0.1.0 ===== - Initial release. Status of features: - Alembic is used in at least one production environment, but should still be considered ALPHA LEVEL SOFTWARE as of this release, particularly in that many features are expected to be missing / unimplemented. Major API changes are not anticipated but for the moment nothing should be assumed. The author asks that you *please* report all issues, missing features, workarounds etc. to the bugtracker, at https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/alembic/issues/new . - Python 3 is supported and has been tested. - The "Pylons" and "MultiDB" environment templates have not been directly tested - these should be considered to be samples to be modified as needed. Multiple database support itself is well tested, however. - Postgresql and MS SQL Server environments have been tested for several weeks in a production environment. In particular, some involved workarounds were implemented to allow fully-automated dropping of default- or constraint-holding columns with SQL Server. - MySQL support has also been implemented to a basic degree, including MySQL's awkward style of modifying columns being accommodated. - Other database environments not included among those three have *not* been tested, *at all*. This includes Firebird, Oracle, Sybase. Adding support for these backends should be straightforward. Please report all missing/ incorrect behaviors to the bugtracker! Patches are welcome here but are optional - please just indicate the exact format expected by the target database. - SQLite, as a backend, has almost no support for schema alterations to existing databases. The author would strongly recommend that SQLite not be used in a migration context - just dump your SQLite database into an intermediary format, then dump it back into a new schema. For dev environments, the dev installer should be building the whole DB from scratch. Or just use Postgresql, which is a much better database for non-trivial schemas. Requests for full ALTER support on SQLite should be reported to SQLite's bug tracker at http://www.sqlite.org/src/wiki?name=Bug+Reports, as Alembic will not be implementing the "rename the table to a temptable then copy the data into a new table" workaround. Note that Alembic will at some point offer an extensible API so that you can implement commands like this yourself. - Well-tested directives include add/drop table, add/drop column, including support for SQLAlchemy "schema" types which generate additional CHECK constraints, i.e. Boolean, Enum. Other directives not included here have *not* been strongly tested in production, i.e. rename table, etc. - Both "online" and "offline" migrations, the latter being generated SQL scripts to hand off to a DBA, have been strongly production tested against Postgresql and SQL Server. - Modify column type, default status, nullable, is functional and tested across PG, MSSQL, MySQL, but not yet widely tested in production usage. - Many migrations are still outright missing, i.e. create/add sequences, etc. As a workaround, execute() can be used for those which are missing, though posting of tickets for new features/missing behaviors is strongly encouraged. - Autogenerate feature is implemented and has been tested, though only a little bit in a production setting. In particular, detection of type and server default changes are optional and are off by default; they can also be customized by a callable. Both features work but can have surprises particularly the disparity between BIT/TINYINT and boolean, which hasn't yet been worked around, as well as format changes performed by the database on defaults when it reports back. When enabled, the PG dialect will execute the two defaults to be compared to see if they are equivalent. Other backends may need to do the same thing. The autogenerate feature only generates "candidate" commands which must be hand-tailored in any case, so is still a useful feature and is safe to use. Please report missing/broken features of autogenerate! This will be a great feature and will also improve SQLAlchemy's reflection services. - Support for non-ASCII table, column and constraint names is mostly nonexistent. This is also a straightforward feature add as SQLAlchemy itself supports unicode identifiers; Alembic itself will likely need fixes to logging, column identification by key, etc. for full support here. - Support for tables in remote schemas, i.e. "schemaname.tablename", is very poor. Missing "schema" behaviors should be reported as tickets, though in the author's experience, migrations typically proceed only within the default schema.