4.0 ===== - [feature] Support for tables in alternate schemas has been added fully to all operations, as well as to the autogenerate feature. When using autogenerate, specifying the flag include_schemas=True to Environment.configure() will also cause autogenerate to scan all schemas located by Inspector.get_schema_names(), which is supported by *some* (but not all) SQLAlchemy dialects including Postgresql. *Enormous* thanks to Bruno Binet for a huge effort in implementing as well as writing tests. #33. - [feature] The command line runner has been organized into a reusable CommandLine object, so that other front-ends can re-use the argument parsing built in. #70 - [feature] Added "stdout" option to Config, provides control over where the "print" output of commands like "history", "init", "current" etc. are sent. #43 - [bug] Fixed the "multidb" template which was badly out of date. It now generates revision files using the configuration to determine the different upgrade_() methods needed as well, instead of needing to hardcode these. Huge thanks to BryceLohr for doing the heavy lifting here. #71 - [bug] Fixed the regexp that was checking for .py files in the version directory to allow any .py file through. Previously it was doing some kind of defensive checking, probably from some early notions of how this directory works, that was prohibiting various filename patterns such as those which begin with numbers. #72 - [bug] Fixed MySQL rendering for server_default which didn't work if the server_default was a generated SQL expression. Courtesy Moriyoshi Koizumi. - [feature] Added support for alteration of MySQL columns that have AUTO_INCREMENT, as well as enabling this flag. Courtesy Moriyoshi Koizumi. 0.3.6 ===== - [feature] Added include_symbol option to EnvironmentContext.configure(), specifies a callable which will include/exclude tables in their entirety from the autogeneration process based on name. #27 - [feature] Added year, month, day, hour, minute, second variables to file_template. #59 - [feature] Added 'primary' to the list of constraint types recognized for MySQL drop_constraint(). - [feature] Added --sql argument to the "revision" command, for the use case where the "revision_environment" config option is being used but SQL access isn't desired. - [bug] Repaired create_foreign_key() for self-referential foreign keys, which weren't working at all. - [bug] 'alembic' command reports an informative error message when the configuration is missing the 'script_directory' key. #63 - [bug] Fixes made to the constraints created/dropped alongside so-called "schema" types such as Boolean and Enum. The create/drop constraint logic does not kick in when using a dialect that doesn't use constraints for these types, such as postgresql, even when existing_type is specified to alter_column(). Additionally, the constraints are not affected if existing_type is passed but type_ is not, i.e. there's no net change in type. #62 - [bug] Improved error message when specifiying non-ordered revision identifiers to cover the case when the "higher" rev is None, improved message overall. #66 0.3.5 ===== - [bug] Fixed issue whereby reflected server defaults wouldn't be quoted correctly; uses repr() now. #31 - [bug] Fixed issue whereby when autogenerate would render create_table() on the upgrade side for a table that has a Boolean type, an unnecessary CheckConstraint() would be generated. #58 - [feature] Implemented SQL rendering for CheckConstraint() within autogenerate upgrade, including for literal SQL as well as SQL Expression Language expressions. 0.3.4 ===== - [bug] Fixed command-line bug introduced by the "revision_environment" feature. 0.3.3 ===== NOTE: 0.3.3 was released with a command line bug, so please skip right to 0.3.4 - [feature] New config argument "revision_environment=true", causes env.py to be run unconditionally when the "revision" command is run, to support script.py.mako templates with dependencies on custom "template_args". - [feature] Added "template_args" option to configure() so that an env.py can add additional arguments to the template context when running the "revision" command. This requires either --autogenerate or the configuration directive "revision_environment=true". - [bug] Added "type" argument to op.drop_constraint(), and implemented full constraint drop support for MySQL. CHECK and undefined raise an error. MySQL needs the constraint type in order to emit a DROP CONSTRAINT. #44 - [feature] Added version_table argument to EnvironmentContext.configure(), allowing for the configuration of the version table name. #34 - [feature] Added support for "relative" migration identifiers, i.e. "alembic upgrade +2", "alembic downgrade -1". Courtesy Atsushi Odagiri for this feature. - [bug] Fixed bug whereby directories inside of the template directories, such as __pycache__ on Pypy, would mistakenly be interpreted as files which are part of the template. #49 0.3.2 ===== - [feature] Basic support for Oracle added, courtesy shgoh. #40 - [feature] Added support for UniqueConstraint in autogenerate, courtesy Atsushi Odagiri - [bug] Fixed support of schema-qualified ForeignKey target in column alter operations, courtesy Alexander Kolov. - [bug] Fixed bug whereby create_unique_constraint() would include in the constraint columns that are added to all Table objects using events, externally to the generation of the constraint. 