from __future__ import with_statement from sqlalchemy.engine import url, default import shutil import os import itertools from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text, MetaData from alembic import util from alembic.migration import MigrationContext from alembic.environment import EnvironmentContext import re import alembic from alembic.operations import Operations from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory, Script from alembic import ddl import StringIO from alembic.ddl.impl import _impls import ConfigParser from nose import SkipTest from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError from sqlalchemy.util import decorator import shutil import textwrap staging_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'scratch') files_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'files') testing_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()['test.cfg']) def sqlite_db(): # sqlite caches table pragma info # per connection, so create a new # engine for each assertion dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts') return create_engine('sqlite:///%s/foo.db' % dir_) def capture_db(): buf = [] def dump(sql, *multiparams, **params): buf.append(str(sql.compile(dialect=engine.dialect))) engine = create_engine("postgresql://", strategy="mock", executor=dump) return engine, buf _engs = {} def db_for_dialect(name): if name in _engs: return _engs[name] else: try: cfg = testing_config.get("db", name) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: raise SkipTest("No dialect %r in test.cfg" % name) try: eng = create_engine(cfg, echo=True) except ImportError, er1: raise SkipTest("Can't import DBAPI: %s" % er1) try: conn = eng.connect() except SQLAlchemyError, er2: raise SkipTest("Can't connect to database: %s" % er2) _engs[name] = eng return eng @decorator def requires_07(fn, *arg, **kw): if not util.sqla_07: raise SkipTest("SQLAlchemy 0.7 required") return fn(*arg, **kw) _dialects = {} def _get_dialect(name): if name is None or name == 'default': return default.DefaultDialect() else: try: return _dialects[name] except KeyError: dialect_mod = getattr(__import__('sqlalchemy.dialects.%s' % name).dialects, name) _dialects[name] = d = dialect_mod.dialect() if name == 'postgresql': d.implicit_returning = True return d def assert_compiled(element, assert_string, dialect=None): dialect = _get_dialect(dialect) eq_( unicode(element.compile(dialect=dialect)).\ replace("\n", "").replace("\t", ""), assert_string.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") ) def capture_context_buffer(**kw): buf = StringIO.StringIO() class capture(object): def __enter__(self): EnvironmentContext._default_opts = { 'dialect_name':"sqlite", 'output_buffer':buf } EnvironmentContext._default_opts.update(kw) return buf def __exit__(self, *arg, **kwarg): print buf.getvalue() EnvironmentContext._default_opts = None return capture() def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None): a = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", a) a = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", a) b = re.sub(r'^\s+?|\n', "", b) b = re.sub(r' {2,}', " ", b) assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def eq_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a == b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b) def ne_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a != b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a != b, msg or "%r == %r" % (a, b) def is_(a, b, msg=None): """Assert a is b, with repr messaging on failure.""" assert a is b, msg or "%r is not %r" % (a, b) def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs): try: callable_(*args, **kwargs) assert False, "Callable did not raise an exception" except except_cls, e: assert, str(e)), "%r !~ %s" % (msg, e) print str(e) def op_fixture(dialect='default', as_sql=False): impl = _impls[dialect] class Impl(impl): def __init__(self, dialect, as_sql): self.assertion = [] self.dialect = dialect self.as_sql = as_sql # TODO: this might need to # be more like a real connection # as tests get more involved self.connection = None def _exec(self, construct, *args, **kw): if isinstance(construct, basestring): construct = text(construct) sql = unicode(construct.compile(dialect=self.dialect)) sql = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', sql) self.assertion.append( sql ) class ctx(MigrationContext): def __init__(self, dialect='default', as_sql=False): self.dialect = _get_dialect(dialect) self.impl = Impl(self.dialect, as_sql) self.as_sql = as_sql def assert_(self, *sql): # TODO: make this more flexible about # whitespace and such eq_(self.impl.assertion, list(sql)) def assert_contains(self, sql): for stmt in self.impl.assertion: if sql in stmt: return else: assert False, "Could not locate fragment %r in %r" % ( sql, self.impl.assertion ) context = ctx(dialect, as_sql) alembic.op._proxy = Operations(context) return context def env_file_fixture(txt): dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts') txt = """ from alembic import context config = context.config """ + txt path = os.path.join(dir_, "") pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK): os.unlink(pyc_path) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(txt) def _sqlite_testing_config(): dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts') return _write_config_file(""" [alembic] script_location = %s sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%s/foo.db [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % (dir_, dir_)) def _no_sql_testing_config(dialect="postgresql"): """use a postgresql url with no host so that connections guaranteed to fail""" dir_ = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts') return _write_config_file(""" [alembic] script_location = %s sqlalchemy.url = %s:// [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % (dir_, dialect)) def _write_config_file(text): cfg = _testing_config() with open(cfg.config_file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(text) return cfg def _testing_config(): from alembic.config import Config if not os.access(staging_directory, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(staging_directory) return Config(os.path.join(staging_directory, 'test_alembic.ini')) def staging_env(create=True, template="generic"): from alembic import command, script cfg = _testing_config() if create: path = os.path.join(staging_directory, 'scripts') if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) command.init(cfg, path) sc = script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg) return sc def clear_staging_env(): shutil.rmtree(staging_directory, True) def write_script(scriptdir, rev_id, content): old = scriptdir._revision_map[rev_id] path = old.path with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(textwrap.dedent(content)) pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) if os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK): os.unlink(pyc_path) script = Script._from_path(path) old = scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision] if old.down_revision != script.down_revision: raise Exception("Can't change down_revision " "on a refresh operation.") scriptdir._revision_map[script.revision] = script script.nextrev = old.nextrev def three_rev_fixture(cfg): a = util.rev_id() b = util.rev_id() c = util.rev_id() script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg) script.generate_revision(a, "revision a", refresh=True) write_script(script, a, """ revision = '%s' down_revision = None from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 1") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 1") """ % a) script.generate_revision(b, "revision b", refresh=True) write_script(script, b, """ revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 2") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 2") """ % (b, a)) script.generate_revision(c, "revision c", refresh=True) write_script(script, c, """ revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 3") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 3") """ % (c, b)) return a, b, c