from sqlalchemy import exc as sqla_exc from sqlalchemy import text from alembic.testing import exclusions from alembic.testing.requirements import SuiteRequirements from alembic.util import compat from alembic.util import sqla_compat class DefaultRequirements(SuiteRequirements): @property def unicode_string(self): return exclusions.skip_if(["oracle"]) @property def alter_column(self): return exclusions.skip_if(["sqlite"], "no ALTER COLUMN support") @property def schemas(self): """Target database must support external schemas, and have one named 'test_schema'.""" return exclusions.skip_if(["sqlite", "firebird"], "no schema support") @property def no_referential_integrity(self): """test will fail if referential integrity is enforced""" return exclusions.fails_on_everything_except("sqlite") @property def non_native_boolean(self): """test will fail if native boolean is provided""" return exclusions.fails_if( exclusions.LambdaPredicate( lambda config: config.db.dialect.supports_native_boolean ) ) @property def non_native_boolean_check_constraint(self): """backend creates a check constraint for booleans if enabled""" return exclusions.only_on( exclusions.LambdaPredicate( lambda config: not config.db.dialect.supports_native_boolean and config.db.dialect.non_native_boolean_check_constraint ) ) @property def check_constraints_w_enforcement(self): return exclusions.fails_on(["mysql", "mariadb"]) @property def unnamed_constraints(self): """constraints without names are supported.""" return exclusions.only_on(["sqlite"]) @property def fk_names(self): """foreign key constraints always have names in the DB""" return exclusions.fails_on("sqlite") @property def reflects_fk_options(self): return @property def fk_initially(self): """backend supports INITIALLY option in foreign keys""" return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql"]) @property def fk_deferrable(self): """backend supports DEFERRABLE option in foreign keys""" return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql", "oracle"]) @property def fk_deferrable_is_reflected(self): return self.fk_deferrable + exclusions.fails_on("oracle") @property def fk_ondelete_restrict(self): return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql", "sqlite", "mysql"]) @property def fk_onupdate_restrict(self): return self.fk_onupdate + exclusions.fails_on(["mssql"]) @property def fk_ondelete_noaction(self): return exclusions.only_on( ["postgresql", "mysql", "mariadb", "sqlite", "mssql"] ) @property def fk_ondelete_is_reflected(self): def go(config): if exclusions.against(config, "mssql"): return not sqla_compat.sqla_14_26 else: return False return exclusions.fails_if(go) @property def fk_onupdate_is_reflected(self): def go(config): if exclusions.against(config, "mssql"): return not sqla_compat.sqla_14_26 else: return False return self.fk_onupdate + exclusions.fails_if(go) @property def fk_onupdate(self): return exclusions.only_on( ["postgresql", "mysql", "mariadb", "sqlite", "mssql"] ) @property def reflects_unique_constraints_unambiguously(self): return exclusions.fails_on(["mysql", "mariadb", "oracle", "mssql"]) @property def reports_unique_constraints_as_indexes(self): return exclusions.only_on(["mysql", "mariadb", "oracle"]) @property def reports_unnamed_constraints(self): return exclusions.skip_if(["sqlite"]) @property def reflects_indexes_w_sorting(self): # TODO: figure out what's happening on the SQLAlchemy side # when we reflect an index that has asc() / desc() on the column # Tracked by return exclusions.fails_on(["oracle"]) @property def reflects_indexes_column_sorting(self): "Actually reflect column_sorting on the indexes" return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql"]) @property def long_names(self): if sqla_compat.sqla_14: return exclusions.skip_if("oracle<18") else: return exclusions.skip_if("oracle") @property def reflects_pk_names(self): """Target driver reflects the name of primary key constraints.""" return exclusions.fails_on_everything_except( "postgresql", "oracle", "mssql", "sybase", "sqlite" ) @property def datetime_timezone(self): """target dialect supports timezone with datetime types.""" return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql"]) @property def postgresql(self): return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql"]) @property def mysql(self): return exclusions.only_on(["mysql", "mariadb"]) @property def oracle(self): return exclusions.only_on(["oracle"]) @property def mssql(self): return exclusions.only_on(["mssql"]) @property def covering_indexes(self): return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql >= 11", "mssql"]) @property def postgresql_uuid_ossp(self): def check_uuid_ossp(config): if not exclusions.against(config, "postgresql"): return False try: config.db.execute("SELECT uuid_generate_v4()") return True except: return False return exclusions.only_if(check_uuid_ossp) def _has_pg_extension(self, name): def check(config): if not exclusions.against(config, "postgresql"): return False with config.db.connect() as conn: count = conn.scalar( text( "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_extension " "WHERE extname='%s'" % name ) ) return bool(count) return exclusions.only_if(check, "needs %s extension" % name) @property def hstore(self): return self._has_pg_extension("hstore") @property