0.3.1 ===== - [bug] bulk_insert() fixes: 1. bulk_insert() operation was not working most likely since the 0.2 series when used with an engine. #41 2. Repaired bulk_insert() to complete when used against a lower-case-t table and executing with only one set of parameters, working around SQLAlchemy bug #2461 in this regard. 3. bulk_insert() uses "inline=True" so that phrases like RETURNING and such don't get invoked for single-row bulk inserts. 4. bulk_insert() will check that you're passing a list of dictionaries in, raises TypeError if not detected. 0.3.0 ===== - [general] The focus of 0.3 is to clean up and more fully document the public API of Alembic, including better accessors on the MigrationContext and ScriptDirectory objects. Methods that are not considered to be public on these objects have been underscored, and methods which should be public have been cleaned up and documented, including: MigrationContext.get_current_revision() ScriptDirectory.iterate_revisions() ScriptDirectory.get_current_head() ScriptDirectory.get_heads() ScriptDirectory.get_base() ScriptDirectory.generate_revision() - [feature] Added a bit of autogenerate to the public API in the form of the function alembic.autogenerate.compare_metadata. 0.2.2 ===== - [feature] Informative error message when op.XYZ directives are invoked at module import time. - [bug] Fixed inappropriate direct call to util.err() and therefore sys.exit() when Config failed to locate the config file within library usage. [#35] - [bug] Autogenerate will emit CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE directives according to foreign key dependency order. - [bug] implement 'tablename' parameter on drop_index() as this is needed by some backends. - [feature] Added execution_options parameter to op.execute(), will call execution_options() on the Connection before executing. The immediate use case here is to allow access to the new no_parameters option in SQLAlchemy 0.7.6, which allows some DBAPIs (psycopg2, MySQLdb) to allow percent signs straight through without escaping, thus providing cross-compatible operation with DBAPI execution and static script generation. - [bug] setup.py won't install argparse if on Python 2.7/3.2 - [feature] script_location can be interpreted by pkg_resources.resource_filename(), if it is a non-absolute URI that contains colons. This scheme is the same one used by Pyramid. [#29] - [feature] added missing support for onupdate/ondelete flags for ForeignKeyConstraint, courtesy Giacomo Bagnoli - [bug] fixed a regression regarding an autogenerate error message, as well as various glitches in the Pylons sample template. The Pylons sample template requires that you tell it where to get the Engine from now. courtesy Marcin Kuzminski [#30] - [bug] drop_index() ensures a dummy column is added when it calls "Index", as SQLAlchemy 0.7.6 will warn on index with no column names. 0.2.1 ===== - [bug] Fixed the generation of CHECK constraint, regression from 0.2.0 [#26] 0.2.0 ===== - [feature] API rearrangement allows everything Alembic does to be represented by contextual objects, including EnvironmentContext, MigrationContext, and Operations. Other libraries and applications can now use things like "alembic.op" without relying upon global configuration variables. The rearrangement was done such that existing migrations should be OK, as long as they use the pattern of "from alembic import context" and "from alembic import op", as these are now contextual objects, not modules. [#19] - [feature] The naming of revision files can now be customized to be some combination of "rev id" and "slug", the latter of which is based on the revision message. By default, the pattern "_" is used for new files. New script files should include the "revision" variable for this to work, which is part of the newer script.py.mako scripts. [#24] - [bug] env.py templates call connection.close() to better support programmatic usage of commands; use NullPool in conjunction with create_engine() as well so that no connection resources remain afterwards. [#25] - [bug] fix the config.main() function to honor the arguments passed, remove no longer used "scripts/alembic" as setuptools creates this for us. [#22] - [bug] Fixed alteration of column type on MSSQL to not include the keyword "TYPE". - [feature] Can create alembic.config.Config with no filename, use set_main_option() to add values. Also added set_section_option() which will add sections. [#23] 0.1.1 ===== - [bug] Clean up file write operations so that file handles are closed. - [feature] PyPy is supported. - [feature] Python 2.5 is supported, needs __future__.with_statement - [bug] Fix autogenerate so that "pass" is generated between the two comments if no net migrations were present. - [bug] Fix autogenerate bug that prevented correct reflection of a foreign-key referenced table in the list of "to remove". [#16] - [bug] Fix bug where create_table() didn't handle self-referential foreign key correctly [#17] - [bug] Default prefix for autogenerate directives is "op.", matching the mako templates. [#18] - [feature] Add alembic_module_prefix argument to configure() to complement sqlalchemy_module_prefix. [#18] - [bug] fix quotes not being rendered in ForeignKeConstraint during autogenerate [#14] 0.1.0 ===== - Initial release. Status of features: - Alembic is used in at least one production environment, but should still be considered ALPHA LEVEL SOFTWARE as of this release, particularly in that many features are expected to be missing / unimplemented. Major API changes are not anticipated but for the moment nothing should be assumed. The author asks that you *please* report all issues, missing features, workarounds etc. to the bugtracker, at https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/alembic/issues/new . - Python 3 is supported and has been tested. - The "Pylons" and "MultiDB" environment templates have not been directly tested - these should be considered to be samples to be modified as needed. Multiple database support itself is well tested, however. - Postgresql and MS SQL Server environments have been tested for several weeks in a production environment. In particular, some involved workarounds were implemented to allow fully-automated dropping of default- or constraint-holding columns with SQL Server. - MySQL support has also been implemented to a basic degree, including MySQL's awkward style of modifying columns being accommodated. - Other database environments not included among those three have *not* been tested, *at all*. This includes Firebird, Oracle, Sybase. Adding support for these backends should be straightforward. Please report all missing/ incorrect behaviors to the bugtracker! Patches are welcome here but are optional - please just indicate the exact format expected by the target database. - SQLite, as a backend, has almost no support for schema alterations to existing databases. The author would strongly recommend that SQLite not be used in a migration context - just dump your SQLite database into an intermediary format, then dump it back into a new schema. For dev environments, the dev installer should be building the whole DB from scratch. Or just use Postgresql, which is a much better database for non-trivial schemas. Requests for full ALTER support on SQLite should be reported to SQLite's bug tracker at http://www.sqlite.org/src/wiki?name=Bug+Reports, as Alembic will not be implementing the "rename the table to a temptable then copy the data into a new table" workaround. Note that Alembic will at some point offer an extensible API so that you can implement commands like this yourself. - Well-tested directives include add/drop table, add/drop column, including support for SQLAlchemy "schema" types which generate additional CHECK constraints, i.e. Boolean, Enum. Other directives not included here have *not* been strongly tested in production, i.e. rename table, etc. - Both "online" and "offline" migrations, the latter being generated SQL scripts to hand off to a DBA, have been strongly production tested against Postgresql and SQL Server. - Modify column type, default status, nullable, is functional and tested across PG, MSSQL, MySQL, but not yet widely tested in production usage. - Many migrations are still outright missing, i.e. create/add sequences, etc. As a workaround, execute() can be used for those which are missing, though posting of tickets for new features/missing behaviors is strongly encouraged. - Autogenerate feature is implemented and has been tested, though only a little bit in a production setting. In particular, detection of type and server default changes are optional and are off by default; they can also be customized by a callable. Both features work but can have surprises particularly the disparity between BIT/TINYINT and boolean, which hasn't yet been worked around, as well as format changes performed by the database on defaults when it reports back. When enabled, the PG dialect will execute the two defaults to be compared to see if they are equivalent. Other backends may need to do the same thing. The autogenerate feature only generates "candidate" commands which must be hand-tailored in any case, so is still a useful feature and is safe to use. Please report missing/broken features of autogenerate! This will be a great feature and will also improve SQLAlchemy's reflection services. - Support for non-ASCII table, column and constraint names is mostly nonexistent. This is also a straightforward feature add as SQLAlchemy itself supports unicode identifiers; Alembic itself will likely need fixes to logging, column identification by key, etc. for full support here. - Support for tables in remote schemas, i.e. "schemaname.tablename", is very poor. Missing "schema" behaviors should be reported as tickets, though in the author's experience, migrations typically proceed only within the default schema.