def btree_gist(self): return self._has_pg_extension("btree_gist") @property def autoincrement_on_composite_pk(self): return exclusions.skip_if(["sqlite"], "not supported by database") @property def integer_subtype_comparisons(self): """if a compare of Integer and BigInteger is supported yet.""" return exclusions.skip_if(["oracle"], "not supported by alembic impl") @property def autocommit_isolation(self): """target database should support 'AUTOCOMMIT' isolation level""" return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql", "mysql", "mariadb"]) @property def computed_columns(self): # TODO: in theory if these could come from SQLAlchemy dialects # that would be helpful return self.computed_columns_api + exclusions.skip_if( ["postgresql < 12", "sqlite < 3.31", "mysql < 5.7"] ) @property def computed_reflects_as_server_default(self): # note that this rule will go away when SQLAlchemy correctly # supports reflection of the "computed" construct; the element # will consistently be present as both column.computed and # column.server_default for all supported backends. return ( self.computed_columns + exclusions.only_if( ["postgresql", "oracle"], "backend reflects computed construct as a server default", ) + exclusions.skip_if(self.computed_reflects_normally) ) @property def computed_doesnt_reflect_as_server_default(self): # note that this rule will go away when SQLAlchemy correctly # supports reflection of the "computed" construct; the element # will consistently be present as both column.computed and # column.server_default for all supported backends. return ( self.computed_columns + exclusions.skip_if( ["postgresql", "oracle"], "backend reflects computed construct as a server default", ) + exclusions.skip_if(self.computed_reflects_normally) ) @property def check_constraint_reflection(self): return exclusions.fails_on_everything_except( "postgresql", "sqlite", "oracle", self._mysql_and_check_constraints_exist, ) def mysql_check_col_name_change(self, config): # MySQL has check constraints that enforce an reflect, however # they prevent a column's name from being changed due to a bug in # MariaDB 10.2 as well as MySQL 8.0.16 if exclusions.against(config, ["mysql", "mariadb"]): if sqla_compat._is_mariadb(config.db.dialect): mnvi = sqla_compat._mariadb_normalized_version_info norm_version_info = mnvi(config.db.dialect) return norm_version_info >= (10, 2) and norm_version_info < ( 10, 2, 22, ) else: norm_version_info = config.db.dialect.server_version_info return norm_version_info >= (8, 0, 16) else: return True def _mysql_and_check_constraints_exist(self, config): # 1. we have mysql / mariadb and # 2. it enforces check constraints if exclusions.against(config, ["mysql", "mariadb"]): if sqla_compat._is_mariadb(config.db.dialect): mnvi = sqla_compat._mariadb_normalized_version_info norm_version_info = mnvi(config.db.dialect) return norm_version_info >= (10, 2) else: norm_version_info = config.db.dialect.server_version_info return norm_version_info >= (8, 0, 16) else: return False @property def json_type(self): return exclusions.only_on( [ lambda config: exclusions.against(config, "mysql") and ( ( not config.db.dialect._is_mariadb and exclusions.against(config, "mysql >= 5.7") ) or ( config.db.dialect._mariadb_normalized_version_info >= (10, 2, 7) ) ), "mariadb>=10.2.7", "postgresql >= 9.3", self._sqlite_json, self._mssql_json, ] ) def _mssql_json(self, config): if not sqla_compat.sqla_14: return False else: return exclusions.against(config, "mssql") def _sqlite_json(self, config): if not sqla_compat.sqla_14: return False elif not exclusions.against(config, "sqlite >= 3.9"): return False else: with config.db.connect() as conn: try: return ( conn.execute( text( """select json_extract('{"foo": "bar"}', """ """'$."foo"')""" ) ).scalar() == "bar" ) except sqla_exc.DBAPIError: return False @property def identity_columns(self): # TODO: in theory if these could come from SQLAlchemy dialects # that would be helpful return self.identity_columns_api + exclusions.only_on( ["postgresql >= 10", "oracle >= 12", "mssql"] ) @property def identity_columns_alter(self): # TODO: in theory if these could come from SQLAlchemy dialects # that would be helpful return self.identity_columns_api + exclusions.only_on( ["postgresql >= 10", "oracle >= 12"] ) @property def supports_identity_on_null(self): return self.identity_columns + exclusions.only_on(["oracle"]) @property def legacy_engine(self): return exclusions.only_if( lambda config: not getattr(config.db, "_is_future", False) ) @property def stubs_test(self): def requirements(): try: import black # noqa import zimports # noqa return False except Exception: return True imports = exclusions.skip_if( requirements, "black and zimports are required for this test" ) version = exclusions.only_if( lambda _: compat.py311, "python 3.11 is required" ) sqlalchemy = exclusions.only_if( lambda _: sqla_compat.sqla_2, "sqlalchemy 2 is required" ) return imports + version + sqlalchemy @property def reflect_indexes_with_expressions(self): sqlalchemy = exclusions.only_if( lambda _: sqla_compat.sqla_2, "sqlalchemy 2 is required" ) postgresql = exclusions.only_on(["postgresql"]) return sqlalchemy + postgresql @property def indexes_with_expressions(self): return exclusions.only_on(["postgresql", "sqlite>=3.9.0"])